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Lilith Sylvari's page

1,135 posts. Alias of Skorn.

Full Name

Lilith Sylvari




Female Elven Wizard (Conjurer) level 7, hp 45/45, AC 13/16|T 12|FF 11/14, F +3|R +5|W +4 (+2 v Enchantment and immune to sleep), Init +3, Perception + 18 Low-light vision and Dancing Lights







Special Abilities



LN moving towards LG


Asmodius, for now. But Praying to Desna too.


Sand Point


Ancient Osiriani, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan



Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Lilith Sylvari

Lilyth Sylvari


As a member of a long-lived race, Lilith Sylvari’s formal schooling was extensive. After training in the finest universities in Cheliax she was sent to apprentice under Auton the Conjurer, a renowned wizard and diabolist. But Auton served at court, so her education included more than studies arcane.
Life at court in Cheliax was never relaxed; plots and subplots, and the cunning of devils and men pitted for purpose against each other. Men rose and fell in favor at the high court, being blown about by some fickle wind. Lilith’s master was one such man. In a swift political move the prince he favored was sent off to command an army of Hellknights in far off Mwangi. And her master suddenly had no protection and little pull. Calling in what favors remaining him, he arranged for a leave of absence from court to attend to “urgent business”. He claimed some nonsense about tracking Whispering Way cultists who were up to something. They were always up to something, right? Lilith, bound to her master, was therefore bound to travel to Ustalav with him.

While a convenient story to get them out of the capital of Cheliax, Auton’s claim about the cultists was none-the-less true. With Lilith’s help he tracked a cell of the Whispering Way to an abandoned mental hospital and caught the group performing some dark ritual that both released, and consumed the spirits of the place. When discovered the ritual seemed to be reaching some crescendo and the cultists were weak with a strange mixture of euphoria and exhaustion. The conjurer struck just as the ritual was completed but was unable to prevent the magic of the ritual from being released. His summoned creatures and powerful blasts of arcane energy killed every cultist present. Lilith watched in awe, ready to try to help, but unsure how to do so. But then something went wrong. The raging magics that killed the members of the Way was somehow consumed by the completing ritual. Its energy washed over everything in a wave of necromantic power. The newly dead corpses of the cultist suddenly stood, their eyes gleaming with malign intent. The Red Harvest had been unleashed.

Lilith and Auton fought the undead bravely at first. But soon more walking dead from the adjoining cemetery joined the fight. There seemed to be no end to the plague of undead. Auton tried to simply get out of the hospital, carrying Lilith with him using a Dimension door spell. But when they arrived at their carriage they found it destroyed by a mob of undead still feasting on the horses and their coachman. Lilith vividly recalls her fright at seeing the partially consumed man suddenly stand and join in with the others as they consumed the dead horses.

Not understanding the scale of the Harvest, (how could he?) Auton next tried to teleport himself and his apprentice to the Inn they were staying it. This was his undoing. Already the inn was overrun. Low on spells and caught off guard, Auton was bitten. He did not live out the night and Lilith had to put him down a second time when he attacked her.

That was 6 months ago. Since then Lilith’s life has been a whirlwind of running and hiding and loss, and fighting and hunger and fear. If she did not have the Disrupt Undead Cantrip she is sure she would have been killed a dozen time over. And still she knows luck has had more to do with her survival to date than skill. She has once again joined with a rag-tag group of survivors on the road. She is not even sure where she is. But she knows she needs to find some place where they can fortify and make a stand. Sand Point. She has heard of the town. Does she possess any knowledge about the place that might give her an edge to survive? She pauses to think…


Lilith is an elven wizard and scholar and looks like one. Her clothing, now torn and tattered, was once of fine make and fit for the courts of Cheliax. Her elven features are striking if not beautiful. Her hair is dark and her eyes are sea green. She wears a dagger at her hip and has added a cudgel to her accouterments. It hangs at her side.

Party Role:

Lilith will use her extensive set of knowledge skills to help the party make good decisions. Her base spells are a good mix for combat and survival. She can Vanish if she needs to and can teleport short distances 7 times a day. This can get her past obstacles and onto rooftops, etc. With her bonded item she can recall any spell in her book, including Infernal Healing, once a day. This greatly increases her versatility to the party. She can already scribe scrolls. And if she can find an alchemy lab will be able to make alchemicals for the group. At later levels she will be able to craft Wondrous Items for the party as well.

Answers to specific question, in case you missed them in the back story.:

Where were you and what were you doing on the night of Red Harvest?

Lilith was actually in Ustalav, close to the source. She was with her mentor and trainer, helping him track down a small cult of the Whispering Way. These cultists were actually helping in a small way to fuel the power of the magic that unleashed the Red Harvest.

Have you had to do anything you regret in order to make it this far?

Lilith is pragmatic about her survival. She had to put down her old master but he was no longer a living man and she considered it a kindness and certainly nothing to regret. Since then there have been times when she had to outrun those who were slower than her - they were overrun by the dead. And there have been times when there was not enough food and she took more than her share because she could. She has had to fight and even kill to get the resources she has needed to survive. But she had not betrayed any who were working with her. (She is Lawful Neutral after all).

Have you got family out there or just a strong desire to survive? What gets you through?
Lilyth's family would be far away. She had taken ship and caravan to get to the capital of Cheleax. She has had no through of trying to get home as her days are consumed with simple survival.

Lilyth Sylvari
Female Elf Wizard 7
LN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +18

hp 45 (7d6+12)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep and ghoul paralysis

Speed 30 ft., shift 15
Melee club +2 (1d6-1) and
dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20) and
silver dagger +2 (1d4-2/19-20)
Ranged +5

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7):
4th level -Dimension Door, Dragon Breath, Summon Monster IV
3rd level - Haste, Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III, Fireball
2nd create pit, (DC 17), glitterdust (DC 17), Stone Call, Scorching RayX2
1st infernal healing, mage armor, magic missileX2, Shield, vanish (DC 15)
0 (at will)—dancing lights, disrupt undead, Mending, Detect Magic

Spells Cast - mage armor, Scorching RayX2, create pit, Vanish

Shifts used - 0 of 7

Illness - Mystery Disease - could now be cured.

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk: +2; CMB +1; CMD 13

Feats: Breadth of Experience, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Improved Initiative, Feral Speech

Traits: seeker, outlander - lore seeker (+1 Knowledge Arcana and +1 level to 3 spells, Magic Missile, Scorching Ray, and Glitterdust)

Acrobatics +13 (Gift from Kurshu. Add one skill point per level.)
Appraise +8,
Craft (alchemy) +12,
Craft Carpentry + 6
Craft Leatherworking + 6
Knowledge (arcana) +15,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10,
Knowledge (engineering) +10,
Knowledge (geography) +10,
Knowledge (history) +10,
Knowledge (local) +10,
Knowledge (nature) +10,
Knowledge (nobility) +10,
Knowledge (planes) +10,
Knowledge (religion) +10,
Linguistics +8,
Perception +18, Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Profession Herbalist +6
Profession Fisherman +6
Spellcraft +14 (+16 to determine the properties of a magic item)

Languages: Ancient Osiriani, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan

SQ arcane bond (ring), elven magic, shift 7/day (15 feet), summoner's charm (3 rounds)


silver dagger
Tali's Dagger

Magic Items:
cracked scarlet and blue sphere Ioun Stone (+1 competence bonus on spellcraft checks)
cracked dusty rose prism Ioun Stone (+1 insight bonus on initiative checks)
a pair of delicate glasses (identified as eyes of the eagle)
tree feather token
A ring of twisted silver wrapped around an onyx gemstone of deepest black (Ring of the Withered Heart: wearer can cast vampiric touch once per day, +2 circumstance bonus to bluff rolls when deceiving someone)

Miniature Stone Skull:

Miniature skull, which appears to be carved from granite or another dark material. A less powerful version of a Darkskull. In particular there is a persistent necromantic aura emanating from it, it seems to have a spell locked in place within it... whilst held, the holder is affected by the spell tongues but also detects as evil

Glowring (ring slot) - This ring is carved from a single piece of solid blue glass, and shrinks to fit your finger snugly when you put it on. It enables the wearer to cast light (centered on the ring) at will. However the light spell only lasts 10 minutes, after which the ring will not function for a further 10 minutes whilst it recharges in some unknown manner.

Mundane Gear:
belt pouch
flint and steel
reversible cloak
scroll case
spell component pouch
spring loaded wrist sheath
old ledger you found in the basement

ink for 2 scrolls, black
parchment (4+2)
torch X4

Scrolls and Potions:
Scroll of Infernal Healing
Scroll of Protection from Evil
Scroll of Shield
Scroll of Stone Call
Scroll of HasteX2
Scroll of Scorching Ray
Potion of Invisibility
Scrolls from Pentos: satchel with several scrolls in: Endure elements (communal), knock, twilight knife also searing light (Cleric), holy smite (Cleric)

Dolbey has provided you with 4 spell scrolls tucked between 2 normal sheets of parchment, and ink enough for 20 spell levels total. You suspect he might be romantically inclined but has deferred any potential advance due to your mention of a loved one (which he took your description of Hawk to be). The spell scrolls are; Dragon's Breath, animal aspect (greater), undead anatomy I, and Web Bolt

1 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp

Newly acquired gear: ,

Food trail rations (3) hidden in pack.


First Level Spells
Burning Hands
Crafter's Fortune
infernal healing
mage armor
magic missile
Obscuring Mist
Protection from Evil
Web Bolt

Second Level Spells
create pit, (DC 17)
Fog Cloud
Glitterdust (DC 17)
Scorching Ray
Stone Call

Third Level Spells
Ash Storm
Dispel Magic
Summon Monster III
Tiny Hut
undead anatomy I

Fourth Level Spells
animal aspect (greater)
Dimension Door
Dragon's Breath
Summon Monster IV

Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Ring) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook 1/day. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Outlander - lore seeker (+1 Knowledge Arcana and +1 level to 3 spells, Magic Missile, )
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Feral Speech Speak with amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, or vermin (choose which one when you activate this ability), as per Speak with Animals.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Shift (15') (7/day) (Sp) Short-range teleport
Summoner's Charm (+3 rds) (Su) Increase duration of summoning spells by 1/2 level (permanent at 20).
Teleportation Associated School: Conjuration
Transmutation You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Transmutation school.