The Taint


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Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

The Cells:
Alathea looks up at the window doubtfully. "I think that I can squeeze through that, but I am in no shape to climb up there on my own, yes?" After a moment's consideration, she adds, "I can raise the two of you up to the window with the One Power, but we must be quick!"

Alathea draws deep upon saidar, perhaps a bit too eagerly, and prepares to put her words to action.

Alathea's preemptive saves vs. sexy, sexy saidar:
Fortitude save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Will save: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th


Fia is about to protest, but then says nothing as Alathea embraces the source. "Fine then. It will be faster. Let me take a quick look, then I will raise you.

perception, looking out the window: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM


You look through the open window, and see a large courtyard, enclosed by a solid wall that stands 10 feet tall, and 10 feet wide. A lone guardsman walks the parapet, looking both out and in. A large halberd leans upon his shoulder as he walks, and a steel helmet upon his brow.
looking down into the courtyard, you see a large oval ring, as if hundreds of pairs of feet have trodden this path into its shape. Looking for signs of cover, you see a lean too, where it looks like some work was being done to the palace wall. It looks like it hid the workers from the sun, and with the large stack of bricks, it could be a point to hide while waiting for the others to get out and down.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th


Well I didn't notice anything in the weave description that said you have to be on the ground to use it so...

Fiallain turns to look down at her companions and whispers quickly. "It opens onto a courtyard surrounded by a high wall. There is a guard, but we should be able to evade his notice if we're careful. There is a shack or lean-to on our ['left'] where we can hide and wait for the others. Alathea, can you hold me up and lift Kodokura at the same time? THen I will lift you and then follow behind."

When Kodokura is at the window's entrance, Fia will grab his arm,telling him to wait for her signal. She will then take a look about the courtyard, and keep an eye on the guard. At the most opportune time, she will release him, telling him to 'go now!' (Using the 'aid other' action, which with her stealth skill is an auto-success, to give him a +2 to any required stealth check to get to the hiding place). She will then cast arms of air on Alathea and do the same for her.

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodo looks to Alathea, about to protest about not being the rear guard, but as he realises the logic of Fia's plan, and that argument would only cause more delay, he closes his mouth with a frown and holds his arms away from his body, as if expecting Alathea to grip him with actual arms of air.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

The Cells:
Concentration check for Multiweave, DC 15 needed: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28...a mere formality!

Alathea nods at Fiallain's suggestion, and leans against the wall after letting go of Kodokura. Drawing deeply upon saidar again, she wraps the man in flows of Air and lifts him gently to the window.

Does Alathea need to make another couple of saves vs. the allure of saidar, or should the previous ones suffice since Alathea never let go of it?

Alathea used a level 3 Arms of Air weave each for Fiallain and Kodokura. Both weaves were cast with level 2 slots due to fulfilled Affinity requirements.

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)


Watching the corridor and the doors below for signs of movement, slight signs of worry overlaying his now-usual air of resignation, Kodo drifts up towards Fia. When he reaches the window he reluctantly turns away, looking out over the battlements and courtyard, giving his attention to the task at hand.

When Fia gives the word, he scrambles up through window and straight towards the lean-to as stealthily as possible.

I'm just checking, but the little shelter is on top of the wall, isn't it? Otherwise I'm scooting out into the open...

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Just a desperate, er, friendly reminder that distance adds +1 per 10' to his opposed DC... How far away's that guard?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

once you make a save for the initial embrace, you are fine.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

guard is 50 feet away, so a +5 to Kodokura's skill check, making it a total of 10. The lean too is located in the courtyard itself, against the wall where you look out from and where another wall joins up. So its a big square with walls surrounding it.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Actually his check is a +12, if Fia's coaching is enough to give a bonus. Also, how far away is the shelter from the window? We may need additional 'help' in the form of a weave...

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Oops. Nevermind. I missed that he had no bonus for dex. +10 is correct. Thatis what i get for jumping the gun. :)

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

shelter is 40 feet away. It'll take a full round to get to the shelter. This includes dropping out of the window.

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Without moving to leave the narrow hall Rhoekk will ask, "They would have been the last ones brought in. Are they in here?"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rhoekk and ryland:

The sound of the door swinging open alerts you to the presence of another man stepping into the hall from behind. Devoid of armor, or weapon, yet holds a short wooden pole capped with a small iron ball, about 3 feet in length in his right hand.

What's going on here? He asks, his tone serious, yet inviting.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th


Oh crud. Now that I have my book on me I notice that Barrier to Sight is a full round casting. He'll be to the hiding place before it goes off. Oh well. With the 'shimmering' effect, it may have been a bad idea anyway.

Fiallain can only wince as Kodokura makes his way over to the appointed hiding place. Is the man -trying- to step on every twig and bramble between?!?, she nearly wonders aloud. If we get out of this, I'm teaching all these wetlanders how to walk if it kills me! Her gaze returns to the lone spotted guardsman and she chews her lip dreading their discovery.

perception just in case...: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
And sorry, Kodo. haha Don't mind Fia -She can't help all the snide thoughts about wetlanders. Those dice aren't helping either!!

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Ha no problem, if you can handle Kodo's latent Shienaran chivalry/semi-sexism I can take the wetlander digs :)

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

perception check for guard1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

the window:

The guardsman, walking his patrol path, glances into the courtyard in a weary manner, thirst and hunger gnawing at his gut. At first, he wipes his hand across his brow, thinking that a dark smear just slid down the wall. Looking up again, he spots the dark smear, only now its a person, hustling of to his left towards a type of shanty where the workers are repairing the walls.
Thirst and hunger forgotten, the man reaches up to his shoulder and shouts
all hands, jail break! southern courtyard!

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Well, that was a nice roll...

This is sure to be fun :)

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Eesh. It comes to me that this whole situation would have been a rather handy time for a warder bond. :P


Fia swears.

Then she glances down briefly to Alathea. "We're spotted and this is about to get in
interesting. You might find a way to block that door in case they've heard that."
She turns back to the guard, eyes narrowing as she begins to weave...

From her vantage point, is it feasible to gag the guard with air?

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

The Window:
Alathea hisses in alarm at Fiallain's words. I will not let them take me again! She draws upon saidar and weaves almost without thought, barring the door on the right with solid Air, then does the same to the door to the left and tying off the weave. Only after she finishes does she look up to Fiallain again. "I cannot get to the window by myself! Please, help me up, yes?"

Unless we're already going round-by-round, Alathea used two level 1 Harden Air weaves (woven at level 0, all Affinities met). According to the book, they should be enough to hold a door. If we are in round-by-round, she'll of course only be able to do part of the above action.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th


Turning back, Fia growls as she lifts Alathea up. I should have gone first and eliminated the guard myself. Foolish of me. She helps Alathea through, and then follows behind, looking and listening for approaching enemies as she does....and looking for an exit from the courtyard. perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

If there aren't already armed guards visibly heading our way:

We need to shut him up before he brings the whole city on our heads. If I trap him in air, can you weave a ward against sound around him?

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

"We were inquiring about our friends. They were to be brought for the formality of testing. We have come to see them once this has been dispensed with. Do you know if they are held at this location, and if this nonsense has been completed?"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rhoekk and Ryland

If you wish to see any prisoner, you have to go to the visitors area. There the prisoner will be brought to you. If you will follow me, i can show you the way. the LT says, turning and sweeping his arm in front of him, indicating the way out.



not doing rounds yet. Just keep track of weaves cast and HP though.

Fia, you can make a range touch attack to gag him. He will still be eligible for a reflex save to avoid the gag.

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Damn! I wish someone would just answer. We need to know if they are even in there!

"As you say. Lead on."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

annoying, isnt it?

As the man turns and begins to walk out, a voice seams to squawk from his shoulder, and the same voice is heard coming from the guards shoulder, more specifically the strange black rectangle upon his shoulder.
all hands, jail break! southern courtyard!

A gasp issues from the guards mouth. Sir?!

I heard. Maintain your position. You two gentlemen, please wait here, i have to go catch some dark friends.

Coming from the otherside of the wooden door that the soldier guards, a loud commotion is heard, along with a tray being dropped to the floor.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

The Window:
Alathea shakes her head. "I can keep him silent, but he is just a little too far away, yes?" Moaning with the effort, she pushes herself off of the window ledge to the ground below and stumbles a few feet closer...just far enough to wrap him in a ward of Air, Fire, and Water. Her task done, she slumps to her knees, struggles to rise to her feet again, and limps toward the shed.

How far was the drop from the window? I'll update Alathea's hit points if the fall was far enough to cause damage.

Alathea wove a level 1 Circle of Silence using a level 0 weave (all Affinities met).

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

15feet. you took 1 pt damage.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th


Looks probably pointless now, but there's no way Fia can know they've invented walkie talkies.

Seeing Alathea's weave take form, Fia sends one of her own hurtling towards the guard. The very air seems to coalesce around him, attempting to trap him within the ward against sound.

She then slips out of the window and lands on the balls of her feet, catlike. Hurrying after her companions, she catches up to Alathea and slips an arm under her shoulder, helping her along.

Casting harden air, cast as a third level for the higher DC using a 2nd lvl slot, DC17.

Also, acrobatics to avoid damage 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

What do we see in the courtyard? Other doors / windows / gates, etc..?

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Yeah, what's about? Options For example, which is the closest outer wall to the city proper? How high is it? And Fia and Alathea, are we fleeing to the city, or looking for the others in the Palace?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Ill be poating later this evening. I am travleing at this time

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Sorry bout the long delay. I got sucked into a world of awesomeness...I attended a local gaming convention, and just gamed to my hearts content. =)

From your vantage point, the courtyard seems bare, devoid of large objects for a person to hide behind. Two large walls, parts of the palace you assume, dominate the western and southern directions. A low wall, about 15 feet tall, covers the north and east.
In the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners, a set of iron spiral stairs go from the courtyard floor to the top of the low walls.
On the southern and western walls are sets of double doors. The western doors are different, with large iron brackets mounted on them, and a wooden beam slid into the brackets, securing the door from the outside.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Fia glances at her companions as we make our way to the lone hiding spot. Thoughts? I could take a look from the wall. Maybe we can see which door to try...

Is the guard trapped Rizzen?

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Alathea shakes her head. "Why would these Children bar a door other than to keep those outside out? All the other ways are open to let those here in and out. Only that one--" she says, points to the western gate, "--is barred. I think we should go there, yes? And if we choose wrong, how is it worse than waiting here?"

Alathea looks down at herself, then sighs. Motioning to her blood-soaked dress, she asks, "Do either of you have clothes to spare, or a blanket? I cannot imagine that if we do get away that I should wear this, yes?"

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodo has his black asha'man jacket to spare, but little apart from that... Where's prestidigitation when you need it :)

"You may have my jacket if it's of any use to you, my lady," Kodo murmurs. "And I agree that the barred doors are likely to lead outside, but would they also be likely to be guarded?"

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodokura looks towards the guard. "Would it be clever or foolish to strip the guard and take his uniform for myself..?" he muses. "It might aid our escape, but if the Whitecloaks all know each other fairly well, it could be a false move." He turns to the women with his eyes raised, waiting for their opinion.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Are the Asha'man jackets long enough for decency? I don't remember from the books. Assuming that they are, like in this picture...

Alathea appraises Kodokura's coat for just a moment before nodding. With no regard for modesty, she mutters her thanks and hurriedly strips off her ruined dress, then wraps herself in Kodokura's coat. Turning to Kodokura, she smiles. "Then we will have to be ready to fight our way out, yes?"

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

As Alathea strips down to her shift, Kodokura finds himself turning away after a moment, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. Why am I embarrassed? It's not like I haven't observed plenty of women in the Fal Dara baths, enjoyed it even... Maybe it's because she's a Southerner. Yes, that must be it...

When Alathea turns to speak to him, Kodokura raises his eyes once more, and, despite the trio's grim situation and the deathly emptiness in his soul since his severing, her words and optimism bring a genuine smile to his face. He nods to her, touching his forehead lightly. "Yes lady, we will be ready."

He turns to Fia, saying, "Lady Aiel, if you can remain unseen, getting bearings from the wall sounds like a good idea. I will bring the guard in here and tuck him away. Do you want me to...?" His frown returns to crease his forehead once more as he considers the dishonourable task of murdering the guard, yet he realises he would to help protect the lives of his new companions. It's been so long since I had any true friends. I hardly know these people, yet I feel like we have a bond already. Maybe I'm just desperate for any kind of warmth, from anybody. My asha'man training was not... kind. Even as he reflects on his possible motivations, he realises he doesn't care why he would do such things to help these women. It is enough to know that he would.

Kodo clears his throat, and continues. "Do you want me to... take care of him, Fia?" The reluctance in his voice is clear, but so is his conviction.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Fia glances from Kodokura and then up at the guard. She smiles wryly. No... We shouldn't give them reason to hate us, should we? No, knock him out and tie him up. We only need his silence. I will go and see what I shall see. Move quickly, we need to be gone before that guard returns with the water.

With that, she slinks up the stairs, moving as stealthily as she can in the open courtyard...

stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rhoekk and ryland:

The LT walks you both down the hallway, through the door, and back out into the busy hall. Skirting the edge, you see some Children rushing about, securing the hall doors and exit points.
Dont worry about anything. As you may have heard, some prisoners are trying to escape. Fools, they just signed their death sentence, for a prisoner to attempt escape is punishable by death, executed on the spot. I pray that your friends are not that stupid, but prison makes people do strange things.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
the guard is caught

The guard struggles to move as the air solidifies around him.

the asha'man jacket is long enough for decency. it falls to your knees.

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodo drags the guard into the lean-to, dropping him out of sight. He shoots a glance in Alathea's direction, then sets to work on knocking out the guard, grimacing as he does so.

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Rhoekk and Rizzen:
"We can help you catch the ones trying to escape."

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

As Kodokura deals with the helpless guard, Fia swiftly makes her way to the Southeast stairway. Glancing briefly over the crenellation, she observes the grounds below, noting any people, nearby streets and buildings, and landmarks that they might use to navigate the unfamiliar city.

Knowing speed is of the essence, she swiftly makes a circuit of the lower wall in like manner, not spending long at any given spot, until she reaches the western gate. She listens and watches for any guards that mag be below...

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Rizzen and Ryland:
Seeing that the next room contains only guards prepping to deal with the escape, Rhoekk turns silently and moves to follow the officer.

Do we still have our gear and weapons?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rhoekk, yes, you and ryland have all your weapons and gear and the the stockpile

Over his shoulder, the guard nods to Ryland. Thank you, but that wont be necessary

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

From your vantage point, you see the city of Cairhein. The flow of people as they walk past the jail walls is thick, and you could easily loose yourself in the crowd. Opposite your position you see a line of shops and an inn.
perception1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

As you glance about, your eyes fall upon the hunched form of a person sitting on the flat roof of the inn. He yawns and stretches, glances over in your direction, and gives a start. Leaping to his feet, he waves his hands at you energetically, attempting to get your attention.
As you stare at him, he reaches down, and produces a thick rope. Dropping the rope, he begins to pantomime some odd motions.
make a sense motive check

Knocking the guard out with a deft strike to the head, the guard ceases his struggles. Yet, on his shoulder, the rectangular black object begins to speak.
Charmem, report. How many? How many are there?
Unit 4, 8 and 9, report to the southern courtyard.
Unit 3 is at the doors already. Ready to breech
Hold unit 3. One could be a witch.
Witch confirmed. Death sentence ordered by al'Thor himself.
Unit 8 in position, ready to strike
Unit 9, in position. Death from above
Unit 4, in position in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

sense motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodo stiffens in surprise at the black box's messages. Death from above... 4 units converging on us... His head snaps up. "We're about to be surrounded. We must get to Fia, and over the wall if we can. Now!" He springs into action, hustling Alathea out of the lean-to and after the Aielwoman.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Alathea gasps in shock at the talking black box's message, and limps as quickly as quickly as she can to keep up with Kodokura. They will not take us!"

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodo makes sure Alathea precedes him, supporting her if she stumbles or slows as they ascend the stairs.

Is Fia in sight? If so, Kodo calls to her. "They're coming! Now!"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

From his rapid gestures, you see that he wants to throw you the rope and have you climb across to the inn.

rhoekk and ryland:
As you walk into the room where visitors check in and visit with prisoners, the strange black box on the man's shoulder suddenly erupts with spoken words.
Charmem, report. How many? How many are there?
Unit 4, 8 and 9, report to the southern courtyard.
Unit 3 is at the doors already. Ready to breech
Hold unit 3. One could be a witch.
Witch confirmed. Death sentence ordered by al'Thor himself.
Unit 8 in position, ready to strike
Unit 9, in position. Death from above
Unit 4, in position in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

Alathea and Kodokura, if you flat out run, you can make it to Fia this round.

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