The Taint


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Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

I just remembered myself. See my previous post...

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

i see that now. great save!

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

As mentioned in the previous post, Rhoekk is keeping his ears primed for any sign that things are amiss with the absent women. Let me know if he hears anything.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Ryland and Rizzen:
"The Rand Al'Thor of our world fulfilled the prophesies of the dragon and proved himself the Dragon. I imagine those prophecies must be different here. The first was to be born on Dragonmount, a mountain south of Tar Valon that was created by the death of Lews Therin in his madness. If in this world, he did not die a madman, then I must assume Dragonmount does not exist. I do not know him personally, though I have met him a few times, such as during the fall of the Stone of Tear, and afterwards, when he traveled to the Threefold Land. He is confident, but troubled, and said to be a powerful wielder of the one power. None know if he has any signs of the same madness that they say all male channelers must face. Perhaps the dragon is immune? I don't know how such things work."

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Well, that didn't go as planned...

As soon as the interrogator screams out his warning, Alathea twists her head, trying to wrench away from the knives. Despite her best efforts, they bite deeply into her neck. Although the pain is excruciating, she remains conscious...she's managed to keep the knives from anything immediately vital. She lets saidar fall away--even had she wanted to, she doesn't think that she could have held onto it through the pain. Through her tears of pain and humiliation, she sobs, "Please, stop! Please, I will not do that again! I beg of you, stop!"

Out of curiosity, how was saidar? Was it tainted like saidin is in the "real" world?

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Rizzen and Rhoekk:
"I saw him once in Fal Dara, my home. Does it exist here? No matter. He was a young man then, traveling with an Aes Sedai and the Dai Shan Al'Lan Mandragoran. I only saw him in passing, he was not The Dragon Reborn then, but he carried himself as a noble. I fought with the wolves for him at the Battle of Dumai's Wells to free him. After that he sent us, the women included, to find an item for him. During our search we found the darkfriends and fought them, sending to where you found us. Everyone here is a child of the Light Lord al'Thor, and should not come to harm."

The wolf brother smiles and his gold eyes glint at the lord. "In a way we are here because of you following your orders. Just your orders from"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

ryland and Rhoekk:
Hearing the name of Lan mandragoran makes al'thor start. Lan? The killer? Lan Madragoran, the despoiler, the Scourge of Malkier? He travelled, openly, in your world? He wouldve died that day, by my blade, if my blade hadnt broken...

I am working upon a description of embracing Saidar.

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Ryland and Rizzen:
Rhoekk exchanges a long look with Ryland.
"In our world Lan Mandragoran is an honourable man; considered by many a hero. After Malkier was lost to the blight, he continued to fight a one man war against the shadow."

"If I may ask, do you know anything about the strange stone that the darkfriend used to bring us here? Is there any way we could use it to go back?"

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Kodokura and Rizzen:
Fia nods thoughtfully as she eyes the two men and then Kodokura, trying to gauge his reaction to all this. Turning back to their 'escorts', she asks, "And what became of this 'Hawkwing' and his wife? Were they brought to justice? Have any of these..vile women survived their trials?"

As they walk, she is casually appraising the two as an experience warrior might appraise the combat competency of others - weighing all her options.

I guess that's sense motive maybe? or straight wisdom?
sense motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 Grrr!
wisdom: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Fia & Rizzen:
Kodokura wears a slight frown, and though he appears to be caught up in his own thoughts, Fia can tell that he is taking note of everything, watching.

-This is wrong, all wrong. We must escape from here, but how? The women are in danger of being stilled, and we're all being split up. I mustn't hesitate to take an opportunity if it presents itself.-

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

ryland and Rhoekk:
Rhoekk, the thickness of walls, and sheer distance, prevents you from hearing anything beyond the immediate hallway in front of the hall that you sit in.

Lord al'thor snorts. The man is as close to becoming a Darkfriend as can be without being a Darkfriend. He fights like a maniac, ruthless in his assassinations of the Children of the Dragon, and protects a powerful female channeler, one that hasnt been seen in 3,000 years. The pair, together, are a lethal combination.

as for those stones, we use them sparingly, primarily to move goods to various strongholds throughout the land. aside from that, nothing.


You attempt to speak, but are unable to. Instead, a froth of blood gushes from your mouth, staining the front of your dress and rushing to the floor, accumulating at the base of the chair, where your eyes are drawn towards a larger discoloration that surrounds the chair. You snap your attention upon the Questioner, eyes wide, fearful, obedient. Every beat of your heart pumps more blood out of your neck, where the two daggers have punctured your wind pipe. Blood begins to flow down your throat, into your lungs. You begin to hack and cough, your body spasming in an attempt to heave up the fluid that would drown you.
Withdraw your blades, brothers. It would appear our witch has learned the error of her ways. The old man commands, and the two blades withdraw from the neck.
Grabbing you by the chin, he leans in close.
next time, should you ever decide to grasp Saidar in my presence, i reopen this hole and let you drain like a pig at butcher. You can tell by his tone, that he means precisely what he says.
Without waiting for an answer, you feel an odd chill course through your body, and the flesh inside your throat begin to stitch together.
There, that should do it. I have healed you, but not fully. I am sure, with enough time, perhaps 2-3 years, your voice should come back fully to you, but, since you wont be alive 5 weeks from now, i wont exert myself.

Walking away from her, he approaches his stand and pours a glass of something. Taking a long drink, he stares off, lost in his own thoughts.
Take that miserable piece of taint away from here. Put her in the shielded cells.

kodokura and fia:

Hawkwing died. Rumor has it that he sent his wife, his offspring, and some devoted followers across the Aryth Sea. I want them to be free of this infection that plagues this land he is rumored to have said upon his deathbed. The Dragon of that time, a Goaslain if i remember my history, he attended Hawkwing's death. The soldier holding Kodokura says.

The one holding Fia replies to her other question. Sure, some survive. For a little while. Those that choose Severing. Some last a year, some last two, but in the end, they become depressed and die.
With a light jerk, they lead you out of the Traitors hall and towards the cells.
The cells are surprisingly comfortable. Padded cots, a clean chamber pot, and a 2 foot square hole with iron bars allow the prisoner to see outside.
The guardsman opens the iron bar door.
Water and food will be brought within the hour. Kodokura's guard says as he leads him into the cell and unlocks his manacles.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Her mind numb with terror and blood loss, Alathea barely hears the interrogator's words. Not in your presence, no. Not that! She doesn't struggle, not even a twitch, at his Healing. And even worse, as much as she hates to admit it, she is grateful for it. As weak and limp as a rag doll, she allows herself to be dragged away.

Was saidar as tainted as these people say?

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

kodokura and Rizzen:
"Before we part, a matter of curiosity. I am from beyond the spine and do not know how these things are done in your lands. These questioners, if they do not torture, how can they know who channels and who does not? Lord Al'Thor indicated that this... chair does not tell them, I am curious, how can they then know?

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Fia & Rizzen:
We're being put in separate cells, or the same one?

As the manacles leave his wrists Kodo stares at his half-raised hands for a moment, then slowly swivels his head up to look the guard in the eyes. Can they all channel? Even if he could, I would have been able to sweep him away. Now, now I must bow before them and allow my companions to be divided and conquered.

I could charge him now, draw my blade and die in battle, but would my companions profit? Would the women be in any less danger of being Severed as I am?

No. I would be free of this emptiness, this uselessness, but I would only make it worse for them. Heavier than a mountain.

Kodokura's eyes fall to the floor, his hands to his sides. He hardly even notices as the guard shuts the door.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

As you are unlatched from your bindings, and being too weak to offer resistance, you allow your mind to focus upon this so called taint upon Saidar. You remember surrendering to Saidar, the sweetness of its touch upon your mind and body, and how it enhanced your senses. Your mind goes back to that sweetness, that feeling of joining with Saidar, and you feel an odd yearning, as if you want to embrace it again, without regard to your surroundings. And yet, although you have your tower training to fall back on, to deny this instant craving, it is still there, like a sweet tasting drink after you have swallowed.
You are dragged through the halls, feet dangling, total body limp. You are barely aware of your surroundings, only to glance up and see the cells that they bring you too. You past a couple cells, occupied, and only register Fia sitting in one next to an empty cell. Into this empty cell they drop you, and then slam the door upon you.

fia and kodokura:
separate cellsThe chair forces the person sitting upon the chair to obey any oaths that are laid upon them. If the person is a channeler, then the chair cannot place any oaths upon the person. Then the person must swear on the oath rod.
Locking you within the cell, the two guards leave, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
An hour passes and suddenly a door opens. Looking out, you see a couple men dragging a woman, the front of her dress soaked in blood, her head dangling, her hair obscuring her face. As she passes, she picks her head up, enough for you to see that it is Alathea, and that she is injured, horribly. Her throat looks like it has been torn out, her face pale, body limp. Her strength gives out and she drops her head to her chest, and then you hear a wet thump, as if dropping a body upon a cold floor. The two men emerge from the cell, lock the door, and then leave.

ryland and Rhoekk:
Rhoekk, you hear the sound of a pair of feet rushing up to the doorway, only to slow at the last moment. A long pause as the sound of heavy breathing is heard. Ryland, you can smell the man at the door, sweetmeats distort his scent
Opening the door, a large man walks in, armor barely containing his large rotund frame He is fat. Approaching al'Thor, he hammers his fist upon his chest in salute.
My lord. During questioning, the woman failed to chair. She is a witch. She embraced Saidar, yet survived the security measure. She is being transported to a holding cell, and a messenger has been dispatched to Tar Valon for a Lord Justice to come.
Lord al'Thor nods. Good work, Meekin. When done with your shift, go to the Shining staff inn, and have a double helping of Brandy, compliments of me.
Meekin smiles, salutes, and leaves.
al'Thor waits until the man leaves, before addressing the two of you.
Shall I assume that the other woman is a channeler as well? He asks in an off hand way


Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Can Alathea talk? The interrogator mentioned that "her voice might fully come back to her in 2 or 3 years". Does this imply that her voice is completely gone now, or that it's only severely damaged?

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Fia, Rizzen, Alathea:
Kodo rushes to the door, calling out urgently but quietly, "Alathea! Can you hear me? Fia, we need to help her!"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

alathea, severely damaged. You can get by with a harsh whisper.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Kodokura, Fiallain, Rizzenmagnus:
Alathea does not move from where she was thrown to, but merely draws herself into a fetal position. She huddles there, half-conscious, and wishes for nothing more than to surrender to the darkness. But Kodokura's voice draws her back. Kodokura's voice, and the memory of Fiallain's eyes. With extreme effort, she manages a broken whisper. "Kodokura? Do not let them take Fiallain! Fiallain, you are strong, fight them when they come! If they take you, you will share my fate." After a long pause to collect her strength, she continues. "Do not worry about me. Keep yourselves safe and find the others!"

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Ryland and Rhoekk:
Rhoekk flushes with anger, bordering on rage, "SURVIVED THE SECURITY MEASURE! You swore that they would not come to harm! I have told you we are not from your world. In our world they are brave warriors who fight against the shadow! What they are here matters not. You must help us get back to our own world! Please, take us back to this portal stone, and we will leave your world!"

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

Alathea, Kodokura, Rizzen:
Fia's eyes reflect horror as Alathea is dragged past. The horror is soon replaced by white-hot rage. She springs to her feet and towards the cell door once the guards have gone.

"Fight them? Oh yes, that I will do. But I will not leave my sister here in the hands of these filth! she exclaims fiercely. Turning to Kodokura, "Help me figure a way out of here. None of us are in shape for a dance, but know that if it comes to it I will wake forever from this dream before I let them take me or even to touch Alathea again."

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Rizzenmagnus, Kodokura, Fiallain:
Despite her injuries and her overwhelming desire to let go of consciousness, Alathea focuses on staying awake for just a while longer. If they will fight, then how can I not try? Though the interrogator had ordered her taken to a "Shielded" cell, she cannot see anyone around to hold a Shield on her. Tentatively, she reaches for saidar, hoping to touch the Power that might allow her to free herself and her friends. And just to touch it again, she admits. It is different here, yes? Like the touch of another, when one is used to only one's own touch...

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

'the 3':
Fia begins making a circuit of the cell, taking note of anything that may be useful. She also examines the door, stydyi.g its locking mechanism and trying to determine if she might be able to use the power in some way to open it. perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Alathea, make a fort save DC 13

kodokura, fia, alathea:

Fia paces around the cell, looking for anything of note to use for any circumstance. Aside from the recently used chamber pot, there isnt anything special.
Kodokura, give me a perception check

ryland and rhoekk:

Taking a deep breath, he exhales slowly, in an effort to calm himself down. Walking away from you both, he walks behind his throne, and hear him scribble a couple pages of something.

Tsk. It is difficult to get good help. Those annoying servants seem to have forgotten my sealing wax. I shall have to go get some. I would invite you both to come along, but I do recall giving you free access to this castle. I recommend visiting the lower level of the west wing. I think you may find something of value there. Oh, and dont forget your bag. al'Thor says, waving his hand towards the corner, where the makeshift bag filled with ter'angreal sits, unnoticed til now.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Fortitude save, DC 13 needed: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12...I just missed it.

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Rhoekk and Rizen:
Ryland growels, a low menacing sound coming from the Wolfbrother as he moves and picks up the pack. "Fine. I can see that what is right and just in our world is not the same in this one. Lord al'Thor you can escourt us to the standing stone with an army to ensure we do no harm, but please release our friends. As Rhoekk said we will gladly leave you to this place. Our world has it's problems but you can have this one and choke on it."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

ryland, rhoekk, sense motive checks

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Perc: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Rizzen and Ryland:
Rhoekk gives Ryland a meaningful look and runs over to grab the bag. He ties it only his belt and dashes out of the room without looking to see if the wolflord is following.

He has no real idea where to go, so he will try to find his way back to where they were first separated from the group.

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

ryland and Rhoekk:
you both are able to pick up on al'thor's hidden meaning of going to the west wing lower level, AND that you should see what he wrote behind the chair

you glance about, and see that your door is ajar. a swift and solid kick would break it open, you think

As you slowly allow Saidar into you, you suddenly are gripped with an incredible urge to bask in the glow of Saidar, opening yourself fully to its flow, disregarding the teaching of the white tower
make a will save, dc 18 maintain control

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Ryland and Rizzen:
Then, if it is not too late, Rhoekk will swing by the back of the chair and pause to read what is there, before heading out the door (unless what is written there would change his mind, of course.)

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Will save, DC 18 needed: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Rizzenmagnus, Fiallain, Kodokura:
Alathea gasps as the sweetness of saidar rushes into her, far sweeter than ever before. Not just the touch of another, but the climax from it! Although she yearns to draw deeply upon it, to bathe in its luxury, she forces her mind to the task at hand. It will not do to draw unnecessary attention, yes? But Light, if we were not in such a dire place...

Calming herself, Alathea slips a thread of Air into the lock holding her cell closed and sighs with frustration as it is turned away by an unseen barrier. Instead of trying again, though, she listens as intently as she can for any sound of alarm or approach.

Alathea is using a level 1 weave (all affinities met) to use Opening the Way from the Under the Dragon's Banner netbook.

Edited to reflect Rizzenmagnus's post.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

alathea, your thread of air stops just short of the lock, hitting a form of barrier.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rhoekk, you can go back and change your action

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

What does the writing say?

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

is Fia able to observe what Alathea did or do the cell walls block her from view?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

cell walls block your view. you dont even feel her channeling

rhoekk and ryland:
One piece of paper gives permission to the bearer to transport goods from the city of Cairhein to all corners of the land. The second piece is a name. Matrim Cauthon.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Rizzenmagnus, Fiallain, Kodokura:
Alathea lets saidar slip away from her and slumps back to the floor in defeat. They couldn't have been that careless, she thinks, but the disappointment still stings. "Fiallain?" Her voice is ragged, and speaking is excruciating, but the Aiel woman seems like their best hope. "They have not Shielded me, but the cell is Warded against saidar." She lowers her voice to a ragged whisper. "If you try, be careful. Saidar is...different, yes? Take care that you do not draw too much."

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

the cells:
Different? Different how? No.. rest your voice and save your strength. I will think of something to get us out of here.

[i]yes, but what... What did she mean different? Is it dangerous? You don't have much choice. You will need it to escape, or you will need it to fight when they come. Either way it must be risked.[i] Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Fia takes a moment to compose herself, clearing her mind and strengthening her resolve in preparation to open herself to saidar.

composure: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33
will save: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 (keeping an ear out for approaching people)

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

fia, make a fort save: dc 13

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

I knew I had forgotten something...

fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

so, what is everyone doing? Kodokura sees his door is ajar, alathea is warded in her cell. Fia just embraced the source for the first time but resisted the urge to channel more. Rhoekk and Ryland just secured some kind of note allowing the bearer access to trade throughout the realm along with a note bearing the name of Matrim Cauthon.

Female Ebou Dari Wilder 7/(former potential) Aes Sedai 4
current stats:
hp 50/59, weaves remaining 6/6/6/4/4/2/1

Alathea will be curled up dejectedly on the floor of her cell...

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

You dont hear any people coming.

Human (Aiel) Algai 2 / Wilder 5 / Wise One 2 HPs (89) | F+ (10); R + (10); W+ (12)| Perc +17
Weaves Remaining: 6/6 0lvl; 6/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 4/4 3rd; 2/2 4th; 1/1 5th; 1/1 6th

If Kodokura emerges from his cell, Fia will let him try his hand at opening the cell doors. If he can't then it is time to try some 'metallurgy' (we are going to hav e to sit down and share weaves Alathea!)

Fia will first use a 0 lvl to create a barrier to sound around the lock. She will then melt it using immolate, and finally, if that hasnt loosened it sufficiently, she will use tool of air to create a hammer which she will use to break the weakened metal apart.

HP 156/156 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 28) | CMD 33 (35 vs. Disarm/37 vs. Grapple) | F +8 | R +13 | W +8 | Init +8 | Per +19 Aiel

Rhoekk will snatch up the paper, and head out into the hall. He signals to Ryland to come with him. Once well out of earshot of the Lord Al'Thor he asks the man, "Can you find us the way to the cells? Should we see what awaits us in the southwest wing, or rescue the others first. I do not like the idea of allowing any more time to pass with them in the possession of those questioners, but if there is something that might help us overall in that wing, we may not have time to get it afterwards. What do you think?"

Male Human Wilder 8/ Asha'man 2/ Armsman 2 (hp: 69/69)

Kodokura lashes out at the door with his foot, putting all his force behind it.

You did look at my character sheet before giving me a door to break open, yes? :)

Str check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

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