Druids, Rangers, and Friends.

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

Dear Friends,

Below this message I have posted a description of The Viridian Circle with the hopes that some of you will be interested enough to read through this and it.

We of The Viridian Circle are the first before any of the many new "nature fighters". A dedicated druid and druid-friend guild, we are strongly militant and will do all that is needed to protect the leafy-green loam and rocky ground that is the true state of the River Kingdoms.

Do not shirk, do not doubt, we will be involved in raiding, murdering, and other less-desireable deeds as much, or even more than, we will be attending to more traditional matters (though of course we need our fair share of such druids, so please apply. Currently we have no peace druids and I would like to have at the least two :D thanks).

If you wish to play a druid, or you wish to stand in steadfastness of will and resoluteness of motive, hear my plea! Do not dawdle in the generalized chaos that is (insert whatever name Amora/Andius' guild ended up with here)! Do not fuss about with the strictures of the elven Taur-im-Duinath! Both are good groups, strong groups, and pointed well on the right path.

But they are not a druidic group, either of them. Oh yes, they will accept druids, but they are not focused on them. Not as we of TVC are. So please, join us my friends, those of you willing, and be a part of the robust, resolute, true neutral, Viridian Circle!

Always Penitent,

Brother Letholdus Zael

Proud sponsors of Warstein Ale, Rights Reserved, Trademark of Kard Warstein and the Warstein Brewing Company.

P.S. All classes are welcome, but as I say this is a too-the-core druidic focused group. Druids and rangers will be the primary hope for applicants. Druids of all types allowed, from Blight to Urban. Please send me a pm if you desire more info.

Goblin Squad Member

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Chartered Company
Name: The Viridian Circle
Alignment: Neutral
Members Alignments: N, NG, NE, CN

Protectors of the natural world
Enemies of aberrations & undead
Keepers of the Balance

Less of a settlement and more of a group of like minded characters who share information and support. I could see the Viridian Circle with operatives throughout the River Kingdoms, who provide information on settlements, groups and organizations that act recklessly (particularly if it affects the natural world), or expands to rapidly. I could see operatives doing some of the following activities:

Attacking aberrations/undead escalation cycles
Destroying Aberrations
Destroying Undead and those who create/use them
Advancing escalation cycles that threaten settlements that are expanding too quickly or acting recklessly
Setting up a Sanctuary (for wild animals, fey creatures etc.) and policing its borders

In structure operatives would act fairly autonomously. Each Settlement would have an Archdruid that observes it and the surrounding area, Archdruid’s would form a council of peers and from among them would be selected a Grand Druid. The Grand Druid would be chosen in a similar manner as outlined in the Green Faith Acolyte prestige class. Archdruids would co-ordinate the activities of the operatives in the area and police the activities of individual members.

One of the stated goals of the Viridian Circle is to target settlements (and individuals) which have expanded and harvested resources in a reckless manner. So that got me thinking, how will we identify settlements, chartered companies and individuals who act in this manner?

Settlement Buildings
There should be a wealth of information that is collected that pertains to a settlement. If there was a mechanic called ‘Growth Rate’, then this could provide the ruling body of the settlement with a figure to display how rapidly a settlement is growing. This would enable them to see if they are growing in an efficient and cost effective manner. This could be a measure of the current skill level of characters assigned to various buildings, as well as the number of projects on the go (and the average skill rating of the contributors), the amount of resources being gathered and allocated to settlement projects and perhaps a measure of the amount of wastage on settlement projects.

In regards to wastage the lead on a project could choose how they want to manage a building project. For instance if a particular kind of training facility is required to be built quickly, then the lead could decide to make a reduction in the quality of the overall project and increase the amount of wastage. Both of these choices would affect the amount of raw resources required for the project, the time it would take to build the structure and the minimum required skill level to contribute to the project. These kinds of choices should also affect the on-going cost of maintenance, development index rating and the end appearance of the structure.

While it might be cheaper and quicker to build structures quickly at reduced quality. This would have an overall effect on the ambience of the overall settlement, as well as effect on-going maintenance costs. So civic pride might come into play, as well as some characters might not want to go to the ‘shabby rundown’ settlement of Brighthaven.

It should also be possible via relevant skill checks and having a look around a settlement to get a feel if a settlement is growing at a reckless manner (by viewing the growth rate and other stats) and what level of wastage has been used to construct the buildings. All of the above would not only assist the Viridian Circle in deeming who to target, but make each settlement unique and feel alive.

Settlement Resource Gathering & Strip-Mining
I’ve mentioned that there should be a wealth of information available to community leaders of a settlement. This should include the efficiency of their resource gathering efforts. We’ve heard it mentioned that raiders will be able strip-mine resources of rival settlements. I propose that strip-mining be an option not only for raiders, but also for settlement harvesting operations as well as individual harvesters.

This make sense and allows everyone to make a meaningful choice when it comes to harvesting. Do I want to harvest this resource to maximise the quality of the material being harvested or do I want to accept a reduction in the overall quality of the resource so I can do it quickly. This kind of decision making is as applicable to a small harvesting group in the dangerous wilderness, trying to quickly mine a rare but expensive resource. To Settlements (or others) who are at war (or feuding) to quickly harvest resources so they can churn out some needed armour or weapons.

On a side note I think it would be fantastic if harvesters could harvest materials that have a higher quality rating at the expense of increasing the time taken and reducing the yield from the harvested node. For instance a Dwarven harvester who is harvesting an average quality iron deposit might decide to only take the best of the bunch of the iron ore, thus reducing his yield but in return getting good quality iron ore. At the refining phase a refiner could pay less for average quality iron ore (and get more of it) and then refine it to produce a higher quality, or buy the good quality iron ore as it saves them time. They could keep it at this level of quality or refine it to excellent quality iron ore losing some in the process.

Not only does this add another layer to harvesting (and as a consequence refining and crafting) but it also enables the Viridian Circle to target those that are harvesting recklessly. Obviously the last point is the most important ;-p

I would imagine that the way in which you harvest should have a visual effect of the resource node, and also be detectable via appropriate skills checks. So if you stumble across a shonky looking resource node that has been recklessly ripped apart, you know the harvesters have been naughty. Conversely a well-constructed resource harvesting camp would leave the resource node in pristine order. For the above to have any meaning we would need to be able to determine who has been harvesting a particular resource node as well as use skills to get an insight into a settlements resource gathering efforts.

In terms of building/construction:

You should be able to speed up/lower cost per-good of a project but in return get more upkeep cost or lower use rates. I think this is already planned. If not... why have different construction material tiers anyway?

In terms of harvesting:

Strip-mining needs to be an option for more than just raiders. if the system is built and in place there is no reason companies can't have miners do the same thing, or even do it better (less damage to building/larger yields). Ravening brings up excellent examples of when this might be applicable. And I'll drop/reiterate a few more:

1) War-time/Pre: Settlement A) might need to churn out a large amount of weapons for their batch of new recruits/NPCs to battle an approaching army.

2) Economic Conflict A: Company A) might be lagging behind in profits and need a quick 100k to pay off debts. decision time...

3) Economic Conflict B: Company A) and Company B) are mining the same resource. Who gets the most resources will prevail.

4) Economic Conflict C: A) and B) companies are at it again, same resource but separate locations. Who will get their supply to the market first and thus secure more sales?

5) Economic Conflict D: A) company is mining a resource and they know that B) company (whom they are feuding with) is on the way en masse to take the mine for their own purposes... The solution? take all you can and destroy as much remaining so that B) company is just wasting their effort to come out here. Standard scorched earth tactics.

Goblin Squad Member

OOC: The above is a bastardization of many posts (Mostly from Ravening) that I tried to piece together coherently. Obviously some has changed, and some has not come to be. If you wish to know more, please feel free to pm.

In addition, two shameless links

Goblin Squad Member

I've added this thread to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list alongside The Viridian Circle. If you have a brief description you'd like to appear there to let people know about your guild while they're browsing that list, just PM me or post a clear request here.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon, friend, you know what I would ask of you in regards to a description.

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
Nihimon, friend, you know what I would ask of you in regards to a description.

I'm like a tattoo artist - I will post exactly what you ask me to post, and nothing else :)

Goblin Squad Member

And as always, I ask you to post your opinions, friend.

Indeed! As a druid of the endtimes, I of course share my colleagues' goals, even if I am no longer a true member.

Come, friends, let us air our griefances* over a platter of delicious deep-fried panda, sitting upon our Amazon sequoia-wood chairs and wearing lovely hats with birds on them.

Also, our chairs will be placed at the top of a pyramid of elephant bones.

What? Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is my hat twitching again?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I did the thing again, didn't I? God, I'm such an outcast. I'm like Edward Cullen crossed with Kovu from Lion King 2. :(

Goblin Squad Member

Could you go into a little more details on what you mean when you say "Druidic group"?

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:
Could you go into a little more details on what you mean when you say "Druidic group"?

I would surmise the same kind of Druidic group the Oakstewards of Sevenarches are, only on a smaller scale at the beginning. I just hope TVC will attract enough interested players to grow and be able to claim his own settlementsanctuary. In any case, they should normally be the spearhead or "moral" authority of the defense of nature and we (I mean your company and many Elves of TiD) would answer their call when needed.

Goblin Squad Member

Ah. Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say the Sentinels are not a druidic organization but it is not certain that we are. The degree to which we are a druidic organization depends on the mechanics providing for it and the interest we have in taking that direction once the game is live.

We will certainly have a strong tie to nature and make it's caretaking/preservation a large part of our role. It's just a matter of HOW large at this point.

If we are a druidic organization though, we are certainly more focused on the chaotic aspects of nature, while TVC covers a much broader spectrum of druids. Our group is in some (but not all) ways comparable to the Grull Clans.

Goblin Squad Member

Brother Zael,

As a half-elf Ranger, I will have interest in seeking high-end Ranger-specific training opportunities wherever they may be offered.

Is there a Settlement that TVC is currently supporting in the Land Rush that you expect will have high-end Druid or Ranger-specific training available? And if so, do you believe that that training will be commoditized and offered for sale to those who are not affiliated with that Settlement (in line with Lee's discussion this topic in the recent Gobbocast)?

Thank you for your attention.

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Lone_Wolf wrote:
Is there a Settlement that TVC is currently supporting in the Land Rush that you expect will have high-end Druid or Ranger-specific training available? And if so, do you believe that that training will be commoditized and offered for sale to those who are not affiliated with that Settlement (in line with Lee's discussion this topic in the recent Gobbocast)?

I don't yet know where TVC intend to settle, but you should be aware that the best rangers in all of Golarion are trained in Kyonin. Taur-im-Duinath will of course focus on this fine elven tradition and bring it to the Echo Woods. And since fortunately for you we're not bound by our kingdom rules in the South, half-humans will be able to benefit from our training, especially if they are focused on the defense of nature (i.e. barring game constraints we will certainly offer a very low cost for Nature-faction aligned and racially aligned characters not part of the settlement or it's sponsored companies).

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Lone_Wolf wrote:

Brother Zael,

As a half-elf Ranger, I will have interest in seeking high-end Ranger-specific training opportunities wherever they may be offered.

Is there a Settlement that TVC is currently supporting in the Land Rush that you expect will have high-end Druid or Ranger-specific training available? And if so, do you believe that that training will be commoditized and offered for sale to those who are not affiliated with that Settlement (in line with Lee's discussion this topic in the recent Gobbocast)?

Thank you for your attention.

I can't speak for Brother Zael, but the NG group of Elkhaven will count rangers and druids among it's citizens as soon as it may, and expects to provide some training in both in an environment that is at harmony with our surroundings. We will certain welcome any good or neutrally aligned foreign students who bring something positive to our needs. All others will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Goblin Squad Member

I like how questions specific to The Viridian Circle are answered by recruitment posts by other companies. Classy.

At any rate, I think a druidic themed crew focusing as this one is will provide a great deal of catalyst and content for everyone they interact with. I'm anxious to see what some no-nonsense Druids might be able to do with a belly full of Warstein Ale to fire their ethics.

Goblin Squad Member

He did say "wherever they may be offered"....

Goblin Squad Member

To be clear the mention of the Sentinels wasn't meant to sidetrack the conversation but was a response to the OP.

BrotherZael wrote:

If you wish to play a druid, or you wish to stand in steadfastness of will and resoluteness of motive, hear my plea! Do not dawdle in the generalized chaos that is (insert whatever name Amora/Andius' guild ended up with here)! Do not fuss about with the strictures of the elven Taur-im-Duinath! Both are good groups, strong groups, and pointed well on the right path.

But they are not a druidic group, either of them.

I just wanted to point out that whether or not we are a druidic group is as of yet undecided. But certainly we do not cover the entire spectrum of druids as TVC does.

Goblin Squad Member

I´ll try to answer this

Andius wrote:
Could you go into a little more details on what you mean when you say "Druidic group"?
BrotherZael wrote:
In addition,

...as you can see in the above link TVC has been a druidic focused group from the start.

nearly all members so far have plans for a character to become a druid (or witch) once the are implemented.

and we all would like to see nature based elements introduce into the game somewhere in the future.

-i hope this answers your question?

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you all,

mostly OOC:
In order,

Grickin, don't worry about your faults friend. We will give your payment for them later. For now, just be sure to smash anyone TVC decides needs smashing and we should do fine together.

Andius, as Gedichtewicht said, by druidic group I mean we have been solely focused on druids, making druids, promoting druids, training druids, and doing druidy things mostly focused on hating people who don't like druidy things. I understand the Sentinels are a very like minded group, and I didn't mean to cast a shadow upon you at all, for I think you are a great step forward for the River Kingdoms. I just wanted to point out that while you have specific tasks set before you and your own methods, they are not exactly the "full-druid options" that TVC presents. Again, no meaning to shadow the Sentinels. As an aside, I am the only non-druid member of TVC.

Nolondil, I appreciate your answers but there is a few errors. TVC is not looking specifically for a settlement to be our sanctuary, this is just the only confirmed mechanically viable option we (Ravening, Gedichtewicht, Grickin, and I) could come up with currently. If other options present themselves we will duly consider them. In addition, I would caution you to not lie needlessly.

Andius, as you can see, TVC is interested in creating a wide-spread network to monitor and influence the effects of nature around the River Kingdoms. While I assume you wouldn't like to be put "under-the-fold" (I'm not sure if I would even want you to) I believe an arrangement of sorts could be made between TVC and the Sentinels. More on this later.

Lone Wolf, yes. TVC intends to sponsor TiD. I considered in depth joining with Elkhaven, but a few personal concerns placed me in TiD. The terms I have currently hashed out should see TVC into proper training, but there will be, of course, more in-depth negotiations when actual mechanics are entirely in-place. Brighthaven was never in my consideration for settlement choices, nor would I join any of their affiliates. I have too much respect for Lifedragn as an individual and not enough respect for Brighthaven as a member of TVC to warrant any sort of movement to such a sector. A few others breifly flitted across my mind, but that is besides the point. And should I find current situations unsatisfactory I can easily petition Elkhaven, or another, for placement, or even build my own settlement and sponsor TVC through it.

Nolondil, again, do not lie without need, my friend. I understand you were upholding my wish here, and for that I am thankful.

Caldeathe, I must apologize for never even approaching you on the matter of settling. As I said, personal concerns played a major factor here. I wonder accept any private statements you have though, my friend, and would invite you to discuss matterswith mourn or nolondil as well.

Warstein, Land rush works wonders for publicity. If I truly was a manipulating *ahem* I would play the neutral path in public sponsorship and would let their vying for position lead me to top-forum-ness. However, warstein ale made me want to get out there and take heads. Rights reserved. Proud sponsor. As for what we can do... well if you've watched any of my engagements with others you know I can do quite a bit. Grickin and Ravening are the same. Gedichtewicht is probably the most dangerous by far however.

Caldeathe, I did indeed.

Andius, as you say.

Gedichtewicht, Ah, brother, your response does me well and indeed answered much of what I have said. Thank you my friend, and I shall see you upon the fields of slaughter and peace.

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
Nolondil, I appreciate your answers but there is a few errors. TVC is not looking specifically for a settlement to be our sanctuary, this is just the only confirmed mechanically viable option we (Ravening, Gedichtewicht, Grickin, and I) could come up with currently
Yes, I recon that I said that based on our understanding of how the game works, I am looking forward for any mechanisms (like Factions) that would allow an organization to strive without an actual settlement.
BrotherZael wrote:
Nolondil, again, do not lie without need, my friend. I understand you were upholding my wish here, and for that I am thankful.

Rest assured there was no lie in my mouth, although I knew your personal intention at the time I wrote this, I didn't for the remainder of your brethren and therefore of TVC as a whole. Also as a matter of diplomacy, I always consider something non-existent until a formal approval has not yet been reached between negotiating parties.

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
I can't speak for Brother Zael, but the NG group of Elkhaven will count rangers and druids among it's citizens as soon as it may

That is very good news, should this group unite in some consistency or even better create a company of it's own I hope we will see them join our Defenders of Nature loose cooperation or back whatever goals we could setup.

Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
I like how questions specific to The Viridian Circle are answered by recruitment posts by other companies. Classy.

Advertising settlements development plans is not much different than advertising alcoholic beverages, but rest assured whenever we have a meeting among nature friends we'll have some Warstein spamAle to see how much it impact our ethics ;P

Goblin Squad Member

Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
I like how questions specific to The Viridian Circle are answered by recruitment posts by other companies. Classy.
Advertising settlements development plans is not much different than advertising alcoholic beverages

Really? You don't see the difference between gaming recruits and marketing a trade item? Huh.

Goblin Squad Member

Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
I like how questions specific to The Viridian Circle are answered by recruitment posts by other companies. Classy.
Advertising settlements development plans is not much different than advertising alcoholic beverages
Really? You don't see the difference between gaming recruits and marketing a trade item? Huh.

Lone Wolf was explicitly not interested in joining a company but looking for settlements that would support the training he is looking for. Not really recruiting here...

And that said, if anyone is considering a Druid, why not start right now with a priest and join TVC ? Doing so would allow one claiming seniority and all that before the flood of druids arrive when GW finally release the class/role.

TVC: Doing Druids before it was cool :D

Goblin Squad Member

Nolondil you don't even know our heirachy XD

In fact, nobody really knows the heirarchy except Ravening and I, possibly Gedichtewicht. And we ain't even sure. Man we all confused...

That said, TVC IS flauntlessly recruiting right now, and no it isn't different than Warstein Ale promotion. Because for every Warstein Ale you drink you add to yourself the power of another person!

Goblin Squad Member

Which, by the way, is how I plan to bolster TVC strength early game since Sentinels, TiD, and Elkhaven stole all our recruits while we were buried underneath Landrush, Roseblood Accord, etc. xD

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
Which, by the way, is how I plan to bolster TVC strength early game since Sentinels, TiD, and Elkhaven stole all our recruits while we were buried underneath Landrush, Roseblood Accord, etc. xD

Hey! Elkhaven didn't touch TVC recruits. We stuck to NG only.

Goblin Squad Member

As a TN group our possible recruitment comes from NG, NE, CN, TN, and hopefully CE and CG if we can somehow do that "legally". We can technically support LN, but considering our projected methods include leading rabid animals en masse to slaughter overly ambitious loggers who are well within their right to chop down trees to make the *insert obligatory orphanage reference here*, I do not really think LN would go well. In addition, I believe Ravening said as much in the OP on TVC (which is listed above).

And, general public, I would like to spare this opportunity to remind you that IC I hold no stock in money, or other things of value, outside of the messaging material, food/water, and my armor/weapons so anything I have in excess will be given to whoever is most needfully.

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
As a TN group our possible recruitment comes from NG, NE, CN, TN, and hopefully CE and CG if we can somehow do that "legally".

But everyone I recruited came as part of a chartered company, and they have to match the settlement alignment, don't they? NN can't sponsor a NG company, even if they could be citizens?

edit: Regardless, I'm pretty sure neither of the companies would have been interested in a true Neutral settlement.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe, you just have to be within one alignment step, no diagonals...

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
Caldeathe, you just have to be within one alignment step, no diagonals...

So the LG and CG members of the Companies were doomed if they streamed to you, right? They couldn't be citizens.

Goblin Squad Member

Ah, that is why I mentioned terms of legality ;D

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BrotherZael wrote:
Ah, that is why I mentioned terms of legality ;D

Well, yes, but you also excluded LG, so some of my recruits would have been forced to change alignment or split up from the rest of their groups to play in your pool.

I think anybody I took away from you was yours to lose.

Goblin Squad Member

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"You have what you hold."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Heh. Good motto for a bandit group that always aims to get 50% of its targets' possessions: We halve what you hold.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
BrotherZael wrote:
Ah, that is why I mentioned terms of legality ;D

Well, yes, but you also excluded LG, so some of my recruits would have been forced to change alignment or split up from the rest of their groups to play in your pool.

I think anybody I took away from you was yours to lose.

My what an interesting game this Land Rush is. Poor LG guys are clearly not able to cope with this cloak and dagger stuff where companies are actually shanghaied against their will.

Well done Caldeathe. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Aet Kard Warstein wrote:
I like how questions specific to The Viridian Circle are answered by recruitment posts by other companies. Classy.
Advertising settlements development plans is not much different than advertising alcoholic beverages
Really? You don't see the difference between gaming recruits and marketing a trade item? Huh.

Lone Wolf was explicitly not interested in joining a company but looking for settlements that would support the training he is looking for. Not really recruiting here...

And that said, if anyone is considering a Druid, why not start right now with a priest and join TVC ? Doing so would allow one claiming seniority and all that before the flood of druids arrive when GW finally release the class/role.

TVC: Doing Druids before it was cool :D

Right you are, please accept my apologies, and a substantial penance of Ale.


Goblin Squad Member

Why bringslite, is it just me or are you trying to get a rise? Speaking of, your last shipment of "supplies" was running a tad late... Do you need some extra protection for the journey?

As an aside I'll be gone for a week, to the general public.

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:

Why bringslite, is it just me or are you trying to get a rise? Speaking of, your last shipment of "supplies" was running a tad late... Do you need some extra protection for the journey?

As an aside I'll be gone for a week, to the general public.

Yeah. I was just being a jerk.

Hmmm... something tells me that if I hired you, it would mean that you made money on both ends of the deal...

Goblin Squad Member

Why friend,

That would be incredibly dishonest of me.

Goblin Squad Member

Bump for the druids, rangers, and random tangents

Goblin Squad Member

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Friends, TVC has another recruit :D

our leafy domain grows

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

:I hey. still in existence. still looking for members. Still pitifully smaller than expected

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael, it is an interesting concept. Could you go into more detail about how The Viridian Circle will perform such a noble function to uphold nature, advance the Druidic cause (perhaps monthly Moot?) and more on that aspect of the group's functioning?

Goblin Squad Member

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Why thank you AvenaOat, who is clearly doing this out of personal interest and not just for me to bump and explain to a greater audience in hopes of more recruits.

Right. *ahem*

Though no doubt you've all read through the GIANT WALL OF TEXT that has led you up to this point, I'll make life very simple:

TVC is a druid-based nature protection agency.

We accept Druids, Rangers, Clerics for Leafy and Green types, and even Barbarians on occassion. (we understand that some of these don't exist yet, so we will take all but wizards for the moment... y'kiting civies).

We have one purpose: stop the abuse of nature by the so-called "intelligent species".

We are a militant group, if we find that a settlement is abusing resources, by our own biased definitions, we will launch a war upon them until they stop using methods such as: A) encouraging hostile Escalation Cycles B) raiding and pilaging PoIs C) Decimating gatherer parties D) Reducing efficiency capacity of the settlement E)enacting blockades of the settlement F) Killing anyone who tries to stop us.

Make no mistake, we are murderers and our ideals are abhorrent to many.

Currently we are residents at Blackwood Glade, but make no mistake: this is known by all parties to be largely a "temporary" measure until such a time as TVC can create it's own "Nature Sanctuary" (be it a Settlement, Nation, or PoI)

The Viridian Circles' Operational Structure (current)

Currently TVC is broken into four levels:

[1] Brothers/Sisters: All members are Brothers and Sisters. These individuals travel the lands in search for a worthy cause to fight for. This is for people who either don't want, can't have, or aren't ready to become an Arch-es due to time constraints, desire of freedom to travel, etc.

[2] Arch-es : A Brother or Sister responsible for the ultimate law of Nature Protection in a region. Under most circumstances they usually remain within the territory of their region. When a conflict arises, they have the ultimate say whether or not it is deserving of a response by TVC. Other than this, they are the same as a Brother/Sister

[3] Council: A Brother/Sister responsible for the assignment of Arch-es, as well as the assignment of region boundaries, the impeachment of Arch-es or dissolvement of region boundaries, and the formation of alliances and if a war currently happening should be stopped.

[4] Elder: A Brother/Sister responsible for the appointment/impeachment of Councils as well as acting as the diplomatic body for TVC. Elders elect replacements, and there can only be a max of elders equal to the number of Councils.

In all matters of jurisdiction within a region, the Arch- of that region has the final say, above even Elders and Councils. Theoretically we all have the same rank, with some having extra responsibilities with the trade-off of less freedom of movement.

When it comes to making decisions for the council or the elders currently it is simple-majority for all matters excluding the dissolvement/emplacement of region boundaries, which are three-quarters.


Ideally, anyone can be a member. We are, however, a TN company currently based in BwG for training and protection purposes, and thus if you want to be a "registered" member, you have to also be either homeless, or a member of BwG. We will, eventually, move away from BwG, but that won't be for some time yet.

This said, we take on both official and unofficial, Myself, Ducktor_Shvat, and Ravening (should he return) being the official ones, Grickin of Freevale and Gedichtewicht of Brighthaven being the unofficial ones.

We want as many members as we can get, in either capacity. At the very least you need to keep an eye open and watching "civilizations" around the area in order to keep TVC informed of any possible threats, at most you will actively engage in murder, espionage, guerrilla warfare, betrayal and other things characterized by extremely aggressive untamed wilds in order to protect said wilds.

Create and Protect an area of land (either mechanically a settlement, PoI, or tower at this junction) which is kept in as heavy-nature state as possible. This area, dubbed a "Nature Sanctuary" will be TVC's homeland and primary concern, however we serve as the wall between it and the outside world, not as overseers of the lands.

Discover and Thwart any potential threat to nature anywhere in the world as we deem it, in whatever manner we deem.

Aid the efforts of any group that we deem is protecting nature.

Some Opinions on Controversial Matters

[1] TVC does not engage in politics, unless doing so would aid in the protection of nature

[2] TVC does not look favorably upon undead, however we will not actively seek out its destruction as, in most cases, it is not the fault of the undead.

[3] All Necromancers must die, split into tiny peices, carried to the corners of the world, pulverized into dust, and buried in the most unassailable places possible, warded by sacred signs.

[4] TVC understand and accepts the likes of creatures such as lycans, knowing that their affliction is a natural expression of Nature's need to curb Civilization's overly-aggressive forays. As such, TVC will provide shelter to all lycans within the bounds of it's Sanctuary: Perverse Nature is still Nature.

[5] TVC holds few grudges. It understands the absolute corrupt truth of civilization and thus expects many failures to be repeated. TVC will thwart those failures with extreme prejudice, but will not actively seek to pursue the responsible parties once the threat is removed. If that means we have to eliminate all of Civilization first... oh, alas. I might feel remorse for a few seconds.

[6] TVC holds grudges against necromancers.

[7] Necromancers include all kinds from white to grey to black to red (in order, knowledge and revitalization, use as tools, standard necromancy, and daemonology/extraplanar.

[8] TVC does not like Necromancers.

[9] TVC also does not like Daemons.

[10] Brother Zael finds this slightly hilarious for IC reasons.

[11] Brother Zael does, in fact, have a secret hiding behind his full-body-clothing outfit.

Brother Letholdus Zael
I am an Elder of TVC, and the only one currently of rank. Ravening, should he return to us, is also an Elder. The rest are Brothers. Because I have interests outside of TVC that would take precedence if their was someone else to lead TVC, I make care to differentiate between Brother Letholdus Zael the individual, and Brother Letholdus Zael, the member of TVC. It is important this distinction be known, as I might be hostile one moment then friendly the next, as the situation warrants.

I personally promise anyone who joins TVC will be bloodied within a week.

Money Concerns
TVC would like to never have to deal with gold, but this is unlikely. Should a issue involving gold arise, TVC will take a collection from each direct member. Members pay up what they are able to, and if it is not enough, we will find ways of procuring more. If it is more than enough, the extra is given to/split among whoever/whatever has most need, be it repairing deforestation, arming and training new members, or returning the gold to those who gave the most.

Meeting times
Direct members are supposed to keep in regular contact in-game (mostly because I need someone to talk to and I find people enjoyable most times). Indirect members can keep in contact as frequently or infrequently as they desire. Meetings can be scheduled whenever it is wanted or needed, and can take place in whatever form desires, be it TS, skype, or in-game.

If an outside party wishes to meet with TVC, feel free to send me a pm, and we can set up a good time for it. I am rather open to such things myself, and being the only direct active member there isn't anyone else to argue with me.

Goblin Squad Member

This is quite a cool idea, I might join.

BrotherZael wrote:
Create and Protect an area of land (either mechanically a settlement, PoI, or tower at this junction) which is kept in as heavy-nature state as possible. This area, dubbed a "Nature Sanctuary" will be TVC's homeland and primary concern, however we serve as the wall between it and the outside world, not as overseers of the lands.

I think this as a goal is interesting. It will likely need political alliances I'd guess who agree to keep a nature reserve?! A challenge but I'd guess we might be able to work on this in some capacity.

BrotherZael wrote:
TVC holds few grudges. It understands the absolute corrupt truth of civilization and thus expects many failures to be repeated.

I need to dig into my pathfinder lore some more, a detective story begins!

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Reminds me of the Oakstewards of Sevenarches, from the Guide to the River Kingdoms book.

Goblin Squad Member


I said stay back with the others...

Actually, I have not read up on them. As I said before, this was originally Ravening's idea. Those do sound familiar, and I remember him mentioning them a few times, so it is likely.

At AvenaOats,

I would love to have you on, of course! In fact, I was just reminded that in order to make a charter company I think you need like, six people in a party first. With you we'd have three... officially... <,< heh...

Plus, you know, you are just awesome in general :P

That said, you might want to register into Blackwood Glade as an "honored guest" (if you aren't already, which I think you are) and peruse the peeps, see the generally lay of the land and if you would be fine having to be in relatively close proximity with the likes of Nolondil, Kitsune, Mourn, myself, and assorted zealots, mercenaries, and traders besides.

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:


Create and Protect an area of land (either mechanically a settlement, PoI, or tower at this junction) which is kept in as heavy-nature state as possible. This area, dubbed a "Nature Sanctuary" will be TVC's homeland and primary concern, however we serve as the wall between it and the outside world, not as overseers of the lands.

Discover and Thwart any potential threat to nature anywhere in the world as we deem it, in whatever manner we deem.

Aid the efforts of any group that we deem is protecting nature.

Good stuff Brother! I hope there are ways in which nature-friends from other settlements or companies can support this noble effort (in particular ranger-types like me!)

I wish you great success!

Goblin Squad Member

There certainly are, Lone_Wolf. Pm me what you are thinking of. Also, Gedichtewicht of TEO is a member of TVC ("un"-officially, of course) so I'm sure you could pair up with him for some good ole' times.

That said, given the nature of TVC's destined actions... do you really think TEO and TVC are good matches? TVC does not care about your so-called "innocents". They are the ones raping the land for your "fields", after all. So you see, it might not be the best fit. But that is fine, you can just do what you feel safe doing. And pm me ;D

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