The White Boar of Kilfay - 4E D&D

Game Master FabesMinis

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Healaugh has had a fantastic run, but will be perfectly happy to retire from adventuring and return to singing Brigid-inspired sea shanties from the prow of his fishing boat.

Thank you for running this - it's been highly enjoyable.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30
Fabes DM wrote:

Hi gang, hope you've enjoyed the game. Just to let you know that I will in all likelihood be winding down this game once you have completed your mission.

They are great characters but I am a bit burnt out, with running another 4E game online, and one in rl, as well as playing several PbPs.

I may start a Dark Sun game in the future, and you are all welcome to get first dibs on that, when and if I launch it.

Cool, no problem. It's been fun and I might well look into your Dark Sun campaign if it arises.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Fabes DM wrote:

Hi gang, hope you've enjoyed the game. Just to let you know that I will in all likelihood be winding down this game once you have completed your mission.

They are great characters but I am a bit burnt out, with running another 4E game online, and one in rl, as well as playing several PbPs.

I may start a Dark Sun game in the future, and you are all welcome to get first dibs on that, when and if I launch it.

Cool, no problem. It's been fun and I might well look into your Dark Sun campaign if it arises.

Same here!

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30


Hi folks, sorry for lack of updates - busy few days!

Just wondered if anyone was interested in joining a Savage Worlds game I am running at the moment in the Kingmaker AP.

I suppose this really goes out to Elor and Celestial Healer, as Rosey's in it and Aubrey's running it in 4E (how's that going by the way? Would be interesting to compare notes.)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

At least for right now I'm not looking to join any more PbPs. With all my time consumed with grad school applications, I'm struggling to keep up with the ones I've got. Thanks though!

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

It's early days in my Kingmaker. The PCs are just about getting to 2nd level and they've mapped a single square. However, we had to establish 4e versions of the rules, and as the scenario relies a lot on random wilderness encounters it's not too difficult to find something to throw at them. I'm enjoying it and the PCs seem to be, though a few are 3.5/PF players toying with 4e to see what the fuss (or otherwise) is about.

Savage Worlds combats are over much faster than 3.5 or 4E games that I've run, and this has meant that the group is progressing fairly quickly in some ways. They have already bust up Thorn River Camp, and captured Kressle. She is now their prisoner and they are exploring their way in the hexes around the Stag Lord's Fort. They have been ridiculously lucky in not encountering any random monsters. The berry patch was a nasty experience under Savage Worlds. They are currently meeting the kobolds.

Hi gang, I'm away until Sunday night GMT.

Hi chaps, as you may guess, this is the end of the White Boar of Kilfay. I'll be putting a hiatus on running anymore games (other than Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams) but you are all more than welcome to take part in any future games I run.

Ideas so far are:

Continuing with the Celtic adventures of this bunch
Dark Sun game set in Draj


Thank you all for playing.


Thank you too :)

I'll pre-book myself into whatever you next come up with if I may.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Thanks, Fabes - it was a really good game with a good group.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Thanks, Fabes. It was a good adventure!

Thanks, fella - great fun!

For the moment I think I'll take a break from online stuff (and concentrate on the Heroes of Winterhaven!), but I may be back ...

To be honest, old boy, once Trollhaunt is wrapped up (one way or another), I'll be taking a break from rl DMing (baby on the way and all!), so I may well be running another online game. All of you have spots in it should you wish.

Is anyone still interested in a Dark Sun game; I know some of you are in Xabulba's Dark Sun game, but let me know if it'll be of interest.


Well, yes. Since I'm a sucker for gaming and am liking Dark Sun a lot.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I think so - I'll ask some of the guys in my games if they are interested. Heathy is a sucker for DS.

OK, it'll probably take a while to get going, but that's no bad thing.


Poss others:

Aubrey's posse
Rosey Jnr

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I just started playing in another PbP, and DMing yet another, so I've got about all I can handle right now. Thank you for the offer though!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Aubrey pimped your game in our discussion thread. I'm a relative 4E noob, but I love Dark Sun from back in the day. I have the 4E PHB and PHB2, but that's it as far as reference sources. I also do not have any of the 4E Dark Sun materials (and I have no clue what they've changed since 2E). Assuming that these facts are not condemning, I would be interested in joining.

Have you got access to the Character Builder?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Fabes DM wrote:
Have you got access to the Character Builder?

I'm not even certain what that is. Is that the DDI character generation program? If so, then no, I do not have a DDI subscription.


Fatey - I have a sub and can post the needful DS stuff for you with pleasure.

Yes it is, but don't worry.

Basically 4E Dark Sun adds some cool new bits on top of what goes into making a character, namely Wild Talents, Themes, and Inherent Bonuses. When we start up a thread, we can talk you through them, as well as any errata that your character may need.

So, if you're still interested we have:


Ideally, we need 2 more but if people want to cycle in and out, I have a way to deal with that.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Fabes DM wrote:
Yes it is, but don't worry.

As long as you're willing to tolerate the fact that my access to resources is somewhat limited, I would be glad to join. I am partial to Controllers and Leaders, the Invoker (PHB2) and Bard (PHB2) in particular. I have been wanting to try out the Rogue in 4E, though, so if we need a Striker, I can do that too. I have only played in about a half-dozen 4E games, most of which were Living Forgotten Realms and thus were very brief, combat-intensive games. I have played a Bard through the Wrath of the River King adventure by Wolfgang Baur, though, and that was a lot of fun.

That's fine. Bear in mind that the Divine power source does not exist on Athas (the gods either fled or were killed), so no Cleric, Invoker, Avenger, or Paladin classes.

Also the following races don't exist: Half-orc, Gnome, Deva. Goliaths are 4E's half-giants in Athas. Eladrin are so rare as to my almost mythical (their world is nearly gone, and they have a Corum/Elric vibe). The other races are pretty much as you might remember.

Put up Discussion Thread called Face the Fire.


I would, but I'm kinda playing in 3, running one right now, and I think that that's about all I can handle at the moment.
I'm really tempted though.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I'd give it a go Heathy - if it proves too big a drag on time, you can drop out later. And you likes your Dark Sun.


Adding to Aubrey's give it a go words.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

Remember the good times, Heathy.... except the bit where I got stabbed in the back... although that was still cool.


Naah; thanks, but I'm pushing critical mass as is.

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