The Scorched Land of Athas

Game Master Divinitus

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I'm still waiting on a reply to my questions...

Ah, my apologies. Starting wealth: the equivalent of 85 GP in equipment. And yes, I am aware that is extremely sparce, but this IS Athas! Remember, nothing made of metal, because it is worth a LOT!

As for Mana Points, the system is simple. Take each spell level, multiply that spell level's number by the number of spells of that sort you can cast per day. Nyaa's calculations, for those particular spell levels, are quite accurate. People who were prepared casters before, however, take a 10% MP cut to whatever their Maximum MP is at levels above 5, to accommodate for their increased versatility by being able to cast spontaneously.

Also, bear in mind that while prepared casters gain spontaneous casting, they must choose which spells they 'attune' to when they prepare spells, which determines what they may spontaneously cast. Make sense?

Fabian, the Crodlu will be statted up soon for your perusal.

Rynjin, that figure is accurate.

Dragoncat, that is fine! Fluff out the characters, but bear in mind some of the changes that have occurred in Athas, such as Kalak being overthrown. As for an appropriate holy symbol, it could be something as simple as a clay amulet carved with an Auran rune.

The Doom That Came to Sarnath, their Intuitive Psionics does apply, since it would make little sense if it didn't.

Now that the holidays are over, things will resume with frequent posts and such.

GM Sorceror-King of Athas wrote:
Take each spell level, multiply that spell level's number by the number of spells of that sort you can cast per day. Nyaa's calculations, for those particular spell levels, are quite accurate.

They are not, spell level is multiplied by spelllevel*2-1 there, just like psionic powers PP cost. And what is spell's MP cost, its level?

GM Sorceror-King of Athas wrote:
Also, bear in mind that while prepared casters gain spontaneous casting, they must choose which spells they 'attune' to when they prepare spells, which determines what they may spontaneously cast. Make sense?

No? For prepared casters, high ability score would increase both number of spells "known" per day and number of MP as that's essentially the same thing (spell slots) for them, while for spontaneous casters it increases only number of MP, making spontaneous casters obsolete. I'd say if you want prepared spontaneous casting, make everyone use Arcanist casting system. Or better, don't touch what is (somehow) working.

GM Sorceror-King of Athas wrote:
Fabian, the Crodlu will be statted up soon for your perusal.

Ok, I'll wait to see that then.

What about the stats questions...

I'm confused on how to generate stats. Did you mean to say that the stats that are neither 08 or 18 start off at 10?



Stats always start off at 10 by default. He seems to be using a variant of the Focus and Foible system.

Nyaa, my apologies, I just read the first few columns and it seemed to add up. That said, I see your point now. Thank you for putting the system together!


Fabian, Rynjin is correct!

GM Sorceror-King of Athas wrote:

It's not really a complete system, left part is just a sorcerer changed to get new spell levels at odd character levels, with MP calculated. Right part, however, is something like a system. It's designed to be used with psionics though. Basic idea is, at every level, you get amount of PP (or MP) equal to maximum spell/power level you have access to times PP modifier (5, 6, 7, 10 in the first row. # columns are number of spells per day, without MP, for a sorcerer, and number of powers augmented to the ML limit for a psion). PP modifier is the thing you can easily use as a balancing tool, setting different modifiers for different classes. Side effect is that at lower level, casters have more staying power that they lack in regular system.

I was referring to the way that you calculated things, because while my system worked at lower levels, it did not account for higher levels. Shows what happens when one's work is cut short by having to entertain guests for the holidays!

When you can, need that Xeph update, please and thank you :)

Yeah, the Human Stalker wasn't working out, I'm going to make a Mul. Either Aegis, Soulknife, or both (Metaforge), most likely.

Unless GM rules those classes as invalid options, of course.

If so, I may make a Psychic Warrior.

Still working on my Elf Cleric.

Additions to the Athasian Xeph to make them on par with the other races:

+2 more DEX

Unnatural Athleticism: +4 Racial Bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth. Whenever the Xeph makes an Acrobatics check to jump, there is no cap on their maximum jump distance. They also take falling damage as if the distance was 30 foot less, assuming they are not bound in any way.

Greater Wild Talent: Xeph display considerable natural psionic ability and may roll twice on the Wild Talent table. Alternatively, the character may roll once and gain an additional 3 PP.


Additions to the Athasian Maenad to make them on par with the other races:

+2 CON

Chaotic Mind: Maenads gain a +4 Racial Bonus against Mind-Affecting Effects. Also, when a Maenad is subject to the condition, they may make a roll every round to break free from the effect. If they do break free of the effect, their attacker takes 1d8 points of Nonlethal Damage, as the Maenad's chaotic mind lashes out at the target as a form of sympathetic response.

Greater Wild Talent: Maenads display considerable natural psionic ability and may roll twice on the Wild Talent table. Alternatively, the character may roll once and gain an additional 3 PP.


Additions to the Athasian Elan to make them on par with the other races, as well as a change to their Repletion ability:

+2 to any Mental Ability Score

Visions of a Lost Age: Elans gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge: History checks, and Knowledge: Psionics. In addition, Elans will occasionally receive visions of the past at times determined by the GM. These visions can pertain to many things, but most of the time have some deeper meaning. This is similar to various divination effects, but potentially more powerful than effects that the PCs can replicate at most levels. Of course, this IS GM controlled, so do not expect it at will.

Greater Wild Talent: Elans display considerable natural psionic ability and may roll twice on the Wild Talent table. Alternatively, the character may roll once and gain an additional 3 PP.


Rynjin, those options are perfectly fine!

Understood Dragoncat!

I will leave recruitment open for another 2 weeks, since the holidays likely put everyone through the proverbial wringer in regards to free time.

Does anyone have any more questions for me to answer?

I may have missed this, but what are the spellcasting rules you're using for Clerics?


And another thing--when you say GP (gold pieces), do you mean CP (Ceramic pieces)?

Dragoncat, yes, but I was using that term for now since I was unsure how much people have read.

As for the casting rules with Clerics, it will look something like this.

Cleric Casting:
Now, here's the rub. Regular Spells and Domain Spells both draw from the same MP pool. You choose the regular number of spells you want to prepare for the day, as normal, and you have all of your available Domain Spells prepared (Obviously, you can only prepare those of appropriate level,). All of these spells are considered 'Attuned', which means that you can cast them with your Mana Points. Any spells with Focus or Material Components still require those, unless you have some method of waiving them via feat, class feature, ect.

Base Mana Points the Cleric Gains
1. 4
2. 8
3. 14
4. 21
5. 31
6. 44
7. 51
8. 73
9. 91
10. 110
11. 131
12. 158
13. 184
14. 213
15. 241
16. 276
17. 313
18. 350
19. 386
20. 429

You also gain bonus Mana Points for a high casting attribute scores, as is listed in this document from 3.X which matches that used in the Pathfinder update to Psionics, which is representative of balanced bonuses to PP or, in your case, MP.

Adding Metamagic to a spell increases the MP cost by a number equal to the amount of spell level increase, doubled. So, for example, if a you were applying a Metamagic that increased the spell level slot by +2, you must pay 4 extra MP to apply it to a spell. Make sense?

Yep, it makes sense.

Do I gain bonus MPs for having a high Wisdom?

Fixed the link in the spoiler. Follow it for a table that equally applies to PP and MP. Enjoy!

This is probably a silly question, but are clubs and quarterstaves free? Because in this equipment list I'm using, they cost 1 cp.

If you want a fragile club/quarterstaff that will gain the Broken condition on a nat 1, then yes, you may. It seems to me that the 1 CP you are paying is just for a stronger bit of wood that has excess 'branching' removed, as opposed to just some stick that you pick up. Make sense?

Yep. Okay then.

So, you want a stick or a proper weapon lol?

I've got a longbow lined up. I'll go with the stick for now. :)

Excellent. By the way, you can use broken weapons like that as single-use impaling items, if you are REALLY stretched for a melee weapon! :P

If recruitment is open for another 2 weeks, I'll wait for about a week to see if Ssalarn posts a playtest for that Vizier's Aegis-like archetype.

What about endure elements?

GM Sorceror-King of Athas wrote:
as well as a change to their Repletion ability

Something ate it.

Hmmm. I am desperately looking for a campaign in which my latest character concept would fit. I am not so sure about this one and I don't really know about Dark Sun yet (though I am certainly going to read up on it).

I adopted the "Witchblade" from the comic book series of the same name, and made some changes.

Witchblade => "Wildfire", living embodiment of the First World, true neutral (out of conviction, similar to a druid), associated type: Fey, wielder: Firebride, female wielders only
Angelus => "Angelwrath", living embodiment of Heaven, lawful good, associated type: Archons (yes, not angels, despite the name. Angelwrath just sounds better than "Heavenwrath"), wielder: Heaven's Lady, female wielders only
Darkness => "Darkness", living embodiment of the Dark Tapestry, true evil, associated type: Aberrations, wielder: Dark Lord, male wielders only
(Note: the wielder can only be a pure humanoid other than gnome - gnome are too much kindred to fey, curiously the artifacts do not necessarily prefer wielders of their own alignment. Angelwrath prefers any lawful wielder, the Darkness any chaotic and the Wildfire any good. Sometimes they pick a wielder of different alignments, though.)

The character has nothing to do with Sara Pezzini from the comic book serious, but she is the wielder of the Wildfire.

In rule terms she's repeats picking one level ranger followed by four levels Synthesist, the prior resemble her mundane skills, the latter her control over the wildfire.

Effectively she'd be:
NG female half-elf ranger 1 / summoner (synthesist) 1

I posted details about the concept here, including an outline for the story here and a first draft build to level 10, using PB 20: th#8

The problems are the following:
The character depends on the different spheres of the multiverse. Is there a normal Pathfinder multiverse or a different one? You said something about Planescape...

About the attribute distribution: It's tricky to say where I put the 18. She's primarily a melee type character, but depends on the stats of the Wildfire (her Eidolon) more than her own. And I don't really want an outstandingly excessive charisma.

Finally, is the concept generally acceptable?

Am I reading Alhulak entry correctly? It's one-handed non-light melee weapon that can be used at 10ft or 5ft range, and as it's not light it can be wielded two-handed?

@Feuerrabe be advised that Aegis is available and that party is full martial with a single Cleric.

Nyaa wrote:

@Feuerrabe be advised that Aegis is available and that party is full martial with a single Cleric.

She is martial. She uses the abilities from summoner primarily as self buff, particularly the Wildfire... synthesists are summoners who wear their eidolon as symbiotic armor. I will have to have a closer look at Aegis.

I tried to put it nicely.
Aegis is pretty much Synthetist, minus Paizo ideas on "balance".
Having read Dark Sun campaign setting and party composition, do you think that stat-replacing remnant of 3.X Druid slapped onto full caster in disguise is a good fit for this party?
Can Eidolon summoning even pierce The Gray?
There's a document linked in the OP, with available classes.

Well, it's certainly not a problem to use Aegis to represent the character in rule terms. Whether or not the idea of the character, as such, works for a Dark Sun campaign, regardless how I choose to represent it in rule terms, is indeed the question. Whether or not a "stat-replacing remnant of 3.X Druid slapped onto full caster in disguise" fits is consequently a question I consider a highly abstract rule consideration that has little to do with the character as such and is therefore irrelevant.

Whether or not the "Eidolon summoning" may pierce the Gray is difficult to answer, for I don't really know what the Gray is, it says that it is the world of the dead and that's it. It is referred to several times in the campaign setting and seems to be a different plain of existence. The "Eidolon" in the context of this character is a symbiont she carries around with her, more precisely it looks like a wristband or a small watch at her right arm in its inactive state... to "summon" it she basically just calls upon it.

I realize that the blazing pink lipstick and the cocktail dress are a bit ridiculous, but that's the only image with visible but inactive Witchblade by Michael Turner I found on the net. 843e0.jpg

Wait... here are two more: 2f6d9.jpg %20terug%20in%20New%20York%20uit%20de%20strip%20Witchblade%20tekening%20van %20Michael%20Turner.jpg

So I'm intrigued by playing in this campaign, I have fond memories of playing Dark Sun Shattered Lands but I'm a bit unsure about the rules :)

I was initially thinking about a Psion but perhaps it's best to stick to something simple like a PF Barbarian (perhaps a half giant or a Mul) skinned as a 2nd edition gladiator? Likely swinging some crude over sized club.

Which PP progression will Psion (and other full manifesters), Psywar (and other 6th level manifesters) and Hunter (and other 6th level casters) use?

FangDragon wrote:

So I'm intrigued by playing in this campaign, I have fond memories of playing Dark Sun Shattered Lands but I'm a bit unsure about the rules :)

I was initially thinking about a Psion but perhaps it's best to stick to something simple like a PF Barbarian (perhaps a half giant or a Mul) skinned as a 2nd edition gladiator? Likely swinging some crude over sized club.

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands FTW! :D

I have a character concept of a tough as nails half giant ex-gladiator who is rather brighter than he looks (I think this could be great for RP particularly if he pretends to be dumb much of the time). He would be hired by House Daylethanu as a guard.

Question 1: Should I use the half giant race described in your doc (the one with reach, +6 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha) or should I use this one from the SRD?

Question 2: Are pathfinder feats and classes allowed or is this all strictly 3.x stuff?

I never played 3.5 so I may need some assistance getting the build right. A pathfinderised sketch of kind of build I am thinking of is:

1. Unbreakable Fighter: Combat Expertise & Power Attack
2. Invulnerable Rager Barbarian
3. Raging Vitality
5. Stalwart

FangDragon wrote:
Question 2: Are pathfinder feats and classes allowed or is this all strictly 3.x stuff?

This is a PF game. Setting-specific stuff is being converted from 3.x as there's no PF version of Dark Sun.

Cool that makes things a bit (i.e. a lot) easier for me :) Just need to know what stats a half giant has.

Dragoncat here. Finally finished statting up my submission for this campaign:

Utaa Breezechaser. An elven cleric of Air who signed up with House Daylethanu for three reasons:

1) She needs the money.

2) It sounds like fun.

3) It sounds like a great opportunity to see lands she's never seen before.

Eidolons CAN pierce The Grey, primarily because they are conjured using the Summoner's own essence, at least that is the flavor spin I put on it.

The portion of the document speaking of eligible classes is non-applicable. Remember, the document was made by DM Under a Dark Sun, I just used it for the races and Wild Talent tables.

FangDragon, if you want to use a modified Half-Giant more closely resembling the one in DSP's psionics series, then it can be a 'subspecies', just like the subspecies for the base races in the ARG. I will boost its power accordingly. And yes, any 3.X Dark Sun material you want to use will be converted to Pathfinder, because that is our rule system.

As for Repletion, it now costs 1 PP per day to maintain and the cost doubles for every day it is in use. When the PP cost exceeds your PP total, you immediately suffer the ill effects of starvation/dehydration. The ability only eliminates your body's need for food and water while active, after all, it does not nourish it.

Feuerrabe, your concept is valid, but there would need to be some fluff changes. PM me for more information.

For me the visuals of a hulking half giant are more important than the crunch. As much as I'd love a racial +6 str that sounds a wee bit unbalanced.

I found this and I'll try to get a build + backstory together tonight.

Sorc king, is recruitment over as of today? Or can I toss my hat in for a Psion?

Also, as a GM for Fangdragon and Dragoncat I can vouch that you will not find better players on these boards.

As far as I'm aware this is still open Niles.

Alright, I just created enough of the character to have an actual application. The background story with about 4k words is not one of my most compact ones, especially considering that the last chapter with explanation, tying up loose end so forth is still missing, but the climax of the story is in the fourth chapter and I think I got the tension curve about right.

Reference image: /2012/06/Witchblade.jpg
(A Witchblade cover by Michael Turner)

Story: Lynura.pdf

Half-elf ranger 1/summoner (synthesist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 54, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 80)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 26 (2 HD; 1d8+1d10+8)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Special Attacks favored enemy (evil outsiders +2)
Summoner Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 6/day—summon monster I
Summoner (Synthesist) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—corrosive touch[UM], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, mage hand, mending
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Skill Focus (Survival), Two-weapon Fighting
Traits child of nature, killer
Skills Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +6, Survival +7 (+9 to find food and water); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ elf blood, fused eidolon, fused link, track +1, wild empathy +4
Other Gear longsword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit, pot, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 61 gp
Special Abilities
Child of Nature (Survival) +2 Survival to find food and water, +1 Knowledge (Nature), and one of these is a class skill.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders) foes.
Fused Eidolon A synthesist summons the essence of a powerful outsider to meld with his own being. The synthesist wears the eidolon like translucent, living armor. The eidolon mimics all of the synthesist's movements, and the synthesist perceives through the eidolo
Fused Link (Su) Starting at 1st level, the synthesist forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the temporary hit points from his eidolon would be reduced to 0, the summoner can, as a free action, sacrifice any number of his own hit points. Each hit point sacrif
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Summon Monster I (6/day) (Sp) Standard action summon lasts minutes, but only 1 active at a time and can't use with eidolon.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Pending personality, appearance, the last chapter and spelling corrections and background information on Wildfire and counter parts.

I deliberately left two skill points unspent.

I think I have enough to make a submission now. I've tried really hard to get this right, but I've had to use a bunch of custom things so it's quite possible there are mistakes. I've not bothered to buy much equipment yet.

"Oh look at all the gladiator tattoos on that dumb Half Giant doorman, how quaint!", snickered the mul to his human friend, "Step aside slave your betters are here to see the Daylethanu"
'I'm slave to noone!' thought Grom as peered down at the tiny mul. He was expecting this particular duo of neer'dowells and extortionists, Eylissa said they where coming and that they'd be trouble.

The mul tried to step past but Grom blocked his passage with his Datchi Club and spoke loudly and with deliberate slowness as if stupid, "Grom take Weapons."
The mul looked angry and started muttering about "Slaves should know their place" as he handed over a sharp looking obsidian dagger. Grom blinked at the little Mul and thundered "Grom take Weapons!" Before the stunned Mul could react, Grom had him dangling upside down by one leg, and as he shook him
an assortment of weapons clattered to the sun baked floor.

Grom stepped aside and growled, "You go now. Lady see you." The mul angrily pushed inside, muttering, "Is this House Daylethanu's welcome? You'll regret this slave!"

Grom stepped back in front of the door and shrugged thinking, 'No I don't think I will regret disarming you little man. For soon the lady will need me and then we shall see who has the last laugh!' Long minutes passed in the burning heat as Grom waited patiently, looking sternly at any who would approach the house gate.
A human youth, one of the house servants can running and whispered, "Grom you're needed in the Reception room, several guests have overstayed their welcome."

Grom smiled beatifically and stooped in, the ceiling was uncomfortably low for one of his huge stature but he was used to the layout of the house and knew where to duck. Inside the Mul and his associates where having a shouting match with an exasperated looking Eylissa.
Grom wasted no time picking the tiny little Mul up in one arm his human friend in the other. In a few strides he was at the door and with an under arm swing, he threw them both out the building and they landed with a satisfying thump.

Years ago Grom's parents had been captured by slavers and sold to Kalak destined to die in the blood-soaked arena sands. Grom had the misfortune to be borne and raised in the arena and is branded with several tattoos proclaiming him as the property of the late unlamented-Kalak.
Grom barely remembers his parents, they died of festering wounds while fighting monsters for the amusement of the baying crowd. In fact the only person to have shown him any kindness was Eylissa Daylethanu who rescued him from slavers shortly after Kalak's demise. Grom has served as faithful
guard for House Daylethanu ever since.

Grom is a s tough as old nails and looks the part and affects a speech impediment which together with his stature makes most people dismiss him as a dumb brute. In fact Grom is really quite smart for one of his race and is able to read and write in several languages, the better to serve House Daylethanu's many and varied needs.


str 18 + 2
dex 10 -2 +4
con 10 +4
int 10 +4
wis 10 +2
cha 8

Half-giant barbarian (invulnerable rager) 1/fighter (unbreakable) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 79, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 49)
NG Medium humanoid (giant)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 26 (2 HD; 1d10+1d12+4)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs fire spells and effects.
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee datchi club +7 (1d8+7/ x3)
Special Attacks powerful build, rage (6 rounds/day)
Psi-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +1)
. . 1/day stomp (DC 10)
Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise, Diehard, Endurance, Power Attack, Wild Talent
Traits freed slave , orphaned, threatening defender
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Perception +6, Profession (gladiator) +5, Survival +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Survival
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
SQ fast movement, mark of slavery
Other Gear hide armor, datchi club, 150 gp
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise -0/+1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Freed Slave +1 Will saves.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mark of Slavery -2 to skills and attacks after failing a skill check, unless you're retrying the skill check,
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Powerful Build Can function as one size larger where advantageous.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Wild Talent You are a psionic character and gain 2 power points.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
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I've adjusted the previously linked PDF file. It now contains the fifth and last chapter as well a description of personality and appearance of the character.

Another link:

Have you decided on a deadline for applications, GM?

The deadline for applications is in 3 days.

Here is my (sixteenbiticon) alias GM. If this avatar isn't "elfy" enough for you, just let me know and I will select a more appropriate one. I'm working on my profile, it has taken some extra time due to the custom changes I must make to my hero lab stat block for soulbolt.

I will also try to get something on paper concerning his background with Eylissa. I am moving forward with the right hand man idea. After reading Grom's background, I can surmise that they would know each other well and be accustomed to working together for House Daylethanu.

GM, seeking approval on the use of an Elven Outfit listed in the Athasian Emporium. It should be a simple conversion, providing a +2 bonus on stealth checks while in the appropriate terrain (which I would assume would be desert unless the Swiftwing tribe resides someplace else?).

I was also wondering if use of this outfit would negate my monk bonus to AC. I would assume not since it is not protective equipment, but just wanted to double check.


Mr Sorcerer King,

What flavor retooling for the Xeph have you in mind?

Nearing completion on the Mul Metaforge. Haven't picked a name yet, but I'm considering something descriptive and not at all name-like would fit best. Something like making up a Dwarven word for "Unwanted", since I decided to go with the baked-in flavor of "He was raised as a gladiator". Tossed into the ring weaponless and armorless as an opening act, and manifested his own to protect himself.

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