The Runed Citadel

Game Master RJ the Wolf

Homebrew, Paizo only, level 1 starting 25 point buy, core/featured races.
Floating Storehouse

Current Characters

Erdrinneir Vonnarc

Male Human Writer/2
(452 posts)
Alynthar the Unchained

Male Tiefling Wizard, 1 (Necromancer [Undead]) | HP 6/8(-2) | AC 14 (T 14, FF 10) | CMD 14 | Fort +1 | Ref +4 | Will +1 | Init +10 | Perc +0 | Cold, Electricity, Fire Resistance 5 |
Active Effects:
-2 Max HP

played by Alynthar42 (55 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
Liberty's Edge Charles "Shield" Gossamar

male Human Brawler (Shield Champion)/1: HP (13/13): AC (20/touch=13/flat=17): Saves (Fort=4/Ref=5/Will=0): Initiative +3: Perception 3: Sense Motive 3

played by gossamar4 (51 posts)
RJ the DM

played by RJ the Wolf (94 posts)
Tatu "Tanque" Skarskind

Human Fighter 1; HP 13/13; AC 18 || T 12 || FF 16; Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +2; Init +4; Per +3; CMB 3; CMD 14; Spd 20 ft.

played by Oceanshieldwolf (57 posts)

Previous Characters

Charlie Schmidt

Human HP (10/10) IP (7/7)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 15/13/12/13 | Fort/Ref/Will +02/+05/+02 | Init +03
+9: Alchemy; +8: Disable Device, Linguistics, Spellcraft, Knowledge: Arc, Dun, Eng, Loc, Nat, Pla; +4: Perception, Use Magic Device.

played by Hotaru of the Society (76 posts)
Conall O'Kanis

Male Half-Orc Oracle (Blackblooded+Warsighted) 1st / Hp: (9*/10). Ac: 17/ Touch = 10/ Flat = 17. Saves = 1/0/3. Init: +0. Perception: +1, Sense Motive: +5

played by Baltoss (92 posts)