GM_Verdigris |
Please note:
This is not an actual recruitment, as the player list is already full. My apologies in advance for using the recruitment thread for this, but it's the way the Play-by-Post area of the board works.
Welcome to The Righteous Shall Rise... a play-by-post game based on the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path.
Please do NOT post in this thread. The first post from any character should happen in the Gameplay thread when it goes live at 10am. Thanks for your understanding on this.
Game Master & Player Commitment:
Below is the standard boilerplate of expectations, but basically it is all things you probably already know. I believe good communication, role play, and flexibility will make this an exceptional experience and you already excel in these areas. Thanks for agreeing to come play with me.
Posting: As the GM I will post at least once a day (and probably more). I also expect players to post at least once a day. If you are going to use abilities that interrupt the action (i.e. the feat Step Up), be prepared to post even more often. There will of course be exceptions caused by real life. If you know you won't be able to post, just let me know.
Role playing: I enjoy play-by-post games for their expanded opportunities for role play and hope you do as well. I'm looking forward to watching the growth of the characters unfold as they react to the world around them and to the other characters.
Roll playing: While I am no strategic genius, I do like combat to be worthwhile and some kind of challenge, and I do value the knowledge and experience of other players. That said, I hate long, drawn out arguments over rules so I don’t expect to indulge in those. I would much rather make a ruling for the current situation and move on, with discussion for future situations to be civil and off “camera”. You all probably already know all this, but I’d rather say it now to avoid any misunderstandings later.
Leveling will be event based, rather than XP based, so I won’t be tracking XP so we can focus more on the story.
Please include: Please send me the details of your character. I’ve given examples below, but feel free to add anything else you think might be pertinent and/or fun. Help me get to know your character. To help in the building process, I’ll also be sending out an excel sheet, asking for specific information about your character. Please download and email back to me separately, so your characters can get to know each other organically rather than through the building process.
The campaign traits for this AP support siblings and other connections. If you would like to build a mutual story line, please feel free, but otherwise don’t share anything more with each other than one might learn with a quick glance.
History, hopes, dreams:
Who are you, who do you come from, and why are you here? The more history, hopes, and dreams you give, the more I can try to work into the game for you, if possible. I will be sending out a small survey to all of you privately, requesting short answer information on your character so that the rest of the players can get to know you through future roleplay. Let me know what your hopes are for the future, and if there are any dark things your character keeps from even themselves, please let me know.
Family and Geographic history is important. You can be from anywhere in Golarion, but there must be a reason you left there to come here. The more distant your homeland, the more compelling your reason for staying should be.
Physical description, mental outlook. Please give me some idea of what you think you look like, and what others think you look like (if different).
Use a story format for the back story but the following is fine in a spoilered list:
Race, Class, and any major abilities. Please only enter a physical description into your profile prior to the first encounter. I will eventually want full character stat blocks entered for ease of access, but to begin with I’d like them sent to me via email.
Full character information should use the following rules:
• Sources IN: Core Rule Book, APG, ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Campaign (traits and drawbacks), Mythic Adventures. Champions of Purity, Faiths of Balance. Faiths of Purity. Wrath of the Righteous Players Guide. Other sources will be considered upon request.
• Abilities- 20 point buy, No final score higher than 18, after racial modifiers.
• HP - Max at 1st, average +1 for levels thereafter. (I may change this depending on how the AP actually runs in play.
• Race - My personal preference for races for this game follow in order: human, half orc, halfling, dwarf, half-elf, elf. That said, an excellent backstory will trump a preferred race, though aasimars, tieflings may be a hard sell. No monster races, please, but if uncertain ask.
• Three traits (No more than one from the same category), (no rich parents), one Drawback. The Players Guide has traits that have extra tie in to the campaign. I advise using them, but they are not a requirement. Regardless of what you choose, please make sure to work both into your back story.
• Alignment – Looking for Heroes; NO evil aligned characters, and any true neutral should be seriously looking for redemption.
• Classes -
• Barbarian
• Bard
• Cavalier
• Cleric
• Druid
• Fighter
• Inquisitor
• Magus
• Paladin
• Oracle
• Ranger
• Rogue
• Sorcerer
• Summoner
• Witch
• Wizard
• Please, no gunpowder archetypes. This isn't that campaign.
• Wealth – 200gp
It will be a role play heavy campaign, in a very ugly area of the world. This is a dark, unforgiving place, and the game will be as well. If puppies get kicked or kittens tossed, that may be the lightest part of the day. People, even children, may be endangered or killed, and killed may be the more pleasant of the two options. Because it is a public forum, I will keep it between the navigational buoys as established by Paizo, but I won’t flinch from the darkest parts of the story; the light of a hero shines best in the blackest night.
If you have any issues or triggers that I should be aware of, please feel free to send them to me in a private email so I can be aware.
Hurin Sundershield SonOfHelgrud |
I know that you said your group is full, but if that should change, I was a part of a couple of 4000+ post games that died a few months ago. I have never abandoned a pbp game, if you need a reliable poster please let me know. I especially like roleplaying heavy games and player interaction. Please consider me if the opportunity arises.