GM of Set |

Only one of the goblins remain, as the rest are punctured by spear and sword
The remaining goblin tries to cut at Snorri again, finally finding something under the armor!
Goblin 2: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Damage Snorry: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
it change my roll. I rolled an 18 in the preview....
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Aðalbjörn |

We're up again? No damage to Snorri?
Adjusting his footing Aðalbjörn swings his shield at the last goblin, turning his arm at the last moment so the rim hits the goblin full in the mouth.
Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

O∂ørn the Drowned |

If, by some chance, the goblin is still standing after A∂albjørn's attack, O∂ørn will tear a tuft of wool from the lining of his cloak, cast it toward the goblin, and mutter a quick prayer for Rán to flood the eyes of the goblin, taking its sight away for its wickedness.
Cast Flare. DC 13 Fortitude save or the goblin is dazzled

Snorri Svensson |

The goblin's slicer lets a cut in Snorri's leg, fortunately not deep enough to present a real threat. Aðalbjörn comes to his help and finishes the goblin, which Snorri thanks particularly.
-Hey, guys, let's see if we can find one still alive and ask him if they have any more friends...

GM of Set |

nope. All da goblins be dead
Before you are 4 very dead goblins. Not much to loot from them. 1st their gear are for small creatures. 2nd. Its goblin gear... who wants to touch goblin gear
Ulf meanders over as he inspects the carnage
"Such a waste... nothing we can do here? Shall we continue. Not too far to go now. We still need to set up camp before dark"
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O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn grunts in agreement, "A waste indeed. Though the gods do sometimes send us small tests such as this to prove our worth, so in the end, let's simply be glad that we didn't shame ourselves. Let's be on our way. As you said, we need to make camp before dark falls."

Helle Stinar |

"Yes let's go." Helle keeps glancing back at the goblins as if expecting more to be coming out of the woods at any moment.

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"Fine." said Dvallar in a tight voice "Though I would like to borrow that wand for a moment. One of them got lucky."

GM of Set |

As night began to fall they reach what looks like a small plato. He dismounts and walks to the edge. Everyone can hear him breath in deeply before he turns to the rest
"This place is perfect. I can see the cave from here. At dawn, we go and explore!" he sounded very enthusiastic
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O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn also gazes out over the cliff's edge to see if he can spot the cave Ulf is referring to.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
He also takes the opportunity to use the wand the group had purchased to provide some healing.
CLW A∂albjørn: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW Dvallar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW A∂albjørn: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Okay so 4 charges puts O∂ørn and Bjorn at full, and Dvallar at 10/11, which she will regain from a night's sleep. Sound good?

Helle Stinar |

Helle begins to make camp. She gathers wood to make a fire, and sets about making a stew. "Who wants the first watch?"

GM of Set |

healed up and ready for the evening
The cropping and the ledge throws a shadow over the entrance of the cave. If it wasnt pointed out, you would probably never even have known of its location
Ulf yawn and stretches
"Need a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day"
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O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn nods solemnly at the strange man. "Indeed. Rest well. Tomorrow we will complete the task you have set before us and you may continue on your way from our home. Helle, I will take the first watch." The Vastaviklander finds a rock or stump to lean against and takes a seat with his spear lying across his lap, his eyes reflecting the bright oranges and reds of the small campfire.

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"Thank you O∂ørn. I'll take the last watch. Dwarven eyes work well in the dark, but I thank my ancestors at sunrise."
Burn the other spell slot for a cure if anyone is still injured. Spend an hour or so setting up camp and getting dinner, then 8 hours sleep, then an hour making breakfast and packing up, then an hour meditating. 11 hours all up.
She's a terrible cook, by the way. Dwarven tastes.

Helle Stinar |

Helle picks at dinner trying not to insult the dwarf by not eating. She tries to pull a few herbs out of her pouch without anyone noticing to adjust the flavor of the food. "Night all. Wake me for second watch then."

GM of Set |

Was a very rough week, all my games went down hill, drove over 1000km, and was spent
Early the next morning, since everyone finally had a good night's sleep, you awoke with the smell of meat being cooked.
Ulf at a fire, cooked meat on the roast, you think it may be rabbit
"Good morning! Hope you all slept well, for today, we o into the cave!"

Helle Stinar |

Helle nods in agreement as she packs up her bedroll, and prepares to eat breakfast.
"I'm ready. Let's see whats in this cave."

O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn wakes early as usual and finds a small stream in which he can perform his usual morning rituals. Once he has completed his devotions, he returns to camp and quietly thanks Ulf for preparing some food. "Let's be done with it then."

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

Dvallar stirs from her meditation. "Roast rabbit? I was going to make Ironcakes. I've still some dough from last fall."

Helle Stinar |

Helle glances at Dvallar quizzically. "Are they called Iron Cakes because the dough is so old they are like sheets of iron?"

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"No, no." assured Dvallar "You cook the dough in an iron container, then seal it during cooking. Rot can't get in, so it keeps forever, and the iron infuses it with a lovely rusty taste that really brings out the salt."

O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn chuckles at Dvallar's offer of iron cakes, "Been a while since I've had an iron cake. Used to get a fair bit of the stuff while I was at sea. Never really was fond of that rusty taste, though. S'pose it makes sense a dwarf would find it appealing, though."

Helle Stinar |

Helle doesn't look convinced that the cakes are a great idea. "I'll give them a try. Rust flavor? That's a new one for me."

GM of Set |

"Yes. The rabbit is for all. But if you prefer the cakes, we can probably salt the rabbit and have it as rations for the cave?"
He makes sure the meat is rationed and dealt evenly before he begins the slow decent down the slope to the cave
---- DC 10 acrobatics check, or slide down the rest of the way, and take 1d6 non lethal damage due to scrapes and cuts
just posting to show im still here. Life still a bit hectic
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Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

cure from last night: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Dvallar stows her shield and picks her way down - only to have her feet slip out from her on a patch of moss and skid all the way down.
"Great." she murmurs disgustedly.
acrobatics=acp: 1d20 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (5) + 1 - 3 = 3
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Aðalbjörn |

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 6 - 4 = 5
With a grunt Aðalbjörn begins to make his way down the slope he starts well carefully placing each foot, but his toe caught in a hidden root and his heel turned pitching him onto his chest as he rolled the rest of the way down the slope.
Non Lethal: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Don't know how much time has passed since we faught the brigands, I'm guessing I had time to at least heal a little bit

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

Dvallar offers a hand to Aðalbjörn.
"Harder than it looks in armour." she notes. Sighing she murmurs some words and animates the rope in her pack. That done, she instructs it to assist the others to descend.
casting animate rope

Helle Stinar |

Helle carefully tries to climb down to the cave. She uses the rope that Dvallar was so kind to send back up the hill for them. She still tumbles down and lands at Dvallar's feet. "Oof that wasn't fun."
Acrobatics: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

GM of Set |

Ulf waits patiently for them to meet him at the bottom
"Okay, i will take us to the mouth of the cave, from there i will follow once I know it is safe. I can only say what i know about the entrance. There seems to be a puzzle of some sort, it involves levers, how it works, i do not know. Beyond that room, is a mustery to me. Do be careful"
-Posted with Wayfinder

O∂ørn the Drowned |

Acrobatics: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
NL damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
O∂ørn begins to make his way carefully down the hill, feeling his way for loose soil with the butt of his spear. His focus is drawn away by a couple of the others as they tumble down around him. His foot hits some gravel and slips out from under him. He falls hard, but manages to only come away with a few scrapes and bruises.
Once he reaches the bottom and Ulf gives the group their first hint about what to expect at the cave's entrance, O∂ørn nods solemnly. "We'll be ready. I'm sure between six of us, we'll be able to sort out the puzzle."

Helle Stinar |

Helle stands and dusts herself off. She nods as she takes her place toward the back of the group. "A puzzle? Ok lets see what we can figure out."

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"For the Ancestor's sake, no-one pull anything until we've had a chance to examine it properly." Dvallar's words were patronising, but her tone suggested it was from bitter experience.

Snorri Svensson |

Snorri realises he is not the one to really solve puzzles or the like, so he decides to listen to what the others have to say.
-Good... so you do the talking and I do... mmmh... I'll do whatever, right?

O∂ørn the Drowned |

Before the group heads off to the cave, O∂ørn makes the rounds with the recently purchased curative wand to help prepare everyone for any threats they might encounter in subterranean darkness.
Cure Helle: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Cure A∂albjørn: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Dvallar, let me know if you want me to take care of that non-lethal damage from your fall.

Helle Stinar |

Helle casts light on a small rock, and follows the fighters into the cave. "If you would prefer a sword or shield to be lit just let me know, and I can put my spell there."

O∂ørn the Drowned |

Okay. If we're all healed up, I'll keep the charges. I'm sure we'll need them eventually. And I don't see any reason why O∂ørn might observe the wand's magic until he actually uses it. If it seems particularly potent, he might wonder though.
O∂ørn follows Helle's lead, allowing her to guide them forward by the light she provides. As he falls in behind her, he straps on his shield and turns to Ulf. "So? Where is this cave?"

GM of Set |

He points up the "path" and explains
"Once you are over that little ridge, you will be infront of the cave."
The path he points is basically just a pathway that easy to access. But not easy to use. Rocks. Loose ground. Vegitation. All this you need to contend with.
difficult terrain. Not dangerous. Unless you wish to run up the slope...
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O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn does not hesitate, but strikes out to follow the path up the slope of the ridge. His legs ache for the gentle turn of the waves as his feet strike the hard, shifting stones of the footpath. Though his mind occasionally carries him back to the sea, his eyes scan the area for any sign of wildlife.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15