They are undead yes. they are rather tough. may need sharp object to pierce their skin Helle, as they explode, and the water inside their logged bodies spray over you you suddenly feel you inside lurch. not sick or anything, but you cant seem to place what just happened Your evil eye does seem to make more water flow out of the walking corpse Odorn and Dvaller, you easily hit the slow and lumbering sailor zombies, but your attacks do not seem to do any form of damage to their grey and shrivled up skin Odorn feels the weight as a zombie slams his shoulder into his chest 2 damage Neither of Snorri or Dvallar was succesfully attacked as their slow movements and perhaps the attack from Helle through their aim, if one could call it that, off Party is up
Snorry's swing goes a bit wide as he seems to miss judge their erratic movement The zombies that were charged seem to sway and then fling themselves at their assailants snorry The bloated sailor simply seems to flail at nothing dvaller It almost gives her a nasty head but but she managed to pull her head away just in time Helle now as a waterlogged sailor in her face to deal with -Posted with Wayfinder
At the shout the bloated forms slowly turn. Water still pouring from the facial orifices. A continual state of drowning it seemed. Gurgling they reach out to you. Their advances slow and eratic. One could hardly determine how they would move next no Rolling initiative. You each get a full round before the zombies reach you -Posted with Wayfinder
They seem to be shambling. You do not know how close or even what would trigger these abominations to attack you. Water seems to be flowing from their dislocated jaws into the stream below them, As it vanishes underneath the rocks. Now that you are close, those of you with profession sailor or knowledge history, Can make checks DC15:
These poor souls. They seem to be from a ship that was presumed lost at sea. A ship that hailed from the town you set out from. Yet there is no wreckage here... How did this come to be? -Posted with Wayfinder
If didn't follow you down. Guys this time it's all on me. No excuses. I simply looked at my games and I just didn't see me playing OR GMing. I don't know if I was just lazy or burnt out... Indeed. The smell and the little you know, these creatures are no longer alive. But the exact details on how to deal with them eludes you. You slowly move forward to the creatures. As you get closer, one of them turns, even though it was facing you, it did not seem to see you. It could be a few things. But the most prevalent reason you suspect is that it was half of both eyes were missing. Not to mention the bloated grey skin of a body that was in the water too long. -Posted with Wayfinder
sorry guys. None of my games updated. Catching up now The beings seem very human. You are still a far way off. None of them seem to have noticed you yet. As you get closer. You can hear groans coming from them. Not much else. And a very strong odour starts to fill your nostrils Nature 11:
The smell of decay of flesh -Posted with Wayfinder
As you slowly approach the opening, you are greeted by a large natural cavern. Rocks jutting from the ceiling as well as the floor. Jagged at the edges and more smooth as it goes down to the middel. A stream seems to be making its way through entire length of the cavern. As you take in the natural wonders, your eyes catch movement. Three portly humanoids milling about near the other end of the cavern. The seem to be converging near the area where the stream vanishes past the wall of the area. -Posted with Wayfinder
The sound of your footfalls are all that you hear. It os almost deafining in your ears. Till what feels like hours. about 20min of walking you hear the sound of dripping water. But due to the echo in the tunnel you have a hard time to determine how far ahead the sound is from Perception DC25:
Over the echo there is a very feint sound of shuffling -Posted with Wayfinder
When the last person steps through. The lever is pulled. Loud grinding can be heard, and then a loud click. Other than that there is no sign of anything visible that changed. Everyone can make a perception check. But please note for which side you make the check. One for where you came from and the other from the fork in the road. Only 1 can be made. And need to choose for what side Perception DC15 (way you came):
The gate seemed to shudder a bit as you heard the load click. You think it may have been locked in place Fork DC20:
There seems to be a feint sound coming from the left tunnel. One can barely make it out. Could it possibly be movement? -Posted with Wayfinder
lowlight. There are a few patches of luminous moss. Orange in color As you struggle to prop the gate open, one of those who enters (either one.) Notices further down the way is another similar lever built into the wall. The tunnel, past the lever, seems to split into two direction from your position -Posted with Wayfinder
Each lever convers more and more grinding until the last lever is pulled and the ominous click feels like the sound of thunder in your ears. What sounds like metal on metal screeches and slowly the gate that barred your way to the deeper of the cave begins to grind open for you -Posted with Wayfinder
just the one lever or do you pull them in succession as discussed? But will post as if you pulled only one. Will add if all of them are pulled As the lever is pulled cranking and clicking could be heard. One was not sure if things were falling into place or perhaps there were things being armed. But other than the noises, nothing else happens as the lever clicks into place as its pulled completely -Posted with Wayfinder
Mural (?):
Depicts a wolf ripping the jagular out of a man on the ground. Very gory Mural (?):
In this depiction one can see a wolf that is standing on some sort of jutted out piece of rock. It seems to be howling Mural (?):
On this one you can see a wolf snarling with what seems to be a cave behind it Mural (?):
This mural depicts a wilf entering a cave -Posted with Wayfinder
Odorn, as you look around, you believe there are some sort of murals on the top section of this cavern. But they are completely covered in dirt and dust. Only way to uncover them is to go up there and clean them off sorry. This is my fault. I thought i posted this 3 days ago. But it was just sitting in my wayfinder... unposted :/ -Posted with Wayfinder
much thanks =^^= You enter a rather large cavern shape. The light is enough to illuminate most of it. But flame does throw shadows everywhere. So the room itself looks alive To your front is a pedastil. There are 4 levers on it. A few feet infront you see a large, thick iron bar gate that seems to be blocking the passage ahead. There are stone stairs leading to what seems to be walkways around the chaimber -Posted with Wayfinder
will post proper tomorrow. Start of work had me busy. Ulf points into the cave As you enter the cave, the passage narrows till only 2 can walk next to each other. The walls are covered in what looks like pictures. Carved deep into the stone. The light of the torches almost creates an illusion of the pictures dancing as the shadows move with the light -Posted with Wayfinder
He points up the "path" and explains The path he points is basically just a pathway that easy to access. But not easy to use. Rocks. Loose ground. Vegitation. All this you need to contend with. difficult terrain. Not dangerous. Unless you wish to run up the slope... -Posted with Wayfinder
Ulf waits patiently for them to meet him at the bottom -Posted with Wayfinder
"Yes. The rabbit is for all. But if you prefer the cakes, we can probably salt the rabbit and have it as rations for the cave?" He makes sure the meat is rationed and dealt evenly before he begins the slow decent down the slope to the cave ---- DC 10 acrobatics check, or slide down the rest of the way, and take 1d6 non lethal damage due to scrapes and cuts just posting to show im still here. Life still a bit hectic -Posted with Wayfinder
Was a very rough week, all my games went down hill, drove over 1000km, and was spent Early the next morning, since everyone finally had a good night's sleep, you awoke with the smell of meat being cooked.
"Good morning! Hope you all slept well, for today, we o into the cave!"
healed up and ready for the evening The cropping and the ledge throws a shadow over the entrance of the cave. If it wasnt pointed out, you would probably never even have known of its location Ulf yawn and stretches -Posted with Wayfinder