Helle Stinar |

Helle takes her coin. "It was an honor."
Turning to the others she asks, "Where should we begin our investigations?"

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

Dvallar froze at the raised voices. Humans yelled all the time, but it still shocked her after the quiet dark of the dwarven cities. Her ares literally pricked up, and she closed her eyes for a moment as she futilely tried to pick the context from the quiet conversation.
perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

O∂ørn the Drowned |

I wonder what that's about...
The stoic expression on O∂ørn's face did not betray the flurry of thoughts rising in his mind. There could be no doubt that the stranger in the wolf pelts had somehow upset the jarl, but was it simply some kind of insolent remark, or perhaps something more grave? As the weathered godi counted out the spoils of his efforts protecting the Jarl's daughters, he quieted his breathing and strained to hear more of the conversation.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Aðalbjörn |

With a low, rumbling growl Aðalbjörn halts his clumsy counting of the coins and remains perfectly silent and still, listening to the sounds coming from the Jarl's room.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Helle Stinar |

Helle stops, and tries to hear more. She's used to people yelling about her, and hopes it isn't her this time that caused it.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
If she hears nothing more, she's going to head out of the hall and toward her home outside the village.

Snorri Svensson |

You also get a bag that has all the starting gear you picked for your character
Well, since I started without gear (and didn't bother pick any), I'm going to assume a light armour, a weapon and shield and a backpack.
EDIT: and you can count on my 150 gp for the wand.

GM of Set |

None of you manage to hear the rest of the conversation. But it becomes clear moments later, when the Jarls man appears yet again. His face was without emotion. But the fact that he was scared was there. Since his face was white
"I am sorry for the intrusion, but the Jarl asked me to send for you again, he would like to discuss a very private matter with you, tonight if possible" he stands there, waiting for your reply
i should make a document with all the NPC names.... i suck at remembering :P
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GM of Set |

GM of Set wrote: You also get a bag that has all the starting gear you picked for your character Well, since I started without gear (and didn't bother pick any), I'm going to assume a light armour, a weapon and shield and a backpack. EDIT: and you can count on my 150 gp for the wand.
well. You can compile a bag with starting wealth of GP. If i am wrong, correct me, but did everyone get 150 starting gear?
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Helle Stinar |

well. You can compile a bag with starting wealth of GP. If i am wrong, correct me, but did everyone get 150 starting gear?
It was starting wealth for class not 150.

Aðalbjörn |

"Until this evening then, I have a few things I need to look to while we are back. Snorri, do you need directions anywhere?"
350gc to spend... GM how do you want to work purchases long term, will there be availability issues or is it if we can afford it we can have it

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"Well, I'm off to see what I can do with a borrowed forge and some simple tools. I'll see you all there tonight."
Dvallar's face twists as if she has bitten into a lemon "I should probably pass some of this wealth on to my employees." she asks more than says, obviously hoping someone will say 'no'.

Helle Stinar |

"If you want to keep them working hard, it's probably a good idea. Do they make much? "

O∂ørn the Drowned |

"Is it custom among your people not to pay one's laborers? Even if it is, best to pay what you're able, as we humans tend to appreciate compensation for our work."

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"It is the custom among my people. We have clear agreements. This 'Ring-Giving' of yours drives me mad with its vaguery. Why should the fortune of a hirdman change what her people are paid? The work should earn the pay, not simply good will for some later handout. It is impossible to plan around."

Helle Stinar |

Sorry. I don't need much right now so I'm good. Magic gear is expensive.

GM of Set |

Night falls, fires dot the small town as people prepare to make food. And enjoy each other's company. Except for the home of the Jarl. It is not as let up as the rest. Which seems a bit odd. He is usually one to really enjoy the evening gatherings
As you enter. You see him on his throne. A solumn look on his face. The small torches not helping to improve the already dark mood that seems to hang thick in the air.
As you enter, he looks up, he gives a big sigh as he slowly gets up. Looking much older than he actaully is
"Evening. Thank you for coming. I do not know who else to ask, as this is a matter i would like to keep from the rest of the town" he motions for you to take seats before he continues
"I am sure you heard my... discussion... this afternoon. I need to be as truthful as possible. I am... obligated to marry my eldest daughter off to a young...man. But I feel i am being forced into this. He has agreed to stave off the betrothal, if you help him get a certain artifact he wishes. If you succeed, he will consider calling it off." he pauses a second. But he keeps a hand up to stop from being interrupted
"Any chance to not have this happen, even if it is a trivial chance, I will take. So i ask that you go in the morning to help him retrieve this artifact"
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O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn's expression grows more grave and confused as the Jarl continues to speak. Finally, as the Jarl concludes his command, the godi takes a step forward. "My Jarl, we are yours to command, and surely we will do as you have requested, but I must ask: who is this man who could force a powerful leader such as yourself into such an arrangement? Surely there is enough strength in these lands to refuse a betrothal if it is not agreeable to you. Who is this man that feels he can make demands of the great Jarl Olaf Henrikson?"

GM of Set |

He looks around. His voice almost a whisper
"He is powerful. And my army will mean nothing if I try to go against his wishes. It is something.... owed for a long time. And its being collected. I have very little choice." he sighs and sits back down
"He will meet you at the front gate, before the sun rises. Once again. I am in your debt for helping me with this matter"
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Helle Stinar |

"I am honored to help Jarl. Do you have any information about the artifact or where it might be located? Will we be traveling far? I need to let the Odi know I'll be away for a while."

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

Dvallar nods in understanding. A debt must be paid, with interest if necessary. "Very well. I will eat, rest, and be there before the sun rises."

O∂ørn the Drowned |

"Thank you, Jarl Olaf. May the gods give you peaceful slumber." As the Jarl leaves and the party makes its way out of the hall, O∂ørn turns to the others.
"To state what is obvious, it would seem that young man we encountered earlier possesses some great power. Before we ourselves retire for the evening, perhaps we should ask around about him and see if there is any connection to the talisman we discovered. We seem to be at a severe disadvantage in this quest, but a bit more knowledge may help us even the odds. What say you all?"

Helle Stinar |

"I will ask the Odi if she knows anything about our visitor, the talisman or spirit wolves."

Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"Pack. Eat. Sleep." Dvallar states firmly "Gossip is useful, but I think we'll see hard travel tomorrow."

Aðalbjörn |

"By your Will Jarl"
Aðalbjörn does his best to not let any of his strong misgivings show, his duty is to serve the Jarl no mater his own feelings.
"Ask your questions little Helle, but tomorrow we have only ourselves to consult, sleep deep all."
and with that he strides off to his stead.

O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn nods at the wisdom of Dvallar and Aðalbjörn, but feels that any chance to learn more about this stranger would only help them. He makes his way into the town, trying to discern who might know something about the man. The godi is so lost in thought that, without him knowing it, his feet carry him to the docks, where a few sailors are still loading and unloading cargo on some of the trade vessels. O∂ørn silently thanks Rán for guiding his steps to the place that he believes might actually help him most, then he begins moving among the sailors, praising them for their perseverance and hard labor and asking them if they had seen a stranger garbed in wolf pelts sail into the city today.
Diplomacy (gather intel): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn thanks the men for their help and blesses them in their work, then decides he has likely exhausted the font of information he might retrieve in the waning hours of the evening. He somberly makes his way to his small hovel a short distance down the shore, prepares and takes a modest meal of bread and fish, packs his things for the morning, and heads to bed. As he drifts off to sleep with the sound of the waves filling his ears and spreading throughout his entire being, a dark thought of the stranger in the wolf pelts and his knowing grin from earlier enters his mind. The Jarl's words repeat in his mind as he fades into unconsciousness, "He is powerful. And my army will mean nothing if I try to go against his wishes. It is something.... owed for a long time. And its being collected. I have very little choice." From what O∂ørn could tell from those words, the dawn would bring little light.

Helle Stinar |

Helle heads to her home outside the village walls. "Odi? I have news, and some questions. The Jarl has asked that I do something for him tomorrow morning. I will be away for a while. I'm not sure how long. Please have someone tend the herb garden. Now to my questions. Do you know anything about spirit wolves, and do you have any ideas about who or what a young man wearing wolf pelts might be? The Jarl is sending me and a few others with him in the morning."
She packs her bag and gets ready for the journey.

GM of Set |

weekend was awesome. Then work then i forget. But im back
assuming you are there early in the morning
You all get your things ready. Packed. Geared up as you approach the main gate. Ulf is there to greet you. A pleasent smile on his face. He too seems to be packed and ready to go
"Ah. Greetings and good morning. A early start to the day. I am happy the Jarl chose you"
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GM of Set |

"Spirit Wolves? I have heard stories about them. They are vicious. Bloodthirsty. And incredibly smart. They hunt in packs. And only hunt those they were summoned to hunt. More than that... i do not know. Be careful if you deal with them, or with something that can summon them"
Thinking a bit, Odi replies
"All that i know is that he arrived early this morning. A very pleasant young man. Greeted all he came across. What business he has with the Jarl i can not say"
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Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir |

"Ah. Greetings and good morning. A early start to the day. I am happy the Jarl chose you"
Why is he being so pleasant?
Dvallar nodded her head to the young man and spoke abruptly. "Good morning also to you. I am Dvallar Dvallinsdóttir. Smith, Warrior, and Priestess. I did not bring my horse - do we leave by boat, or walk?"
Helle Stinar |

Helle hurries up trying to straighten her hair as she rushes. He pack is packed haphazardly. "I hope I'm not late. Last minute discussions on how to handle some of the village illnesses while I'm away.

GM of Set |

"Ah. The ladies of our little adventure. Nice to see you. And no. You are not late. Infact. You are the second to arrive"
at her question "Well. There is a cave not far from here that I would like to investigate first. Then we set off on boat. Hope that is satisfactory? "
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Aðalbjörn |

"Greetings once more."
Aðalbjörn can barely conceal his distaste for the situation.
"Can you give us any more information as to what we are doing on this journey. I do not like walking into the jaws of the world unprepared."

GM of Set |

He looks around. Making sure that they are not being spied on before he explain in a hushed whisper
"Very well. I need to explain eventually. You see. My tribe wants me to find a skull. Not any skull. But the skull of a long dead dire wolf. Its part of one of our legends and it is said to have magical properties that if unlocked had a lot of power for my people. So my first clue braught me here"
-Posted with Wayfinder

O∂ørn the Drowned |

O∂ørn rises early that morning and makes his way directly to the beach, his shield and spear in hand. He wades a short distance into the water, and carefully scoops the salt water over the boss of his shield and the haft of his spear as he says a prayer to Rán to strengthen these weapons. "Might Rán, bless these armaments to do the will of the gods. Strengthen this shield to protect your servant against your enemies, and guide this spear to pierce the hearts of those whom you disfavor." After washing his gear in the sea, he does the same for himself, allowing the waves to wash over him and putting his head under the surf to show his submission to the deity who had given him a second chance to prove his worth and earn a good death. His rituals complete, O∂ørn returned to his home, packed the last of his belongings, and made his way to meet his fate alongside the others.
He approached quietly, just as Ulf begins to explain the purpose of their quest. As he concludes his story, O∂ørn asks, "Am I right to assume that such a legendary artifact would not lie unprotected? And, if you don't mind my asking, which tribe is it that you hail from?"

GM of Set |

okay. A bit of world building here. Since i have no idea how things would normally work. Also. Can someone help with a doc for loot/important npcs? Most of the time on my phone so a bit difficult for me
"You are indeed correct. That is why I asked for people to help me find it." he looks in a northern direction
"A place called Varskul, deep North."
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