
Jiraiya22's page

Organized Play Member. 210 posts (497 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 8 aliases.


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Paper Masters can already do bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage using pebbles you pick up from the road. The Aether is what's doing damage, it just needs a nucleus to wrap around.

A telekinetic blast does full blast damage to the object you use it with and telekinetic blast isn't an energy attack. You'd shatter your gauntlets in just a few attacks unless they were adamantine.

You have 2 problems. First in order for this to work at all both targets need to not move. When you first delay a delayed blast you have to choose the targets of the blast, and with Foe Throw one of the targets is the creature to be thrown. So you can't use this to target patrolling enemies with a delayed blast .
The second problem is that you'll do less damage moving both of them to a 3rd square than you will if you fling one into the other's square. This is because no matter what timing or readied action stuff you pull one enemy will always reach the target square first, meaning he can't crash into his ally to deal damage to him. He can only deal damage to the floor there, which I'll assume you don't care about. So while you can do this you'll have to make sure the positioning is worth sacrificing one blast's worth of damage.

That's fair. I'll go clarify when I expand the elemental section.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Hey so The FAQ came out and the invisibility is self only.

Thank you, good to know.

Catharsis wrote:
Even though Jedi use melee attacks more than other kineticists it’s recommended they take Weapon Finesse so that they can still fling blasts in situations where melee is impractical.
Um, what?

I've clarified this in the guide now. Jedi work best as switch hitters. If you want to play a strictly melee kineticists it's best to go Elemental Ascetic and drop blasts entirely.

Catharsis wrote:

You count as being 4 levels behind for the purpose of picking secondary-element wild talents, though. If you're a secondary Aero, you get to pick Wings at 10th and Torrent* at 11th at the earliest.

(* Mark said that Electric was supposed to work with Torrent.)

You get fire and telekinetic flight at 10th level as well but they're generally inferior to air flight. Air is the best secondary element to pick up because they get so many nice things so early.

Catharsis wrote:
There's a Reflex save.

Whoops, missed that. Thanks.

Mark Seifter wrote:
I have been reading every guide thoroughly, and I think he thinks that gusting infusion deals damage in a line like the form infusion torrent? I have noticed small things like that in most of the guides, but I don't want to be running around nitpicking these awesome (and I know from personal experiencing very very time consuming) works of fan effort, so I haven't been mentioning them very much.

Ah, so it doesn't then. Thank you for your input and I can tell you that I very much appreciate any nitpicking you want to do.

Catharsis wrote:
I believe Mark has officially said that holding an object for the purpose of Telekinetic Blade does not interfere with Gather Power.

So I don't really know how the universe would know you were gathering power for kinetic blade rather than something else? And you still wouldn't be able to Gather Power for any other blast, meaning you'd have to waste time dropping the item and drawing a new one when you want to make another kinetic blade. You can grab Quickdraw to make it happen but why bother?

Catharsis wrote:
I used to think so as well, but the main raison d'être here is to push your debuffs through. When you get the ability, you can trip or entangle several...

My problem with this ability is that you can do the same things it does with any AoE ability without sacrificing as much damage. You only get equal damage to a regular blast if you're hasted and if you hit different targets. If you hit the same target you get the save DC boost but lose all your static damage. You could use a line attack to hit at least 2 people for your full blast damage and apply a save DC substance infusion.

Catharsis wrote:
I'd like to point out, though, that you usually have better things to do with your move action, such as Gathering Power for an Empower. Also, the Mobile Blast is "extremely loud", so yes, it...

Yeah, you're probably right. I like the idea of a mobile damage dealing object that doesn't require your standard action but it's such an awkward ability to use. I think I'll change this rating.

Thank you all for your comments. I plan on adding full builds and clarifications of the Iconic, Jedi, and Paper Master over the course of the week as well as expanding the elements section.

Chess Pwn wrote:
The scarred witch doctor no longer is a con based class

Huh, didn't notice that change. Guide altered.

N. Jolly wrote:
Oh man, looks like kin guides are all the rage now! This is the third one up aside from mine and the telekineticist guide, although there was one on GITP first, so I guess that would make this one the fourth. Either way, it's good to see people taking to this class so much!

I'll have to check those out.

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So I really like the new kineticist class and decided to write up a guide for them. This is my first guide so I'd like any advice people have to offer on how to improve it.

Kineticist Guide

It seems to say that it turns your blast into a 60 ft line attack plus the effects of gust of wind? That's way better than Torrent which you get access to 5 levels later. I'd believe it more if it only caused the effects of gust of wind to the target of an ordinary blast but gust of wind has some effects that don't make sense as an attack roll and that's not what the text of gusting infusion implies. On the other hand gusting infusion is a substance infusion, which usually doesn't alter the shape of a blast. Any thoughts?

What was the race boon at Gencon this year? I heard there might not be one.

Telekinetic blast just says it flings a nearby object, it doesn't say the object has to be in your square. Can you fling an object from an angle to avoid cover? Or from a target's square?

I don't really get why Zealot vigilantes exist. They don't get any unique powers, use the inquisitor spell list, and almost all of their vigilante talents are inquisitor abilities. Their flavor's pretty much the same as an inquisitor too. Unlike the Avenger, who gets feat chains and Vital Strike AoOs, the Stalker, who gets tons of powerful talents, and the Warlock, who at least gets eldritch bolts, the Zealot gets nothing cool or interesting. They feel entirely like an afterthought just put in to fill out the warrior/rogue/wizard/cleric square.

The summary says the playtest ends on Thursday, July 20th but July 20th is a Monday. Is the playtest going to end that Thursday, or on the 20th?

Joyd wrote:
I think most DMs would let you use the ship as a community for the purposes of Renown, but by the rules your renown-based abilities would only apply to the ship, not to whatever port the ship happened to be docked in, any more than having a small neighborhood as one of your communities would let your renown abilities apply to the entire city the neighborhood is in.

The Intimidate portion of renown applies to within a few miles of the community.

Can a ship qualify to be a community for the purposes of renown? It'd be nice to have a traveling location to get the bonus from and it would make sense for a ship to spread rumors about their captain when they enter port.

The DC to resist spells you cast to ensure peace or force aggressive creatures to become peaceful increases by +2. This affects spells that dissuade creatures from aggressive actions without exerting long-term or absolute control over them, and without leaving them defenseless. These spells include, but are not limited to, calm animals, calm emotions, command, compassionate ally, enthrall, euphoric tranquility, sanctuary, and serenity.

This feat has GM fiat written all over it but it's completely legal for PFS. What other spells should fall under this banner and should spells that sometimes qualify and sometimes not like Sow Thoughts be able to qualify based on use?

Edit: Also what about debuff spells that penalize attacking? Something like Archon's Aura could be said to dissuade creature's from aggressive actions as could Bestow Curse or Mark of Justice situationally. The language is so vague.

You don't count as having a class feature until you level into it.

I didn't look up my pfs number the first time I went to a pfs event at my new gaming store a few months ago. I've been using that pfs number ever since and was wondering if it would be possible to synch that number to this account instead of the old one.

A Mesmerist's Surprising Switch allows 2 characters to appear to be one another. Is this change dynamic? If the mesmerist uses Alter Self to change his appearance does his Switch partner's appearance change?

Are the changes at the beginning of this thread legal in PFS?

Immolation Bomb:

Benefit: When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have its substance coat the direct target’s body, causing the bomb to deal its damage over time instead of all at once. The bomb’s effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of damage dice the bomb would normally deal (for instance, a 5d6 bomb lasts for 5 rounds). When the bomb hits the direct target, the bomb deals 1d6 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier in damage, and those within the splash zone take damage equal to 1 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. It repeats this damage against the direct target of the bomb each round the immolation bomb lasts, dealing the damage at the start of the alchemist’s turn. Splash damage is dealt again to any creature that is adjacent to the direct target when it takes damage from the immolation bomb. A creature taking damage from an immolation bomb’s direct hit can attempt to extinguish the flames as a full-round action that requires a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligent modifier). Because of the alchemical nature of this bomb, rolling on the ground does not grant a bonus on the saving throw, and dousing a creature with water does not stop it from burning. These bombs can be used underwater.

Sticky Bomb:

Benefit: The effects of the alchemist’s bombs are persistent and continue to damage creatures for 1 round after the initial damage. Creatures that take a direct hit from a sticky bomb take the splash damage 1 round later. Bombs that have effects that would normally occur 1 round later instead have those effects occur 2 rounds later.

Sticky Bombs aren't asterisked so the two effects can be used simultaneously. I'm just not entirely certain how they work together.

Ring of Tactical Precision:
The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Profession (soldier) checks, and anytime the wearer gives or receives a numeric bonus from a teamwork feat or the aid another action, that bonus increases by +1. By wearing the ring for 1 hour, a creature may imbue it with a teamwork feat he knows for 24 hours. During this time, any creature wearing the ring may use that feat when cooperating with the creature that imbued it, but not with other creatures even if they possess the same teamwork feat. If the ring is imbued with a new teamwork feat, it replaces the previous feat.

Essentially if me and an ally both have Amplified Rage or something does my ally wearing this ring count as giving me a numeric bonus from a teamwork feat?

Bonuses from the same source don't stack even if they're untyped.

So how do special movement rules work while mounted? The mounts using its actions to moves but at your initiative. Can Step Up and Strike work while mounted? Who needs to have Rhino Charge in mounted combat, the rider, the mount, or both?

I've been trying to figure out how movement feats like Step Up and Rhino Charge work with mounted combat and I came across this thread. rge-while-mounted-and-using-a-lance

The question:
So I got into this discussion the last time my group met and I still don't have a solid answer. When a medium character wielding a lance charges on his mount he needs to stop and attack from 10 feet away to make his attack because he's using a reach weapon. This is where the argument begins for us, my friend uses the following passages from the Mounted Combat and Charge sections of the Combat chapter for support.

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge.

You must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent.

He points out that because your mount is the one charging and because it must move to the "closest space from which you can attack the opponent" which for a horse is adjacent, its rider can't make an attack with a lance or any reach weapon. While I can't help but agree with him in his interpretation of the rules there are glaring examples (double damage with a lance, spirited charge, etc) throughout the core book that indicate a mounted character can indeed make a charge attack with a lance. Is he wrong?

The response:
Your friend is basically wrong.
The mounted combat rules are not very well written. But the crux of the matter is that there is a distinction between you charging while mounted, and your mount charging while you are mounted.
From the Mounted Combat section of the SRD: Your mount acts on your initiative count as you direct it. You move at its speed, but the mount uses its action to move.
Mechanically, the mount spends its action to grant you its movement, rather than moving directly itself.
In other words, when you "move" while mounted, the mount spends actions. When you charge while mounted, the mount spends actions, but you are still the one who is charging.
Particularly bad is this paragraph: If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).
You really have two different clauses here. The first is what happens when your mount charges (instead of granting you movement): If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge.
The second is the special rule for lances, which triggers "when you make a charge while mounted:"When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge). When trying to run at someone and hit them with a lance, the mechanics are: Y
ou take the charge full-round action.
The mount spends its actions to grant you its movement.
You stop at the edge of your reach, and poke it with your lance.

By contrast, I suppose you could command your mount to charge.
The mount takes the full-round charge action.
The mount moves to within its reach of the target.
The mount attacks.
You may attack, if able (but generally not with a lance, because your mount is too close to the target).

Is this actually how mounted combat works? If not how does it?

Nefreet wrote:

There has never been an answer to your question posted to the FAQ or any errata document.

Sohei wrote:
Bonus Feats: A sohei may select mounted combat feats as bonus feats.

The general consensus is that "mounted combat feats" (notice the lack of capitalization) means "any feat with Mounted Combat as a prerequisite", as well as Mounted Combat itself.

Yes, this means you could theoretically take such high level feats as Mounted Skirmisher and Trick Riding at 1st level. Many a discussion has been had on this matter over the years.

You shouldn't encounter table variation on this, though, as there isn't really an interpretation beyond what I've outlined above. The ability states "feats", plural, so it must refer to feats beyond Mounted Combat itself. Without any other guidance, PFS GMs shouldn't have the ability to pick and choose which feats your character does or doesn't qualify for.

Thank you, that was insightful.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This is for PFS so I need a RAW answer. Is there anyplace that clearly defines a Mounted Combat feat?


Does Kirin Style's damage multiply off of Spirited Charge? How about on a crit? How exactly would it multiply? Ordinarily you add multipliers together so a x3 crit on a x2 Spirited Charge would combine to be x5 damage. However Kirin Style multiplies a stat and adds it as a static damage bonus to a weapon damage roll. Would Kirin Style add 2x, 3x or 4x your intelligence modifier to a Spirited Charge?

If I am an Oracle and I'm holding onto a Harm spell using hold the charge will it go off if I use my Aging Touch revelation?

Makes sense.

mplindustries wrote:

For reference, Aboleth's Lung has the following range and targets:

"Range: touch
Target: living creatures touched"

So, when you us Reach Spell on it, it would become:

"Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target: living creatures touched"

In other words, Reach Spell won't help at all here.

All touch spells have target "x touched."

Those parameters apply to touch range spells, which a spell ceases to be if it's affected by Reach Spell.

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Aboleth Lung just says it affects creatures touched but with reach spell you can conceivably touch a large number of enemies. There isn't a limit built into the spell besides it saying you have to split the duration amongst all targets. It doesn't even have the usual caveat of requiring duration to be split into a minimum amount. Can you just affect as many people as you want with Aboleth Lung?

Sorry, it looks like I'm not going to be able to run this at this time. I'll PM those who are interested if I get the time to do it in the future.

Level 4 adventure into the heart of the Mwangi Jungle.

Just a quick question. How do I set up a campaign, with recruitment, discussion, gameplay tabs etc?

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack wrote:
Jiraiya22 wrote:
Is it alright if I play as an Aasimar?
Can you justify one?

Aasimar are like Tieflings, they can show up wherever there are humans that commingle with the Upper and Lower planes. As to why one's adventuring, this one was born in the slums and feels the need to hunt down evil beings as a bounty hunter.

Is it alright if I play as an Aasimar?

I have a Slayer concept in mind, I'll post with backstory and character sheet in an hour or 2.

Kelarith wrote:


Try to keep the rp out of the recruitment thread, please. It just adds a lot more that the GM has to sort through to try and find everyone's character or any questions that people might have. Thanks :D

He said to include an rp sample, everyone's just following instructions.

Interested in doing a skill monkey slayer or a bloodrager depending on party needs.
1: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) + 6 = 14
2: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5) + 6 = 15
3: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6) + 6 = 16
4: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4) + 6 = 19
5: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5) + 6 = 20
6: : 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) + 6 = 15

I'm interested in CotCT. Are you good with Advanced Player's Guide classes or archetypes?

Rioc Doloran
Freyja Ingtar
Aegin Redleaf

I'll do Tul Aspin tonight after some sleep.

With the new Advanced Class Guide come out I have a ton of character concepts rattling about in my head that I'm really itching to play. I'll have full character sheets attached in a few hours.

Arcane Generalist

Rioc Doloran (Elf Arcanist):

Rioc is an educated elf with many ideas about how to go about using magic that go against his teachers. He's running from his life and family from an arranged marriage with a woman he can't stand. His defining characteristic is his pride. He's quick to anger when insulted and holds to his word unto death.


Freyja Ingtar (Human Bloodrager):

Freyja is from the wild frostbitten tundra, a place that has no cities and few villages. She awakened her bloodrage when her family's farm was ravaged by bandits after her family was killed and her home razed. After killing several men she fled from the leader of the band and has been travelling ever since. Her defining characteristic is caution. She avoids conflict when possible and strives to end fights quickly.

Adaptive Battlemage

Aegin Redleaf (Halfling Magus):

(Uses the Eldritch Scion magus archetype, Charisma is casting stat and casting is spontaneous)
Aegin is from Taldor and believes in the principles of freedom and equality. He wants to spend his youth adventuring in the wide world before settling down a bit and joining the Taldan army, like his father. His defining characteristic is his humor. He laughs off insult and hopelessness, putting enemies at ease before bringing them defeat with shock and awe.

Skill-focused Assassin

Tul Aspin (Half-orc Slayer):

Tul is an experimenter. Amoral, he enjoys nothing more than taking devices apart and putting them back together, even if those devices happen to be made of flesh and sinew. He's been on ships since birth, though this is his first voyage without a member of his extensive family on the crew with him. His defining characteristic is curiosity. He goes out of his way to study anything new he comes across, though protecting companions and the ship has been pounded into his head from a young age.

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I'm not saying do it every combat, but for use against golems or undead or summoners that have specific spells that wreck their day? Move Earth does 5d12 damage to clay golems and pushes them back 120 feet with no save. Guess who just prepared that spell?

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Quick Study (Ex): The arcanist can prepare a spell in place
of an existing spell by expending 1 point from her arcane
reservoir. Using this ability is a full-round action that
provokes an attack of opportunity. The arcanist must be able
to reference her spellbook when using this ability. The spell
prepared must be of the same level as the spell being replaced.

What the f---? Am I reading this wrong? For those of you who don't know the Arcanist is the new Sorcerer/Wizard hybrid class paizo released in the Advanced Class Guide. They're essentially sorcerers with fewer spells per day but the ability to prepare new spells known every morning. They were considered one of the strongest classes in the playtest. Then they released this ability with the book's official release as one of the Arcane Exploits Arcanists get every other level. Not only does this ability overwrite prepared spells, something that nothing else in the game can do, it can do so in combat. Why would I ever play a wizard or a sorcerer if I can play an Arcanist and be a sorcerer who chooses his spells on the fly?

Draco18s wrote:
Pretty sure it's "player choice" provided you're losing unspent slots.

Oh hey, draco18s, you responded to my thread :P. I'm in your upcoming Reign of Winter game.

This topic has been done to death over skill ranks with a Headband of Intellect but what happens to bonus spells or spell slots you've prepared if your headband gets stolen? Do you lose prepared spells? How do you determine which ones?

I understand that I can add reach using Construction Points, I'm just wondering if Animated Objects are supposed to have a base reach of 5 ft despite size.

None of the Animated Object listings have a reach listed, even Gargantuan and Colossal. Is this an oversight or do Animated Objects intentionally have base 5 ft reach?

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