The Loom of Fate - House Caedmon (Inactive)

Game Master Retech

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My children, we've lost the faith of the ruling party, and that is a very dangerous thing. Without their support nor the support of the lowly classes, we cannot rely on our resources to save ourselves. Gather your best followers; we cannot fail in this mission.

Adventure Background
This will be a PbP adventure set in the city of Magnimar, part of a multi-GM and multi-faction extravaganza known as the Loom of Fate. I'll be DMing for a group of the House Caedmon's trusted yet obscure followers, who may not even know that they are in the house's employ.

About House Caedmon:

House Caedmon straddles the gap between the past and the future. Originally from Cheliax, the House is the junior branch of a greater noble house that has since died out. Now, only the house Caedmon remains to continue their mission. The leader, the reclusive Lord Caedmon, is known to be pragmatic in his search for greater power and employs all manners of creatures and people, so long as they are useful.

1. Give a general description of your crunch. You don't need to build it right away, but it would be nice for you to give me a brief summary so I can balance the party

2. The biggest thing that I'm looking for is roleplaying. You can show this in your background, and I wouldn't mind if you even roleplayed a bit on this thread with the other applicants if you prefer to show that way.

3. In your background, explain how you got to Magnimar and who you worked for before you are recruited by House Caedmon. The game starts with your employer handing you a letter from the House itself. Perhaps your employer is the local temple and they've chosen you as a dutiful acolyte, or perhaps you saved the life of someone one day and they've come back to thank you. You can really go anywhere with this, and I look forward to your creativity!

Character Creation
1. Level One
2. 20-point buy
3. All alignments are accepted, with the caveat that they need to be able to work together. Keep in mind that you will have been recruited by some contact of the House Caedmon for the mission, so you would not have been chosen if you were a murder-hobo.
4. Most Paizo-races accepted (not monstrous, you know what I'm talking about)
5. Emerging guns, all Paizo-classes and archetypes and accepted. I also accept the psionics rules from Dreamscarred Press, as they are very balanced.
6. Two traits. Drawback is allowed. Flavor tweaks are permitted.
7. Max Gold for your class
8. Max HP for first level, then half HD + 1 afterwards

Recruitment will be open until November 8th.

Little Note About Me:

I am back from a year-long hiatus from these boards with much more experience than my last attempt to DM, and I'm looking forward to playing with all of you. :D

Malkus Zhurgoth the Half-Orc sits waiting in a relaxed position in the Inn laughing and telling jokes and gossiping with fellow patrons. He is dressed in clerical vestments, of the initiate level, covering dusty unadorned leather armor. He looks to be slightly inebriated.
A very , very keen observer may note he is in a booth facing the entrance and within an easy distance to the back door. Further, a keen observer may note the inebriation is somewhat feigned. Further a very keen observer may note while his wardrobe is unexceptional, the boots are in excellent condition. At least the soles are in excellent condition.
Malkus was growing increasingly impatient and was finding it difficult waiting for the meeting with the new employer. He understood that he would also be working with some other freelancers (PCs) on the job. Growing up on the mean streets of Underbridge tends to make a man cautious and it was not easy for Malkus to stay in one place for too long or to trust new people. The clerical vestments were an old habit from his time as an orphan in Underbridge. Malkus was far from religious, but sometimes the thugs would leave a weak boy or man alone if he was a cleric. Malkus still keep up the habit even though he was far from weak anymore. Besides, the gods never seemed to help him out too much. Malkus wasn't pride of what it had taken to gain strength and gain some relative wealth and security in his short life. The next step in gaining some more wealth and security would be to join a guild or even better team up with some other skilled individuals. In the city of monuments, anything was possible.

ROGUE 1, Half Orc
STR 18 (includes +2 racial bonus)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10

TRAITS (Dirty Fighter, Reactionary)
ALT Racial Trait (Acute Darkness replaces Ferocity)
FEATS Improved Initiative
HP 10 AC 14 Weapons: 2 Daggers, Great axe, Short bow

If you have an opening shoot me an invite. Thanks

Grand Lodge

Urban Barbarian 1
Medium Half-elf / Humanoid (Half-elf)
Init +1; Senses Perception +6, Low-light Vision, Keen Senses,
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 14 (1d12+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2
Armor Chain Shirt, Light
Defensive Abilities Elven Immunities (PFCR 24), Dual Minded (PFAPG 17)
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Ranseur +5 (2d4+6) 20/x3 disarm, reach
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +16
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT) (PFCR 118), Power Attack (PFCR 131), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +3, Perception +6, Stealth +0, Survival +1
Traits Accelerated Drinker (Combat) (PFCo: CEoD 18 - 19), Convincing Liar (Social: Bellflower Network) (PFCh: FcGd 63)
Languages Common, Elven


Cruch: Character will be going melee and level as an Bramble Brewer Alchemyst



Azgal was an orphan who grew up in the area between Varisia and Cheliax.

He survived these years because the was a long stronger then the rest of the kids that lived in the streets.

At 16 not really wanting to stay and enlist with the local thief guild
The next night, besotted with cheap ale and languishing in a humor most foul, Azgal signed off and became a mercenary
He had been captured fighting in the Yerasol’s about a year before the end of the company's engagement contract. Shortly thereafter he was bought from the work camp, a shell of his former robust self. He had lost over 80 lbs from his former 160+ pounds, and sleeping sores and unhealed cuts left his body a mass of scar tissue. He also had a slight limp from an improperly set broken ankle, but he was alive, and on a wagon headed for who knows where....

It happened to be Magnimar. There he was told that we was going to be free as he had been chosen to be send to House Caedmon as a replacement for the Son of Cleric Bromius of the Church of Abadar, Who owed a favor to House Caedmon

Hello, I am very excited to apply to this game. I purchased Psionics Augmented today and would like to give some of the character options in there a whirl, and the description for your campaign resonated with one of the ideas in the book that I really liked.

I would like to play a Cryptic with the Lost Mind archetype. I can provide you relevant information via PM if you do not have the book. This archetype of cryptic leads more towards "scholar" and less towards "rogue", giving up trap-based abilities in favor of perception- and linguistics-based abilities, with a nice spoonful of madness-flavored goodness. As far as combat, He would be using the disrupt pattern ability primarily. Outside of combat, I would be focusing on knowledge skills and linguistics.


Eran had grown up in Magnimar, a child to wealthy parents who could afford to send him to one of the better universities and even having allowed for his study abroad. One night, when studying and cataloging heavenly bodies, Eran attempted to draw a dusty astronomy tome when the bookshelf itself opened backwards into the wall leading him to a room that had been untouched for some time. The door closing behind him, Eran was drawn to a telescope of incredibly delicate craftsmanship. Upon using it to continue his studies, Eran's vision was assaulted with lines drawn from points of stars, forming patterns that he couldn't hope to comprehend. Lines intersected and overlapped in layers upon layers until all of his senses were overwhelmed. He sensed himself standing in a forest with trees made of black shadows and leaves of emerald glass. A warm wind rustled the leaves, the resulting cacophony having a dark vocal undertone that spoke to Eran's now-fractured mind.

Eran woke up on the floor in the back aisle of the library, head resting on the dusty tome of his dreams. When he lifted his head, the blank spaces between the letters meant more to him than the subject matter ever could. Try as he might, he could not find a way to open the shelf as he had done before.

Since that day, Eran had slowly garnered a reputation as being somewhat mad. Experiencing the reactions of others taught him to jealously guard his insights, for the "learned" minds of his contemporaries were simply not ready for the revelations he had experienced. Nonetheless, he has proven among the most adept at translating documents and understanding complex formulae than all but the most wizened sages. It was for this reason, he was told, that he was hand-delivered the letter from House Caedmon.

as soon as i read psy class accepted i knew you were going to show up tenro... :)

yep. hahaha.

I have to play psionic characters so people will realize they aren't overpowered. I'm an activist! hahahaaha

Dotting interest with an Armored and Gifted Blade Archetype Soulknife. That is if dual archetypes will be permitted in this campaign. If not a Gifted Blade Soulknife is my choice.

**Rough Draft**

Summary Bio

1. Jerex grew up in House Derexhi
2. Family was a Prominent Body Guard Family.
3. Family was upper middle class to lower upper class.
4. Family had a Penthouse Suite within House Derexhi.
5. Powers were discovered after illness and brutal counter strike with trainers.
6. Prejudice against.
7. Falling out with parents.
8. Left House Derexhi to find himself and develop his strange powers.

Jerex is one of the many children of a prominent body guard family from House Derexhi. From the time Jerex could hold a sword and knew what to do with the "pointy end", he constantly trained under the tutelage of his parents and House Derexhi weapon masters. During a training session with one of the weapons master's, Jerex was not feeling well and left his guard wide open for a brutal sword pommel counter strike. When Jerex gained consciousness in the medical ward, besides feeling his bandages and effects of his wound, he felt different but did not understand why. After a few days in the medical ward, he was released and allowed to spend the remainder of his healing at the family's Penthouse Quarters at House Derexhi. While resting, he would wake up startled after a night mare holding something in his hand that he could not explain or believe. Then he would wish it to be gone and the strange object disappeared.

STR 14 (5)
DEX 14 (5)
CON 14 (5)
INT 10 (0)
WIS 14 (5)
CHA 10 (0)

More later ...

Tenro wrote:
I have to play psionic characters so people will realize they aren't overpowered. I'm an activist! hahahaaha

I second this statement

Here is Jerex character sheet currently under construction.

Jen, will you allow Elans? If so, I am going to change up the bio a bit.

Grand Lodge

Soulblade are pretty neat i think...

Algar Lysandris wrote:
Soulblade are pretty neat i think...

I agree, it was either this or the Marksman but I only want one Marksman and that is my converted 18th level 2nd edition ranger-falconer/psychometabolist character, now Marksman Sniper

The other class, class archetype I was thinking was a Spellslinger.

~Aka Jerex

Khundruge - Half-Orc Bard (Savage Skald )

A prodigious composer from the Ironbound Isles. His work is grounded in the grim traditions of his northern homeland, but inspired by colourful Varisian folklore as well. A child from the house of Caedmon saw him perform at a recent Magnimar fair and became his biggest fan. The house of Caedmon frequently hires him to entertain the boy.

He possesses a trained voice capable of extreme variations in pitch and volume.

Intimidation is a high art form among the Skalds of Flintyreach...and Khundruge is well-schooled in that tradition.

St 17 D 14 Cn 12 iT 14 wS 07 cH 14
Feat: Arcane Strike Weapon: Falchion
Feat: Arcane Strike
Trait: Inspiring Rush
Trait: Dominator

Half-orcs from across Avistan have made Averaka on the Isle of Flintyreach their home port, and the number of languages spoken and customs observed by its residents makes it as cosmopolitan as any major cities. While these half-orcs of Averaka eschew the more violent and destructive traditions of their orc heritage, they are far from a peaceful and sedentary lot. Indeed, their raiders rank among the Ironbound Isles’ most ferocious citizens. Yearly raids to Nidal are rites of passage for young Averakan warriors, and their booty brings economic riches to the Isle. This diversity can be heard in the taverns by the docks where drunken longshoremen belt out ribald shanties in Polyglot, Varisian and Chelaxian. At night the Averakan longhouses ring with the voices of their Skalds, as they chant out the long lays of their ancestral heroes . It is a savage and beautiful music, yet sophisticated at the same time. It draws from ancient Orcish, Giant and Ulfen traditions all mixed together. And on the longboats the Skalds set pace to the rowing strokes with great rhythmic chants...deep and powerful, driving the mariners along and building them into a fury before engaging in battle.

Khandruge the young half-orc is one such Skald from the Orcmoot on Flintyreach. His love of the musical traditions of his homeland is deep. But he was not prepared for what he discovered when he landed in Riddleport for the first time with a battered crew and a leaking vessel. While on shore he discovered the folk music of the local Varisian people and fell in love with its sound as well as the beautiful dances of the women. He has since deserted his ship and embarked on a new career of adventure in Varisia. Tagging along with a band of travelling Varisian players he made his way south to Magnimar. He is ever seeking new material in order to expand his repertoire and to find a wider audience for his talents.

Recently, a child from the house of Caedmon saw him perform at a local Magnimar fair and became his biggest fan. The house of Caedmon frequently hires him now to entertain the boy.

A profile for the Savage Skald is ready for viewing, but will need more to be ready to play. Pleas feel free to view, I'll wait to see other submissions now.

Hello everyone! I'm loving the concepts so far. I have a few comments or questions for each of you. Hopefully they will help you refine your character or think a bit about their motivations.

Essentially all of the psionics line of books through Dreamscarred Press is allowed. If it's not publicly available on the pfsrd for example, make sure you note the book.


I love the detail about the boots and the clerical vestments. How do you think his experiences at the orphanage influenced him? Was there anything memorable that happened there or perhaps any person there that played an influence on him?

I noticed that he was drinking and being friendly to other barmates, but the bio says that he's cautious. Does he have a problem with drinking? I really like the little details you're putting in.


So he's a tough street kid. What happened to him in the labor camps that made him a shell of his former self? Was it just excessive labor or perhaps something else?

How does the alchemist come into this?


I really enjoy the story. That's exactly what I like to see, especially the line about how the blanks between the letters meant more than the words themselves.

Could you elaborate a bit on the background? I feel I understand so much of the character just from the story, but what was he like before the transformation?


Elans are allowed. Please post when you've finished the bio so I can read over it. :)


I love the background, and I feel like I really understand his motivations. You mention that the character meets the boy at a fair, and that the character performs in traditional half-orcish art forms. I'm really interested in the relationship between the boy and the character. Could you elaborate a bit about how they met?

I just want to point out that Tenro and Hutwil each do something very nice. Tenro has a wonderful story and Hutwil wrote an excellent background. Those are exactly the things that I'm looking for in understanding a character.

Goodness! The site went down right as I was filling this out!

Bathus Libretto - Blue Wizard (psionic archetype)

Bathus immigrated to Magnimar when he was very young, having learned to disguise himself as a halfling. He lived as a street performer for a small time, most people being willing to overlook his oddities if his tricks were good enough, and Bathus was always very good at tricks. He managed to obtain a job at a rather grimy, charity based second hand bookstore, also procuring books from the homes of recently deceased citizens, as well as buildings that were outright condemned. The owner is an elderly man, highly reclusive, who has no other family. Sometimes, Bathus stumbles upon books with strange writing, and these all find their way to his secret stash, very well hidden. Through years of toil his reputation has spread as a highly competent individual! he is sometimes even whispered as something of a conjuror, and he is hired for odd, mostly unpleasant jobs that the wealthy would disdain. He is jovial, well-read, and good natured, if decidedly a bit odd.

stats coming in a bit, gotta go to work!


pardon my disjointed reply, i just got off of work.

I imagine he was a pretty bright student, a prodigy even, which made his spiral towards madness all the more tragic.

I havent really decided on a race yet, i will likely go with Human.

I imagine his focus of study would have been history, but as it relates to all things. He would have sought to find patterns and cycles in the turning of time to better anticipate the things that may come in the future.

-For instance, through history the occurrences of planar crossovers, on a long enough time scale, might show patterns.
-or for Arcana, on that same long time scale, the prevalence of particular schools of magic.
-the particular styles of buildings or advances in engineering.
-changes in geography on the large scale, weather patterns, etc.
-trends in the rise and fall of governments and empires.
-trends in population change over an area, the general ebb and flow of people across the known lands.
-the rise and fall of various religions.

all of these things have the potential to display patterns on the long scale, and perhaps prophecies may come to light or predictions come true that others might miss.

I was thinking that the voice he didnt understand would be that of a deity or an older or even more foreign entity, perhaps. It could just have been madness, though. He lives with that doubt, but i plan for his doubt to go away over time as he becomes more sure that he is seeing the truth (whether that is the case or not). With his doubt waning, so too would his seeming madness wax in the eyes of others.

additionally, i was hoping to maybe get the following feat re-fluffed (and to some extent re-crunched): Breadth of Experience although i'd rather not play a dwarf, elf, or gnome. I was hoping to get the prerequisites loosened to reflect his study abroad. If there is another feat more suited to that, I would look at that instead. Failing that, I might just choose the Elan race (who would qualify for the feat by virtue of being over 100yrs old). Being an Elan would make sense in a way, since they live much longer than humans and would be more suited to taking the "long look" at history.


I like the additional background. And yes, you can refluff the feat. should I do this ...?

Khundrugar's first gigs in Magnimar:
It was a fine summer Starday morning, and Khundrugar was playing his very first dance number at the Rose and Rake in the Ordellia district of Magnimar. It was a matinee performance, as he was but a junior player in the company - having just arrived from Riddleport. The producer, Kassiel Iylmrain, gave him the role of Guramapa - the man-eating giant in the dance piece Zhuki o Zechko - "Zhuki and the Giant". It is a favourite pantomime tale in the Varisian canon but the story has Ulfen origins. Khundrugar is - of course - typecast for such a monstrous role and, with his knowledge of Ulfen culture and Giant mannerisms, he was confident that he would knock them dead with his performance.

But when he stepped onto the stage he realized - to his horror - that his audience was mostly made up of very young children, mothers and wetnurses. He wisely toned things down so as not to frighten them too much...relatively speaking anyway...most of the children were still wetting their pants and clinging to their mothers in terror by the end of it. But not this one child! A little boy - about 7 years old maybe - was stomping around in delight. And when the show was over he ran around the stands chasing his little sister, biting her, getting scolded for it and yelling "muuaaarg! I am Guramapa! bwaaarrg!" He loved it!

The next Starday matinee was the Roop Tarashi - a swashbucking pirate romance - another Varisian favourite. Khundrugar played the antagonist Sukhil the Black. He loved the role because one of his scenes was an extended dance with Patal Kan - the Girl from the Deep, played by the beautiful Vanya. He loved to dance with her - a Varisian beauty who normally would not deign to even look at him....but she was professional and danced it to perfection. Knowing this was a matinee crowd - Khundrugar tried to tone down the sensuality of the dance a bit....but that is difficult for any man to do when dancing with Vanya. Sweating in the summer heat he glimpsed out at the crowd once or twice. He noticed that most of the children were blushing profusely and hiding their eyes from the spectacle. But not that child, who was sitting there agape. And when the show ended he saw the boy leave, lewdly dancing his irate sister out into the street .

Things continued this way for 2 more weeks until complaints started to come in about the age-appropriateness of the matinees at the Rose and Rake. Kassiel politely asked Khundrukar to find different work and referred him to an associate at the Dockway district, where audiences expect more outree entertainment. He makes barely enough coin to get by singing at these Dockway gigs now. He finds that the bouncers are expensive....but that's because when Khundrugar gets a crowd going the bouncers expect decent remuneration from him afterwards....

Two months ago he received a summons from a paid messenger to perform at a private venue in the Marble District.....

I would like to express interest with Ony Zimyatov, a true neutral fetchling rogue of questionable morals and even more questionable accent. Known for being worryingly competent and coming out on top of more than a few hopeless situations in the past. He is a man with a particular set of skills now looking for an air of legitimacy for his next employment opportunity.

Ony Tells His Tale:
Ony sits quietly at a table in the back of the Disagreeable Eel, a less than respectable tavern in the Underbridge district. He would be handsome, if not for his more alien features and habits. His skin is an unearthly pale color, as though natural light was a recent development for him and a pair of grey-blue pupil-less eyes stare into the middle distance, rarely blinking. The shadows around him seem deeper than in the rest of the tavern, often obscuring his features when he turns his head a certain way. It seems his cup is rarely empty here and it also seems that Ony is in a rare mood to talk.

"I am not human," he says, almost by way of greeting. His voice is clear despite the accent. "I am Kayal, my first employer called me by other name. It has been sticking thus far. He called me fetchling, so I called him dubiina." Ony chuckles at an unexplained joke.

"He is dead now," the fetchling says casually into his drink.

"I am not the sort of man to be skilled at," he trails off for a second before remembering his train of thought, "What is word? Legitimate! Legitimate work. Yes, no, I am not so good at the making of the horseshoes or the catching of the fishes. This is not to say I would not be in the looking for that sort of thing, but I do have certain talents." The fetchling makes to raise his cup again, only to find it somehow empty and waves a barmaid over. As the young girl with old eyes makes her way over to the table, Ony continues.

"I am tired of picking fights with simple thugs over pizdets gold and threatening each and every employer in order to get the pay they agreed to not a day before. I want a steady kind of employment, the kind with respect and regular earnings. The kind where the guards do not look twice when I walk down street at night. I am good with knife and I know this city well by now. I know how and where to get certain things of value. Perhaps we could be in the working of something, yes?"

If fetchling is an unacceptable race, I can rework him as a human with little effort.

Bathus Stats:
Bathus Libretto

Str 6
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 20
Wis 10
Cha 8

hp: 7
AC: 13

bab: 0

CMB: -4
CMD: 9

Fort: +1
Reflex: +3
Will: +2

pp: 2

Initiative: +9



Light Crossbow- +3 1d6 19-20x2

Desperate Resolve


Appraise: ic+4= +8
Spellcraft: ic+4= +8
Perception: ic+0+2race+2feat+1trait= +9
Knowledge (Arcana): ic+4= +8
Knowledge (Local): ic+4= +8
Stealth: ic+3dex+2race+4size= +13
Perform: i-2= -1

Scribe Scroll
Wild Talent
Psicrystal Affinity
Improved Initiative
Alertness (psicrystal)


Light Crossbow
Fifty Bolts
50 ft Silk Rope
Waterproof Bag
Scroll case
Trail Rations (3)

Forbidden Schools:



Color Spray
Ray of Enfeeblement

Psychic Spells:


Inertial Armor
call to Mind
Force Screen
Entangling Debris

Completing profile now.

Grand Lodge

bad treatment, little food, lots of work. The only person who showed some compassion was another prisoner given the task to keep the prisoner in working condition was an alchemist. He took my character as a helper for the heavy lifting. The alchemyst was also task to experiment on corpse and bodies from time to time. They had an escape plan has the alchemyst was trying to make a mutagen that could be taken by others. But he was purchased before all that came to happened.


How do you feel about my character having spent some time studying with the Varisian nomads? I ask because they also have an affinity for tattoos and the Tattooed Mystic trait interests me.

GM Jen:
I have added more details to my character sheet and the updated bio is in rough (very) draft is posted.

Question: Later on, can Jerex Call Weaponry a Firearm? Perhaps after perquisites are made such as exotic weapon prof, amateur gunslinger, and using the weapon at least once?

Is this game still open for character submission? I have the need for a Psionic Warrior.

Grand Lodge

a healer type would be nice :)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Full Disclosure: I've presented this character for approval in the Aspis Consortium thread as well, but I thought I'd increase my odds while applying to the other group that, thematically, fits.

Armiger Izah, Order of the Pyre:

Izah, male ifrit Oracle (flame) 1
LE male Medium outsider (native)

Init +; Senses Darkvision 60, Perception +0

AC 20; touch 12; flat-footed 18 (+2 dex, +6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 9 (1d8 + 1 favored class)
Fort +0; Reflex +2; Will +2 (+2 to all saves vs [fire] and [light] spells)
Defensive Abilities Fire Resistance 5

Speed 30 ft (20 armored)

Light mace +3 (1d6+3 20/x2)


Special Attacks
Heat Aura (Su): As a swift action, you can cause waves of heat to radiate from your body. This heat deals 1d4 points of fire damage per two oracle levels (minimum 1d4) to all creatures within 10 feet. A Reflex save halves the damage. In addition, your form wavers and blurs, granting you 20% concealment until your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.

Str 16; Dex 15; Con 10; Int 10; Wis 10; Cha 16
BAB +0; CMB +3; CMD 15

> Aspiring Hellknight
> Contract Master
> Magical Knack (Oracle)
Drawback: Power Hungry

1st-Level: Scorching Weapons (Combat, Ifrit)

SKILLS (4+Int Modifier/Level) Asterix denotes class skill
(1) Intimidate* +8
(1) Knowledge (religion)* +4
(1) Knowledge (planes)* +4
(1) Linguistics +1

Common (taldan)

Efreeti Magic Some ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor's ability to magically change a creature's size. They can cast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooses when using this ability) once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit's level). The ifrit can use this ability to affect other ifrits as though they were humanoid creatures. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.

Fire in the Blood Ifrits with this racial trait mimic the healing abilities of the mephits, gaining fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or not this fire damage gets through their fire resistance). The ifrits can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.

Flame Mystery
Class Skills: An oracle with the flame mystery adds Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, and Perform to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: burning hands (2nd), resist energy (4th), fireball (6th), wall of fire (8th), summon monster V (fire elementals only, 10th), fire seeds (12th), fire storm (14th), incendiary cloud (16th), fiery body (18th).

Curse: Legalistic
Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.

At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one.

At 10th level, you can make a new saving throw each minute to resist mind-affecting effects as your subconscious searches for loopholes.

At 15th level, any creature that violates its freely given word to you takes a penalty to AC, to spell resistance, and on saving throws against your attacks and abilities equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 24 hours.


Orisons (At Will)
* Spark
* Detect Magic
* Read Magic
* Enhanced Diplomacy

1st-Level 5/day
* Burning Disarm
* Tap Inner Beauty
B Cure Light Wounds

Chainmail (120gp)
Light mace (5gp)
Heavy steel shield (20gp)

Izah is a tall and muscular man with deep red skin accented by flecks of chromatic orange and yellow, standing six and a half feet in height. High cheekbones and a prominent brow give Izah a regal countenance tempered by stern expressions and eyes that glow like hot coals. A pair of broad, sweeping horns of black coloration extend from the sides of his head and curve forward like that of a bull's. Izah's horns are etched with rings of infernal writing indicating his oathbound service to Asmodeus and the structure of the Hellknight order, to those who can read the inscriptions. Izah's broad-shouldered frame is adorned with the matte black armor of a Hellknight Armiger; sooty black chainmail reinforced by steel plates across the chest and shoulders as well as armored graves and gauntlets. A night black cloak drapes over Izah's shoulders down to ground level and is dirtied with the dust and soil of the road. From his belt hangs a flanged mace of black iron, and on his back is slung a broad shield of featureless ebon, marred with scars and dents.

"Another failure, cast him into the abyss."

At his birth, Izah burned his way out of his mother's womb like a lump of molten steel, killing her in his entrance to this world. Izah was not born of parental love, not born out of violence or lust; Izah was born of sorcery and ritual. Izah knows nothing of his origin, save for fleeting recollections of robed figures and strange symbols, of disappointed old men laden with gold, and then what should have been a watery grave.

Izah's story truly began when he was cast into the sea after his birth, hurled like an animal carcass from rocky cliffs into water that exploded in a gout of scalding steam the moment his fiery body struck its surface. Whatever results Izah's creators were searching for was not seen in his bloody birth, and so he was to endure the fate of all those who had come before him, a fate that haunts his dreams. Just a few hours old, Izah was hurled into the Inner Sea; a violent death sentence. Instead of drowning at the bottom of that cliff as others had, fortune or fate smiled on Izah.

The steady delivery of corpses to these waters attracted the attention of aquatic predators, among which were the coastal-dwelling sand sharks that feasted on the remains of cast-off infants from unspeakable ritual. The gathering of sharks had attracted fishermen to the region, hoping to harvest the bounty of shark flesh for sale in local fishmarkets. Never did they imagine to haul up a horned child in their nets.

Never did his makers expect him to survive.

As of yet unnamed, the ifrit newborn was brought by the fishermen to the nearby island town of Chiron that they hailed from. Here, the newborn was cared for by the fisherman's family for several days as they struggled to determine what to do with the child. While the fisherman's family had ultimately decided to keep the child, the fisherman's brother Nekrit knew what riches an ifrit baby could fetch in the slave markets of Katapesh. In the dark of night, he stole into his brother's home and kidnapped the child, fleeing by boat from the village to make the long journey to the city of Katapesh.

Here, Nekrit sold the ifrit boy for two-hundred and seventy-six gold to a Katapesian gnoll slave-trader of the sandstalker tribe known as Thaxis the Knife. Thaxis was no fool to pay such a high price for an infant, he had a keen eye for flesh and the potential therein. Thaxis could tell that the ifrit boy was of no mere planar progeny, but possessed the blood of noble efreeti in his veins. Dubbing the child Izah (an Ignan word meaning "golden"), Thaxis kept the infant for himself and had it raised by his slave handlers for close to a decade until the slowly-maturing ifrit was of age to walk and speak, effectively a toddler.

By this time, young Izah had already begun to display his inherent fire-based powers, much to Thaxis' frustration. It was eventually decided to keep young Izah in a stone cell for the safety of others, so as to not burn down the remainder of Thaxis' holdings in Katapesh. Izah would endure three more years of captivity, but no amount of stone walls or lashings could repress his fiery personality and wildly destructive nature. He was a problematic child, lashing out at his captors, prone to fits and tantrums with destructive consequences.

Both unable and unwilling to wait the long years to maturation, Thaxis began feverishly searching for a way to cut profit on Izah as-is. After several failed attempts to sell Izah on the slave market, a middling -- but interested -- bidder from Cheliax was eventually the lawful owner of the ifrit child. Delera Hightower was a human woman unlike the kind Thaxis was accustomed to dealing with. Powerful, charismatic and dangerous, Delera served as a maralictor of the Hellknight order of the Pyre in Cheliax. It was Izah's auspicious origin and natural gift towards the flame that attracted Delera's eye; that, and the challenge of taming the beast that was his temper.

Within a year's time, Izah would call the fortress-city Citadel Krane just outside of Ostenso in eastern Cheliax -- seat of power for the Order of the Pyre -- home. Within the high walls of Krane, Izah was brought to bear under lash and chain. If he acted like an animal, he was treated like one. If he acted like a man, he was rewarded as one. Izah's rough edges were hammered out like iron being reforged into steel by the tempering hand of Maralictor Hightower for nearly thirty years, a time that barely accounted for half of Izah's youth and yet saw Delera withering away into a tired old woman who had lost her spark.

Ultimately, Delera would retire from her position as maralictor and leave the tutelage and care of Izah in the hands of other members of the order of the Pyre. In a way, the ifrit boy had become a child of the entire order, raised by members of the Order of the Pyre for years until the day his true gift would manifest.

It was under the care of dwarven Hellknight Master of Blades Tros Gravhost that Izah would come into his own within the organization. While Tros' attempts to undo the affectations of diabolism instilled in the ifrit child by Delera were in vain, his structured teaching on balanced aspects of combat reinforced the boy's violent nature with field-tested tactics and a respect for the strengths of his enemies.

During a sparring match with an Armiger of the order, Izah was wracked by fitful spasms and collapsed on the training yard. When his opponent approached to see what was the matter, Izah's body erupted into a cloud of flames that left the boy he had been sparring against covered head-to-toe in flames. The boy survived, but he was mournfully disfigured by the incident. Gravhost, however, recognized that what Izah had undergone was a divine rapture representing an expression of deific will into mortal flesh. Izah was taken to see the Signifers of the Pyre, and quietly the order discussed accelerating his training to take advantage of this monumental discovery.

After a lengthy inquest it was determined that Izah was expressing the first instances of intuitive divine channeling, whereby he had been touched by some deific force and had become conduit to its power. Given his tutelage under Delere Hightower and her instilling of Asmodean principles to the boy at a young age, the Signifers of the Pyre unanimously agreed that it was likely the will of Asmodeus expressed in Izah's flesh. As time would go on, Izah's nature began to reflect that of his infernal patronage, possessing a keen eye for law and contracts while also fervently upholding his word.

The Hellknights agreed to fast-track Izah for training as an armiger of the order, to best capitalize on his newfound divine power. In turn, Izah became sculpted into an instrument of the order under the watchful eye of the signifers. Among the other armigers in training that rose alongside Izah, the ifrit child stood head and shoulders above them, both physically and metaphorically, becoming an exemplar of the rigid Hellknight doctrine. Izah found purpose in the structure presented, found comfort in the laws of the Asmodean faith, and found something he had been lacking most of his life...


Izah matured from a humbled child abandoned to a watery grave into a power-hungry man desiring both to appease the will of his Hellknight masters, but also to one day supplant them and claim the order of the Pyre as his own. Izah's ambitions are grand, rooted in his insatiable desire to never be the powerless child locked in a cold, stone cell again. It is this helpless child that has truly shackled Izah and put him on a path of unrepentant power-mad glory seeking.

As an eager armiger of the order, Izah has been ordered by Tros Gravhost to journey to Magnimar in Varisia on a personal assignment to seek out dangerous cults within the region while building his own understanding of the world and his place in it. This personal quest is one most armigers undergo once they have completed their training, though the scope of Izah's is analogous to his comparitive power to his peers.

While armed with his overarcing mission, Izah must start small and build his power base. Even if, for a time, that means working under the employ of other masters. Most Hellknights have performed mercenary work from time to time.

Time will teach Izah he is no different.

About the Character Mechanics:

Mechanically, the plan for Izah is to go Oracle with a little dabbling in fighter, then two levels of Hellknight, and the remainder in Hellknight Signifer. He should become a perfect switch-hitter with this build of classes and the right spells, serving as battlefield control, direct damage, healer or melee depending on the need.

I'd also, if it is available in the campaign, like to take Leadership with Izah and establish a small retinue of Hellknights of the Pyre in Magnimar.

About Me:

I've been playing Pathfinder since the Alpha test and D&D since the late 1980s. I maintain three PbPs on the Paizo forums set in a post-apocalyptic shared Golarion universe and have a strong appreciation for well designed and thought-out roleplay. I'm also a new contributor to Paizo publications (bestiary design, Mummy's Mask book 5) and upcoming 3pp products.

I can post at least 1/day on weekdays, weekends may be slightly less.

I could do a cleric as well. Let me think here. . . yes. That could work.

Don't worry, I haven't missed any of you! I'll be back tonight to do individual responses. Just as a quick note on my philosophy for choosing a party, I don't auto-reject because there are two people playing the same class. Of course I won't take a team of all clerics, but I would rather try to figure out some way to make it work, especially if the characters are great.

Character submission is open, and will remain open until November 8th. I may close it a few days early if it's very obvious that we have enough, but I will give advance notice.

Aye. I hear tales you folks be looking for someone ta' patch yer booboos and skinned knees. Well here I am.

Character Sheet in the profile. Back Story coming soon

More updates on the profile along with basic back story outline.


Wonderful. All I need to say.


That's exactly what I wanted to see. Thank you.

The Fetchling:

I like the background, and I think the race fits well, but what takes him beyond his race? Right now I am only seeing his race; if it's possible, can you elaborate on how he's unique?


I think that story could explain a lot about the character. Could you expand on it and give some more details?


That sounds like a great idea and a wonderful story.


This background is really creative. I will do some research on the ability and get back to you soon.


Wow. That story is fantastic: so compelling and informative. I don't really have anything else to ask from you.


I think it's a good start, but how did his conversion affect him? Did it change his personality and how did he discover his divine talent?

After some expansion, I think it would be great.


I am thinking for my character's parents, they would be well-off but not necessarily noble. His father something of a merchant-politician on the Council of Ushers (by virtue of owning a few stores/factories/mills/ships or a shipping company/etc.) His mother would have kept ledgers or something in her free time (perhaps for the office of the lord-mayor), which would have given Eran an early introduction to an important piece of education (math).

This would put their family home somewhere in Bridgeward/Capital District.

Eran himself would be in the business of tattoos, both magical and mundane. I imagine him running the gamut from scribing psionic tattoos on wealthy patrons to drawing colorful tattoos on sailors while inebriated.

I'm not sure if he would have his own dedicated shop for tattoos (not sure how in-demand they would be)(his tattoos for sailors would certainly be in dock-side bars), so that might put him working in one of his father's recently-vacant stores in between managers or perhaps working out of a small apartment paid for by part of his earnings. I doubt he would work out of his family's home, as that would expose them to too many strangers. He might even simply do house-calls and advertise via flyers posted at storefronts his father owns. Not sure if his living in his family home would be customary, if so, he wouldn't be working from an apartment.

He would likely also have a sibling, likely going into the family business (business management). This would have freed Eran up to attend university. Perhaps his brother is younger, and being given more of an apprenticeship-based education after seeing the crazy ideas Eran brought back from his time in the university.

Eran's parents are disappointed in him that he is not going to take up business management under his father, but ultimately they know he could have ended up much worse.

ALSO: Eran Orantul is completed.

Grand Lodge

sure DM what part did you want ? the chidlhood? the merc company or the labor camp?

*Just popping in quickly


Algar, I think that the labor camp seems like a major part of the character, and it would be wonderful if you could expand on it.

Of course, I know many people who like to show who their character is in different ways, but these are just comments to give you some ideas. They aren't necessary, but I think it would help me tremendously in understanding what your character is like and how they could fit in the with the rest of the party.

Grand Lodge

I would say that life in a labor camp is pretty much as one could find in the ones currently running in Russia. Harsh working condition. Little food. Some camaraderie. Those who exhibit special knowledge or skill useful to the laborers are treated with respect and given appropriate task. The Alchemyst did his best to act as a doctor to all, amongst other "skilled, specialty" workers. My character being very strong and strong willed intervened to rescue the old man from a beating as he refused to carry out an vivisection asked. He insulted the Taskmaster and got himself a great beating (ankle broken) And that is where the relationship began. (in fact not quite as the alchemyst has treated him a few times before for whip lashes.) Working with the alchemyst they both came in with a plan. He would try to synthese his mutagen extracts in order for non alchemyst to be able to use them in order to be stronger so that they would be able to escape one night (And so a team of specialty people was chosen to carry out the Great Escape Plan (think about the WW2 movie). On the day they were going to carry out a bunch of slaver traveling from Cheliax to Magnimar stop at the Labor camp. They had suffered a bandit attack and figure they could replenish some of the lost slave / guard with what they could find. He was purchased amongst 10 others. The other were able to carry out the Great escape anyway while my character was taken to Magnimar and acted as a guard caravan on the way. Once more the caravan was attacked by bandits but this time Leading the "purchased" guards they were able to survive the raid. Once in Magnimar he was told that we was going to be "free" as he had been chosen to be send to House Caedmon as a replacement for the Son of Cleric Bromius of the Church of Abadar, Who owed a favor to House Caedmon.

DM 2:
The character works rather well with other, right now he partially recovered his freedom. He know he doesn't have the "strength" or power to make it out in the world, but he is on a "quest" for personal growth. The Alchemyst in the labor camp opened a whole to horizon for him and the path to self improvement, knowledge and strength. Eventually when he has gathered some he will be able to choose for himself. (By then he can adjust his goals after a few levels / campaign time ... :)

Grand Lodge

As for my self i post 3-4 times a day and i am involved in a bunch of games (even dm'ing) (some do include tenro...(the psy class defender) :)

How would you feel about a LN Teifling Monk - Maneuver Master. Tripping enemies and leaving them prone in his wake...

Will magic item crafting be allowed, RAW & FAQ?

Ugh, I hate it when Paizo times out and the one time you forget to crtl+a, ctrl+c before attempting to save.

Jerex Absylon wrote:
Ugh, I hate it when Paizo times out and the one time you forget to crtl+a, ctrl+c before attempting to save.


Grand Lodge

Tenro know that situation all too well :)

I would say I am about 90% completed with my character and I can post as many times as necessary daily.

Back Story 1/2 done and posted in my profile. I should have the rest by the end of the day but it is end of the month at work so it's crazy.

Crunch done. Fluff 90% pending previous spoiler.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

In the general Loom of Fate's campaign tab it lists the following house rules:

House Rules wrote:

A nat 1 is always a failure unless there is no penalty for failure. It is not necesarilly a spectacular failure unless it caused you to miss your DC by a significant amount.
A nat 20 is always a success even when it should be impossible to succeed. You may only barely succeed or do so with flying colors based on how much you overcome your DC.
furthermore, I rule in combat that if you roll a nat 20 to hit, you confirm for critical as normal. However if you nat 20 on the confirm you automatically do max damage. Furthermore you roll once more, if you nat 20 on this last roll you instantly kill or subdue your target depending on the damage type.
Normally I also rule that three nat 1's in a row anywhere also kills your character but this game will be difficult enough without that rule.

Are these house rules going to be in effect, or is that text a holdover from when Tobaris was going to be running it alone?

Tenro and Algar:

Wonderful. Exactly I was looking for, thank you.


I don't have any preference in terms of class, though ideally we'll get a nice balance overall. Magic item creation will be allowed, but keep in mind time constraints. This campaign will probably move somewhat briskly because it's partially linked to several other campaigns.


Just wanted to say again, that is a wonderful background and convenient formatting for me. Hopefully I will have time soon to look into the ability that you were asking about before.

Ethan, don't worry about it, there's still plenty of time until recruitment ends.

Robert, I do not use that house rule. However, there might be on occasion massive cross-over events between threads, where we will be posting on the main campaign thread possibly, in which case they might be in effect. But I am not personally a fan of that.

Arcane Role
Balthus Libretto - Blue Wizard
Eran - Cryptic Human

Armiger Izah - Ifrit Oracle
Ethan Rivers - Human Cleric

Khundrugur - Half-Orc Bard
Ony the Dog - Fetchling Rogue

Malkus Zhurgoth - Half Orc Rogue
Azgal - Half Elf Urban Barbarian
Jerix - Elan Soulknife
Ali - Tiefling Monk

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Thanks for the fast response, Jen!

Courtesy of GM Tallgrass:

About The Campaign
The game will take place in Magnimar, a large, wealthy and adventure-filled Varisian city. Multiple factions exist in the same city, each with their own goals, territories, and members. You will play a character in one (or more, GM-approving) of these factions alongside the other factions in other threads, with other GMs. Your actions or inactions will affect them and theirs will do the same to you.

As you work towards the aims of your faction, you will increase not only your experience and character's fame, but that of your faction, granting you and your allies bonuses, equipment and prestige.

There will be intrigue. Interactions with other factions (yes, that potentially means PvP combat). And all manner of urban adventures. All in the hopes of spinning a grand tale.

Why You Should Play as Part of the House Caedmon (OOC)

The House Caedmon is a paradox. Despite its claim to its own set of high halls in the Alabaster district, it still continues to consort with all manner of foreigners from outside the city, and even outside this world. Noble paladins share the legacy of the House with devil conjurers, and the house continues to reach into the magical unknown. Newly wealthy merchants butt elbows with the bluest of blue bloods, and planar travelers can occasionally be seen in the noble court, that is, if you can find entrance.

The followers of the Caedmon are spread throughout the city, though many don't get the chance to step into the alabaster halls. Those that do are richly rewarded.

Grand Lodge

glad you like it dm :)

@Jen the DM - thanks for the feedback. Would still like to try.

Thank you Jen! As for the Psionic Power, if you want, we can revisit it later. It is not necessary until around 3rd or 5th level.

In re "Courtesy of GM Tallgrass: - About The Campaign" ... I like it!

"As for the Psionic Power, if you want, we can revisit it later. It is not necessary until around 3rd or 5th level."

Unless of course someone else asks about the psionic power in question.

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