
Jerex Absylon's page

126 posts. Alias of Anderlorn.

Full Name

J3-R3X 4B-2Y1-0N




**WIP** | Forgeborn | Male Form Adult



Special Abilities

Forgeborn, Incanter


Lawful Neutral




Forgeborn, Common

Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 0
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Jerex Absylon


"A relic left over from the Azlantian era. Designed to destroy aboleth and their defenses."


05 = 14+2 = 16
10 = 16 = 16
00 = 0
10 = 16+2 = 18
00 = 10
00 = 10-2 = 08

+3 = DEX
+2 = INT


32 (+11)

1. Destruction
2. Greater Blast 1
3. Greater Blast 2
4. Greater Blast 3
5. Greater Blast 4
6. Greater Blast 5
7. Force Blast
8. Stone Blast
9. Thunder Blast
10. Extreme Range
11. Explosive Orb
12. Sculpt Blast
13. Extended Range Medium
14. Extended Range Long

1. Alteration
2. Greater Transformation (+1 Form Trait)
3. Additional Limbs
4. Construct Transformation
5. Extreme Transformation (+1 Form Trait, x2 @ 10/20 w/Greater and 5+)
6. Extreme Transformation @ 10+ LVL
7. Extreme Transformation @ 20 LVL
8. Permanent Transformation
9. Vitality
10. Manipulate Healing
11. Orb Transformation
12. Protean Mastery

Form (2 Trait, +1 Trait per 5):

1. Darkvision
2. Construct Plating: DR 2/Adam (+1 per 5 cl, 6/Adam @ 20th)
3. Spell Resistance: SR: 11 (10 + caster level, 30 @ 20th). This trait costs an additional spell point.
4. Arms (Extra Pair)
5. Float
6. Fast Healing
7. Regenerate Flesh
8. Shift Organs

1. Enhancement
2. Animate Object
3. Deep Enhancement
4. Greater Enhancement
5. Mass Enhancement
6. Bestow Intelligence
7. Bestow Life


1. Point Blank Shot
3. Precise Shot
5. Light Armor
7. Medium Armor
9. Heavy Armor
11. Weapon Focus (Ray)
13. Toughness
15. Weapon Finesse
17. Combat Casting
19. Melee Blaster

Level 20 Career Path:

J3-R3X 4B-2Y1-0N
Male Automata Eir Incanter 20
LN Medium humanoid (Construct)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60', Perception +28
AC 40, touch 18, flat-footed 37 (+17 armor, +5 deflection, +3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 90 (20d6+10+20), Fast Healing (1sp): 3/rd
Fort +16, Ref +18, Will +21; SR (1sp): 30
. . Disease,
. . Death Effects,
. . Necromancy Effects,
. . Paralysis,
. . Poison,
. . Stunning,
. . Physical Ability Damage (Not Metal),
. . Energy Drain
. . Non-lethal Damage.
. . Any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless.
. . Spell Resistance: 30 (1 sp, 10+Character Level)
. . Fast Healing: 3 (1 sp)
. . Constructor Plating: DR6/Adamantine (DR2/Admantine, +1 every 5 Caster Levels)
. . Floating effects similar to Featherfall
Speed 30 ft., Float Ascend up to 30' at speed 55', Hover/Feather Fall from any Height.
Melee (Touch)Destructive Blast +18 (15d6, 0 SP, 5', BL)
Melee Special Attacks:
. . Melee Blaster (No AoO when making a melee weapon or melee touch attack)
. . Increased Damage (+1 SP, 25d6)
. . Weapon Finesse (Use Dex for Destruction Melee Touch Attacks and Simple Weapon Combat)
. . Combat Casting +4 to Defensive Casting Concentration Checks
Range Touch destructive blast +18 (15d6, 0 SP, 1,200', BL)
Range Special Attacks:
. . Increased Damage (+1 SP, 25d6)
. . Point-blank Shot (+1 ATK/DAM up to 30')
. . Precise Shot (No penalty shooting into melee)
. . Combat Casting +4 to Defensive Casting Concentration Checks
Sphere Casting
Caster Level 20; MSB +20; MSD 31; Concentration +28/32 (1d20+MSB+INT Mod/Combat Casting)
Tradition None; CAM INT (+8)
Spell Points 28/28
Destruction Sphere - CL 20; DC 28;
. . Duration Instant;
. . Range Melee/Point Blank Range: 0'to 30', Close Range: 75', Medium Range: 300', Long Range: 1200', Extreme Range:
Enhancements (Modifications)
. . Extended Range 2 - From Close to Long Range
. . Greater Blast (5) - +5 More Dice of Damage
No Cost Talents
. . Destruction 15d6 (Type/Shape)
. . Blistering Blast (Type) -
. .
. . Stone Blast (Type) - SL/PI/BL, bypasses Magical Defenses and Spell Turning
SP Talents (Cumulative)
. . Increased Destruction 25d6 (Type/Shape) (+1 SP),
. . Calamity (Shape) (+2 SP) - Shape blast into Long-range line, a Medium-range cone, or Close-radius burst centered within range.
. . Explosive Orb (Shape) (+1 SP) - (30') AOE shape
. . Radiation Blast (Type) (+2 SP)
Current Form
Total Spell Point Cost
A. Permanent Transformation (2 SP)
B. Spell Resistance (+1 SP)
C. Fast Healing 3 (+1 SP)

1. Darkvision 60'
2. Construct Plating: DR 6/Adam (DR2/Adam +1 per 5 cl)
3. Spell Resistance: SR: 30 (10 + caster level, This trait costs an additional spell point)
4. Float
5. Fast Healing 3 (Base +1, +1 per 10 CLs.)
6. Regenerate Components
7. Reinforced/Regenerative Components: 75% Fortification (Base 25%, +25% per 10 Caster Levels)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 0, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +10; CMB +11; CMD 33
Feats - Custom Feat -, Combat Casting, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (ray), Wild Talent
Traits pragmatic activator, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Fly +28, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +18, Knowledge (engineering) +18, Knowledge (geography) +18, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (local) +18, Knowledge (martial) +18, Knowledge (nature) +18, Knowledge (nobility) +18, Knowledge (planes) +18, Knowledge (psionics) +18, Knowledge (religion) +18, Perception +28, Spellcraft +23, Use Magic Device +28
Languages Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Forgeborn, Undercommon
SQ Calamity, Casting, Construct Transformation, Cure, Destructive Blast, Distant Teleport, Emergency Teleport, Explosive Orb, Extended Range (x2), Flawless Teleport, Force Blast, Greater Healing, Half-Construct, Invigorate, Permanent Transformation, Quickened Steps, Restore, Sculpt Blast, Second Skin, Shapeshifting, Stone Blast, Teleport, Thunder Blast, True Teleport, Unseeing Teleport
Other Gear +5 ghost touch mithral full plate, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical might +6 (Dex, Con), handy haversack, headband of mental prowess +6 (Int, Wis), manual of bodily health +5, manual of gainful exercise +5, manual of quickness of action +5, pauldrons of unflinching fortitude +5/+6[MA], ring of protection +5, tome of clear thought +5, tome of leadership and influence +5, tome of understanding +5, 486,000 gp
Special Abilities
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Construct You do not breathe, eat, or sleep, but can drink potions and sleep to regain spells.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Toughness Enhanced physical endurance, equals total HD (+20 HPs)
Weapon Finesse: You are trained in using your agility opposed to brute strength.
Weapon Focus (Ray): +1 attack bonus with the selected weapon.
Sphere Casting (CL 20, MSB +20, MSD 31, Concentration +28, DC 28) You can cast sphere effects.
Alteration Sphere Gain access to the Alteration Sphere of Magic.
Alteration: Construct Transformation You may also grant the following traits to your forms;
. . Construct Plating: The target gains DR 2/adamantine. This improves by 1 per 5 caster levels.
. . Spell Resistance: The target gains spell resistance equal to 10 + caster level. This trait costs an additional spell point.
Alteration: Extreme Transformation You can give your shapeshift target an extra trait at 5+ level
Alteration: Greater Transformation You can give your shapeshift target an extra trait
Alteration: Manipulating Healing The following traits are now available for your form;
. . Regenerate Flesh: In addition to the normal healing from the fast healing option of the Vitality talent, the target’s severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. The physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise. (Requires fast healing);
. . Block Healing: You may remove any fast healing or regeneration the target possesses. Additionally, any attempt to magically heal the target requires an MSB check against your MSD.
Alteration: Orb Transformation You can now add float trait to your form, The target may float up to 5 ft. plus 5 ft. per 5 caster levels above the ground, moving at 30 ft. This improves by 5 ft. for each 5 additional caster levels. When falling the target may choose to descend at a slower rate to control its fall and to negate all falling damage it would take. Each round it descends 30 ft., and may move in another direction for 30 ft. It may choose to drift sideways, gliding forwards while descending, or down, safely increasing its rate of descent. It may even choose to drift ‘upwards’ to reduce its rate of descent, even allowing it to negate it entirely and hover midair.
Alteration: Permanent Transformation You can make your shapeshift effects permanent for 2 SP
Alteration: Protean Mastery You may add the following traits to your forms:
. . Belated Shift: You may spend an additional spell point to leave one trait option unassigned. You may assign any valid trait to this slot at any time as a swift action, or spend a spell point to do so as an immediate action. Once assigned, the trait persists for 1 minute and cannot be changed again until 1 minute after expiring.
. . Close Wounds: The target gains the ability to end any ongoing bleed effects it suffers from as a swift action.
. . Lycanthropic Hide: The target gains DR 3/silver. This improves by +1 per 5 caster levels.
. . Shift Organs: The target gains a 25% ability to ignore critical hits and precision damage, which increases by 25% per 10 caster levels, to a maximum of 100%.
Alteration: Shapeshifting (7 traits, DC 28) You can bestow the Blank Form
Alteration: Vitality The following traits are now available for your form;
. . Fast Healing: You may spend an additional spell point to grant the target fast healing 1, increasing by +1 per 10 caster levels;
. . Glow of Health: The target gains a +2 racial bonus on saves versus death effects, negative energy, poison, and disease, increasing by +1 per 10 caster levels.;
. . Sleepless: The target gains immunity to magical sleep effects as the elf racial ability.
Destruction Sphere Gain access to the Destruction Sphere of Magic.
Destruction: Adhesive Blast
Destruction: Blistering Blast
Destruction: Calamity (DC 28) Use your destructive blast as a Long line, Medium cone, or Close-radius blast
Destruction: Destructive Blast 10d6 Ranged or melee touch attack deals 10d6 damage
Destruction: Disintegrate Blast
Destruction: Epicenter
Destruction: Explosive Orb (Radius 30 ft., DC 28) Deal destructive blast damage in a radius
Destruction: Extended Range Increase the range of your destructive blast
Destruction: Extended Range Increase the range of your destructive blast
Destruction: Extreme Range
Destruction: Force Blast (DC 28) Your destructive blast deals force damage and can knock targets prone
Destruction: Greater Blast 1
Destruction: Greater Blast 2
Destruction: Greater Blast 3
Destruction: Greater Blast 4
Destruction: Greater Blast 5
Destruction: Radiation Blast
Destruction: Sculpt Blast (DC 28) Deal destructive blast damage in a cone or line
Destruction: Searing Blast
Destruction: Stone Blast Your destructive blast deals slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage and ignores anti-magic defenses
Destruction: Thunder Blast (DC 28) Your destructive blast deals sonic damage and can deafen target
Destruction: Wingbind
Life: Cure 1d8+120 (DC 28) Heal a target for 1d8+120 hit points
Life: Greater Healing (5) Your cure heals 1 additional HP per caster level
Life: Invigorate (Up to 20 temp HP) Grant up to 20 temporary HP to an injured target
Life: Restore Heal a target's ability damage and remove negative conditions
Warp: Distant Teleport Teleport at longer range
Warp: Emergency Teleport Teleport as an immediate action, at the cost of range
Warp: Flawless Teleport True Teleport gains unlimited range and no miss chance
Warp: Teleport You can teleport yourself as a standard action
Warp: True Teleport You can teleport incredible distances
Warp: Unseeing Teleport Teleport without line of sight

Eir—The Worker

Originally designed to complement soldiers on the battlefield, this model was quickly adopted to industrial tasks, as it could outperform and outlast men and dwarves alike. It is commonly known as the worker, a title some of the Awakened resent.

Ability Score Racial Traits: Eir models are strong and smart, but built for labor and lack visual appeal. They gain +2 Strength and +2 Intelligence but suffer -2 Charisma.
Size: Medium Eir models are Medium creatures that have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Eir models have a base speed of 30 feet.
Moderately Armored: Eir models have standard armor plates built into their frame, protecting their critical areas. As a result, they begin play with a +6(+2+4) armor bonus, an armor check penalty of -4(-1-2+2), and a maximum Dex bonus of +3. These automata are treated as if wearing medium armor.
Fortified Frame: Eir models begin play with 10 hit points. They determine additional hit points according to class selection.
Long Life: Eir models were designed for heavy labor and can operate longer than other models before they need to stop for self-maintenance. Eir models can operate twice as long (up to 40 hours) before they must recharge their therma-torque engines. Eir models with classes that require rest to recharge class-based abilities (like a wizard resting to prepare spells) must still satisfy those requirements normally.
Clockwork Points: Eir models were built to be general laborers and saw wide use in a multitude of areas. They receive 4 clockwork points (CPs) for additional customizations, plus an additional 3 CP at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

CWPs: 19

Improved Armor (Minor) (-2(17) CWPs, Free)
Reinforced Armor (Major) (-4(13) CWPs,)
Efficient Armor (Major) (-4(9))

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Clockwork Drone CR 1/6

XP 65
N Tiny construct
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +2


AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +2
Immune construct traits


Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam +0 (1d3-3)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 5, Dex 18, Con —, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 10 (can’t be tripped)
Skills Fly +16

Fly (Su)

A clockwork drone can cease or resume its flight as a free action.


Environment any
Organization swarm (3–8)
Treasure none

Imbued with magic that allows it to fly, a drone has an approach typically marked by the low buzz of its tiny gears and pistons, which work furiously to maintain the magical field that allows it to fly. These clockworks are designed to act as observers. When a drone finds an advantageous position from which to maintain its watch, it uses a small, metallic claw on its underside to attach itself to a surface.

Drones usually avoid combat at all costs. When they are pressed into fighting, they prefer to aid their fellow clockworks by distracting their enemies.