The Honor Guard- A Group Tian Xia Game (Inactive)

Game Master Mowque

A band of adventurers escort a prize across Tian Xia.

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Sorry about taking so long to post guys. I have been under the weather for the past couple of days. I haven't really been doing much except sleeping and going to work. I am going to post immediately and I just wanted to explain why I took so long. Sorry again.

Don't you worry your pretty little head, dude. I can guarantee that there will be times I'll take longer to post. It's happened before. You write well, btw.

Wow, really great posts guys! Lots of character building and development! Awesome.

@baneofbordom: No worries. I won't wait everytime for all four people to post, as that would holds things up. So it wasn't a slight at you not to wait.

I'll be posting a bit later today. Awesome stuff.

Next up will be picking a route! Hope you guys pick a fun way.

How big do you want it, boss? Use photobucket's own 'View image' feature. Don't just right-click. It's pretty big.

And BoB? I think it's time for that Knowledge (geography) of yours to shine.

Arthur G wrote:

How big do you want it, boss? Use photobucket's own 'View image' feature. Don't just right-click. It's pretty big.

And BoB? I think it's time for that Knowledge (geography) of yours to shine.

Wow, awesome! Thanks.

So about that route; should we discuss this here? Because it seems like a big decision that going to shape the game going forward. I haven't got the faintest idea what route makes the most sense, so I'm not sure how to respond in game. Traveling by land means going through Lingshen, Po Li and maybe Quain, right? Or am I reading the map wrong? From what little I can read about those places they all seem perfectly civilized.
A journey by boat, though. Oh boy. What does that even mean? Going by those rivers all the way to Hwanggot or sailing the sea south of the entire continent and then back up to the eastern side of Hwanggot? Boy, does that latter option seem like a trek, but I'm rather liking the idea of traveling by water.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

If we go by boat then that'll be a long time. I would be hesitant going by boat just because Zeng Dong said that everyone expects Chyou to be leaving by boat the next day. That and Ayuka in samurai armor and the water probably isn't a good mix :)

I think Lingshen, maybe skirting Shenmen's border (possibly detouring to Shokuro if we're being pursued because Ayuka would have friends there) to Po Li and Bachuan before going down into Hwanggot.

Also, Ayuka trekked originally from Minkai to Shokuro and so she would be familiar with some of that terrain - where to camp, safe routes, etc.

We could also do Lingshen to Shokuro to Amanandar to Kwanlai to Tianjing to Bachuan to Hwanggot.

You can discuss this in any combination of OOC and IC you like. Figure it would be more fun to let you pick.

That said, Bachuan IS run by communists with a virulent hatred of nobles and the Zeng family is particularly disliked there.

of course the route is not set ins tone or need to be completely picked now.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Ok...Bachuan is out :) It didn't seem so hostile when I read about it in Dragon Empires.

This map here might be more helpful than the one above.

'nother map

All right, so what do you decide? I know an IC debate can go on forever.

Everyone want to vote or something? Not rushing, just making sure everyone feels engaged.

Edit: Excellent maps Aruthr G.!


Good stuff guys. I am learning a lot about Tian Xia.

I hope you don't mind me dotting in and deleting in the Gameplay thread. That way, I don't have to keep switching out 'favorite posts' to keep up with the game.

Game on!

Fabian Benavente wrote:

Good stuff guys. I am learning a lot about Tian Xia.

I hope you don't mind me dotting in and deleting in the Gameplay thread. That way, I don't have to keep switching out 'favorite posts' to keep up with the game.

Game on!

No issues at all.

Fabian, would you mind being a sounding board for ideas and such? Tian Xia has alot of 'holes' and areas that I can fill it with cool stuff. All Pm, so these players have no idea when the dragons attack....

GM Mowque wrote:

All right, so what do you decide? I know an IC debate can go on forever.

Everyone want to vote or something? Not rushing, just making sure everyone feels engaged.

Edit: Excellent maps Aruthr G.!

I say we enter Hwanggot through Po Li. I don't feel that the other route can be justified, though I could still be convinced.

That being said, let's just take it step by step, yeah? We can plot as much as we want, but we all know that that dastardly GM is going to throw some dragon ninja/oni deity/undead samurai lord at us and all our best laid plans will go awry. So for now could we just say that we head for the nearest city, Khitai, and see what our situation is at that point?

All this aside, I would really like to see a decent knowledge (geography) check from Otrov first. Would be nice to know if us uneducated plebs are missing something.

GM Mowque wrote:
Fabian Benavente wrote:

Good stuff guys. I am learning a lot about Tian Xia.

I hope you don't mind me dotting in and deleting in the Gameplay thread. That way, I don't have to keep switching out 'favorite posts' to keep up with the game.

Game on!

No issues at all.

Fabian, would you mind being a sounding board for ideas and such? Tian Xia has alot of 'holes' and areas that I can fill it with cool stuff. All Pm, so these players have no idea when the dragons attack....

I could try helping out with being a sounding board although my 'very little knowledge' of Tian Xia may not make me the best person for that. Hence my original idea to play a foreigner.

However, feel free me to PM me with stuff.

Game on!

Yeah, the only choice you 'need' to make now, is land or sea. You guys seem pretty set on land (which makes sense, it seems more direct).

It is annoying how few cities are on the Tian Xia map.

I can add more but then you guys won't know they are there. Just assume the area is more..populated then that grand map may indicate?

Hey yall how do I handle rolls?


Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 91d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 This is a dice expression.

Just change the numbers and label to suit...

Wonderful! So I made the roll, now I just wait for the result of the roll?

baneofboredom wrote:
Wonderful! So I made the roll, now I just wait for the result of the roll?

One of the downsides of PBP, I'm afraid. Sometimes I'll put the DCs and such up so you'll know if you 'made' the roll or not. Most time though, it'll be in my post.

Sometimes, if I think it'll slow things down I'll even do some of the rolling. But I try to avoid that as much as possible.

Also, you can do any last minute shopping on the way to the final gate.

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Wow, I wonder what happened to everyone.

Not a good sign when posting is this slow at the start....

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Are you looking for more from us before we leave Goka? If so, I can post a little more.

Yeah, I thought we were waiting on something. Still very much aboard.

So it was me. Sorry, I'll try to do better in gauging things in the future! I have started reading Kay's Under heaven which takes place in a fantasy Tang China. Lots of inspiration!

Also:I'll be out of town from April 17th to the 21st. Just a heads up!

In my own games, I can't even roll that good. But Bai has some good stats.

Enjoystopping him without killing him.

I love non-lethal encounters. So different then the usual hack and slash goblins.

I like how you all work RP into combat posts. I like it and am getting a feel for all your characters.

Someone going to pick up that ball?

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Sorry! I didn't know that GM Mowque had posted something further. My bad :(

Dang ol' nefarious page shifts.

Swift post, man.

I'd like a little more posts before I post. I'd like 2-3 PC posts between mine, even in conversations. I'd like to see some reactions! Is that doable?

Do I need to be more active or something? I know group games go slow but it seems to me to lack some momentum.

What can I do?

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

I've noticed this one lacks a bit of momentum myself, that being said I'm not sure what to do to increase it much. Getting ready to post now.

I feel vaguely responsible as I fell of the face of the net for a week, but I don't especially mind the pace as is. May be in the minority in this sentiment, but I vastly prefer slower games with quality posts over faster games with so-so posts.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

I slowed down posting a bit because I didn't want to monopolize what was going on. I'm still here so you haven't lost me :)

I just don't want you guys to lose interest or whatever. I guess I am just used to faster solo games. I will try to control myself.

Is the game interesting?

I am having fun with this game myself, but we are currently at a part where my character isn't really that helpful or relevant to the group.

baneofboredom wrote:
I am having fun with this game myself, but we are currently at a part where my character isn't really that helpful or relevant to the group.

Or we were anyways lol. Thats why you check the gameplay before making a comment. I am going to be posting today, but probably not right now as I need to start getting ready for work.

Right. So. Posted part 1 of Zheng's master plan and I don't know if I went too far. The idea is to give us something fun to do in town, but if people aren't feeling it, then no sweat. I left it as is, so that you guys have a chance to get involved if you want to. If not, then I'll just post a probably equally big part 2, Mowque will have to post some reaction from Chyou and that's that. Game is right back on track, hopefully without any disruption from my end.

Mowque, we talked about this privately, but if there's something in my post that you object to then just say the word. I'll delete the whole thing within the hour.

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

I'm on board with the art show. Sounds like a good bit of fun :)

Female Tian-Min Sword Saint samurai/5

Thanks for giving it a try :) it was fun while it lasted.

It was fun indeed! I am really glad to have given this a try, as this was something new for myself as well! Drogeney, if you find another one of these that you think I'd be interested, send me a link!

female half-elf Sor/Spir 7 | HP 42/42 THP 0 | AC 16, TAC 12, FF 14 | F + 9, R +6, W +8 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | dark Vision 60ft; light blindness; Per +7 (9) | Spiritualist Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4. 3rd 2/2; Sorcer Spells: 1st 4/7, 2nd 2/6. 4/4 3rd | Active: light blind, mage armor, false life

Eep! Somehow this never showed for me. I understand, I figured it was coming. Still thanks for trying, it's appreciated.

I certainly will BoB!
...wait, YOU can't be BoB, we know him already. Yikes!

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