The Hollow Man (Inactive)

Game Master trux

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DM Grimmy: Could he be "given" the trait that makes DD a class skill. The developers have said this was a creation oversight of the class since they already gain the ability to disarm magical traps.

This + regular tools would get his DD to +8
(1 rank + 2 dex + 3 class skill + 2 tools-or remove the -2 penalty for not having tools)

Shadow Lodge

Might be far easier for me to ditch the crossbow and purchase the tools.
I can then pick up weapon focus or some such to make the sword hit until we happen across some bows.

He could use his bonus feat for additional traits to pick that up if he wants, pending approval of the other trait.

Once eminem80 has an alias and everyone finishes their character sheets I'll connect a discussion thread and we can move to that tab.

Shadow Lodge

Went with Deft Hands, just in case Makirut survives long enough that he might need to steal some intel.
Brings us up to 5, and if the Archaeologist trapfinding bonus is earned at level 2, we should be in good shape.

Looking forward to getting the Pench Family and Tuatha stories up on the wiki to help bring this setting to life for people in the other groups!

Shadow Lodge

Not sure on tuatha...or Prnch
Who meeds to add stuff exactly?

Those are amazing stories written by Cian and Chillstrike. I could add them myself I guess but I want to let them add them to liven up the place and get people used to interacting with it. Totally no rush though.

When you do put them on there though guys, I'm thinking do it as a wiki page. It does allow players to create wiki pages, we have experimented in the other group. Just create a new wiki page, give it the same title as the story, and then I will place links to the stories somewhere conspicuous so people passing through can read them.

So how do we know each other? Can any of us know each other ahead of time? Just wondering, might be fun to actually be friends before hand. Unless that's part of the surprise.

Shadow Lodge

I've been thinking about that, but I'm not 100% on where we are. My PC is such a jack of all trades we can probably know each other from just about anything.

Heck yeah you can make pre-existing connections, of course.

A good place to have shared history is the city of Bard's Gate, there is lot's of info up about that already.

Lost City takes place mostly in and around the city of Endhome. I began adding that cities info to the wiki yesterday.

I can show you a preview of the campaign map to give a sense of where things are in relation to each other but don't study it too close I'm making some changes before we start.

Map Preview

The North West panel will be unchanged in the final, as will the South East.

The North West and North East need some changes, I'm migrating some modules into them to flesh them out. The geography will not change much but some place names will.

I just have to make a hi-res version of this map with the place names fixed, I've been meaning to do it for weeks but I can't find the usb cord to my graphics tablet.

Nice map. Very old school. I approve.

I really like it too, another fan made it, not me.

Cian would be from the southwest, maybe off map.

Chillstrike and Okrin Goodspeed you know your deal, Bard's Gate.

Makirut sounds like you spent time in the north west part of the map too.

Eminem80's cleric of freya should probably be from the north east around Endhome, maybe that character will be the initial plot hook to move things that way.

As I put up more info on the wiki you guys can maybe think of some ideas why your characters might travel from Bard's Gate to Endhome.

I have bare-bones about Endhome up as of yesterday. I'm on there right now uploading loads of way more interesting gods.

Shadow Lodge

tres cool.
Will we be likely to embark from Bard's Gate?

PC was supposedly raised at an orphanage there. Maybe he has stopped by for funeral of former teacher/mentor? or a quick meal among old friends?

Would love to put some articles in the wiki about ork clans with DM review. Curious what you would look for.

I'm thinking gameplay will start already closer to Endhome. It's a perilous road, if we play through the trip hex by hex the party will level up by the time they get there. We usually say any journeys of that distance that occured off screen pre-adventure would have been taken by joining a well-defended merchant caravan. That's what normal travelers do in these lands. Hitting the road on foot with a small band to travel from one major city to the next is something that leads to either death or heroics.

The orc clan stuff would be most welcome. I'd be curious how regular orc's in the Lyre Valley feel about the recent appearance of the black orcs of orcus.

I'm off to work, but I'll keep eyes here from mobile.

I think the next thing for this group is to get the cleric checked in which should be today or tomorrow I believe the player said.

I'll give you guys more concrete adventure seeds to riff off of fairly soon.

FYI, if you look at my profile, every single game under "my campaigns" is an active part of this same sandbox game that you guys are now a part of, so all those PC's are fair game for developing shared history with if you are so inclined. Some of them have even collaborated with me to seed future inter-party connections tying the destinies of PC's who aren't even aware of each other yet in game.

There's something like 22 PC's running around in this sandbox, so if you want to check out their profiles it's possible something will inspire you are bring this setting better into focus.

Purely optional of course, I just can't think of much else to engage you with until I get a few things worked out on my end (converting a bit of 3.5 stuff to pathfinder, shuffling some geography, and getting a proper map up at last.)

I really didn't expect to find players like you guys as fast as I did, I'm quite pleased that I did but it means we've a bit of down time.

Let me know if you get itchy to start, and keep this conversation going.

The questions are good, they tell me which areas to chuck up on the wiki first.

Last night I added loads about the High Sanctum of the Scroll in Bard's Gate for Lareg's PC Okrin Goodspeed.

I'll get to orcs next, Makirut there is another PC wanting to flesh out orc clans, his profile is here. Grokar the Ravager. You two should definitely collaborate.

I have only bare bones for you to riff off except to say that there are multiple orc clans based in the northern part of the Lyre Valley, and the foothills of the Stoneheart Mountains. The way these orc clans relate to one another is something a little bit like Mongol and Turkic tribes before being united under Ghengis Kahn. We are talking about less than 3,000 square miles though, maybe a half dozen clans. They compete with gnolls for control of that region. They engage in raids sometimes, but just for the sake of raiding, they are not actively trying to invade Bard's Gate or anything. If the orc clans have a common enemy keeping them from warring too much with each other it is these gnoll's first before it is the "civilized" races. However they do clash with human rangers called the Longfellows, and griffon riding Knights called the Lyre Guard who are both present in that region as a first line of defense for Bard's Gate.

There are a couple of tiny logging and mining settlements populated by humans, and they are as rugged and frontier as it gets, but life is cheap there more due to poverty and lawlessness and random hungry beasts roaming down from the mountains than due to the infrequent and haphazard raiding of orcs.

There's one really flavorful bit of orc lore in the setting that I have to decide what to do with, because one party will discover it through game play around level 5 and I don't want to spoil it for that party, but I can't be sure which party that will be yet (depends who finds that particular plot hook appealing when the time comes). So, I don't want to make it publicly visible on the wiki, but I'm fairly sure Makirut will still be tied up with the delve around Endhome at the time that comes into play.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok. Here is the avatar and crunch (in the profile) for my cleric of Freya. I plan for her to be a Valkyrie wanna be from the mountains. Where is there a barbarian type community near Endhome. I plan for her to have a "holy vision" and come down into the community to protect the people in that area. Sound OK?

So where do you want to add the creation myth of the Tuath to the OP wiki?

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Gear and all that set. With first level being monk I'm not as widely useful as I will be at level two with a level of wizard. However, I picked up the bodyguard feat as per the character creation rules for an extra feat. The feat pairs very well with my background. I'm thrilled to take a look at the additional info on the High Sanctum.

Semester grading is wrapping up so this weekend and early next week are busy for me, but then I have some down time after midweek. I'll be sure to read a bit between grading. As ideas and such strike me I'll toss up notes. Once things wrap up I'll have a ton more time to flesh things out.

Cian MacLir wrote:
So where do you want to add the creation myth of the Tuath to the OP wiki?

Along the top of the page there is a menu called "+ New" or something like that. From that menu, choose Wiki Page.

Paste the story in, add images or links and stuff if you want, boom, done, create page.

Now it is just sort of in a vacuum with no links leading to it, but don't worry about that, I will get notified that you created a wiki page and I will make a place for it where it can be found and read by people.

So the cleric has an alias up, and everyone has reaffirmed interest - exactly the things I wanted to see happen this weekend. I attached a discussion thread.

Shadow Lodge

Hey, if I change my alignment to True Neutral, does that mess up things for any of y'all?

DM Grimmy wrote:

Looking forward to getting the Pench Family and Tuatha stories up on the wiki to help bring this setting to life for people in the other groups!

sorry for the delay on that, this weekend has been busy.

No rush at all.

Say, I'm new to this "online" campaigning playstyle and was wondering if i could join.

Sorry pal this recruitment has been closed for a while already, we were just waiting to move into a discussion thread until everyone finished their character sheets. But we're heading over to discussion now. Sorry if we confused by continuing to post in a recruitment thread after the recruiting was finished.

oooh, ok. i found this in a i found this in a recuruitment thread and was like "cool" n stuff

Karl is updated. Equipment list is still unfinished, but is there in broad strokes. Could Karl get a +1 to craft carpentry due to his background?

Added details of Pench Timbers, Karl Chillstrikes loving family to the wiki.

BTW how do you add a character portrait?

Karl Chillstrike wrote:

Added details of Pench Timbers, Karl Chillstrikes loving family to the wiki.

BTW how do you add a character portrait?

In the menu bar at the top of the Obsidian Portal page, you will see a menu title "+ New". This is the menu for creating wiki's and adventure journals too, but the first thing you want to create is your character. Once you create your character you will see how to add a portrait. You can use an image from anywhere. If the image isn't roughly square, it will display weirdly, but I can fix it if you don't know.

Yes, well I have done that and forgot the portrait.

Here is Morrigan: Picture

Shadow Lodge

cool. you should link it in your profile

Tentatively, possibly recruiting a 7th PC or a backup PC in case of player attrition/dropouts.

Seeking highly motivated poster lol.

Seriously though, I am really excited about both modules I have planned for this group, they are some of the best secret weapons I have in my cache, definitely the best low-level adventures I know of from the modern era.

Looking for very active poster who wants to really get into this story and make this a kickass game!

Enthusiasm for old-school a must, high availability to post frequently a must, good team player a must! lol

No experience necessary, in-game training provided! New players to pathfinder welcome!

If you prefer Keith Parkinson to Wayne Reynolds this game is for you! If you prefer Errol Ottus you are even cooler than me but I will do my best to be worthy!

Might still squeeze one more.

Bump for opening.

I'd be interested in hanging back in case you need me, that's what you're looking for, correct? A backup player? An archery ranger or alchemist seems natural with the party I see in the OP

Actually there's an opening right away because the paladin's player had to leave due to unexpected health issues.

The party did pick up an archery ranger since the OP though, and alchemists aren't one of the available classes.

I'm actually having a bit of trouble finding people lately, I'm afraid maybe I'm scaring them off with my rants (-_-)

I just really want a team that is excited and committed so I tend to ask a lot of questions... Maybe I need to chill.

This thread explains the situation better and has the allowed material up. Give it a bump for me if you don't mind, GypsyMischief. It is floundering so far 0_o

Sovereign Court

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am looking to add a replacement divine spellcaster to our party for the Lost City of Barakus. This is an old-school module built for the Pathfinder system.

Our Gods so far

2nd Level
*160 GP
*20 point buy
*No stat above 18 after racial adjustment (LEVEL ONE)
*Roll HP, max lvl 1, re-roll 1's
*Bonus feat at 1st level
*Fighters get 4+int skill ranks
*No traits
*Exception for Rogues, they get 2 traits
*1 Action Point/level, max 5 in the bank

Submissions should be level two(2) divine spellcasters. CRB classes and races are more common in our little plane, so I am inclined to give them preference.

Zero Golarion fluff or context-specific qualities, please. Our party is adventuring in and around the Stone Heart Valley setting from Necromancer/Frog God Games. (map)

You may find the original DM's post here. I am carrying the baton in attendance of Good King Grimmy's return.

Personality highly recommended. Backgrounds will be fleshed out collaboratively, but I would love to hear any ideas.

Grand Lodge

Trux --

You know me from the Razor campaign (I'm the player behind Nef.) Can you tell me more about your "divine spell caster" and what role you envision the character playing in your party?

I love oracles, but I see that you folks have a strong preference for CRB classes.

Anyway, can you tell me more, and let me know if you are still looking for someone for this campaign? Edelhur pointed me here.


Sovereign Court


We are running a module from Tales of the Old Margreve

As soon as it completes, we are off to Endhome, which has some fancy caves north of it.

We can bend the rules, but given that the original party members had to follow them, the measure of flexibility there needs a rubber stamp from our group. It also allows characters to bounce between parties for the set of adventures run in the shared setting.

Upon Review: King Grimmy's original post allowed ALL APG classes and feats. Your Oracle seemingly fits the web!

Be sure and read that. You can find it here!

@Truxy: My position on oracles for the campaign, explained a little better than I did there, was this...
I am not ok with a way to bypass the gods for access to powerful divine magic, replacing them with vague patrons. I didn't put a "hard no" on the oracle because I was ok with them as part of a multi-class toolkit for building something like the Rage-Prophet for example.

You can make your own calls, I know I was gone a long time. But that is the way I was envisioning the setting.

Do you need primarily a healer or a divine caster that can heal when necessary. The reason is that I have a Druid I could scale back to level 1 who was originally in one of the original GM's games in that world.

Grand Lodge

I could go druid as well, or do a vanilla cleric if that is what GM Grimmy would prefer. I love Oracles though, and all of mine have been god worshippers. In fact, all of mine have been cursed rather specifically by those very same gods.

I was thinking of going Heavens Oracle if there is a god in your world that would fit that mold.

However, if you have a previous player that wants back in (as I see from the post above) I will of course bow out so that you can take back your prior colleague.


Sovereign Court

I'll give you oracle Hmm. Just know that I will come up with who your patron is once you choose the type. They would be a kind of divine aspect character. You will also be likely to encounter them or their agents along your journey.

Mikka, I believe we can take a druid as well as a oracle/cleric/inquisitor/whatever.

Again - party will be polled for their views. It probably won't be a simple as a straight vote, but I gotta take their views into account.

Hi guys, I am one of the players in the game - nice of you to have dropped by our campfire.

One thing I would say is that we have absolutely no divine power in our group, apart from an NPC that has been walking the walk with us, and doing a damn fine job at it I must say.

Additionally, we have ZERO healing power also, and while I am all for creative divine players, and try to be one of those myself [I actually intended to play a paladin initially when Grimmy started the idea, but there was already one in the group, so I ended being an Arcane Trickster :D], it is not all about the healing but some, yes.

On the other hand, we are very well served in Arcane Power.

Now, it all depends if trux intends to take one or two players on board :D

I agree with Caramir. Though I must say I'm willing to struggle a bit as a player healing wise in favor of a fun character concept.

Grand Lodge

I take it that the group is already strong on Battlefield Control, so a Heavens Oracle would be redundant? Pity. Battlefield control is one of the ways I like to lessen the need for healing, but if you've already got it covered, I can do something else.

I am playing an Oradin (Paladin / Life Oracle) in PFS, and that is a great healer who gets to also fight and do Paladin style stuff.

However, that wouldn't kick in until third level, which is likely a long ways away when we're talking play-by-post. And some of the best feats for Oradins are from other books not allowed for this campaign.

I could go straight life oracle (but as I said, I'm already doing life oracle in PFS.) Still, at least I know how they work. An oracle who is not a Paladin could have more options, morality-wise. Hmmmm....

Trux, do you allow alternate racial traits or racial FCBs? Because with them, a half-elf life oracle could get a fairly large channeling pool. I could do 2 dice of channeling at level 2, if that was allowed. It would probably cover most of the group's healing needs.

And yes, that is mechanics, not story. I'm still reading through your gameplay to get a sense of the group. If I joined, I would want to be a strong contributor who brought something the group needed badly -- but who also had a character with a distinct voice and a kickin' background story.


Actually, we are not strong in Battlefield Control - just sayin' ;)

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