"The Legend of the Oblivion Lord, a Godlike force of destruction is true. It has also turned its sights upon our world. It's mere entry into our world annihilated all of Lojis and his rampages have destroyed most of Groden, Quirith and Hindarin. All attempts to stop him have failed so far... help?
I don't really get it, as my d20 rolls for acrobatics and to hit are the exact same roll I did for the grapple, and the grapple turned out perfectly fine whereas the others got borked. I even double checked to make sure all the dice rolls were seperate. Regardless, let's give this another go...
Acrobatics:1d20 + 47 ⇒ (13) + 47 = 60
Attack 1:1d20 + 72 ⇒ (8) + 72 = 80
Attack 2:1d20 + 52 ⇒ (11) + 52 = 63
Attack 3:1d20 + 47 ⇒ (15) + 47 = 62
Attack 4:1d20 + 47 ⇒ (13) + 47 = 60
Attack 5:1d20 + 42 ⇒ (3) + 42 = 45
Attack 6:1d20 + 42 ⇒ (13) + 42 = 55
Attack 7:1d20 + 37 ⇒ (10) + 37 = 47
Attack 8:1d20 + 52 ⇒ (16) + 52 = 68
I hope it works this time. I apologize for holding stuff up; this is the first time I've done PbP here.
Watching as the armored godbeing hits Archaon with a sphere of nothingness, The blur decides to focus offensively. He will take the paladin's offer of power from his god (activating smite) and also will study the dark one offensively, before flying across the battlefield to repeat the assault of the previous round.
Study opponent (dc=10+CR) spending a point to add +20 to check:1d20 + 52 ⇒ (9) + 52 = 61
The Blur will then finish his movement 100' away from the Oblivion Lord, on the opposite side of the starting side of the party. He will then spend a mythic point to take a standard action to go full defensive, making his AC 61.
Oh, not that it matters, but I forgot that I always target flat-footed ac. I knew there was a reason I didn't spike up my attack bonus... also, going to spend a mythic point to add my tier (100') to my speed (cause appearantly reading my abilities is a good idea.)
So was that his turn? Did he do that in response to getting hit? Does he seem any worse for wear? How big are the horsemen? Are they flying? Is there a knowledge to identify them?
The Save was Death Throes but because (more than) one person died, the Oblivion Lord revived, Summoning was his turn, He seems to be vry well off. Medium, they aren't flying right now, Knowledge (planes) to identify
Sorry guys, didn't get done on friday. Weekends are really bad for me with real life games and spending time with the wife doing things so I won't be updated till monday.
16+6from chart+3 from ability increast,+16size from Huge size,+6Enhancement, +5 Inherent.
So 52 Str, woops seems I shorted myself by 2. When Raging it is 8str from Mighty Bloodrage, +6 more abyssal bloodline for a 14. Weapon is is Bane, Mythic Bane and Furious on this guy so +5 enhancement become +11 so +5 more to Str and Con since they are moral bonus b/c of courageous enhnacement.
So str becomes 52+19=71 for a +30str
Touch of Rage is a +11 moral bonus that becomes a +16 because of courageous.
BAB +20, Str +30, +16 Morale, +11 Weapon, +4 Luck(Divine Favor CL 9), +17Cha from smite.
So +98, -2 Size for size, -2 Flurry, +1 Inherent, +1 Haste so +96, ah so I had charge calculated in alreadr for the +98 so my rolls should be 2 less on the post sorry bout that. He uses a use of mythic power on power attack to take no penalty on attacks.
Yeah the build is viable from level 1. Thats why I put when I took the feats and posted my level progression.
I don't know why they keep saying wizards are these all powerful godlike beings (we just have more options).
Sure, my intensified, maximized fireball is aoe, but the damage has to overcome SR, has a reflex save, and is one of the most common resistances out there. Said fireball doing 90 max damage, compared to your 3500!!!
And that's before you add mythic to yours?
With a couple points of mythic augmenting the fireball, i get around the resistance/immunity and can cap it at 250 damage. Which is a lot better.
I've always played that as a wizard, I buff and support the frontliners. And drive them around.
In a normal game, wizards are the ones who can completely bend reality to their will. In a mythic gestalt game with no GM restrictions that quickly changes as Martians become so physically powerful, it doesn't matter what you do with them. This is NOT a normal situation.
When Raging it is 8str from Mighty Bloodrage, +6 more abyssal bloodline for a 14.
There's a problem here: unless you have some way of letting your eidolon rage, you can't add the raging bonuses to your stats, because your eidolon's physical ability scores replace yours. Even if you do, you have no way to grant it class features, so you couldn't add your abyssal bloodline bonus.
Archaon, The Everchosen wrote:
Weapon is is Bane, Mythic Bane and Furious on this guy so +5 enhancement become +11 so +5 more to Str and Con since they are moral bonus b/c of courageous enhnacement.
Touch of Rage is a +11 morale bonus that becomes a +16 because of courageous.
Touch of Rage is also a standard action to activate, and would only grant you a +13 total bonus, assuming that you're using a mythic point to activate Amazing Initiative.
So, you're strength should be 44, which gets you a +16 +20 bab +5 weapon +11 for touch of rage +3 for divine favor (which caps out at +3 to hit and damage) +1 haste, -2 size should be +54.
Btw, there is no god that I can find who uses a Nodachi, so you can't flurry with one (as crusader's flurry requires you to have weapon focus in your deity's favorite weapon). Closest I can find is Fumeiyoshi, who wields a Naginata.
@Grem: Touch of rage is a bloodline power from the orc bloodline.
M Nagaji; 20 Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light)/20 Ninja/ (Dual-Path)10 Champion/Trickster
Archaon is correct about the weapon enhancement bonus; you can take it higher than +5 with furious/bane properties.
His morale bonus looks legitimate to me. Actually his Robe of Arcane Heritage increases his level by 4 when determining its power, so it should be a +17 right?
Ah, so the 3d8 is from a Nodachi -- in that case you can't use pummeling style; look at the table in the ACG, unarmed strikes only.
And THAT is why greater invisibility and a legendary item/spells that prevent against detection -even by things like true seeing- is necessary. So he can't SEE where to put the sphere of annihilation!
But I must admit that my strategy was similar :3 Trap him in an Otherworldly Kimono (no save) and spend a mythic point to take an extra action... using that action to allow myself (wearing the kimono) to be sucked into the sphere of annihilation. That would have been fun...
What are ya going to do, swallow it? XD
He centered it in the poor guy's chest. Unless you had it implanted in your spine, I don't think you'll have time to effect it... But now that I mention it, that's not a bad idea.
found the faq entry on it and turns out you were right: you can get an enhancement bonus higher than +5. While Raging, he would have a +11 enhancement bonus, meaning that he would increase morale bonuses by +5. He would not, however, be able to make his eidolon rage (as I've found nothing for summoners that would allow them to do so) so his strength is still capped at the numbers I mentioned above.
You also can use style feats with any weapon; they just require unarmed strike.
Revising, his bonus to hit would be +74/74/69/64, and he would be doing 3d8 +24 str +11 enh +16 touch of rage +12 power attack +2 smite for a total of +65. pretty awesome.
It looks like he also failed to factor in that while fused he uses his eidolon's base attack bonus.
@Grem Well what do you suggest? Trying to wish the sphere into outer space? Not really destroying it per say or throwing it into a different dimension like Gate but...
@Vrog The only way I know of is using your eidolon as a mount and using mounted age, but there's no way that'd work while fused.
Sythesist is considered one entity. Raging works fine just as mutagen does as well as belts and any other items. You can find this with a search. It was disscussed a few years back. Wasn't included in the FAQ b/c the assumption of it working was correct as you are now one entity just using the eidolons physicals stats. Same with BAB I do use the Eidolons BAB on one side of the Gestalt but I'm full on the other. So full BAB. Pummeling style may get FAQ'ed to only use unarmed strikes, but RAW it works with Flurry. I honestly didn't check about the nodachi. I can't get to Nethys list at work. No big deal though make it a falchion and the damage is 3d6 instead of 3d8.
Touch of rage is a swift action with quicken spell like ability. And it is +16 bonus now. With robes I'm level 22, so 11+5 courageous bonus.
I play high often and play gestalt a lot. I also think I have pretty good system mastery. Let me know if you have any other questions. I will I would have thought about statcking courageous bonuses like Grem as it adds to the main moral bonus and is untyped. Glad I learned that.
So sphere of anialation huh. Nice. So does this god follow any actual rules or did you make up the abilities? What state are we in when coming back to life? I assume unbuffed so I will start up my sequence.
As far as the bab issue goes, it's unclear at best. especially since gestalt has 0 support for Pathfinder.
I have yet to find anything at all definitive about applying attribute bonuses from rage to a sythesist. the only thing I can find that comes close to answering it is the reverse, which would seem to support my opinion:
That's really the problem with the synthesist. It's rules are incredibly open to interpretation, and they work differently than other game options that are similar.
Ahh, well, it's a moot discussion now anyway, since you can't summon it again for a day.
Not true already summoned again. As said you can search it is pretty well agreed on and know they are one entity when summoned b/c the eidolon doesn't exist as its own entity when your a synth and anything that alters physical scores alters the eidolons when summoned. You can even look at old society builds befor it became banned and see people level dipped barbarian. The BAB is pretty clear on one side of the gestalt I use the sythesist. on the other side I'm full Gestalt uses the best every level. I don't know how it could be more clear.
On the God, I was just curious if its abilities are rooted in the rules. I don't mind either way. This was/is a fun optimization challenge.
I noted the wrong spell in the game play. I use Summoned Eidolon Purified calling is used when you can do the ritual and you want to call it with everything healed. I don't mind sharing rules and helping others but you shouldn't make blanket assumptions when your not aware of how things work. Eidolons can't die unless killed on their home plane, they vanish back when they hit 0 and damage in excess carries over to you. In this case we took no damge we ceased to exist or was sucked into oblivion or whatever.
Actually, Eidolons can die. according to the summoner class here, it's clear that they do not die when they hit 0 hp.
[quote=Above linked rules for the summoner[
Eidolon: A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it and can speak all of his languages. Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.
A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished.
did you even read the spell or the sythesist. Sythesist doesn't have the same info you posted. It states the eidolon is killed at 0 and sent back. Saying they can't be killed was a poor choice of words on my part, but they realy aren't killed either. Just sent back to home plane. The spell lets you summon them again even if they have been sent back for the day.
Fused Eidolon: A synthesist summons the essence of a powerful outsider to meld with his own being. The synthesist wears the eidolon like translucent, living armor. The eidolon mimics all of the synthesist's movements, and the synthesist perceives through the eidolon's senses and speaks through its voice, as the two are now one creature. The synthesist directs all of the eidolon's actions while fused, perceives through its senses, and speaks through its voice, as the two are now one creature.
While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but retains his own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The synthesist gains the eidolon's hit points as temporary hit points. When these hit points reach 0, the eidolon is killed and sent back to its home plane. The synthesist uses the eidolon's base attack bonus, and gains the eidolon's armor and natural armor bonuses and modifiers to ability scores. The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon's special abilities and the eidolon's evolutions. The synthesist is still limited to the eidolon's maximum number of natural attacks. The eidolon has no skills or feats of its own. The eidolon must be at least the same size as the synthesist. The eidolon must have limbs for the synthesist to cast spells with somatic components. The eidolon's temporary hit points can be restored with the rejuvenate eidolon spell.
it says nothing about being able to summon it again the same day.
Though to be fair... I don't think the eidolon would die in this instance so much as they would be "sucked into the void and utterly destroyed. Only the direct intervention of a deity can restore an annihilated character."
Unless your GM gave your creature lives too... They aren't being reduced to 0 HP. Just destroyed. Then again, this is a large RAW vs. RAI discussion...
M Nagaji; 20 Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light)/20 Ninja/ (Dual-Path)10 Champion/Trickster
Guys, I realize there are a bunch of threads which say you can use Pummeling style with any weapon, but the exact text (pg 140 of the ACG) is:
Pummeling Style wrote:
Pool all unarmed strikes into a single powerful blow
There is no need for a FAQ, you can't use it with the nodachi.
@Fanatic - there's an item (artifact?) which helps casters control spheres of annihilation, might be worth looking into. Otherwise the best I can think of is portable hole/bag of holding shenanigans.
Because a lot of these things are up to interpretation I'm going to bring rule 0 into play. Because the Eidolon isn't its own entity it can rage with the Summoner however it does not gain belt, book, bracer, etc. bonuses unless the items in question are actually on the eidolon
Pummeling style is with unarmed strikes only, Close weapons(for brawler love) or with weapons that function as Unarmed strikes.(Such as a Zen Archer's bow or a Shield Champion's Shield)
I'm going to say no for the Monk's robe, however I can point you towards a Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes or Stonefist gloves for extra damage. +5 impact Bodywrap+Stonefist gloves+what you already have gets you to 8d8.