The Save was Death Throes but because (more than) one person died, the Oblivion Lord revived, Summoning was his turn, He seems to be vry well off. Medium, they aren't flying right now, Knowledge (planes) to identify
The one-hit build needs to charge to get the massive amount of damage and needs to vital strike to have all the damage maximized :(
The oversight is that you can't combine the two :(
So I'll probably have to change some stuff around and it won't do nearly as much damage , but we'll see :)
You can charge with vital strike. It's a useless feat otherwise.
I'm going to say no for the Monk's robe, however I can point you towards a Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes or Stonefist gloves for extra damage. +5 impact Bodywrap+Stonefist gloves+what you already have gets you to 8d8.
Because a lot of these things are up to interpretation I'm going to bring rule 0 into play. Because the Eidolon isn't its own entity it can rage with the Summoner however it does not gain belt, book, bracer, etc. bonuses unless the items in question are actually on the eidolon
Pummeling style is with unarmed strikes only, Close weapons(for brawler love) or with weapons that function as Unarmed strikes.(Such as a Zen Archer's bow or a Shield Champion's Shield)
He's a 50ft. Tall suit of pitch black spiked full plate with pure oblivion seeping through the chinks. He's lawful evil.
So, good buffs are?
moment of prescience
freedom of movement
resist energy (all)
see invis
greater spell immunity (what spells?)
magic circle vs evil
protection from law
align weapon
greater heroism
holy aura
mythic haste
The Blur runs up and delivers a flurry of punches and kicks. The Oblivion Lord turns and looks at The Blur as he springs back. The Oblivion Lord looks unaffected by these attacks.
Immune to... Immune to sneak attack? Excuse me while I go completely rebuild my sneak attack focused character... Rogues and all... Is there any particular reason you made clear before or is he because... He just is? I want to look for a magical item or feat that doesn't totally invalidate my build.
Yes. Undead traits. He's neither alive nor dead. So not Undead type but Undead traits. Feel free to change classes.
The ground was featureless for miles. All barren rock with no trace of life. A massive creature stands in the middle of a large open plain, it stands about 50ft tall and looks like a pitch black suit of spiked plate. It carries a shield and a strange sword that looks like two saw toothed blades placed side by side.
Dragonflyer1243, Vrog Skyreaver, Rhesus_pieces, Trekkie90909, Ashe, and Fnord72 are the first to reach The Oblivion Lord. As soon as all of you post with an alias, I'll open gameplay.
To everyone else: It is highly unlikely that just those six will be able to take down the Oblivion Lord alone. Submissions are still viable.
Y'all should have a reason to fight (and not flee) the oblivion lord.
Also, every character gets eight extra lives from Nadur, The Oblivion Lord's greatest enemy. This is if you're killed by an effect that would bypass Mythic Immortality.