Mirais |

Adhan's dot.

Talon Skyfall |

Vigilante dot.

Arani Thorindal |

May as well join the party

The Abrasax |

No peals? None?
She gave a very large sigh and bit her lip clearly flummoxed. Her fingers flew in a flurry of movement along her abacus.
That means that... no no no, that can't be Maybe I should have carried the two, no no thats only done on the fifth circling of the 3rd star.
She pushed the abacus over and reached up gripping her hair and pulling slightly.
Well then, perhaps we should go over the numbers again Abby cadabby
She said with a smirk taking a good sip of her tea. This day was going to be trying.
Abrasax huffs through her nose. Canacha knew very well how she hated that name. Zav should be coming by. she adds. He's probably going to try to convince me to attend that human gathering again.

Zev Kelevra |

"Zev, Abby." a pale man with golden eyes says lightly while slipping up aside the Strix lost in thought in order to give her a light nuzzle in greeting, their cheeks touching others a bit away might have mistaken it for a kiss.
"And you should, it's good to socialize, you meet all sorts of interesting people." the albino says while turning to look at the other pale person in the room. His heavy black furs and hood made his metallic hair and the grooves entwined all over his skin especially stand out among the tavern air.

The Abrasax |

Abrasax smiles at the appearance of her friend, but his suggestion sets one clawed foot to tapping. The three of them together made for quite the freak show. Abrasax has yet to be bothered. People. You mean humans. I already told you that the common riff raff have yet to interest me. And I might miss critical peals of the Bells.

Zev Kelevra |

"I also mean elves and halflings, you might even meet some more strix! Besides, if you do nothing but listen to the bells of the damned all the time you'll drive yourself mad. You need to relax every now and then." he replied calmly.

Canacha Bais |

Bells! Who doesnt like bells? I mean I like bells, wait... oh Hey Zevvy.... uh... what were we talking about again, I was doing calculations and lost myself for a moment.
She began scooching over on the bench and making space for them to sit down. She wondered if Zev's nose could smell the sweaty work she had done earlier that day of if the soot covered it. If he could smell it, how could it be hidden? If it could be hidden could it be reproduced and concentrated into a foul smelling bomb or perfume of sorts? Could it be used to send Canine's and other sharp smelling animals into a frenzy... She held up her hand and a single finger like she was hushing them for a moment as she stared into nothingness lost in thought and following the math....
Wait so what are we doing again?
She asked with a confused smile.

Game Master Scotty |

Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city’s new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city— an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously. In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo’s dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.
economic conservatives (who feel the squeeze as Thrune enacts new taxes and business policies);
advocates of democracy (whose bitterest complaint is Thrune’s appointment instead of legal election);
anarchists (who hope the protest turns into a good riot);
and Chelish loyalists (who support Thrune’s actions to curb the city’s dissentious streak).
Your small table is positioned at one of the more prestigious out door cafes so common around here.
It sits directly across from the opera's main door, allowing a perfect picture of the growing crowds.
People have been drifting in all day in great numbers and small, some leave quickly while others stay, building the crowd like an oncoming storm.
something of note.

Zev Kelevra |

Sadly Scent isn't an ability available to Witchwolfs :(
@ Tavern
Smiling at the name Zev let the eccentric woman first talk, then think, then talk some more before finally taking the offered seat between the lovely ladies. "The protest a lot of folks have been talking about, I saw a bunch of people headed to the theatre district on my way over here. How's your day been, Miss Canacha?"
He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but for whatever reason he rather liked her name.

The Abrasax |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Going to that protest later. It's either that or suffer Zev starting at us with those big beggy eyes for hours on end.
And I like fish, Zev. Fish and heights and... and killing Chelaxians!... Did I say that out loud?

Zev Kelevra |

Zev chuckled at Abby's dark thought breaking the pattern, though knowing a little about Strix and Chelish interactions it was hard to blame her. "I didn't hear anything," he lied, "but how about this, afterwards we can go get some good fish, my treat, and then find some nice heights to enjoy a meal?"

The Abrasax |

Abrasax's smile is genuine this time. I would enjoy that.
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Soon after the conversation at the Tooth and Claw Abrasax finds herself sitting on a stool (they had stools, thank the godess) at a nice cafe sipping a mulled wine. The crowd is diverse but still mostly human and their musk is potent. The spices from the wine are the only thing keeping her from making funny faces.
Even if she is babying her nose, her avian eyes are as sharp as ever. She easily spots a ne're do well taking this opportunity to lift a few coins.
Hey! Human filth! How dare you steal from your own tribe! she roars.

Mirais |

The tiefling, as usual, timidly opens the door of the tavern, her blood red hair tied up in a braid over her shoulder. Her eyes light up and she smiles to herself when she spots Canacha and Zev, together with the Skinwalker's pretty strix friend.
Making her way to where the three are, the qlippoth-spawn is about to raise her hand to wave hello before the Strix blurts out something about killing Chelaxians.
"Ye-Uhm...H-hi everyone..." Mirais says faintly after a moment of awkward silence, catching herself before she could say that yes, she did hear what Abrasax said.

Zev Kelevra |

Smiling softly at Abrasax' response a certain twinge in his mind made him turn towards the door before the other person even opened it. Seeing the tiefling step into the establishment he still managed his smile, genuine. Even with his hair standing on end it was still nice to see Mirais. He was just glad he was holding his beastly side back at the moment, lest some involuntary hackles or growl send the wrong message.
"Oh, hey Mira! Please, come sit." he said while motioning her over. "My, today just keeps getting better and better, to be in the company of such beautiful woman."

Talon Skyfall |

Talon arrives at the protest a little late, so he starts scanning the crowd for his contact.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Arani Thorindal |

Arani could feel it in the air, a sensation like an itch between her shoulder blades. From her perch on the rooftops, she had an exceptional view of the gathering protest.
The emotions at the protest were high and the mood on the streets had been getting increasingly more intense. Whie she was technically here to protest. Her real reason for attending was that somewhere deep down she had a feeling that something was going to go wrong. And when it did, she’d be there to stop Thrune’s jackbooted thugs from taking advantage of the crowd’s civil rights.
By Milani, she would ensure that The Black Thorn would see to it that the stranglehold House Thrune sought to exert on the people wouldn’t come without a lot of pain. The harder they squeezed the more they would hurt.
Eyes scanning the crowd, she looks for anything that might justify the instinct that she knew all to well was most often right.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Mirais |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"T-thanks..." Mirais smiles and blushes at Zev's comment, taking a seat at the table.
Quietly, the tiefling observes the crowd that was gathering for the protest: even if she spotted a couple of people that looked like they were only there to stir up trouble, she was glad that not only Kintargo Partisans were there to protest Thrune, but that the appointed mayor managed to attract the malcontent of so many different people.
That Thrune won't be able to stand holed up in the Opera House with so many people out here: he'll have to address a whole mob in front of where he lives (until we send him back home)! He'll have to answer for all of those ridiculous proclamations...and for closing the theater.
With the contempt for Thrune fomenting a fire in her chest, Mirais almost unconsciously starts singing an at first apparently random piece from The Barber of Corentyn.
Even if it's subtitled, here's the translation
However, as one listens to it, he could easily make the connection that every time love was mentioned in the text it was meant as a Metonymy for Shelynite artist kicked out of the Opera House...or just as a jab to the ruthless and cruelly armed tyrant, who could be no other than Barzillai.
Even if only the first part was relevant to what originally spurred her to start singing, taken by the performance the Tiefling continues, if someone sings the few other lines of recitative of the other character in the scene.
Like one of the two gentlemen that are still wandering around the protest by themselves *Hint, hint*
Perform(Sing): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Zev Kelevra |

Dont forget The Night of Ashes.
Zev goes back to his happy and silly smile once Mirais smiles and joins them, the hairs on his body standing on end slightly mollified by the change in the Teiefling's skin tone.

Canacha Bais |

perception to overhear rumor: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Canacha wasnt paying attention again... that was mostly because a hushed discussion caught her ears. She siddled up a bit closer to get a better gist of what was being said . . .

Game Master Scotty |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Abrasax's smile is genuine this time. I would enjoy that.
Hey! Human filth! How dare you steal from your own tribe! she roars.
Seconds after your shout alerts the victim of the theft, four members of the Chelish Citizens’ Group grab the would be thief and beat him unconscious. They swiftly drag his limp body in front of two dottari (city guard) to be incarcerated.
The grateful victim gushes in thanks and rewards you with five peices of gold.

Game Master Scotty |

Talon arrives at the protest a little late, so he starts scanning the crowd for his contact.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6
There is something off about the crowd, it has some kind of unsettling undercurrent to it...something...seems to be forming and aggressive.

Game Master Scotty |

Eyes scanning the crowd, she looks for anything that might justify the instinct that she knew all to well was most often right.[dice=Perception]1d20+5

Game Master Scotty |

cutting wonderful descriptive text:(
Your song carries to dozens of ears, soul by soul it spreads through the crowd like a breeze. Many sing poorly, some simply loud, others with heart. When finished with your song, many among the crowd have moved around, closer to others that sang with you. The chants and discord they express is greatly more organized, one solid voice instead of the multitude of discord.

Game Master Scotty |

dice=perception to overhear rumo 1d20+6
Canacha wasnt paying attention again... that was mostly because a hushed discussion caught her ears. She siddled up a bit closer to get a better gist of what was being said . . .
*over heard being spoken by a man covered in flour to a server near your table*
Looks like Thrune’s bringing public excruciations to Kintargo. I can’t imagine that’ll increase his popularity around these parts, even if the criminals he punishes deserve it. This ‘doghousing’ thing sounds particularly frightening!

Canacha Bais |

Canacha Bais wrote:dice=perception to overhear rumo 1d20+6
Canacha wasnt paying attention again... that was mostly because a hushed discussion caught her ears. She siddled up a bit closer to get a better gist of what was being said . . .** spoiler omitted **
*over heard being spoken by a man covered in flour to a server near your table*
Looks like Thrune’s bringing public excruciations to Kintargo. I can’t imagine that’ll increase his popularity around these parts, even if the criminals he punishes deserve it. This ‘doghousing’ thing sounds particularly frightening!
He eyes widened in horror, that just sounded beyond Barbaric. First no mint, now punishment in the streets? She had come to Kintargo years back to get away from horrors not witness them anew...She pushed her way through the few people in between her and her friends.
Guys! did you hear? Ugh I think im going to be sick thinking about it.

Talon Skyfall |

Talon Skyfall wrote:** spoiler omitted **Talon arrives at the protest a little late, so he starts scanning the crowd for his contact.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6
"Great, a mob's gonna riot and people are gonna get hurt."

Mirais |

"P-public punishments?" Mirais pales at Canacha's words "Like...what kind of punishments?"
This is even worse than I thought...

Arani Thorindal |

Continuing to scan the crowd, Arani focuses on the groups that seem to be the most animated in their demonstrations, looking for any sign of true danger to those gathered.
Sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Talon Skyfall |

Talon looks around for any children or older people who were the most likely to be hurt during a riot so he could get them out safely.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Mirais |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Public punishments..." Mirais mutters to herself, before jumping on her feet, her tail furiously spiraling on the ground "Public punishments!? Are you fuc**ng kidding me?"
The timid woman from a few moments before was now completely gone, and a decidedly furious tiefling had now taken her place.
"He comes here, takes a public building for himself, prevents us from electing a new mayor, outlaws mint, and now he's going to torture people on the streets?!" Mirais' voice, before talking mostly to herself, was now addressing the people around her "What is Thrune going to do next, execute people for walking on the wrong side of the street, or doing whatever other arbitrary thing he thinks is unacceptable!?"
She's about to continue her tirade only following what her emotions were telling her to do, but even in her dazed fury she realizes that just hammering on Thrune would just be saying aloud what people that already agreed with her were thinking: she wasn't looking for sympathy, she wanted Barzillai to go get away from the city. Worse, people that only wanted to stir up trouble could use what she was saying to escalate violently the protest...
"I wont hide behind a finger: I want the Opera House back, and if it was for me, I would just have wanted for no one to have come here to govern us in the first place. But" Mirais starts, trying to appease also to the moderates in the protest "If her Infernal Majestrix feels that she needs people around to prevent conflicts from erupting, fine. But let us choose our own Mayor, and not be ruled by a man that, for all we know (and outlawing mint and tea leads credence to that claim), could be completely mad!"
Rabble all the rouses.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 = 15
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 1 = 22+1 if previous attempt was successful.