GM Helaman |
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It's lonesome away from your kindred and all,
By the campfire at night where the wild dingos call,
But there's nothing so lonesome, so dull or so drear,
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer.
Now the publican's anxious for the quota to come,
There's a faraway look on the face of the bum,
The maid's gone all cranky and the cook's acting queer,
What a terrible place is a pub with no beer.
The stockman rides up with his dry, dusty throat,
He breasts up to the bar, pulls a wad from his coat,
But the smile on his face quickly turns to a sneer,
When the barman says suddenly: "The pub's got no beer!"
There's a dog on the veranda, for his master he waits,
But the boss is inside, drinking wine with his mates,
He hurries for cover and he cringes in fear.
It's no place for a dog, round a pub with no beer.
Old Billy, the blacksmith, for the first time in his life,
Has gone home cold sober to his darling wife,
He walks in the kitchen; she says: "You're early, me dear"
Then he breaks down and he tells her , that the pub's got no beer
Oh, it's lonesome away from your kindred and all,
By the campfire at night where the wild dingos call,
But there's nothing so lonesome, so dull or so drear,
Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer.

GM Helaman |
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Its noon at the pub that is queerly named 'The Blarney Chicken'. It is also unseasonably warm - perfect drinking weather. Normally a large tankard of cool beer or ale would cost just a few coppers but with the recent ducal order that taxes be paid in beer, even a small cup goes for a silvers, not coppers, and a jug of beer would sell for a gold crown!
Thats if the pub that you are in even has beer at all.
The Blarney Chicken? All they have is overpriced wine. Lucky for the publican, the pubs meal of the day is a tasty fish stew that is very good value for its large portion sizes.
The bar is half full, with others sharing your misery at the current situation with the lack of brewed beverages, including a few dwarves. Somewhat of a rarity in Rhoona despite the relative proximity to Rockhome, they are dressed in heavy clothes and leather aprons, and they lay into the fish stew with a vengeance - eating quickly as if they've somewhere to be.

Astrid Truestone |
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Astrid calmly drinks her delicious herbal tea, inhaling the spiced steam like it's some sort of drug. Her ornate teakettle and cups seems completely out of place in the glum tavern, and as long as you have known her, the tea that comes out of it is the only thing at Astrid drinks. Strange thing about it is, Astrid never seems to need to pour water or herbs into it, nor does she need to heat it up. Seeing the rest of the party's misery, Astrid pulls out a few cups and begins pouring the tea.
"It's better for you than mead or ale, at least," she says, shrugging.

Magnus Corvus |

"I would have to agree with Astrid. Now a nice Galantri vintage wine would go over quite well right now...sigh...but I guess this will have to do.", Magnus says taking another small sip of the local vintage.

Karl Gufstass |
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Karl smiles broadly at Aukan's desire for more beer.
I too would rather have a beer at this point, but the wine will work for now.
He nods to Magnus and raises his glass.
I have never tried that Galantri vintage. You should share some with us, when you can get your hands on it.
Karl then turns to Astrid.
I used to work closely with a Shaman that could read the omens of the gods tea leaves. Have you ever had that done for you?
He too turns his head at the sound of the dwarves muttering.
Can I make out what they are saying? Are they speaking Dwarven, which I understand?
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Karl Gufstass |
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Karl lowers his voice so that only his companions at the table can hear.
It seems the Dwarves may have a business proposition for us. I expect them to join us soon. If not, I will approach them.

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

Slipping up to the table, a self-assured looking fellow in dusty clothes and a mask accepts Astrid's offer.
"Astrid, gentle blossom, allow me to express my most heartfelt thanks. Indeed, the taste of tea is far superior to the excess bitterness of ale or beer."
He'd sound convincing, had you not - for a fact - seen him boozing it up just a short while ago.
Were it not for his voice, it would take you a moment to recognize the man known as Fairgrim Siannodel.
(At least, that's what he goes by when talking to the lot of you. The roster of names he gives others is relatively impressive - he's never bothered to clarify which, if any, is his real name.)
He carefully sniffs, blows upon, and sips the tea, inhaling the steam, much like Astrid, despite the hot day. "Exquisite." he says, gratefully.
More softly, to Karl, "I'd be delighted. I'm afraid I've not really found solid work for any of us. Heck - even farming in the dust-range doesn't have much, recently. People seem a bit grumpier than normal around here."

Astrid Truestone |
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"I thought we had enough money from our last exploit to lay low and relax for a few days," she says, keeping her voice low. "Especially with that idiot mercenary and his band after us. You can say what you will about Vrano, but he and his company of bloodlustful fools are persistent. I think it best not to make waves lest we attract his attention."
Astrid casually brushes her short auburn hair to the side. "Oh, right. You probably blew all of the gold from the wizard job on some fermented crap."

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

Fairgrim Siannodel chuckles softly.
"I'll have you know, I'm famously capable with finances..." he says low, but solidly, a wry and amused grin aimed in Astrid's direction - caught, red-handed, it seems, and unconcerned by it.
He hoists his cup, his grin widening a tad. "As I said: bitter, bitter (if pleasantly spiced) tea is far superior! The price can't be beaten!"
Running a hand through his hair, as he cools his beverage, he continues, more normally, "But, no. In fact, I did not. I still have plenty of cash."

Karl Gufstass |
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Karl picks up on Stayanoga's words without even bending an ear in his direction. He still concentrates on the Dwarves' actions and speech.
Be careful, Fairgrim, that method of spending could be your downfall. I advocate the love of many, as is Freya's way, but spending to much for less than love will certainly make you penniless.

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

"Dates, man, dates!" the man responds, quickly, before returning to a lower tone. His smile is, temporarily, gone, a look of one serious and studious replacing it. "Simple engagements of amusement, fancy, and pleasant company and conversation! Intimacy is something that one should never put on sale!" he says more seriously and insistently. "Very different things..." he huffs, a bit patronizingly.
His grin returns, though, a tad wistful. He sniffs. "It was worth it, for the smiles alone..." he mentions wistfully.

Magnus Corvus |
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Magnus takes all this in while still sipping (and grimacing) the goblet of wine he bought some few hours ago. His now empty bowl of fish stew sits abandoned on the table as he enjoys a moment of peace with his friends.
"You would never had made it at the Great School Fairgrim. Those old men are not much for dating and such. Now Galantri City...thats another story!"

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

"Hah!" laughs Fairgrim. "Magnus, I'd not want to be part of any school who'd have me!"
He grins, wryly. "It means they're a bad judge of character!"
He pauses, thoughtfully for a moment. Then, "... unless they've a campus full of the poetically lovely, like our sweet and delicate Astrid, here!" he adds, referencing the woman who could easily snap him in half like a twig.
"But do feel free to tell me about your school, Magnus. You know how I always delight in stories! And be honest: how much of a troublemaker were you, really? Prankster? Lady-killer? Party-goer? They had to have wild parties there - too much magic to be mundane!" he smiles at his friend.
Fairgrim glances wryly at Aukan, "What d'you think, Aukan? He was probably a popular guy, right?"
He glances around. "Any wagers on how often he got in trouble? One free tea, on me!" he adds, cheerily, sipping his.

Astrid Truestone |
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Astrid rolls her eyes at the boy´s antics. ¨Idiots, the lot of you,¨ she says with a trace of affection for everybody.
¨I thought schools were a place to learn,¨ Astrid asks, puzzled, cocking her head to one side in a way that Fairgrim probably finds terribly endearing. ¨You´re describing it like the festival my tribe has at the end of every winter, and every time we take out a greenskin camp.¨

Magnus Corvus |
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Thinking back to the other students who did not make it out of the Great School, well not alive anyway, the young man speaks in a more serious tone.
"While some parties did occur, those who enroll in the more 'serious' courses must, at all times, keep there wits about them. While some dabblers see magic as a fun "tool" to play pranks and make chores easier, those who delve deeper into the mysteries see the deadly peril a poorly cast spell can create. When I return to the Great School, I will resume my studies and soon shall graduate as a fully trained wizard. The the partying will begin!"
He says this last with a grin and twinkly in his eye.
"Who knew when I picked you up in Specularum that we would still be together now! And by the look of those dwarves, yet another adventure might be coming our way!"
Trying to take another sip of his wine, and nearly gagging on it, he turns to Astrid.
"Maybe I will try some of your tea dear. Cant be any worse than this swill they are serving!"

Liam Kali |

dotting in...will respond soonish, hopefully I won;t make everyone change what they already did too much

Liam Kali |

ok caught up...finally... far too many distractions at my house.. now to figure out where to come in.

Liam Kali |
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It was noon, the day was young. As the rest went to the bar, Liam decided to wander the marketplace and he had some new found coin in his pouch.
He wandered the stalls looking at all the various goods some silk cloth, a nice hat, oh look chicken, on a stick.
Despite having some coin, old habits are hard to break, Liam slips past an apple vendor
sleight of hand: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Liam attempts to slip a few apples into his bag but his hands are not as nimble as he had expected.
the merchant cased Liam away leaving his attempted thievery a big failure.
Liam slips through the crowd and looses any pursuers. Liam makes his way back to the group.
Slipping into the tavern carrying a small leather pouch, Liam ducks and swerves around other patrons as he finds his new found friends, well maybe acquaintances, but he knows that will change once he proves his worth.
He drags a chair over to the table and hops up. Hey guys. I miss anything? oh wait a sec, I got this at the market. he says as he places the pouch on the table. he slides it toward Astrid, Its a special tea blend I found, thought you might, well, you know, might like to ahhh, try something, you know, different.
Liam sounds rather nervous and figgits in his seat as he gives her the pouch.

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

I think! Aukan begins, and then he belches I think that the man Magnus should show us his power! Turn this water into BEER! A truly mighty feat of magical power!
Constantly surprised by his ogrekin companion's lack of manners, Fairgrim seems taken off-guard.
"Wait... Aukan... uh... did you actually get buzzed off of the tea?!" he asks, looking at his cup with a bit more interest. Then he narrows his eyes a tad. "Or have you just been hitting the wine...?"
He glances at Magnus, then away, whispering softly, "... or can you really do that, but've just been holding out on us? We could make a killing if you can..."

Astrid Truestone |
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Astrid gratefully takes the blend. ¨Thanks, Liam. It, uh... Wait, did you steal it?¨ she asks, eyebrow raised.
I think Astrid is taking on a big sisterly role for Liam, I think.
Astrid facepalms magnificently at the boys´ stupidity. ¨If the tea was spiked, I would be dead drunk by now.¨
At Fairgrim´s moneymaking suggestion, Astrid gives a wordless reprimand by way of crushing glare. The lecherous half-elf can practically feel her stare boring into his skull.
¨And I´m fairly certain that if magic could make beer, the Ogrebanes would be blacked out when they weren´t hung over.¨

Magnus Corvus |
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"Well there is a spell to create food and drink, but that is not really in my area of study. Sorry to disappoint....but I do have a cantrip that can make your water taste like beer...but I am sure it is not the same thing."

Liam Kali |

Liam has that deer in the headlights look on his face, look, just cause that last couple of things I got were stolen, doesn't mean this is. besides, I used that coin you gave me as my share of the payment for helping with that crime ring I helped you with.
Liam defiantly feels a little hurt that he was accused of such a thing.

Karl Gufstass |

Welcome, Liam, I was telling the others that those Dwarves over there have been discussing coming to us with a business proposal.
He turns to Fairgrim,
Really? How long hhave you known Magnus? Do you truly think he would waste his studies on the creation of alcohol?

Astrid Truestone |

Astrid sighs. ¨Look, you don´t exactly have the best record with these kind of things. Sorry about that.¨
Poor kid doesn´t even know... Astrid thinks to herself.
Talking a pinch of tea out of the bag, Astrid lets some of the herbs melt into her mouth. ¨Hmmm... this is good stuff. Good pick, Liam.¨

Fairgrim Sionnodel |

Fairgrim nods, pleasantly, at Liam, and adds a quick, "Glad you're here, kid." by way of greeting, then guffaws at Asstrid's assertions of the Ogrebanes, and looks a little sad - though not too broken up about it - and then seems rocked by Karl's suggestion, ignoring everything else.
"Waste?!" he whispers at Karl, surprised. "If he did that we'd be drowning in cash right about now!" he enthuses, then more haltingly, "... er, pun not intended..." he amends.
Undeterred, he continues, no longer whispering, "But just think of the good we could do, man! All those orphans, fed, all those poor warmed, and all the townsfolk happy!" He looks dreamily at the thought - it's unclear if he means giving everyone booze, or selling the booze to do those things.
He sobers up for a moment, and says, more seriously, and more of a mutter, "If I just had more talent, like his, I know what I'd be studying, now..."
He stops, muttering softly,
He looks up, stares at Magnus, and says intensely, "Magnus, you're a genius." He stares at the mage, and continues more quietly, "Solve our problems and the whole town's problems in one fell swoop![/smaller]"
He begins stroking his chin, pensively. "Yeah, yeah... we'd just need a 'face'... a way of moving it... yeah," a grin slowly spreads across his face, "yeah, I think I know a guy..." he trails off.
Oh, Immortals. Most of you recognize that face: he's got a plan...

Magnus Corvus |
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Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Listening to the ramblings of Fairgrim, Magnus just shakes his head.
"It will not work, for I will not lower myself to provide this service. Also, as a cantrip, the spell is not powerful enough to alter more than a few cups of liquid. It is a utility spell only, used to make some tasks easier...allowing for more concentration on important studies. If your training had been a little more structured, rather then a few passing spells stolen out of a book, you would know this!"
He passes his hand dramatically over Aukam's drink, giving it the taste of a dark malt beer.

GM Helaman |
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Wagon guard - come on, we'll discuss the job over an ale.
The dwarves make to lead you the way. They lead you past the ducal palace, still under construction with stone facing gradually replacing the current ornate wooden structure that is the original palace.
The eventual destination is the small stonemasons camp, a bunch single story buildings of wood and lead you to the middle most one. Inside there are other dwarves enjoying a post lunch break, clustered around an Ale barrel and you are introduced to their leader, Grimmvat Stonebreaker.
So let us get you something to drink. You are adventurers right?

Karl Gufstass |

Yes we are, and I understand that you are in need of guards? It seems to me like you stout fellows could handle quite a bit of danger without help.
What is their game? Why do they need us?
Insight: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

GM Helaman |
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Karl thinks the dwarves seem straight forward enough
We send a pair of grain wagons back to Rockhome on every ten day. We use it for bread and making beer. We also, midway, have our beer and supply shipment move in and meet us and we swap our delivery. We've a need of stout fellows - we've had some ugly looks of late and some small troubles. We're stonemasons and while we are a crusty lot, our work is here working on the palace.

Astrid Truestone |
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Astrid nods, looking around the camp. "You dwarves are an honest lot, even if you are a bit lustful for gold sometimes," she says completely without tact. "How much would this job pay? Any particular dangers on the road we should be aware of?"
The young woman shakes her head as a dwarf hands her a mug of ale. "No thanks. I'm a tea person." Looking completely horrified, the dwarf backs off.

GM Helaman |

Well now missy, it would be a day journey there and a day back, more or less. Normally we'd offer only a gold or two a day, plus food mind you, for wagon guards but you look a capable lot and there are some potential dangers. I expect you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for bandits... so say 5 gold coin per day? AND we'll let you n' yer friends here drink yer fill once we have our new shipment of beer in - beer be mighty expensive about now.
This is an opportunity for you to haggle some. The rate is fair (ish) but not sure if this meets your 'Is it worth our time?' threshold. Hoping it does - Its two days out for 10 days lifestyle (moderate) worth of gold

Magnus Corvus |
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"You think a wizard of the Great School of Galantri can be bought with the promise of beer and a few gold coins. As my colleague said, 10 pieces of gold would be a bare minimum for our interest."
Persuasion: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12

Astrid Truestone |

"You think a wizard of the Great School of Galantri can be bought with the promise of beer and a few gold coins. As my colleague said, 10 pieces of gold would be a bare minimum for our interest."
Persuasion: 1d20+0
You can probably roll that with advantage, since I'm also assisting you in the negotiations.

GM Helaman |
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Ye drive a hard bargin but very well... I'll be asking a few things of ye for the price of that extra 5 gold pieces a day. When the wagons leave the city gates, leave a good few minutes after they pull out then catch up - we don't want to let it be known we have extra security and the other thing is that the cargo is important - we've paid a lot for this grain shipment and the beer coming back in is nearly liquid gold at the moment. You take orders from young Snorri here as well - he'll be drivin' one of the wagons.
Ten a day it is, and yer fill of ale with these conditions. He holds out his hand.