The Casters Castle (Inactive)

Game Master SkaTalon

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Almost done, just need to finish equipment.

Do you want us to add our class's starting wealth to the level 3 wealth?

Also, I'm taking Fiendish Heritage. I'm taking Beastbrood as my heritage with a theme on the classic tiger Rakshasa. For the ability, I believe you wanted to roll them. You make 3 d100 rolls, and I choose the one that fits the best. Unless you'd prefer to wait until after you choose characters.
I'd prefer to leave off the physical trait table since I have a specific style in mind. Taking the Prehinsile Tail trait since I'm not a sorcerer and taking a tiger tail and some cat eyes for flavor.

Do you want us to add our class's starting wealth to the level 3 wealth?


♣♠Magic♦♥: I'll roll Fiendish Heritage after selection but before gameplay.

Alrighty. I'll finish up some time this weekend, then.

I've been accepted into a few other games, so I'll be pulling my submission. Good luck to the rest!

Link to my character sheet

I went with a basic fighter with a thing for collecting and throwing weapons.
Everything should be done save for rolling on the tiefling ability table. I just linked the weapons page instead of stating every one of them, It'd be quicker just to look them up when I need them.

Background, Rumor, Description:

Icarus Stauer(s-tower) is a middling height tiefling. Mostly resembling a tan human, his heritage shows in his cat-like slitted golden eyes and tail resembling that of a tiger, traits passed down from his Rakshasa blood. While his hands do go in the correct human direction, his backhanded ancestors gave him quite a bit of dexterity in his digits. Rows of sheathes and scabbards line bandoleers that cross his chest showing no regard for right or left handedness, and he has most any type of weapon one could need within reach. Stauer is usually a pretty calm and jokesterish guy, but tends to lose his cool when being profiled over his race. Some may consider him greedy, but not to too much of a fault.

Background+Rumor: "before I was a treasure hunter, I was a junk hunter. I grew up scrapping old weapons from abandoned battlegrounds. I've got stories for anything you can see here."
"Why do I want the treasure? Well, I heard that the thing was his final test before ascending to godhood, and the owner can make one request of him. I don't know if all of the talk about afterlife is real or not, but if there is something up there judging us, having a direct line to the all powerful sounds good to me."
"I try not to hate anything, but all the racist 'Holy Warrior' types ready to lop my head off for having a tail are a real pain in the ass."

Quotes: *inspecting a treasure* "How many knives do you think I could buy with this? Maybe a couple beers too..."
*after a hard fought battle* "Been a long day. That was fun. I could use a drink and a couple pints of replacement blood. They put a hole in my favorite shirt..."
"Blah Blah spells, blah blah magic. I think landing an ax between some jerk's eyes from 20 feet is a magical feeling."

I like to do this in recruitment, for one to help the GM, and for two, so I know who all is applying in total.
Thus far:
Akron- Human Fighter(lore warden)/brawler
Isidora- Human Bard(archaeologist)
Reck- Gnome Cavalier(daring champion)
Ritti- Varisian Human Unchained Rogue
Nierva- Human Anti-paladin (insinuator)
Shayn- Halfling Cavalier (ghost rider, order of vengeance)
Simeon- Human Magus (black blade)
Dskani- Nagaji Cleric (crusader)
Razon- Half-Orc Monk
Yveryl- Human Mesmerist
Ilyana- Human Paladin
Fra- Human Cleric (herald caller)
Jagger- Half-Elf Rogue/Illusionist
Jovich- Drow Unchained Rogue
Kildel- Human Unchained Barbarian
Wolfgang- Oread Warpriest
Icarus- Tiefling Fighter

Did I miss anyone?

Interesting lack of support casters in that list; of the 3 (4? not sure what the Mesmerist would count as) support classes in that list 2 of them are DPR-spec'd.

Thanks to everyone who submitted! I wish I could run a 17-person game. I'll narrow it down and send out invitations in the next day or two. Once everyone accepts I'll post the players here as well.

Best of luck to everyone, and thanks for the consideration, GM.

Looking forward to this game
good luck

Best of luck to everyone who has applied, and thank you for considering my submission, GM

I wish you all the best of Luck!

Good luck!

Grand Lodge

Good luck everyone!

I assume the invitations will be PMs? Just checking.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I believe a raven will peck at your window and croak, "O' unlucky one, you are summoned to Amrion's Castle."

Ska doesn't half-ass his invites.

Invites are out! After seriously considering running two instances of this adventure to accommodate more players I've chosen the four for this game. I appreciate each of you for your creativity and and wish you all the best.

Have fun y'all.

Dammit! No raven tappin' on my window! :) Have a good game.

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