GM Helaman |

First things first, let me introduce myself. Name is Brett. Been playing RPGs since I was 13 or so and am 41 now (sheesh... getting old). I am based out of Sydney Australia (so GMT +11) but due to work I spend a stupid amount of time online.
I've played and GM'ed a bunch of stuff over the years and have been playing around with Pathfinder since 2011 or so. I play PFS and PbP as my main RPG outlets as more regular games escape me due to work/family or my regular group (some of whom have been together since highschool) being more focused on board/card games as family and work sort of makes regular attendance problematic for many of them.
I've also run a number of PbPs here on the forums (All PFS) - and while some of them have bogged down (international travel, family crisises and hectic work projects are to blame) I've never once killed a game that I've run. I am hoping to still be able to say that 1+ years from now with this campaign as well.
I enjoy horror games and I enjoy low powered games - I like the heros to feel heroic in mundane things and waaaay out of their depth, crapping their pants when it comes to the 'wierd stuff'. Players who have had experience with the Call of Cthulhu RPG will know what I mean - its all fun and games when gunning down the cultists until an Elder God is summoned and someone an their eye... and most of their skull.
As an AP Carrion Crown just 'Clicked' with me - particularily the Haunting of Harrowstone and Trial of the Beast. I've been trolling the Carrion Crown boards and prepping for my campaign for more than a year and its undergone more than one revision in that time. Finally, after being in some pretty good PbP games and realising that my opportunities to run this campaign with a new group in a table top game is likely to be delayed I thought to bring it here.
There are some rules concepts I want to try and so I hope to use you all as a test bed for them while at the same time sharing the campaign I've been toying with for ages. That said? I am happy for you all to be part of the process - if something isn't working, if I have gone off the tracks with the rules or am not being consistent or heck, if I've made a mistake, I am happy to have you guys chime in and resolve the issue with me. Ultimately if something isn't working then let me know it. If something IS working that you really enjoy? let me know that too.
I will need a few things from you as players.
1/ Be Excellent to one another (and me). If there is an issue, post or PM nicely. Be quick to praise, slow to criticise.
2/ Post regularly, even if its on the discussion forum to say 'Huzzah' or 'I'm still alive' or even 'How about the World Series? (For me this means Cricket but its all good). Post expressions of support for good RP or good actions or heck, use the discussion forum for a bit of 'table talk' to nail out tactics. Ultimately games that communicate with each other often tend to stay active longer, even if the odd person drops, because there is a feeling of community. Most importantly, post when you don't want to do something but you don't want to bog the game down. Either an In Character post 'Bob watches quietly, waiting to see what happens' or Discussion 'Play on - nothing to add'.
3/ Be engaged. Even if your character can't help in that round of combat or in a certain situation (though don't discount aid another and other more creative options), you can still be active in reviewing clues on the Obsidian Portal site or making comments and suggestions in the Discussion thread.
4/ Please have a status bar for your characters. I generally enter the information on AC, CMD HPs, Saves, Perception etc in the Gender field of the profile. It makes my life 100 times simplier.
5/ Be able to view Roll20.com - It won't work on Tablets but I will need you to see whats going on or make moves. If you can't then it may be a problem.
6/ Some of you may have read, run or played this before. I trust you to get the most fun out of this as possible but would ask that you watch for and curb any metagaming impulses that may arise.
Nagged you long enough. Just a few summary points.
The house rules section has a lot posted. DONT feel you have to read it all now. A) It will play out in game play B) It may not even be locked in stone at this point. Focus on Character Generation and skills/feats.
Review the section on Character Creation - please read it all - It may have an impact on your character selection. I am going to allow the Adv. Character Guide classes for now and see how it goes.
When it comes to feats? I think you'll find it good for the Martials and even 3/4 BAB characters. Power attack, Deadly aim etc are 'free' if you qualify without spending a feat (casters get them too - just when their BAB comes up and if they have the right stats) and stuff like two weapon fighting scales without needing to buy the 'improved feat'. Hopefully this will leave you feeling like you can make other feat choices. Dex fighters can use their dex on light and finesse weapons for free - Weapon finesse as a feat? Lets you use Dex for damage. Combat manuevers? Try ANYTHING. If you don't have the feat its a -2 to the CMB and it only triggers an AoO if you fail. I am hoping to get more cinematic and flowing combats as a result of giving you more options.
Casters? I've dicked with you a 'little' (particularly with casting and moving in combat). Bear with me. There are also some RP consequences to consider as a caster and the Dresden'verse-esque rules on Supernational defenses may either trigger a love or a hate reaction. These ARE NOT locked in and likely to be 'fiddly' in execution. I am eager to hear some feedback and your feeling on this.
And so with no further ado here is the link to the Obsidian Portal site home page. If you have an ID there, let me know and I'll bring you into the campaign on it but an ID is not required.
Start talking with each other and creating - I am hoping you bump off each other and create some awesome characters. I'll review what you have on the Australian Monday and fair warning, we'll start with a 'shake down' encounter.
Also attaching these.

DM Jelani |

As I mentioned in the recruitment thread, I was thinking of playing a human Ranger 1/Oracle of Life 1/Paladin of Iomedae (Hospitaler) 5. But now I'm not sure if that will work with a 15 point buy though since it's a MAD build. I also don't want to play a character who relies on heavy armor with the social norms as is.
Now I'm thinking of doing an elven Ranger 1 (Urban Ranger)/Fighter (Lore Warden) 6. He'd be a forlorn from Caliphas whose parents were killed by a vampire in front of him. He got put into a human orphanage and was eventually adopted by someone who unbeknownst to him was a member of the Order of the Palantine Eye. The adoptive parent introduced my character to the Professor, and they talked on several occasions. Once into adulthood my character became a hunter of the undead and necromancers. He greatly respects Lorrimor as an expert in all things occult.
Mechanically he'd be a master of the elven curve blade.

Bathmat Djinn |

Excellent. Looking forward to the game.
And, thank you for considering the advanced class guide classes. The other "detective" classes all either require charisma or only really give bonuses to diplomacy interrogation rolls which don't fit my character concept. Vigilance has absolutely no charisma. He's hostile, cold, and unable to understand social cues. He's just not the diplomacy sort either.

Eminem80 |

I might do a bard or cleric. Do they do well in E6-7 games? I hear straight melee is the way to go usually and casters are gimped. Thoughts?
Edit: Wow! I just read the cleric and rogue additions. Both look like good options. I would be fine with rolling a rogue/traps guy too. A bard with dazzling display would sure help the rogue in the campaign. ;)

GM Helaman |

The idea is that HOPEFULLY people will have enough options to go around feat wise - even the spell casters who want to experiment. For instance a Dex of 13, and at 2nd level? They can have deadly aim to help with those cantrip attacks. Keeps them in the game esp. if you add in point blank shot.
The caster restrictions are more about mobility in combat, which you can get around in time and with feats or traits, choice of core book spells (initially - I will give the good spells as treasure) and some supernatural RP stuff.

GM Helaman |

Excellent. Looking forward to the game.
And, thank you for considering the advanced class guide classes. The other "detective" classes all either require charisma or only really give bonuses to diplomacy interrogation rolls which don't fit my character concept. Vigilance has absolutely no charisma. He's hostile, cold, and unable to understand social cues. He's just not the diplomacy sort either.
Just don't do a Cumberbatch is all I ask. Love him in the Sherlock series but I want you put your own spin on it.
There is a trait letting you add Int instead of Cha for reasoning with people for Diplomacy. That is a damn fine trait for Investigators. You could offset it with a Draw Back.
Don't discount diplomacy entirely either. Very useful skill for an investigator.

GM Helaman |

As I mentioned in the recruitment thread, I was thinking of playing a human Ranger 1/Oracle of Life 1/Paladin of Iomedae (Hospitaler) 5. But now I'm not sure if that will work with a 15 point buy though since it's a MAD build. I also don't want to play a character who relies on heavy armor with the social norms as is.
Now I'm thinking of doing an elven Ranger 1 (Urban Ranger)/Fighter (Lore Warden) 6. He'd be a forlorn from Caliphas whose parents were killed by a vampire in front of him. He got put into a human orphanage and was eventually adopted by someone who unbeknownst to him was a member of the Order of the Palantine Eye. The adoptive parent introduced my character to the Professor, and they talked on several occasions. Once into adulthood my character became a hunter of the undead and necromancers. He greatly respects Lorrimor as an expert in all things occult.
Mechanically he'd be a master of the elven curve blade.
Whats wrong with straight ranger or straight lore warden? What will you miss out on?
FYI - there are rules on E7 in the house rules section that affect how your 7th level is chosen based on your character approach and multiclassing. The 7th level is almost like a 'prestige' level.

DM Jelani |

I might do a bard or cleric. Do they do well in E6-7 games? I hear straight melee is the way to go usually and casters are gimped. Thoughts?
Edit: Wow! I just read the cleric and rogue additions. Both look like good options. I would be fine with rolling a rogue/traps guy too. A bard with dazzling display would sure help the rogue in the campaign. ;)
As an urban ranger I'll have disable device as a class skill. However I'll likely only have a 10 wisdom, so a perception person would be nice.
Maybe a cleric multiclass, since they have high wis and there are lots of undead in this AP? Or you could check out warpriest from the ACG, I'm playing one in another PBP and really liking it so far.

GM Helaman |

Traits take care of the perception thing, again, your call. There are some benefits in most multi-classing, least of all being saves, and I am known to multiclass regularly myself to reach a character concept. I just want you to not feel like you need to pick class combos just for pure mechanics.
No one has taken a rogue yet (not sure on the Invesstigator abilities) - An urban ranger that made it past level 3 would be a real asset... Pure Lore Warden would be good at the outset as well.
There are bonus skill points up for grabs too.
Edit: Well your investigator seems to have trap finding covered. Not saying that there isn't benefit it having two who can crack safes and locks though.

DM Jelani |

DM Jelani wrote:As I mentioned in the recruitment thread, I was thinking of playing a human Ranger 1/Oracle of Life 1/Paladin of Iomedae (Hospitaler) 5. But now I'm not sure if that will work with a 15 point buy though since it's a MAD build. I also don't want to play a character who relies on heavy armor with the social norms as is.
Now I'm thinking of doing an elven Ranger 1 (Urban Ranger)/Fighter (Lore Warden) 6. He'd be a forlorn from Caliphas whose parents were killed by a vampire in front of him. He got put into a human orphanage and was eventually adopted by someone who unbeknownst to him was a member of the Order of the Palantine Eye. The adoptive parent introduced my character to the Professor, and they talked on several occasions. Once into adulthood my character became a hunter of the undead and necromancers. He greatly respects Lorrimor as an expert in all things occult.
Mechanically he'd be a master of the elven curve blade.
Whats wrong with straight ranger or straight lore warden? What will you miss out on?
FYI - there are rules on E7 in the house rules section that affect how your 7th level is chosen based on your character approach and multiclassing. The 7th level is almost like a 'prestige' level.
Straight ranger doesn't get enough feats for my taste, and straight lore warden doesn't get favored enemy undead, the class skills, disable device or track. But then ranger after level 1 is a puddle of crap next to fighter.
In hitting preview I see you've posted again while I was writing this and made it all moot! Still I might as well post it:
Do you have something against multiclassing? I almost never play one class straight through unless it's a full arcane caster, and I don't want to play a caster under your house rules, in a world prejudiced against them. I cherry pick and find whatever mechanics I can to fit my character concept best, as all the mechanics are "under the hood". My character won't consider himself a "ranger" or a "lore warden", he'll just be a warrior who studies and hunts undead. I may not even stick with lore warden long term if I find myself with enough feats at some point (I'm not sure which way I want to take him yet with your house rules on all the virtual feats). Urban barbarian or rogue might be attractive after level 4 or so, we'll see.
To me, multiclassing is the whole beauty of 3.x/Pathfinder. It allows you to build the character you want, instead of a "fighter" or a "ranger" which in my books are boring, worn out, restrictive archetypes that don't fit every character. I hope you can see where I'm coming from. I definitely don't want to start an argument, so if your world is firmly one where multiclassing doesn't happen for whatever reason than I might just withdraw and wish you all the best of luck. To me, being forced to play a single class from level 1 on would be like going from riding custom Harleys every day, to a bicycle with training wheels that's connected to a train track.
I would point out that as long as someone has disable device trained (which I will), we just need someone in the party with a high perception. Then we can work together to handle traps. Having a little redundancy there never hurt either. The trapfinding class ability just gives a bonus to the associated skills and allows you to disable magical traps. Hopefully we won't run into many of those (at least for the first couple levels), and/or have a caster who could dispel them.

Eminem80 |

I am a little concerned about the 15 pt buy with the cleric since they are so martial the first 3-4 levels. I'm sure it will work out though. The addition of things to domains helps. I could do the evangelist archetype for inspire courage, but losing armor and shields would hurt since my dex will be so low.

GM Helaman |

Do you want a caster cleric? Or a Melee Cleric?
I have a 15pt build for RotRL thats Iomadae combat focused...
S14, D10, C14, I 10, W16 (with human), C10
Ticks all the boxes. Can I keep up with the Barbarian? Hells no but I can do all the cleric stuff no problem and I am not bad at combat by a long shot.
Given that casting tops out at level 3 spells you could take 2pts from Wis and get Dex or Cha to 12 and have Wis at 15 to improve to 16 at level 4.

Eminem80 |

Do you want a caster cleric? Or a Melee Cleric?
I have a 15pt build for RotRL thats Iomadae combat focused...
S14, D10, C14, I 10, W16 (with human), C10
Ticks all the boxes. Can I keep up with the Barbarian? Hells no but I can do all the cleric stuff no problem and I am not bad at combat by a long shot.
Given that casting tops out at level 3 spells you could take 2pts from Wis and get Dex or Cha to 12 and have Wis at 15 to improve to 16 at level 4.
I like this and with the new feat 'Quickened Spell Like Ability' I could use my domains abilities efficiently. I prefer caster (buff/debuff) clerics. They are just a little painful the first few levels. I want some charisma though for turn undead feat/channel.
What are your thought Jelani?

GM Helaman |

A word on E6 and the power curve
Dont worry about not having 18s in prime stats. You shouldn't really NEED to have them (nice to have them? Yep), mechanically I'll keep the lid on the challenge level except for when I want to ramp it up.
The beauty of E6 is that, by and large? Your average commoner or town guard will be no more than level 1 and 2. They will either have the commoner stat array or the heroic NPC stat array at best. The power level for the mundane? It should stay relatively flat. Of course you can affect the mundane through the power of negative consequences (ie. killing lots of people to the point that higher level foes are dispatched to bring you down) but realistically speaking? You are going to be pretty good at level 1 compared to the average NPC. At level 2? You are going to be better than most and likely capable of handling multiple mooks on your own with a little luck. At level 4? You are going to be awesome. Level 6-7? Legendary. You should be able to pull off the amazing (in mortal terms) so as to leave people slack jawed. Your reputations will run before you, etc etc.
So a 16 should be fine or a 17 with the intent to bump to 18 at level 4.
14s mean that you are pretty good. You are on par, likely with normal people who SPECIALISE in that stat. A 14 Strength may have you on par with one of the strongest farmers, a professional soldier or the town smith.

Eminem80 |

Quickened Spell Like Ability is a monster feat and not available to PCs
This was in you guide under new feats. I thought all those were for PCs:
Quicken Spell-like Ability (General)
Prerequisites: 5th Level
Choose one of the character’s spell-like abilities. The character can use the chosen spell-like ability as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day). The ability is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
The character may use only one quickened spell-like ability per round.

Eminem80 |

I thought I had removed that in one of my version changes. Well, given I didnt? Its still in.
Fair enough. Its up. :)
Cool. I am good either way. I am very excited about learning the E7 system and more importantly building my character's backstory/personality as well as seeing what everyone else is going to do.

DM Jelani |

I think if you want to play a "caster cleric" that you should focus on both Charisma and Wisdom, with dex as a tertiary stat.
For a human, I'd use this point buy: Str 10, Dex 16 (+2 human), Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Grab a crossbow, and the extra channeling feat. You'll have 3 first level spells at level 1, 7d6 of channeled positive energy/day (useful for healing, undead AND haunts) and a decent attack bonus with your crossbow for when you're feeling conservative. The deity Abadar's favored weapon is crossbow as well, if he appeals to you. Or as a priest of Erastil you would get proficiency with the awesome longbow! However your low strength would make it not as awesome as a crossbow under Helaman's house rules.
With the virtual deadly aim feat, from level 2 you would be attacking with your crossbow at +3 (1d8+3 19-20x2) with an 80' range increment. Not too shabby for a healbot?
Edit:Make sure to carry blunt bolts for skellies.

DM Jelani |

You could also work in two levels of paladin into the above build idea, to get charisma to saving throws, more BAB, lay on hands and smite evil (which will help you harm certain baddies without a magical crossbow). Three levels of Pally would give you immunity to fear, which I feel like would be a big deal in this game with the insanity rules.

Eminem80 |

Nice Jelani. Do you think that would be as effective as an Arcane Duelist who pumps Dex and cha then uses weapon finesse for dex to Dmg. Gives inspire courage and support spells like saving finale, liberating command, gallant inspiration, and good hope?
Of course I would lose a domain, but I could always do the evangelist cleric with the higher dex to add inspire courage.

DM Jelani |

This article seems like a really good fit for this game, if people haven't seen it before.

Eminem80 |

You could also work in two levels of paladin into the above build idea, to get charisma to saving throws, more BAB, lay on hands and smite evil (which will help you harm certain baddies without a magical crossbow). Three levels of Pally would give you immunity to fear, which I feel like would be a big deal in this game with the insanity rules.
I was actually thinking divine hunter pally too if I wanted to go holy and archery.

DM Jelani |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nice Jelani. Do you think that would be as effective as an Arcane Duelist who pumps Dex and cha then uses weapon finesse for dex to Dmg. Gives inspire courage and support spells like saving finale, liberating command, gallant inspiration, and good hope?
Of course I would lose a domain, but I could always do the evangelist cleric with the higher dex to add inspire courage.
The bard build puts you in melee, and thus at risk without the HP to back up that risk. It has less healing, no way to affect haunts besides touching them with CLW. It also lacks the restoration line of spells. However, it has more spells per day, and bardic performance is nice.
You should play what you will enjoy more, but I feel like the cleric would be mechanically better suited to this AP.

DM Jelani |

Helaman - I was going to ask, if I'm using weapon finesse to add my dex to damage, but I also have a 13 str and +1 BAB, can I add power attack and dex to damage?
For example, I will probably have an 18 dex so my normal attack routine would be +5 (1d10+4) at level 1 with my curve blade. If I power attacked could I make that +4 (1d10+7)?
If not, is the pirhana strike feat available? If it is, would you interpret light weapon to be any finessable weapon?

Spazmodeus |

I am really thinking cleric, bard, or oracle now. It looks like we have a rogue (investigator) and a fighter type (urban ranger or fighter). Spaz: What are you thinking? I'm old fashioned. I like balanced groups: melee protector, rogue, divine, arcane, and bard or ranger in a group. Haha!
Well, i'm not quite the guy to go in for all of the mechanics analysis you guys are doing, I usually find a class or archetype that fits the feel I'm searching for and go from there.
My concept is generally an individual that's been exposed to the "occult" or other strangeness and despite his goodness or even his good sense is compelled to seek it out and increase his knowledge of it -- I know, a very Lovecraftian trope, but lots of RP hooks.
initially I was leaning toward a burglar or scholarly type, but I could see how a conflicted Pally would work as well....obsessed with that he/she was sworn to destroy....
hmmm, something to think about :)

GM Helaman |

Helaman - I was going to ask, if I'm using weapon finesse to add my dex to damage, but I also have a 13 str and +1 BAB, can I add power attack and dex to damage?
For example, I will probably have an 18 dex so my normal attack routine would be +5 (1d10+4) at level 1 with my curve blade. If I power attacked could I make that +4 (1d10+7)?
If not, is the pirhana strike feat available? If it is, would you interpret light weapon to be any finessable weapon?
Thats a thinker for me. I want to think this through. Gimme a few hours. I want you guys to test this stuff for me and sometimes the best way is to let you break things, on the otherhand, I don't want to have to nerf something mid campaign. I may go on the harsher side as its easier to give than to take away.
A few hours and I'll have an answer.
Oh... and while not stated, please, no more than one summoned creature, companion or active familiar per character (familiars that just sit your pocket don't count). If we get to Improved Familiars later I may wave that one just for the Wizards.

DM Jelani |

As food for your consideration I would put forth the following observations.
Allowing martial characters to focus all their abilities off of Dexterity allows AC, attack and damage to all come from one source. So they are going to be more maneuverable than someone in heavy armor. However without a way to simulate power attack, they fall drastically behind str builds in damage.
If I were to go for a 18 str instead of an 18 dex, I could have the same AC in heavy armor as the 18 dex character (albeit with less mobility) but my damage potential would be much higher. Assuming a greatsword and power attack, 2d6+6+3 damage at level 1, with one feat. Or an average of 16 damage a swing.
I don't think you should allow finesse+power attack. Firstly it doesn't make sense. Secondly, it would allow for the same damage as a full str build without the loss of mobility. That being said, allowing pirhana strike should be fine. With pirhana strike and the highest damage finesse weapon (the elven curve blade), the first level character would be doing 1d10+4+2 or 11.5 damage per average swing. In exchange for giving up 4.5 points of damage/swing and losing carrying capacity they get a lower armor check penalty, and 10 more feet of movement per move action. That seems fair to me.

GM Helaman |

I think you are right. Piranha will only apply at the -1/+2 ratio even with 2 hands. Dex won't multiply with a 2 handed weapon with finesse either.
Lets run with that - I'll update the house rules page.
It still makes Dex fighters just as viable as Strength fighters with less investment.
If you want to hit well but don't care about damage? Its free. Use a rapier or a dagger which counts on accuracy more than brute strength.
Want to get the most out of those nimble strikes? Weapon finesse - its cheaper than going dervish dancer (so sick of those) or trying to get an Agile weapon.
Really want to maximise your use of light and finessable weapons? Piranha Strike gives you something akin to power attack.

Bathmat Djinn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just don't do a Cumberbatch is all I ask. Love him in the Sherlock series but I want you put your own spin on it.
There is a trait letting you add Int instead of Cha for reasoning with people for Diplomacy. That is a damn fine trait for Investigators. You could offset it with a Draw Back.
Don't discount diplomacy entirely either. Very useful skill for an investigator.
No danger of the Cumberbatch thing. I don't watch the BBC version. If you'd want a hint of what he sounds like, let me copy paste some RP examples for you to decide if he fits or not. If he doesn't, I'll find something else.
Vigilance sat at his poorly constructed desk and rested his feet on the edge. Crime in this part of the city had pretty much fallen to zero lately. Maybe not because of him, but Vigilance was fine with the result nonetheless.
Still, the night left him with only paper work to do, and he had finished inscribing his journal hours ago.
These were the rough nights. The nights where the city left him to his own devices.
"Stuck in own head. Not pleasant place. Could be worse. Could have company in here. Lucky. Relatively."
His eyes strayed to the letter he had received earlier that evening.
"Address familiar. Professor. Six months, two weeks, four days since last response."
His lithe fingers grasped the envelope and opened it careful not to tear the piece of paper inside. Opening the message, his eyes traced the words on the page carefully and thoroughly.
"Unexpected death. Unpleasant. Cultural courtesy suggests I should attend funeral. Will probably need to converse with others. Unfortunate."
The tiefling's face slowly lost its sour expression as he lowered his legs to the floor and stood up.
"Professor was important part of town. Civic duty to attend and mourn loss of important tool. Besides, maybe Professor was murdered and there will be clues and suspects in attendance. Look on bright side."
Twirling his sword cane in a slow circle, Vigilance stood and walked across the length of his spartan office and living quarters.
"Need to take lengthy look at definition of bright side. Will do right after funeral."
It's somewhere between Holmes, Rorschach, and a little bit of my own writing thrown in to make him unique. Like I said, if he's not what you're looking for, I'll come up with something else. I'm the last person to try to shoehorn in a character that doesn't belong.

Jaru Toth |

alright, alright, alright!
here's a PC proposal- Exotic Pharasmin priest. No worries changing as needed and especially after I see what everyone else is plotting.
I picked healing and souls for domains. healing is always good though I need to go over GMH's system to see how plain vanilla clw fits in. also souls allows me to grant ghost touch for a round basically. should be very nice for spirits and such.
otherwise I can shoot a xbow into combat. and pray for our souls.

GM Helaman |

GM Helaman wrote:
Just don't do a Cumberbatch is all I ask. Love him in the Sherlock series but I want you put your own spin on it.
There is a trait letting you add Int instead of Cha for reasoning with people for Diplomacy. That is a damn fine trait for Investigators. You could offset it with a Draw Back.
Don't discount diplomacy entirely either. Very useful skill for an investigator.
No danger of the Cumberbatch thing. I don't watch the BBC version. If you'd want a hint of what he sounds like, let me copy paste some RP examples for you to decide if he fits or not. If he doesn't, I'll find something else.
** spoiler omitted **...
Facinated by the Teifling approach too.
The 'Devil Vigilance' sounds like something criminals would shudder over. What place do you want to be based out of? I am thinking the capital Caliphas would be best but Carrion Hill may work or even the old capital of Ardeal.

GM Helaman |

DM Jelani wrote:You could also work in two levels of paladin into the above build idea, to get charisma to saving throws, more BAB, lay on hands and smite evil (which will help you harm certain baddies without a magical crossbow). Three levels of Pally would give you immunity to fear, which I feel like would be a big deal in this game with the insanity rules.I was actually thinking divine hunter pally too if I wanted to go holy and archery.
We've got a lower strength Cleric of Pharasma - a melee cleric or paladin would not go astray.

Baradlon"Nighteyes" Vontarfonel |

DM Jelani here. This is the avatar I'll be using.
Not much there yet, but I'll probably be done with the mechanics of the character within an hour or two.