Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

Sorry for the delay! Will post soon!

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

GM, I was trying to remember everything that happened, and it seems we are now on the beginning of day 3, not 4...
Day 1: We arrived in Omesta, talked to the gnomes and hunted the first thugs at night, interrogating them and locking him down.
Day 2: We woke up with the discussion that soon let to us meeting Harpina and our trip to the library, where we first fought the thugs on the library and then Ganamede on the dungeon.
By your post it seems that we are now on the first hours in the morning, since we fought along the night, so I think we are on day 3...

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

GM, two questions: Can Callanniel get a perception roll to smell the tea and perhaps a knowledge (nature) identify any problematic substance (if it is caused by a herb or mushroom, and not simply by a magic substance)?
Secondly, Cal's reaction would be to attack so do we roll for initiative, do we have a map, etc? Just want to know if this will be indeed a combat or just an RP-combat.

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

DM: I have a doubt here... the enemy will provoke an AoO from Cal both when she reaches for the potion (or whatever) and when she moves if we can't make her unconscious.
The thing is that since Callanniel is blind, I think it is a bit hard to believe that he'd make an AoO against her when she draws the vial... so I'm going to forfeit the chance, and then make the AoO when she moves. Is that ok?

GM Fez |

I didn't think you had Combat Reflexes rendering giving you two opportunities moot, but if I'm mistaken I find it plausible that you'd be able to get her while she's drinking from her vial (cork popping off, slight gulping sounds, etc. to give away that she might be vulnerable). If of course you don't want to take an AoO for whatever reason that's entirely your decision.

GM Fez |

So guys, I'd like to apologize. Reading through the logs it feels like this entire thing has been very rail-roady and much less free-form than I wanted it to be. I'll definitely be trying to make it more open and less rushed (unless a time-crunch really demands it) in the future.
Again, my apologies, and I hope everyone has been having a good time with this.

Corrin Whisperwind |

I am going to try running something, you all are very welcom to check it out here

GM Fez |

This scene has been in my mind since I first thought of the plot behind Omesta, though I wasn't sure whether to have Saphron kill Harpina immediately and regret it or what. This happening right here is why I don't like to plan the plot too far ahead, else your guys actions wouldn't seem worthwhile. This, happening right now, is much better than what I was thinking of.

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

GM, it appears, we are now down to only three of us. Maeglin has clearly abandoned us, since he is currently active in these boards, but had not said a word to us in 6 months.
Any is also missing for 1.5 months in all his games.
I'm worried that this game might start to drag if we don't find one or more players to take their place and give a boost in the posting rate.

Corrin Whisperwind |

Im in another game with Maeglin who disapeared there too, he is back now evidently had some serious medical issues come up. Not sure if he is still interested in continuing her or anything, but at least we have a reason why the drop off the face of the earth. . . if anyone was curious

Helenia Tarnidai |

Good day all
I will be part of the fresh blood coming in.
I submitted a character during the original recruitment thread but this character will not be that one, not exactly at least.
I'm looking at keeping the core concepts of the character (kidnapped by cultist with her twin sister, sister killed in front of her just before rescue, abandoning the church of Calistria) but I'm shuffling other things around (for instance, she actually vanished from Calistria's temple and has been missing for almost a century).
In addition, she won't be a spiritualist like the original concept. I have another one of those running around and I find I'm actually not that fond of them and absolutely not fond enough to be running two of them.
Instead I'm looking at making her a Witch, assuming that is ok with GM Fez and works with the rest of the group.

Helenia Tarnidai |

After some further deliberation, I'd actually like to make this character as a Pact Wizard (Haunted Heroes Handbook version) if allowed.
She would have entered in a pact with Ng, one of the eldest. Her vanishing actually also has to do with this. After she ran from Calistria's temple she accidentally walked into the First World and got lost. Travelling followers of Ng who took her under their proverbial wings.

Corrin Whisperwind |

hp: 1d12 ⇒ 2
Man what is with my terrible hp rolls *lawls*
HP: +8
BAB: +1
Fast Movement +10 feet
Feat: Boon Companion
SKills: Background - Craft weaponry +1, Handle Animal +1
Adventure - Intimidate +1, knowledge nature +1, Perception +1, Ride +1, Survival +1
Dewdrop Lvl companion:
Natural Armor bonus +2
STR DEX bonus +1
Bonus Tricks +1
Bonus Feature: Evasion
Feat: Power attack

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

Level up Information:
+8 hp (6 class, +1 Con, +1 FCB)
+1 BAB, +1 CMB, +1 CMD, +1 Stamina point
+1 Ref, +1 Will
+8 skill points (2 class, +2 Int, +2 Lore warden, +2 background*)
.+1 Acrobatics
.+1 Diplomacy
.+1 Knowledge (engineering)
.+1 Knowledge (nobility)
.+2 Knowledge (planes)
.+1 Linguistics (learning abyssal)
.+1 Perception
+class ability: maneuver training
+feat: mobility

Nilelane |
hps: Roll or half die plus one, whichever is better
hp roll: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Level 3 Changes:
hp +5 +1 con +1 fcb = +7
bab +1
frw 101
Blade Sense +1 AC vs light blades
Sneak Stab +1d8 (bleeding attack is now 2 bleed)
Finesse Training (Dagger) use dex for dagger dmg bonus
Feat: Mobility
Skills: +10 points, +1 unless noted
c(traps) +2

Nilelane |
Hmm, also where are we at wealth wise? I'd like to get a wand and maybe a magic item or 2. We are all for the most part still using mundane stuff.
If we are not handwaving it (I would vote for handwaving it, going by character level), I can get a google spreadsheet tracker going. It has worked well in my other games, but is insanely tedious and a huge chore. Thoughts?
As an example here is the loot sheet for chapter 1 of Iron Gods: link. In that setup, party wealth is tracked and can be divided by number in party to get personal wealth. It is assumed everything is sold for normal buyback price. In addition, if a player wants something that dropped in game, they can do so by paying for it. That means it doesn't get taken away from others personal wealth.
To be honest I'd rather you just say "hey, you're 3rd level, you have 3000" or similar. Of course that's just my opinion, I have gotten pretty lazy recently. :)

Helenia Tarnidai |

Hmm, also where are we at wealth wise? I'd like to get a wand and maybe a magic item or 2. We are all for the most part still using mundane stuff.
If we are not handwaving it (I would vote for handwaving it, going by character level), I can get a google spreadsheet tracker going. It has worked well in my other games, but is insanely tedious and a huge chore. Thoughts?
As an example here is the loot sheet for chapter 1 of Iron Gods: link. In that setup, party wealth is tracked and can be divided by number in party to get personal wealth. It is assumed everything is sold for normal buyback price. In addition, if a player wants something that dropped in game, they can do so by paying for it. That means it doesn't get taken away from others personal wealth.
To be honest I'd rather you just say "hey, you're 3rd level, you have 3000" or similar. Of course that's just my opinion, I have gotten pretty lazy recently. :)
In a similar vein: How much gold would Helenia start with?

GM Fez |

Truth be told I'm really bad about getting average wealth by level for characters...which will likely lead to a gold dump the next time the Queen contacts you (very shortly). This likely results from me being far more free with XP (or as more often happens level drops based on story) than with gold despite the fact I use a lot of NPCs. Greengold and Eragus will be better areas to pick up more gear as well.
Helenia, start with 3k, hopefully we get everyone around the same level.
On a separate note, none of the other PMs I've sent have responded, and don't look like they're on the boards all that much, do you guys want to keep going forward with you four?

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

@Corrin & Nilelane: Guys, I think we need to post more frequently, otherwise we risk to see this incredible game to die. I usually don't like to be the one posting all the action, so I was holding myself a bit...
@GM Fez: For posting rate sake, I believe it would be better if we could go back to 5. Have you considered re-opening the recruitment thread?

Corrin Whisperwind |

I am incredibly sorry, I havent posted to recently cause I accidently moved Corrin out of the loop by takign him to the entrance of the cave I was going to have him then sort of ranging ahead like a scout guard sort of person but the next couple of posts didnt show. I apologize for that I can loop back in :)

Maeglin Starcaller |

Heeeey gang.
How's tricks?
Sorry I ghosted there, as GM Fez indicated I had some serious personal health issues. Rhymes with "Dancer" but waaaaaaay more likely to kill you!
Good news is it was caught early and I'm in remission and ready to get mah game back on!

Helenia Tarnidai |

I'd love some input from you guys for this.
I have decided to change my character around in order to prevent butting heads with Maeglin over wizardiness and to prevent two wizards from dominating combats through sheer magical silliness.
Now the question becomes, which way to go. The one thing I'm sure of is that archery will be at least part of it. Even if going for a more casting route the longbow will be the non-magical weapon of choice.
The choice now is which route to take. Either fully martial (thinking Fighter then, can easily build very differently from Call and two fighters won't dominate combat like two wizards can) or part caster. In the latter case I'd be looking at Magus(Eldritch Archer), Inquisitor (Ravener Hunter/Sanctified Slayer) or Alchemist(at least part Grenadier) but I'm also open to other fun ideas.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: As a side note, the martial version wouldn't just be damage, it would go for things like ranged trip and other kinds of trickery. It will also focus on fighting casters.

Corrin Whisperwind |

I am very much always on the side of play what you think will be fun for you. If that means two mages thats cool, more frontline or a ranged expert also okay

Maeglin Starcaller |

In my experience more magical support is never a bad thing...
Also, would anyone care to post a brief recap? I've missed quite a lot...

Corrin Whisperwind |

So we tracked down bad guys, and deaded them. Corrin got a little creepy, we came back and the guard suggested we go to this old lady whom like was their offciail sketch artist person only she was a cultist(well maybe being coerced to do bad) and tried to poison us. She failed and we beat her up. At her house was a clue and we realized that we had sent Miss HArpina into a trap, so we hurried forth and kicked their butts their too.
Harpina's daughter was being tricked/coerced/mislead into thinking sacrificing her mother was a thing she should do, but we stopped that convinced her otherwise. Now we have returned to be heros!
Oh, Cal and Miss Harpina may be a thing (at least in my Headcannon) cause who else could hook up with a Nymph but a blind guy?
Hmm... anything i missed?