Nilelane's page

956 posts. Alias of mishima.

About Nilelane

11 str
16 dex +2
13 con +1
9 int
12 wis
9 cha

Search (lvl2 point): 2 in 6
Stealth (2 points, lvl2 point, +1 dex): 5 in 6
Sleight (1 point +1 dex): 3 in 6
Tinker (1 point +1 dex): 3 in 6

Failed Profession: criminal

DWPBS: 13,14,13,15,16

hp: 11 (2d6+2)
AC: 14 (leather+dex)

Languages: Common, Thieves' Cant

Boon: Knife Fighter

Dagger (10/30) 1d4+1 (+2 cunning), +3 to hit (+7 surprise)

class: leather, dagger, dagger, dagger
pack (C): backpack, 4 small sacks, thieves' tools, tinderbox, silvered mirror, waterskin, 1 week rations, 10 copper pennies

Post-creation Inventory:
oil (x3) 6
lantern 10
crowbar 10
rope 1
pole 1
==>28 silvers spent.
2 silvers 10 coppers on hand.

2 oil spent.