The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Female Current Physical look ?? Mindscape sorcerer 8
Ignace del Sol wrote:
Sheldlonsorunsun Suressuseschi wrote:
Midori Tsuyomi wrote:
Satisfied that Chara was safe with Blackscales-sensei, Midori makes her way back over to Ignace-chan, Zilla-chan, Sorun-kun and Lang-kun, though the latter two are seated at a different table. Midori sits next to Ignace-chan. "Are you feeling better now, Ignace-chan? Blackscales-sensei says she might be able to help us get some protection from fire."
"that's great midi! See Ignace we can be friends." Sorun says with a grand smile
Ignace smiles shyly. "I am doing better now. Thank you, Midori. Thank you all. I am...overwhelmed. I thought I would never have friends again. Thank you for staying even though you know it's risky."

"Of course I would stay you and Midori are the only girlfriends I have. Even if I gained more I still would never forget you both were the first to accept me." She reaches out to take there hands into hers.

Anahita bint Tariq wrote:

"I felt it true, so I spoke it. You are one of the more animated and courageous persons I have met here, and refreshingly unsullied by their history-- or so it would appear. I applaud you for that, Bradley."

Yes, it's possible Anahita just made a general blanket statement about many of the other students, or, perhaps she's not really thinking while she talks, but, she does come off as being honest.

"If you would like, I still have the means to allow you to soar, without use of the wind, in your current form. I can do this a few times, given what I am capable of casting."

She stands there and waits, for either of them to reply. Glancing about, and occasionally peering up and over at the two on the roof, if in sight, otherwise, only if they made any odd noises she'd hear.

Bradley flushed at the compliment. He wasn't used to getting positive feedback from anyone.

"I'd love that, Ana. Flying is the best!"

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Dave finishes evocationapparently without incident without the teacher not being there, he goes to the equipment locker and takes a few of the extra material components if he is able and leaves behind a few fethers as payment, he then goes to lunch and gets something to eat, distracted enough for his appitite to return, he looks around briefly for the people he was talking to this morning
edit he also sends Skeets to get some antibiotics, and some materials for the and a few scrolls for a planar binding with instructions to take them to the roof and begin work on a simple rune circle

David.De'Foul wrote:
Dave finishes evocationapparently without incident without the teacher not being there, he goes to the equipment locker and takes a few of the extra material components if he is able and leaves behind a few fethers as payment, he then goes to lunch and gets something to eat, distracted enough for his appitite to return, he looks around briefly for the people he was talking to this morning

Evocation was basically self-study today. And the people in charge of supplies are going to be so confused when they start finding feather everywhere. :)

At a table in the corner of the room you can see the catfolk from this morning.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Dave takes his food and sits at the table "mind if I sit here?"

Female Human

The bolt strikes true, and she yanks it out, limping slightly now. But there is no blood on the bolt, and there doesn't appear to be any armor under her pants...

Female Human Teenager
Bradley Urquardht wrote:
"I'd love that, Ana. Flying is the best!"

With a quick gesture and invocation of some arcane word, Anahita reached over and touched Bradley saying, "You can now fly-- stay close enough that I can always see you, it will wear off in roughly ten minutes."

Stepping back after the touch, she adds, "Imagine yourself as a ball, and you move the ball with your mind, or use one of your hands in a fist to be a representation of yourself-- where it goes, you will follow. Just know you are a human form, so you might startle others living beings doing this. We can do this many times, so do not feel rushed. I will attempt to stay beneath you in case."

With that, she stepped back again and waited to see how he handled it.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Belyu Shardae wrote:
The bolt strikes true, and she yanks it out, limping slightly now. But there is no blood on the bolt, and there doesn't appear to be any armor under her pants...

He rolls back onto all fours and charges her with a carnivorous gleam in his eyes

Anahita bint Tariq wrote:
"Imagine yourself as a ball, and you move the ball with your mind, or use one of your hands in a fist to be a representation of yourself-- where it goes, you will follow."

Because we need Bradley thinking he's Superman. XD

David.De'Foul wrote:
Dave takes his food and sits at the table "mind if I sit here?"

She looked up up from her saucer of milk to see who asked. "Hi Dave. The others should be here soon and they'll love to see you already here." She purrs.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

"Good, how has your day been?" He says conversationally.

Female Human
Renkai Urmas wrote:
He rolls back onto all fours and charges her with a carnivorous gleam in his eyes

Belyu drops to the ground, pushing off with her hands to add extra power to the double kick aimed at Ren's head.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Belyu Shardae wrote:
Renkai Urmas wrote:
He rolls back onto all fours and charges her with a carnivorous gleam in his eyes
Belyu drops to the ground, pushing off with her hands to add extra power to the double kick aimed at Ren's head.

snaps at her ankle on her other leg but gets sent flying whether the bite connects or not...

With a backflip he sprawls onto the ground face down...

Beneath the cloak he adjusts his mask

With an exhausted sigh. "I could use a little nap." She said just before she started to lick her arm. And deep voice came from behind Dave. "Well if it isn't the thrall master." Another Voice easily recognized as Fidget's high and shaky tone. "Oh you-ur back. Go-od. Wah-ee hoped you wo-ould ret-urn."[/b] They sat down, fidget seem almost relieved as he started fidgeting with his necklace instead of holding his tray.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1

adon's rants are cut short. He heads to lunch, eats, then then waitd for jhonny.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Dave looks angry at being refered to as a thrall master "the term is thrallherd, and it is former thrallherd in any case.." He says this in an icy tone before closing his eyes, when he opens his eyes he appears calm and jovial again "yes twitch, thank you for the warm welcome"

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

settro doesn't eat, but he does go to the lunchroom. Talking to people could be quite fun. He might as well leave his illusion down. Just delaying the inevitable.

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.

roel is eating everything. Again.

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage

After receiving the note from sabumnim Sunwake during second period, Fei then goes to his Advanced Drawing and Painting class, where he turns in some of his works from the night before.

After that, the young monk goes to the Cafeteria to wait for Vai and determine if they were going to the training room today or just remaining here.

Female shantak Dread 1,
space saver:
size- large within school bounds, huge outside. Oozes slime. Knowlage on a shantak is very hard to come by- they are poorly known.

when lunch begins, vriskra turns to Sarah. "do you mind if i come with you to lunch? Or would you like to be able to talk to zilla? It's alright if you do."

Male Firebird Monk (Master of Many Styles, Martial Artist) 16 // Firebender 8/Earthbender 8
Raelle del Sol wrote:
"I appreciate the offer, but I think I need to start defending myself. I think that's part of where I went wrong before, what made me vulnerable to Dave's ability. I wanted someone to protect me. I need to learn how to do these things for myself....but I appreciate knowing you're there to back me up."

Ardiente looks thoughtful for a moment at this, leaning back on the singles of the roof. "If you would like, I could show you some self-defense techniques. The style of martial arts in which I am trained is very defensively oriented. That might help you... but only if you're interested of course."

Raelle del Sol wrote:
"As for Ignace and Chara...well, nobody can make things better for Ignace. She has to move past what happened herself. I don't know if she'll ever be happy about her powers, but hopefully she'll at least get to a point where she can come to terms with them enough to at least learn to control them and accept that part of herself as not something bad. But nobody can force her to get to that spot before she's ready. It is kind of a cautionary tale of what can go wrong with firebirds living among non-firebirds. Then again, so is Chara. Her illness was treatable, but they couldn't get the medicine soon enough....but there's a cure in the works so hopefully soon she won't have to be so careful all the time and can just be a normal kid. I feel bad sometimes because something that made things better for me made things a lot worse for them."

"I don't think that's something you should feel bad about Raelle. I doubt your sisters would want you to feel that way. It is what it is, and hopefully they can rise above their troubles. If there is anything you think I could do to help either of them, just let me know. That's about all we can do for them."

For the umpteenth time this morning, his hand goes up and touches the purple streak of hair, more curious than anything. He can't see it, and it doesn't feel different than any other part of his hair... but just the thought that it was there kept making his hand go up to it.

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7
Fei, of the Sun Soul wrote:

After receiving the note from sabumnim Sunwake during second period, Fei then goes to his Advanced Drawing and Painting class, where he turns in some of his works from the night before.

After that, the young monk goes to the Cafeteria to wait for Vai and determine if they were going to the training room today or just remaining here.

Vai comes into the cafeteria, practically skipping along, clearly in a very good mood. She spots Fei in their usual spot at a decently-removed table and heads over to him, smiling broadly. "Hi Fei!" she says happily as she comes to stand next to him, only a few inches away. "How were your morning classes?" ^_^

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Zilla wrote:
Ignace del Sol wrote:
Sheldlonsorunsun Suressuseschi wrote:
"that's great midi! See Ignace we can be friends." Sorun says with a grand smile
Ignace smiles shyly. "I am doing better now. Thank you, Midori. Thank you all. I am...overwhelmed. I thought I would never have friends again. Thank you for staying even though you know it's risky."
"Of course I would stay you and Midori are the only girlfriends I have. Even if I gained more I still would never forget you both were the first to accept me." She reaches out to take there hands into hers.

Midori nods and smiles at Sorun's addition to the conversation, not wishing to exclude any of her friends, and she gives Grim a reserved wave when he joins them as well.

She also nods in agreement as Ignace gives her shy opinion, and takes her and Zilla's hand as well. "Ignace-chan, there's always some risk in friendship. I'm not afraid of being hurt, because that's always the risk when you become friends with someone. But friends are worth that risk."

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.

roel wanders around the room, looking for someone to talk to. He's kinda bored, but i's hard to tell. Ooze and all. He passes behind vai and fei. your choice on what to do with this. Leaving this open to not being noticed to avoid interrupting something I'm unaware of.

Female Human

It's strange. The bite connected, but her flesh didn't rip or tear. It just.. gave way.

Bel uses the chance to scoop up the axe again and ready herself. Her clothes are torn and scorched and the bets are climbing higher and higher as the fight goes on.

Vare had teleported himself to the cafeteria as soon as his class was out of the room, hoping to beat the lunch rush. He does succeed for the most part, and exits the cafeteria with his lunch quickly, not wanting to risk another tray of food being dumped on him, or another dreamscape food fight breaking out. His lunch in hand, he heads to one of the staff lounges to eat.

In case any teachers want to interact. ;D

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage
Vai Sunwake wrote:
Vai comes into the cafeteria, practically skipping along, clearly in a very good mood. She spots Fei in their usual spot at a decently-removed table and heads over to him, smiling broadly. "Hi Fei!" she says happily as she comes to stand next to him, only a few inches away. "How were your morning classes?" ^_^

"Enlightening, as always," he replies, returning her smile and bowing. ;)

"And yours?" he asks, clearly grateful that she is in a much brighter mood than yesterday.

Dark Archive

N/A (use male pronouns because that's what the English language assumes) Spellweave Monk1//Magus (spell sword/War Warder)11/scholar 11/abjurant champion5/initiate of the sevenfold veil 7/netherese arcanist 10/magister 6/argent savent 5

Zix is reading on the couch in the staff room, when Vare appears he nods to the man and continues reading unless Vare says anything to him.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Belyu Shardae wrote:

It's strange. The bite connected, but her flesh didn't rip or tear. It just.. gave way.

Bel uses the chance to scoop up the axe again and ready herself. Her clothes are torn and scorched and the bets are climbing higher and higher as the fight goes on.

Renkai turns and stands in one hand he holds a rapier, razor thin and black as night, his other hand holds a nondescript vial

He says nothing, but shrugs out of his shirt andjacket to allow for the greatest range of movement

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7

Vai covers her nose as the ooze passes nearby to them, but is undeterred in her good mood. "Great! Sadie and I are talking again. I'm going to go speak with her younger brother after classes about what happened the other day." she glances at the lunch line. Usually by the time the lunchtime session was done, the crowd had thinned out considerably. The line was much longer than she was used to, and so simply decides to stay with Fei for the time being. She had a big breakfast anyway. "You know... I think your presence there might be a great help. I'll ask Sadie." Fei will also note that Vai is once again wearing a skirt, not the trousers she had been wearing since the incident in the fencing room.

She looks around the lunchroom. "Will you be okay with not training today? I mean... if you want to we can head down to the training room. Up to you." her broad smile continues undeterred, letting Fei take the initiative.

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5
Vriskra the shantak wrote:
when lunch begins, vriskra turns to Sarah. "do you mind if i come with you to lunch? Or would you like to be able to talk to zilla? It's alright if you do."

"No they don't really like me that much. You and Chara are my real friends." :)

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.

roel passes by, and assumes humanoid form. Hard to hear Precisely in here. He looks around for anyone he knows.

Female Elf Gestalt Sorcerer (Starsoul) 16/Oracle (Heavens) 16

Tyrrin comes into the lunchroom, her characteristic stiffness present, but perhaps a bit more relaxed than any other day. She does look considerably more well-rested than anyone had seen in a long while. The Acting Student Council President goes and stands in the lunch line, her eyes focused on a datapad in her hands, occasionally tapping the screen. She appears to be reading.

Female shantak Dread 1,
space saver:
size- large within school bounds, huge outside. Oozes slime. Knowlage on a shantak is very hard to come by- they are poorly known.

"Well, you should try talking to them sometimes. I want to get to know them, but zilla... I still don't understand what I did. Oh well, let's go to lunch."

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage

"If I do not train, then I will need to make sure my excess...energies are safely discharged," he replies. "I believe I can do so now without going to sabumnim Sunwake's laboratory."

David.De'Foul wrote:
Dave looks angry at being refered to as a thrall master "the term is thrallherd, and it is former thrallherd in any case.." He says this in an icy tone before closing his eyes, when he opens his eyes he appears calm and jovial again "yes twitch, thank you for the warm welcome"

Daris responded. "I hope I didn't touch a nerve. Why would you give up that power? Instead you could harnessed it." Zoe cut in. [/b]"Drop it Daris. He probably didn't like the ability. Reow. The thought does... leave a slight taste in my mouth. Reow."[/b] Fidget shook his head at the two arguing. "The-ey do th-i-s from ti-me to t-ime. It's Fi-dget not Twi-tch." He gives Dave a awkward smile, possibly the best he can manage with his fidgeting.

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

Tybalt is there for a while. He sits and starts to eat quickly.

male firebird firebender 10// caliver 3/bard 3/battle herold 4

igni comes in and gets in line behind tyrinn, holding a nearly finished scimitar. He only keeps the portion of the blade under his fingers hot, so he won't burn pepole. He looks up at who is in line. "ah, I remember you. Met this morning, tyrinn, right?"

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.
Tybalt Baneko wrote:
Tybalt is there for a while. He sits and starts to eat quickly.

before you know it, roel forms up behind you, he's been trying to cover his smell with prestidigitation, and it has partly worked, but not knowing what smell is makes it hard to cover. "hay tybalt."

Female Human

"Getting serious now?" Belyu asks, slowly walking forward. The vial most likely held poison. She'd have to be extra careful now. Her hand slips into her pocket as she readies her next trick.

Female Current Physical look ?? Mindscape sorcerer 8
Midori Tsuyomi wrote:
Zilla wrote:
Ignace del Sol wrote:
Sheldlonsorunsun Suressuseschi wrote:
"that's great midi! See Ignace we can be friends." Sorun says with a grand smile
Ignace smiles shyly. "I am doing better now. Thank you, Midori. Thank you all. I am...overwhelmed. I thought I would never have friends again. Thank you for staying even though you know it's risky."
"Of course I would stay you and Midori are the only girlfriends I have. Even if I gained more I still would never forget you both were the first to accept me." She reaches out to take there hands into hers.

Midori nods and smiles at Sorun's addition to the conversation, not wishing to exclude any of her friends, and she gives Grim a reserved wave when he joins them as well.

She also nods in agreement as Ignace gives her shy opinion, and takes her and Zilla's hand as well. "Ignace-chan, there's always some risk in friendship. I'm not afraid of being hurt, because that's always the risk when you become friends with someone. But friends are worth that risk."

Zilla smiles at Midori's words. Then looks to Ignace with a smile waiting for her took take there hands.

Female Elf Gestalt Sorcerer (Starsoul) 16/Oracle (Heavens) 16

At the voice behind her, Tyrrin turns and looks to see who was addressing her. Ah yes, the Firebird. "Ah... hello Mr. Phoebus. I trust your task this morning went well?" she said politely, stepping forward as the line shifted.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Belyu Shardae wrote:
"Getting serious now?" Belyu asks, slowly walking forward. The vial most likely held poison. She'd have to be extra careful now. Her hand slips into her pocket as she readies her next trick.

"no I just enjoy stripping in front of you..." He says with acid sarcasm

He waits for her to act, having a path of action in mind

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7
Fei, of the Sun Soul wrote:
"If I do not train, then I will need to make sure my excess...energies are safely discharged," he replies. "I believe I can do so now without going to sabumnim Sunwake's laboratory."

Vai looks at him inquisitively. Some new property of the nanosuit perhaps? "How?" she didn't really understand the science behind the nanosuit yet, it was advanced work even for her Mom. She would get there eventually though.

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

"Hiya Roel. How was botany?"

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

"Sorry about that, fidget, my mistake," he turns to daris "truth be told the power is not yet completely gone, I merely plugged it, I do not intend to rob people of their ability to chose to do what I say... Or don't, either way, it is a personal choice, the power is the reason I hurt people I care about, and it is the reason from this point onward I am likely to be judged before being known, an outcome I do not appreciate"

Zix wrote:
Zix is reading on the couch in the staff room, when Vare appears he nods to the man and continues reading unless Vare says anything to him.

Vare brings his lunch to one of the many desks that dot the staff room, and politely, simply says: "Good afternoon Zix."

male firebird firebender 10// caliver 3/bard 3/battle herold 4

"Not really. The person we were saving died, then raelle brought him back wrong, then everything went downhill from there, as the sun descended into chaos." he doesn't seem concerned about this, he simply keeps working on his blade.

Female Elf Gestalt Sorcerer (Starsoul) 16/Oracle (Heavens) 16

"Ah... truthfully?" Tyrrin looks a great deal more thoughtful and concerned than Igni might think a non-firebird should. "I should communicate this to my Mother... though it is likely she already knows. Did the tensions there finally escalate to blood? It has been a long time coming, from my understanding."

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