Uzbin Parault

Hobbyho51's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (34 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Dark Archive

I am having difficulty getting a new alias set up for some reason. I will be ready as soon as I can

Dark Archive

Final Charecter Sheet


Trask Morgath (Regular dwarf race traits)

Monk of the empty hand 1/skald 1 (FC skald)

Str 15
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 15

Hp 25

Weapon: Drum Sticks +4/+3,+3

AC 14 (Msk Studded Leather, dex)

Feats: Toughness, Catch off guard, Nalbrin Armor Adept

Fort: 4
Ref: 3
Will: 2

Knowlage (history and local):1:6
Peform (percusion) 1:9
Spellcraft 1:5

Traits: Surprise Weapon, Talented

0: Prestidigitation, light, detect magic, mending.
1: Grease, saving final

Rounds of raging song: 5

Gear: Msk Studded Leather, Masterwork Instrument (snare drum), Longsword, Hand Axe, Dagger, Shortbow, 30 arrows, 5 alchemist fire, Msk Backpack, Blanket, Bedroll, Canteen, 5 bags of chalk, Crowbar, Flint and Steel, Mess kit, Belt pouch, Silk rope 50ft, Five days of trail mix, 4 Candles, 5 Alchemist kindness, 555 gp.

Still alot to spend.

Dark Archive

Corrected charecter sheet


Trask Morgath (Regular dwarf race traits)

Monk of the empty hand 1/skald 1 (FC skald)

Str 15
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 15

Hp 25

Weapon: Masterwork Drum Sticks +5/+4,+4

AC 15 (Msk chain shirt, dex)

Feats: Toughness, Catch off guard, Nalbrin Armor Adept

Fort: 4
Ref: 3
Will: 2

Skills (ACP included)
Knowlage (history and local):1:6
Peform (percusion) 1:6
Spellcraft 1:5

Traits: Armor expert, Surprise weapon

0: Prestidigitation, light, detect magic, mending.
1: Grease, saving final

Rounds of raging song: 5

All my charecters have a ton of items, and not all of it is adventuring gear. I will compile how much gold I have left after I buy artwork, give tithes, ect. (I love micromanageing money, I will not bother you with it though). Speaking of which, where do we live, and how do we live?

Dark Archive

Gm wrote:

Just so we're clear, you can't flurry with your drum sticks unless you take Nalbrin Armor Adept as your bonus feat and wear armor with no check penalty. (The popular options so far seem to be mwk studded leather and mwk chain shirt with the Armor Expert trait.)

I was about to ask where it said that, then I found it in the proficancy block. I'll take that as my bonus feat and mst chain shirt with armor master.

Dark Archive

Trask Morgath (Regular dwarf race traits)

Monk of the empty hand 1/skald 1 (War drummer?) (FC skald)



Str 15
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 15

Hp 25

Weapon: Masterwork Drum Sticks +5/+4,+4

AC 17 (Brestplate, dex)

Feats: Toughness, Catch off guard, Blind fight

Fort: 4
Ref: 3
Will: 2

Skills (ACP included)
Knowlage (history and local):1:6
Peform (percusion) 1:7
Spellcraft 1:5

Traits: Mentor (perform percussion), Surprise weapon

0: Prestidigitation, light, detect magic, mending.
1: Grease, saving final

Rounds of raging song: 5

Alright, I think this is all the important stuff.

Dark Archive

GM Sarpadian wrote:

Unfortunately, you don't qualify for Lingering Performance until level 3.

Where does it say this, it says you must have bardic performance, and raging song counts as bardic performance. Am I misunderstanding what you ment by bonus feat?

Dark Archive

Hazzah! I have fully thought this through and am ready to make my final character proposal.

Trask Morgath

Monk of the empty hand 1/skald 1 (FC skald)



Str 15 (7)
Dex 13 (3)
Con 14 (2)
Int 12 (2)
Wis 10 (-2)
Cha 15 (13)

hp 25

Feats: Toughness, Catch off guard, lingering performance.

Weapon: Masterwork Drum Sticks +2/+1,+1



All dwarves remember home when they hear the beat of a hammer against an anvil, and Trask wants to bring that feeling to his comrades. Fearless, he charges forth into the fray, his drum slung across his side and two sticks in his hands. A natural leader, the militia has considered his participation in this important hour.

This is my final character idea, hopefully this works. Once again not all the details are here, so I will have to post a full sheet if I am considered.

Dark Archive


Double check your point buy. My math has you having spent 22 points. You don't qualify for Power Attack. You don't have a BAB of +1 until level 2, and Power Attack isn't on the list of monk bonus feats. Toughness isn't on the list of bonus feats, so it would have to be your level 1 feat. You need to choose one of the following as your 2nd monk bonus feat: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Scorpion Style, or Throw Anything.

Sorry, kinda threw it together on the spot earlier, but I retract my character, because I have something much more interesting.

Dark Archive

I am open for playing a martial artist.

Carth Targmonger

Martial artist 2 (FC Monk)

The main stuff.


Str 17
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 8

Hp 25 (8+8+2+2+1+1+3)

Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Improved Grapple

Main Weapon: Unarmed Strike +4/+3,+3\ Dmg 1d6+3
Assorted monk weapons for use, none of which are masterwork.

The Skills.



Craft (arms and armor) 1:1



Carth would have been a fine smith, but when a call to arms came, he put down his tools and joined up. Strong, tough and dependable, Carth is a true hero, ready to jump into a hail of arrows to save a fallen comrade. His loyalty is unquestionable, and his physical conditioning allows him to sustain anything he needs to do. His skills and conditioning make him an invaluable asset for this mission.

I have yet to spend any gold, so that is not yet ready. Hopefully this character will be considered for this adventure.

Dark Archive

I would like to play in this campaign. I would wish to play an inquisitor if that is acceptable.

Carth Targmonger LN

Monk 1 (Zen archer?) /Inquisitor 1

Str 14
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 11

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, (Deadly aim if zen archer)

Main Weapon: Longbow

Carth Targmonger is a dwarf of the bow, and constantly vigilant for treasonous talk. Not the most well liked in the militia because of his stern words and non-trusting nature, but all know he means well. Respected for his unwavering loyalty, his presence during an operation assures his superiors that the work will be done to the best of the troops ability.

The level of monk would preferably be zen archer, though I plan to not take another level in monk for some time. If zen archer is prohibited, I will take a regular level in monk. I will ask for permission before doing anything that might be broken. I intend to keep this character from being min-maxed if possible.

If you need skills, purchases, or any other character information, please notify me.

I ask that I may participate in this adventure, I will be able to post at least once a day as required, and I will stay active as long as I am able.