Tales from the City of Opal

Game Master Patrick Curtin

This is my homebrew world Arcaia. This particular setting is the free city of Opal, a lush equatorial city set on the edge of an immense jungle rife with undead , ancient civilizations, and dinosaurs.

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Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

Preparing to get back to sleep, so that he can adequately prepare his spells in the morning, San notices Vilya staring at the opal. "You should get that eye twitch looked at by a priest. Could be a stroke, you know."

To Tobias, he whispers, "Don't let her anywhere near that thing."

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
To Tobias, he whispers, "Don't let her anywhere near that thing."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Tobias takes the gem and puts it securely in the depths of his pack.

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4

Joleesa wraps her arms around gives Ten a big kiss on the cheek for helping "Wheezy" back to health again.
She notices the Opal Egan has found and the way Vilya looks at it. "I say Egan can have it since he was the only one of us smart enough to do what was needed to look for it," she says loud enough for Vilya to hear. "Although now I can just see her waist deep inside every dino and monster we encounter looking for more of her 'shiny'," she whispers to Sanvoros and Tobias with a wink.
Seeing Ten trying to sleep and Sanvoros start to bed down, she heads over to "Wheezy" and gives him a rub, before settling down next to him and drifting off, Lumien coming down at the last minute to perch on the saddle on the ground beside her, his glow fading slowly as he too follows her into slamber.

Bribes always welcome

Good job Egan cutting the beast open, I know I am gaming with some canny folks when they find my Easter Egg! (And yes, I had planned to have that stone there if anyone was going to cut the beast open :P).

The rest of the night passes without incident. Karl suggests they move a bit downstream to get away from the carcass, as it will atttract scavengers. They take a half hour to travel downstream to another embankment.

In the morning, Karl gets up early and gets a breakfast of river turtle eggs and fresh-caught flannelmouth fish put together.

"Just a little thanks for healing me up," He says, passing out some coffee he's brewed along with the eats.

Suitably refreshed, the party heads further into the dark, forbidding Jungle of Skulls

Perception rolls puhlease! Also, those who have it, Survival.

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4

Perception Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Survival Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Male Human Sorcerer 5

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Survival 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

"That was great, Karl! Only problem is that such a good breakfast always a bit absent-minded!" San says with a grin.

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37 Perception +2 if Animal involved

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16 Survival +2 if Animal involved

Thanks. I was really just looking for clues about the animal, and that was a nice bonus. I can just see the look on Vilya's face as she cuts open everything we see looking for more treasure.

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Egan Coyle wrote:
I can just see the look on Vilya's face as she cuts open everything we see looking for more treasure.

Yeah Joleesa actually mentioned that bove :)

Female Human
Joleesa Morvais wrote:
She notices the Opal Egan has found and the way Vilya looks at it. "I say Egan can have it since he was the only one of us smart enough to do what was needed to look for it," she says loud enough for Vilya to hear. "Although now I can just see her waist deep inside every dino and monster we encounter looking for more of her 'shiny'," she whispers to Sanvoros and Tobias with a wink.

Vilya saunters over to where Egan is standing.

"You found one shiny rock. Big deal. Once we get to the next tomb, I'll be the one laughing. Now, if you'll excuse me."

She proceeds to find a secluded corner of jungle for her to pout in.

Bribes always welcome

The party winds its way down the wide river during hte early morning hours. The jungle encroaches closer to the edge of the waterway, in some places down into the water itself.

Strange hoots and hollers echo from the tree canopy. Monkeys chitter and swing from the vines dangling from the leafy canopy, birds and feathered dinos squawk and trill from trees , sky and water alike.

Towards noon, the river is joined by a large tributary. A small sandbar has formed where the secondary river is dumping debris. Along the edge of the secondary river strange ruins can be seen. They look to be anold village or possibly a trading post. They are vine wrapped and silent. Karl yells out to the other boat

"We should land at the sandbar and get our bearings. Might be time for a stop and we can get some grub"


Male Human Sorcerer 5

Tobias looks at the ruins with mild disinterest. "We're going to loot the village for all it's worth, aren't we?"

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Female Human
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:

Tobias looks at the ruins with mild disinterest. "We're going to loot the village for all it's worth, aren't we?"

Perception: 1d20+1

"Oooh, shiny!"

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
Tobias looks at the ruins with mild disinterest. "We're going to loot the village for all it's worth, aren't we?"

"Sounds like the makings of a plan," Joleesa says with a smile.

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4

Before the sleep. Ten Blushes, his green face going a strange shade of purple, when Jo kisses him and mumbles his "your welcomes" before scurrying off to bed.

Breakfast. Ten proclaims loudly how Karl is by far the most valuable member of the party and should be kept safe from any harm or danger as he likes his lips, burps and helps him self to seconds and any left overs.

[i[At the sand bar[/i] Ten Foot, takes every opportunity he can to get out of the boats, he is only slightly more happy once they are on dry land. "Spiders or drowning?" he ponders, weighing up the two terrible fates. He stands there sweating in the oppressive heat, his clothing stuck to is back.

"Yes, lets explore this village, if it was left in a hurry there might even be some shinies." he directs the last comment at Vilya.

Female Human
Ten Foot Twin Eater wrote:
"Yes, lets explore this village, if it was left in a hurry there might even be some shinies." he directs the last comment at Vilya.

Vilya rolls her eyes.

"That's not all I think about, you know. I have interestests. Sometimes, I even..."

Her sentence is cut off short as she notices something shiny in the undergrowth and goes to investigate.

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

Egan, his curiosity getting the best of him agrees the ruins should be explored. "Sure, lets put ashore". "We can explore the ruins a bit, and I'm sure some fresh meat would be appreciated by all". with that he sends Whisperwing aloft to explore by air, and scout for fresh meat.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5
Egan Coyle wrote:
Egan, his curiosity getting the best of him agrees the ruins should be explored. "Sure, lets put ashore". "We can explore the ruins a bit, and I'm sure some fresh meat would be appreciated by all". with that he sends Whisperwing aloft to explore by air, and scout for fresh meat.

San looks at Egan and quips, "I'm sure whatever's living here is saying the exact same thing right about now."

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
Egan Coyle wrote:
Egan, his curiosity getting the best of him agrees the ruins should be explored. "Sure, lets put ashore". "We can explore the ruins a bit, and I'm sure some fresh meat would be appreciated by all". with that he sends Whisperwing aloft to explore by air, and scout for fresh meat.
San looks at Egan and quips, "I'm sure whatever's living here is saying the exact same thing right about now."

Ten Foot is tickled pink by San's comment and bursts into loud belly laughing, he is still chuckling minutes later.

Female Human
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
"I'm sure whatever's living here is saying the exact same thing right about now."


Bribes always welcome
Vilya the Taker wrote:
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
"I'm sure whatever's living here is saying the exact same thing right about now."

Nice Shiny

The group grabs a quick meal on the sandbar. Whisperwing returns and lets Egan know there are wild peccary about.

Karl looks over at the ruins.

"That there's Omochitli. Xoltec town, been abandoned for years. Has a lot of underground mazes and old Sliss'pok ruins underneath. I ain't been in, but folks say there are lots of spiders and such down there, along with giant snakes."

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
"folks say there are lots of spiders and such down there."

Joleesa walks over and claps Ten on the back with a wry grin. "Sounds just like our kind of place. Let's go and kill us some vermin and maybe earn a little treasure along the way."

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Karl looks over at the ruins.[/i]

"That there's Omochitli. Xoltec town, been abandoned for years. Has a lot of underground mazes and old Sliss'pok ruins underneath. I ain't been in, but folks say there are lots of spiders and such down there, along with giant snakes."

Ten Foot suddenly changes his opinion and offers to guard the boats.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5
Ten Foot Twin Eater wrote:
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Karl looks over at the ruins.[/i]

"That there's Omochitli. Xoltec town, been abandoned for years. Has a lot of underground mazes and old Sliss'pok ruins underneath. I ain't been in, but folks say there are lots of spiders and such down there, along with giant snakes."

Ten Foot suddenly changes his opinion and offers to guard the boats.

"Oh, come on now, my large friend! A few bugs can't possibly frighten a man who's stared down an entire hoard of the walking dead, can they? Perhaps a little liquid courage from your god, to help!"

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4

"To paraphrase the my old buddy Indie, Spiders, why does it always have to be spiders?" Ten Foot mumbles, "Some folks are scared of water, others of heights, me, it is those bloody big spiders," he shudders. "Besides some one needs to guard the boats." he adds.

Bribes always welcome
Ten Foot Twin Eater wrote:
"To paraphrase the my old buddy Indie, Spiders, why does it always have to be spiders?" Ten Foot mumbles, "Some folks are scared of water, others of heights, me, it is those bloody big spiders," he shudders. "Besides some one needs to guard the boats." he adds.

Karl looks at the burly priest

"I hear you big guy. I'm sticking out here with you. No offense folks, but I was hired to guide you folks in, not go spelunking in a big spider hole."

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

"Well, Ten, we'll make sure and bring you and Karl out a trophy or two. Maybe even still twitching! Have a fire ready, 'cause whatever it'll be, we'll be eating it!" San laughs as he prepares his gear for the trek.

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5
Egan Coyle wrote:

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

San gives Egan a quizzical look, and says, "Mostly, that's true. But I've fought a few of the really big ones, and I swear they were as smart as most normal folk ..."

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
Egan Coyle wrote:

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

San gives Egan a quizzical look, and says, "Mostly, that's true. But I've fought a few of the really big ones, and I swear they were as smart as most normal folk ..."

Egan raises his eyebrows and looks at San, then looks at his quivering with fear friend, and gives an "I'm trying to make him not as scared look".

1d20 ⇒ 14 Diplomacy

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5
Egan Coyle wrote:
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
Egan Coyle wrote:

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

San gives Egan a quizzical look, and says, "Mostly, that's true. But I've fought a few of the really big ones, and I swear they were as smart as most normal folk ..."

Egan raises his eyebrows and looks at San, then looks at his quivering with fear friend, and gives an "I'm trying to make him not as scared look".

1d20 Diplomacy

San grins back, giving his, "I know" look.

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
Egan Coyle wrote:

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

San gives Egan a quizzical look, and says, "Mostly, that's true. But I've fought a few of the really big ones, and I swear they were as smart as most normal folk ..."

"Well then, you've obviously fought some abnormal spiders then." Tobias then turns to Ten and puts on his most winning smile. "Come on Ten, you know what they always say. The only thing you need to fear is fear itself. Besides, think of all you've done! You've fought off hoards of undead, you've fought giant crocodiles, you've fought a representation of pure elemental earth. You can probably kill a few freakish spiders if ou really needed to. Besides, we're probably going to need your help down there no matter what. What do you say?"

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
Egan Coyle wrote:

"Spiders are not evil". "They are not smart enough to be evil". "They simply defend their nests, and look for food". Egan replies as he readies for their trip ashore.

San gives Egan a quizzical look, and says, "Mostly, that's true. But I've fought a few of the really big ones, and I swear they were as smart as most normal folk ..."
"Well then, you've obviously fought some abnormal spiders then." Tobias then turns to Ten and puts on his most winning smile. "Come on Ten, you know what they always say. The only thing you need to fear is fear itself. Besides, think of all you've done! You've fought off hoards of undead, you've fought giant crocodiles, you've fought a representation of pure elemental earth. You can probably kill a few freakish spiders if ou really needed to. Besides, we're probably going to need your help down there no matter what. What do you say?"

"Yeah, come on down with us, Ten. I was only kidding about the smart spiders. Besides, like Tobias said, the undead are far nastier."

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
You've fought off hoards of undead, you've fought giant crocodiles, you've fought a representation of pure elemental earth. You can probably kill a few freakish spiders if ou really needed to. Besides, we're probably going to need your help down there no matter what. What do you say?"

"Spiders have more legs, fangs and poison!" Ten Foot responds, he does not look like he is even remotely happy to head into Spiderville and be a walking smorgasbord.

"But if you insist on heading in there then I better pray for some courage," Ten Foot kneels and intones a prayer to Cayden Cailean for inspiration in the face of his fears.

Game terms I am casting Remove Fear which has a 10 minute duration.

Once finished Ten Foot stands up, grips his axe and starts marching over towards the ruins.

Bribes always welcome
Ten Foot Twin Eater wrote:
Once finished Ten Foot stands up, grips his axe and starts marching over towards the ruins.

Actually, he'll have to march to the canoe and paddle over. I'll assume the spell starts when he gets to the ruins

The party loads up and pushes off into the river, heading for the far bank. They pull up to what looks like a matted jungle, but underneath the ruins of a stone docking area can be discerned. Karl throws a rope around one vine-wrapped stone pier and waves them on.

"Good luck folks. I'll keep the boats ready to set out."

The party disembarks onto the ruined dockside and looks into the overgrown ruins.

What little can be discerned is definitely Xoltec work. Leering skulls, fanged beast heads and swirling bats are common carvings on the limestone ruins. Game trails lead into the ancient town, and there is a snorting of peccarys nearby. The sun is about at noon level, and the heat is fierce. Insects in their millions rise up from the marshy shoreline, eager for a sip of the party's blood.

There are several small buildings, a large stepped pyramid and an old courtyard choked with large trees all nearby. Stone stelae poke out of the underbrush, covered in hieroglyphs.

Where to folks?

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

"If that pyramid doesn't say 'Enter here for loot and getting your butt eaten', I don't know what does," San exclaims.

Female Human

Dungeon crawling is Vilya's specialty. She begins to search the immediate area, looking for any sort of clues as to where the bulk of the dungeon lies.

What does she know?

Knowledge (arcana) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Bribes always welcome


Vilya notes that there are a lot of webbing in the trees. There are also lots of animal tracks. Vilya sees that there is a vegetation-shrouded entrance to the pyramid half-hidden by a large ironwood,

The screech of tropical birds and dinos lace the still, humid air.

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Sanvoros Draben wrote:
"If that pyramid doesn't say 'Enter here for loot and getting your butt eaten', I don't know what does," San exclaims.

Joleesa turns and gives Sanvoros a grin. "My thoughts exactly. So how do we get in?"

Male Elf Paladin/Ranger 4/1

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Checking for tracks around the ruins on the face they are entering from. Another +2 to the roll if the tracks are from undead.

Female Human
Dungeon Monkey wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

The screech of tropical birds and dinos lace the still, humid air.


Vilya peers around the small clearing.

"I see an entrance past that ironwood tree there. I'm not going first, though. It... doesn't look like the kind of place one simply walks into."

She moves closer to the group, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh, and Mr. Twin Eater... I saw some interesting sticky webs up in the trees. I wonder what could have made them?"

She moves her triple-jointed fingers in a manner suggesting something large and eight-legged.

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

"Fine! I'll lead the way" Egan calmly states, and moves towards the opening, lighting a torch as he goes.

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Vilya the Taker wrote:

She moves closer to the group, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Oh, and Mr. Twin Eater... I saw some interesting sticky webs up in the trees. I wonder what could have made them?"

She moves her triple-jointed fingers in a manner suggesting something large and eight-legged.

"Oh, leave Ten be, you disturbing disturbing woman." Tobias then follows Egan and the others.

Female Human
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
"Oh, leave Ten be, you disturbing disturbing woman." Tobias then follows Egan and the others.

"How am I disturbing? I didn't do anything."

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Vilya the Taker wrote:
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
"Oh, leave Ten be, you disturbing disturbing woman." Tobias then follows Egan and the others.
"How am I disturbing? I didn't do anything."

"Your fingers have an extra digit, your eyes are pitch black, and I'm pretty sure I saw you pick a lock with your tongue once. My dear, I've seen some disturbing things in my time, but you're certainly in the top ten."

Female Human
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
Vilya the Taker wrote:
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
"Oh, leave Ten be, you disturbing disturbing woman." Tobias then follows Egan and the others.
"How am I disturbing? I didn't do anything."
"Your fingers have an extra digit, your eyes are pitch black, and I'm pretty sure I saw you pick a lock with your tongue once. My dear, I've seen some disturbing things in my time, but you're certainly in the top ten."

Vilya crosses her arms.

"You're just jealous."

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Vilya the Taker wrote:

Vilya crosses her arms.

"You're just jealous."

"My dear, you can't comprehend how glad I am that I'm nowhere near as... tainted as you are."

Now's as good a time as any. Knowledge(Arcana), why is Vilya like that? 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Female Human
Tobias Marshalsea wrote:
Vilya the Taker wrote:

Vilya crosses her arms.

"You're just jealous."

"My dear, you can't comprehend how glad I am that I'm nowhere near as... tainted as you are."

"Whatever. You just wish you could pick locks with your tongue."

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Vilya the Taker wrote:
"Whatever. You just wish you could pick locks with your tongue."

Listening to the back and forth between Vilya and the others, Joleesa pipes up. "I don't know about picking locks, but if you're interested in things people can do with their tongues then all you ever had to do was ask Tobias." She ends this with a grin as she turns on her heels and flicks her hair, before walking over to try and calm Ten down after Vilya's revelation about the webs.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

Choosing not to get involved with the discussion, San still gives a good chuckle at the banter going back and forth. He'll quickly scan the area with detect magic, however.

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