TMNT and Other Strangeness (Inactive)

Game Master Winterwalker

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness is a role-playing game based on the comic book created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The core rulebook was first published by Palladium Books in September 1985 – a couple years before the Turtles.

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Liberty's Edge

Big Don Bohannon wrote:

Three things I see, Ekeebe.

One: What size are you? Don't forget to apply all the stat mods for your size, and if you need extra Bio-E you can sell off size levels.

Two: What's your SDC?

Three: Everyone is required to either take at least partial human speech, or the psionic power that lets you talk to others mentally (Edit: Telepathic Transmission, 5 Bio-E) - at least, that's what the book says. WW could make an exception, natch :)

Nope, you need partial or the psi power as written, sorry no freebies.

SgtDrill - is Boxing available as a secondary skill? I don't have the book in front of me.

Liberty's Edge

Lyingbastard wrote:
SgtDrill - is Boxing available as a secondary skill? I don't have the book in front of me.

Doesn't look like it is sir.

Secondary SKills
Hand to Hand: Basic
*Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Athletics (general)
Body Building

Winterwalker wrote:
Lyingbastard wrote:
SgtDrill - is Boxing available as a secondary skill? I don't have the book in front of me.

Doesn't look like it is sir.

Secondary SKills
Hand to Hand: Basic
*Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Athletics (general)
Body Building

I didn't think it was, but if it was, like it appears in SgtDrill's character write up, I was going to switch it out with something else. That extra attack per melee and automatic KO with a natural 20 are too good to lose.

so how many skills do we start out with, I am a little confused and have never built a palladum character before.

Woodraven wrote:
so how many skills do we start out with, I am a little confused and have never built a palladum character before.

That's under your education background. For instance, a character with the "mentor" background gets 3 Espionage/Military skills, Hand to Hand: Ninjitsu (and all it's attendant skills - Acrobatics, Climbing, Prowl, and Fencing), 3 ancient Weapon Proficiencies, and 10 secondary skills. You automatically get Basic Math, the ability to speak your native language, and the ability to read and write your native language.


went through and updated and trimmed skills and such. so many errors I have to reroll some of the things.


PP=2,5,1=8 +2(base animal)=10+1d4 ⇒ 4=
SDC=35(size level)+3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) = 15+1d8 ⇒ 7=
HT(Long) 60+3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) = 5=
WT 100+6d10 ⇒ (2, 7, 6, 4, 9, 9) = 37=

Here is my(woodraven's) character. Please take a look and tell me if I missed something.

Liberty's Edge

Marcquardt wrote:
Here is my(woodraven's) character. Please take a look and tell me if I missed something.

From a once over it looks ok. I wont be scrutinizing until the game starts but I don't think there will be an issue :)

Lyingbastard wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
Lyingbastard wrote:
SgtDrill - is Boxing available as a secondary skill? I don't have the book in front of me.

Doesn't look like it is sir.

Secondary SKills
Hand to Hand: Basic
*Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Athletics (general)
Body Building

I didn't think it was, but if it was, like it appears in SgtDrill's character write up, I was going to switch it out with something else. That extra attack per melee and automatic KO with a natural 20 are too good to lose.

Whoops! Good catch - thanks :)

I'll pick a replacement tonight once I get access to the book.

OK Updated my sheet per the Size Level 8 and added in my hands/biped etc info. Still need to get my gear.

Same here, but I think I'll get a compound bow, a sword of some kind, and a .30-06 rifle, at least for the main of my crime-fighting gear.

Liberty's Edge

Hrm I hate to be the bearer of bad news, even after we spent all this time setting this up, but my home group decided to go and pick a different game to want to play. (on the plus for paizo side it's a legacy of fire game.)

Gimme until next week to see if the decision sticks, so it might still be on, but I wanted to forewarn you guys as you put a lot of working coming up with these dudes.

I may just run a game anyway though if everyone is still ready to rumble. So don't trash your guys just yet.


edit: I'm really leaning on running it anyway, my posting schedule may be affected but I think I'll run the bulk of plot/story on Wednesdays and Fridays.

OK let us know

Liberty's Edge

Ya I'm sorry guys, the group I DM/GM for at home has nixxed it hardcore, and looking the system over, I'm not really ready to jump in and crash course it if there's no reason to at this time.

So I do apologize for standing you guys up kinda. If I do decide to run this later I will invite you all to come back if you wish.


I wish this was still going on...

Liberty's Edge

I wish it got off the ground actually. It would have been challenging to run it.

I have a few modules, if there's an interest still, I may be convinced to get it up and running if we can get enough people willing to give it a shot.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise after seeing this thread pop up after 2 years :)

Ha nice blast from the past!!
I missed thus thread until now.

I'd be very interested if you decide to run the game :)

I'd definitely be interested. I started my gaming experience on TMNT.

Liberty's Edge

I made a perl script back in the day to handle random animal selection, mutation type, and background for education. Maybe I'll make it into an HTML page where you get a random assigned starting character concept up to the point before you pick skills, which is a nice random way to get your starting animal and background.

Not sure when it'll start but I'll throw together something after reading the core again and maybe one of the modules I got kicking around to see how it flows.

I always wanted to try running a game for this system as it looked neat when I was a kid, maybe we can get this thing started and see how a game works out.

Ha, just noticed that the original thread was from 2010....a double blast from the past :)

Liberty's Edge

If you guys wanted to play around with my random generator it's linked Right here.

It's just what I had for NPC design, but I was going to make it more robust going forward with an option to save/email me a copy once you found something to your liking.

It basically handles all random stat rolls, then does the origin of your mutations, and education.

Beyond that, you'd still need to select skills etc, but for now it's just fun to roll the dice and see what combos you get. It's fun for me anyway :)

Hell yeah! I'm a monkey ninja lol!

Liberty's Edge

imimrtl wrote:

Hell yeah! I'm a monkey ninja lol!


Ninjitsu training is pretty common, I get that one a lot. If I do get this off the ground I'll make that page a tad better, and add a finalize button where after you roll randomly, and find something to your liking, you can click submit and I'll get a copy emailed to me so I know what your initial stuff was.

Silver Crusade


I still have all my old books. I love Palladium.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Winterwalker wrote:

If you guys wanted to play around with my random generator it's linked Right here.

It's just what I had for NPC design, but I was going to make it more robust going forward with an option to save/email me a copy once you found something to your liking.

It basically handles all random stat rolls, then does the origin of your mutations, and education.

Beyond that, you'd still need to select skills etc, but for now it's just fun to roll the dice and see what combos you get. It's fun for me anyway :)

Every-time I try clicking the link, Chrome says it can't get there. Just bad connections today?

Dark Archive

Maby i'l make a campaign later or maby after the bomb. :)

Whenever this gets started I'll be ecstatic. I've wanted to play TMNT ever since I stopped in the mid 90's.

Liberty's Edge

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:

If you guys wanted to play around with my random generator it's linked Right here.

It's just what I had for NPC design, but I was going to make it more robust going forward with an option to save/email me a copy once you found something to your liking.

It basically handles all random stat rolls, then does the origin of your mutations, and education.

Beyond that, you'd still need to select skills etc, but for now it's just fun to roll the dice and see what combos you get. It's fun for me anyway :)

Every-time I try clicking the link, Chrome says it can't get there. Just bad connections today?

It's on my end. I'll get it back up and running later tonight. It was hosted on a linux box, which appears to be offline and I didn't notice.


I first cut my teeth on TMNT back in 1986. It was my first introduction to Role Playing, and I still have fond memories of it. I still have all the books, but my core book is the original as opposed to the revised rules. I have revised Heroes, so I could use that for skill selection. I could be tempted to get in on something like this.

I still remember my first character - my first character of any role-playing game ever; he was great. He was a mutant Weasel, deliberate experimentation, who ended up with assassin training, all rolled randomly, one chance only. His weapon of choice was a .50 BMG machine gun. The character weighed all of 50 lbs, so the GM rather reasonably wouldn't let him fire it just holding it, so he'd generally spend the first round of combat setting up a tripod. He'd then mow down everything. Simplicity only an 8 year old mind could come up with. Haven't thought of him in a while.

I had fun playing with your random character generator as well. Here were a few of my favorite results:

TMNT Random Character Generator wrote:

I.Q. 13
M.E. 11
M.A. 23
P.S. 14
P.P. 19
P.E. 10
P.B. 15
SPD. 10
HP: 13
Animal: Wolverine (wild)

Mutation Type:
Accidental Encounter: Some "strange stuff", radiation, energy, chemicals, biologicals, or other strangeness, causes the animals to mutate. Roll on Wild Animal Education Table.

Education: Everything is self-taught as the animal lives in the wild with no help or assistance. Character mistrusts humans and other animals. Basic reading, writing and arithmetic are at a low level. Wilderness skills include Prowl ( + 24%), Survival Skills (+ 24%), Escape Artist (+10%), Climbing (+ 15%) and Swimming (+10%). There is an S.D.C. bonus of + 10%, a P.E. bonus of +6, a P.S. bonus of +3, an a P.P. bonus of + 2 and two additional attacks per melee. Characters can pick only one (1) Secondary skill. Character has scavenged 3D6 times $100 in various equipment, most in poor condition.
I.Q. 15
M.E. 11
M.A. 18
P.S. 13
P.P. 23
P.E. 9
P.B. 8
SPD. 12
HP: 10
Animal: Tiger (zoo)

Mutation Type:
Deliberate Experimentation: Some kind of laboratory experiment is performed on the animal that causes the changes. The animal's structure or genetics were purposely altered for some purpose. Roll percentile again on the following table to find out the character's current relationship with the creator organization. This also determines the character's educational level.

Organization Type: Secret Crime Fighting Organization
Highly trained and educated as a specialist using the character's natural abilities. The character feels equal or is equal to Bachelor's Degree in college. Select 3 skill programs and 10 Secondary skills. Skill bonus is + 25% on all scholastic skills only. Character is a valuable employee of the organization and is paid at least triple the going rate (minimum $75,000 per year). Character has saved 1D6 times $10,000.
I.Q. 9
M.E. 12
M.A. 11
P.S. 13
P.P. 22
P.E. 14
P.B. 10
SPD. 20
HP: 16
Animal: Alligator (wild)

Mutation Type:
Deliberate Experimentation: Some kind of laboratory experiment is performed on the animal that causes the changes. The animal's structure or genetics were purposely altered for some purpose. Roll percentile again on the following table to find out the character's current relationship with the creator organization. This also determines the character's educational level.

Organization Type: Military Organization
These characters have been deliberately raised as assassins or warriors. Knows 8 Secondary skills and choice of Expert, Martial Arts, or Assassin Hand to Hand combat. +15% bonus in all Military skills. Character knows and respects some humans but distrusts all large organizations. The character escaped the organization and is now considered very dangerous and is hunted by law enforcement agencies and the organization. Before escaping, the character took $20,000 to $120,000 (1D6 times $20,000) worth of equipment and weapons.

Liberty's Edge

Back up, power spikes knocked it offline, and fried slot 1's ram, grrrr, but it's chugging back online.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Winterwalker wrote:
Back up, power spikes knocked it offline, and fried slot 1's ram, grrrr, but it's chugging back online.

Glad to hear it is back up. I will check it out later today.

Dark Archive

I have made a new thread for TMNT or After the Bomb.
Vote for which i will tally them up in one week

Liberty's Edge

I entered the RPGSS this year, so until I know if I made the cut I won't be planning on starting the game until then. :)

But I do think I will run it if I don't make the cut.

Dark Archive

nice mine is going well in getting players.

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