Star Wars The Conquest of the Underworld (Inactive)

Game Master Shanosuke

A group of mercs are joining the infamous Zedora the Hut in his attempt to take total control of the galactic underworld.

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M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2
Jaira Kizur wrote:

When exactly did I display a lack of skill? In fact the only difference in our skill level is skill focus, which I didnt take since I didnt expect to be such a space combat heavy game, so I thought Id focus on her other talants more likely to be displayed, then I found out about being a space combat heavy, so yeah she is suppossed to be an awesome pilot. Or was the comment just his ego?

"Enslaved Sojourn? Or name it after Sajuuk?"

For one thing, yes his comment is alot of ego.

But in fact, no it is not just Skill Focus. Kloh hasnt even taken that yet although it is coming.

fact is Jaira doesnt appear to even have Starship Operation - Transports so every Pilot and Weapon attack should be at a -4. It would be much more advantageous for Jaira to take SO-Transports to nullify the -4 before SF - Pilot which is only a +3. I'm pretty sure I pointed this out months ago.

fact is, Kloh will be at +14 vs Jaira at +5 (9-4); right? If the stats were reversed you can bet that Kloh wouldnt be pushing Jaira out of the way for the Pilot seat. Despite his ego he is still pragmatic.

Jaira is a well built character. She's just not a hot shot pilot, yet. The beauty is we dont all have to be hot shot pilots. I posted a long list of what PC's can do as crew which are more than beneficial during space combat. Lets play and depend on each others strengths.

Hmm, I forgot about starship ops. Frankly I find it ridiculous to need multiple skills to do one thing. Having the saga books rather then the original doesnt help.

Well, she is supposed to be a hot shot, but since Kloh wants to fly anyway, we can just RP until I can get the stats to match.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Is everything okay? You guys were bickering about ships for a moment which was kind of silence. I hope you are not waiting on me because I am right here.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Looks like we left off with Kloh asking Jaira What is Sajuuk?

and with Venkru trying to get Yeebo to go talk away from the two arguing pilots.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

The bickering was fine, Venkru thought Yeboo should leave and let the pilots hash it out.

As far as Venkru is concerned the ship that is ready is the ship being taken.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Hmm. Jiara has not responded yet. I will give her until tomorrow then I am going to force this thing along a bit.

If either of you have any friends who are on these boards, familiar to a degree with the star wars rules or are willing to learn, would you like to send them a shout and see if they'd be interested in joining a criminal's campaign in the star wars universe?

Sorry to be slow, Ive been double wamied. My nook has been having connectivity issues and Ive been pulling a lot of extra work fixing my bosses mistakes. I havent had time to resolve it so being connected has been off-n-on, mixed with 15 hr days with no internet at work, and at home when I do have connection, Ive had to get homework and google maps for work done first.

I wont have internet at all for fri, sat, or sun, due to work.

I am hoping to fix my home internet issues tommorrow, but Im at a loss for what the cause is.

Im sorry for all the trouble.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

No worries RL issues happen, our good DM can always make some un-forseen circumstance makes it where your ship is unavailable...

....I am picturing a wookie taking the wrong thing apart at the wrong time....

Hi everybody,

I got Kloh's invite to join your merry band of criminals, and Shanosuke's stamp of approval as well :)

Just wondering if there was any type of character you felt you were in need of?

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Welcome aboard Spazmodeus!

Play whatever you want.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I think we have the bases covered, so you should be fine.

Some randomness.

1-5 Male 6-10 Female
1d10 ⇒ 3 = Male

1-3 Gran
4-6 Chiss
7-9 Tusken –
10-13 Weequay
14-16 Nikto
17-20 Chadrafan
21-23 Drell
24-27 Barbel
28-30 Human
31-33 Aqualarish
34-36 Nautolan
37-40 Feeorins
41-43 Zeltrons
44-47 Mirialans
48-50 Bothan
51-53 Cereans
54-57 Duros
58-60 Gammorrean
61-73 Ithorian
64-67 KelDor
68-70 Mon Calamari
71-73 Quarren
74-77 Rodian
78-80 Sulluatans
81-83 Trandoshans
84-87 Twi'lek
88-90 Wookie
91-93 Zabrak

1d100 ⇒ 34 Nautolan.

1-5 Yes
6-10 No
1d10 ⇒ 7

1-5 Fringer
6-10 Noble
11-15 Scoundrel
16-20 Soldier
21-25 Tech
26-30Force Adept

1d30 ⇒ 16 = Soldier. Hmm.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Cool approach Spazmodeus.

Glad to have another Nautolan on board for sure.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

And a soldier, so now Venkru can point out all of Kloh's short-comings........

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

is that all he was waiting for?

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

Well unless you count the ones while Venkru was seducing your slave maidens while you were drunk.......

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I am waiting on spaz to introduce his final concept cause I want to get him into this game before you all leave for your mission.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Sound good.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2
Venkru Vong wrote:
Well unless you count the ones while Venkru was seducing your slave maidens while you were drunk.......

No need for that. Kloh is willing to share even if he has no desire to wrestle with your amazonian slave.

Nautolan Soldier 4 V:43/48 W:15/15 F:6 R:5 W:1

Ta da! Finally got 'im finished!
Spazmodeus here with your new teammate. Sorry about the delay, family and work .....

Welcome!....who are you again?

Joking :)

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

Now I know what a zombie nautolan looks like

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Okay good I'll get an introduction post up tonight and then we need to get this show started

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Okay, Sleen has been added. Time to get this show on the road. RP your introductions if you would and plan and let me know when you head out.

Please understand, I won't post until you say your ready to leave.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Sorry for the slow down on my part guys. RL has served up a huge pile of rancor crud. I'll try to get up a solid post later today and hopefully things will even out for me in the next week or so.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I am on vacation till Monday, so posting light....

Both Martian Level 20 invader

So, how is everything going? This game has been going very slow and I would like to know what you all expect from me to get it moving.

At the moment I have been waiting on you guys, but I get the impression it is the other way around.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I was waiting for others to post (except Kloh) before posting again.

I try to not dominate threads by posting too frequently. I am fairly certain Kloh and I could post along daily without really advancing the game..........

Lots of people have said that new posts are not showing up on threads recently......

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Im back to being able to post at least daily and most likely more if it warrants it and agree with Venkru's points. Im game for roleplaying out the week getting prepped or hand waving scoring the astromech and some droideka parts and jumping into the mission.

Nautolan Soldier 4 V:43/48 W:15/15 F:6 R:5 W:1

Hmm, could've sworn I'd made a post a day or so ago....oh well, I'll do it again ;D

Ive been really busy so I didnt have enough time. Sorry, but I am back.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I apologize for not having a thorough understanding of the rules regarding droids. I haven't had proper time to really look into the concept.

If any of you know the rules necessary, I permit you to take the liberty's within those rules to modify your droid. I will have a chance HOPEFULLY the day after tomorrow to go over it in detail.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

I'll look over them this afternoon as well.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Okay, I have reviewed some of the discussion thread and have found this detail. So I tagged various specs.

So, here is how this will work. Tell me what you want add to the droid and I will tell you what it costs and what skills are required to get this.

Droideka Specs – This Droid isn’t fully functional but can be restored to maximum status with some time and work
The first Column is the Droids Effective ability, the second column will be its potential
Level 6 Thug
Initiative: -4
Defense: 12
DR 2
Speed: 3m = 10 feet Walking, 20 m = 60 feet Wheeling
VP/WP: 0/8
Atk: +8/+3 To hit
Melee Damage: 1d3 -1
Ranged Damage: 3d6 20 Heavy Repeating Blaster
Fort: 5
Reflex: 2
Will: 1
Size: Med
Face: 2m - feet
Reach 2m – 5feet
Str 8
Con 9
Int 5
Wis 5
Cha 4
Equipment: Light Armor(Dmgd) two Heavy Repeating Blasters (Dmgd) Shield (DR9) Only lasts three rounds or 3 hits with a ten round cooldown. Remote Processor (Dmgd to only 200Km range)
Skills, Perception 5 Ranks, Can Speak
Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency Light, Multi Shot(Inactive), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot(Inactive) Two Weapon Fighting, weapon proficiencies pistols, heavy weapons, simple weapons.

This is the Droid’s potential with consistent repair checks and parts, in the form of salvage or credits, these are the max specs the Droideka could have.
Level 12 Thug
Initiative: -1
Defense: 15
DR 3
Speed: 4m = 10 feet Walking, 25 m = 75 feet Wheeling
VP/WP: 0/15
Atk: +13/+8/+3 To hit
Melee Damage: 1d4 + 1
Ranged Damage: 4d8 19-20 Heavy Repeating Blaster
Fort: +10
Reflex: +5
Will: +3
Size: Med
Face: 2m - feet
Reach 2m – 5feet
Str 13
Dex 13
Con 15
Int 6
Wis 8
Cha 6
Equipment: Light Armor, two Heavy Repeating Blasters, Shield (DR9) Shields function perfectly,Remote Processor (500 KM Range)
Skills, Perception 5 Ranks, Can Speak
Feats: Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency Light, Multi Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Two Weapon Fighting, weapon proficiencies pistols, heavy weapons, simple weapons

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I know for a fact we got the shields fixed.....

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I copied and pasted from the earlier mention of this.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

Gameplay page 15

Here's where we fixed the shields but were unable to fix the targeting.

Finally got a free day so I'm can review the droid rules.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

It looks like we've been going about repairing/altering the droideka correctly. We can add as much equipment as we want but will have to deal with encumbrance as normal if we add more than its strength can handle.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I thought you had the droideka info in your character tab....Kloh!

Lots to fix, I would say armor next....still focusing on defense.
A couple of spare heavy blasters in a storage unit would be great.....

I am picturing one where the droid can eject them to R2 with Lukes lightsaber

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I imagine the armor is just a matter of buying and bolting new plates into place or something like that.

M Nautolan Scoundrel 2 / Scout 2

In my profile? Bolts and Blasters I thought you had them in your profile.

After the 4500c for the astromech I should have about 2000c left to put in on the droideka reapirs. I'll recheck the numbers this afternoon.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I thought everyone kicked in 1,500 credits on the astromech. I know I did in my budget....

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Were you guys able to figure out what upgrades you wanted? Let me know and I'll set the cost and DCs

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

I think we need three things to fix the targeting computer and systems if I am reading correctly, we need to replace the blasters, bring the targeting computers up, and fix both the mulit and rapid shot systems.

I also want to repair the armor.


I am totally not understanding your"mines bigger" comment. I have no idea who that in response to.

As for my droid I figure starting with basics will take Jaira some time to finish so just the basic frame, heuristic processor, and repulsors for now depending on cost.

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

To clarify, you were talking about heavy firepower and I was showing off exactly that the underslung carbine. I was stating my heavy fire-power is better than yours!

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I do not see the targeting computer on the list. I assume that means to increase it's accuracy.

i will figure out the specifics when I get home from work tonight and let you know how much time and money it will take to repair those details.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I'm not well. I need to get some sleep. I will get up the post tomorrow afternoon.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Okay, sorry for the delay on this, today has been kind of rough due to sudden illness. But, I have what you need.

To repair the guns and the targeting systems..I do not know what you are referring to exactly

Here is what I see you want

1. Atk: +8/+3 To hit --> Atk: +13/+8/+3 To hit. 2 days, 1000 creds, Repair DC15

2. Ranged Damage: 3d6 20 Heavy Repeating Blaster --> Ranged Damage: 4d8 19-20 Heavy Repeating Blaster. 5 days, 5000 credits, repair DC 15

No.2 includes repairing the feats as well.

Does this look right to you guys?

Male Mandelorian Soldier / 4

Looks right to me.

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