Song of Ice and Fire: Dragons at War (Inactive)

Game Master Deiros

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Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

Making separate posts for all rounds so I can have different flavor for each.

As the targets are moved back and those who passed the first round prepare for their next set, Garran notices Billy in the lists. He looks to have shot well for the first set, and he realizes their competition will be quite close.

Stepping up to the line, Garran again feels out the weather conditions before carefully taking aim, and loosing his next five arrows.

Marksmanship (Bows): 9d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 6) = 29-> 24 (3 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1) = 26-> 23 (3 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1) = 23-> 20 (2 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5) = 17-> 14 (1 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5, 2, 2, 6, 5, 2) = 29-> 24 (3 DoS)

12 Degrees of Success.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

As the Ruined King removes himself from the contest, Garran gives him a short bow in respect for his skill. Scuffing up the dirt with his boot, Garran measured the new distance for the targets. Carefully sighting down his bow, Garran loosed his next five.

Marksmanship (Bows): 9d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 2, 5, 3) = 34-> 27 (3 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3) = 26-> 19 (1 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 3, 5) = 38-> 27 (3 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 1, 4) = 26-> 21 (2 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5) = 36-> 26 (3 DoS)

12 Degrees of Success

The Smallfolk are excited to see such peerless archers, even tho there should have been three but no one sees the Brandon Hill another mercenary captain that came with his longbow men.

There is another archer a Sarsfield man accompanied by an Estren squire, but he was unlucky to make it past the third round, but not by much.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

The final round has arrived. Few of the starting contestants remain as Garran prepares for the final setup. The targets are their furthest back. Standing only two spaces down, Garran glanced at Billy. He focused down the range. Breathing deeply, adjusting for the light breeze, he sights down the arrow at the target, and exhaling, looses his five shots for the final round.

Marksmanship (Bows): 9d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5) = 34-> 24 (2 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 1) = 19-> 15 (Fail)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 4, 4, 3, 6, 6) = 35-> 28 (3 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5) = 33-> 25 (2 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 4, 1) = 19-> 15 (Fail)

7 Degrees of Success

The first arrow strikes the inner ring. Garran ignores his second flying wide of the target, as he looses his third to strike the outer bullseye. His fourth also lands in the inner ring, and, as he lowers his bow following the final arrow, he grimaces as it misses the target.

Then he looks at Billy's. He sees that only three of his had connected as well, and his looked to be closer. Turning to the judges, he awaited their verdict.

Billy BURNS a Destiny Point, you mat burn a DP to counter this effect,, just remember burning a DP means you lose that DP for ever so you will subtract 1 from your DP if you choose to burn. The effect is call it a tie and then have an extra round 3 arrows at TN 21.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

I've only got one, and I think I want to hold onto it. Here we go.

As the judges call a tie, Garran sighs, and steps up to the line as the targets are moved even further back. Controlling his breathing, he sights on the target, and looses his three tie-breaking arrows.

Marksmanship (Bows): 9d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1) = 26-> 20 (Fail)
DP to reroll one die: 1d6 ⇒ 4-> First arrow is now 22 (1 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 1, 4, 5, 4, 4) = 28-> 23 (1 DoS)
Marksmanship (Bows): 8d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4) = 32-> 24 (1 DoS)

3 Degrees of Success

Billy cannot believe Garran's accuracy and he makes a valiant effort to save face, but the inevitable comes to pass and he is defeated, hitting with only two, if you can call that second shot a hit, but clearly failing his first shot.

Billy leaves before anything is said and making an (obscene gesture) to Garran.

7d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4) = 23
7d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4) = 22
7d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 2, 4, 6, 4) = 26

A courtier is there with a purse of 20 gold dragons and a superior bow, the cheer of the smallfolk as they are getting ready to change avenue and don't miss the trial by combat.

You have a Superior bow version of the bow you are using, congrats Garran you feat is going to be known in Westeros, you will be sought after by important people

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Well done Garran!!!

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Great shooting!

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

Garran watches Billy stalk off, sighing at his anger. He knows he has not gained a friend on this day. He thanks the courtier, and returns to the Naelareon pavilion with his winnings.

The day is cloudy, threatening rain, but as yet failing to deliver.

The tourney field is ringed by smallfolk keen to watch the murderous reaver face the Seven's justice. House Tully's septon Meribald marches up and down the field with a censer, consecrating the grounds so justice may be done.

Lord Tully sits with the nobles and knights in attendance, allowing the crowd's tension to build before begining proceedings.

"We are gathered here together to see justice down in the eyes of the Seven. While many of Ser Benjen Frey's crimes are beyond dispute, this trial by combat has been convened to determine that he acted under the influence of alcohol or not."

"Steel shall contend against steel here, and let the Seven strike down any man who interferes in their justice."

"Quarter shall be permitted on either side, with Ser Benjen Frey subject to the prescribed punishment should he yield to the court's verdict."

The combatants shall fight on foot, with additional weapons planted in the ground beyond those favoured by the champions.

Guards with crossbows keep watch inside and outside the ring, with several of Lord Tully's finest knights armed and armoured should trouble erupt.

Among the watching nobles, a great deal of comment is provoked by Prince Daemon Targaryen's attendance, with the Valyrian sword Dark Sister provocatively worn at his hip.

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne had dressed his best for the day. The Joust would of course continue as it always did but he made sure that the armor was fit for the man it was made for for his upcoming role.

He was proud that Ser Weyland would champion his cause, even if their names had been dragged through the dirt in the process. He tried to fulfill the role of a squire for the time as best he could given what the man was willing to risk his life today for him.

He brought him water and checked on his sword and shield but as the time began to get closer to the moment at hand, even Darne was a bit nervous for him. He tried not to show it. He cleared his throat a couple times as he tried to find the words.

"I don't know what to say, I trust in your ability with your sword and you have served our house honorably over the time in which you have been a part of it. I pray to the Seven that they favor you and Justice there anything you would wish of me for doing such a service for me and the future of our house?" he asked trying to choose words that would show confidence and trust in the man.

Remember to add your gold dragons/silver stags from your winnings, all horses so far have been courser, and you can tell the armor they have by the AR

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Matthias is in attendance, along with Gileon. Both are ready for the joust. Armor gleaming, House Naelareon colors proudly displayed.

May the Seven grant justice be done, Ser Weyland their instrument.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

I assume that Darne will allow me to borrow his shield for this challenge so I will take him up on that offer.

Ser Weyland enters the field wearing his Breastplate and carrying a shield with the crest of House Naelaron emblazoned on the front. On his left hip is holstered his Longsword.

He takes a knee and prays to the Seven aloud:

"Father may my blade be the instrument of your Justice this day,
Mother, if Mercy is called upon may it be granted where warranted this day,
Warrior, may your sword be the personification of my sword and be wielded with as much skill as you possess this day,
Maiden, may my sword guard the innocent too weak to defend themselves this day,
Smith, may your strength suffuse my labors this day,
Crone, may your wisdom guide me through this trial this day,
Stranger, may I not know your face this day".

Weyland stands and salutes Lord Tully and Prince Daemon Targaryen. He then acknowledges the other Nobles and Knights in attendance and finally the smallfolk. This is my time. If I fall, let my fall be a glorious one though I pray that I at least out this Villain's evils to bed.

Weyland assumes an easy stance waiting for the battle to begin, it is only then that he acknowledges the presence of his adversary...

Ser Benjen Frey has no special worship for the seven "You done yet? Perhaps you should take the Septon robes with such devotion"

Ser Benjen points at you with his finely made longsword and then taps the edge of his large shield "Common, I have better things to do" looking at Darne with threat.

Ser Benjen
CD: 9 (w/ large shield)
AR: 9
Health: 12/12

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Take note Gileon. Ser Benjen conducts himself with contempt, the mark of a lesser Knight. I would dare say conduct that for a man who is a Knight in name only.

Matthias speaks in such a way that he is obviously providing instruction, but loud enough that his voice can be heard by Ser Benjen.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Ser Weyland responds, "I am glad my devotion has warmed your heart so Ser Benjen. I am ready".

Ser Weyland
CD: 10
AR: 7 (Breastplate & Shield)
Health: 16/16

Weyland raises his Longsword and Shield ready for battle:

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne stands just outside the field of battle, read to watch what one of his first real acts at politics had come to. To be sure this was going to be an event that would possibly change him for the rest of his life.

He wasn't sure how he felt about this, he knew that he should probably be in there but that was suicide. It was true that Ser Weyland had even offered and said that he would gladly fight this battle based on what Ser Benjen had done. Still, what he had done...what he wanted done, would end in blood and possibly the life of another. Be it friend or foe, his choice would bring about the end of the life of another most likely. If he became heir, all his decisions from here on out would cost lives in one way or another. He was ready to at the least witness what his actions wrought.

Initiative: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 5) = 21 keep 3 16

Sorry to roll so high and for my prolonged absence yesterday masters was driving me crazy

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Initiative 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 5, 6) = 20 Keep 3 17

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Ser Weyland gets the jump on Ser Benjen and comes forward Shield first he swings his Longsword at Benjen's hip seeking to debilitate his movement.

Fighting 8d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2) = 30 DC 9 Keep 6 26 4 Degrees of Success 16 Damage.

Ser Benjen takes the hit

16-9 = 7

CD: 9 (w/ large shield)
AR: 9
Health: 5/12

Shield gives no AR

Ser Benjen counters with a sweeping motion of his sword towards your legs with enough force to knock you down "That's the place you should be begging for your life from"

Knockdown (Lesser Action)
Ser Weyland Passive Agility 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 5) = 15 keep 4 15

Standard Attack +1D
7d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 2) + 1 = 19 Keep 12 18
2 DoS x 5 = 10 Damage

You can attack from the floor without penalties, unless he moves away from you, but he didn't

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

In the same instructing tone, Gileon, if you found yourself in Ser Weyland's current predicament, how would you counter?

"Roll away? Raise my shield and get up slowly? Stab his foot?"

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Good suggestions if your opponent moved back. As Ser Benjen has not, better to sweep your opponents legs and put them on the ground. It will give you the moment you need to get back to your feet.

"Or escape"

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Health 13/16

Ser Weyland does not bother responding and pivots with his shield spinning his hips to gain momentum to strike at Benjen's legs with his sword.

Fighting 8d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 1, 6, 4, 3, 1) = 30 DC 10 Keep 6 28 4 Degrees of Success 16 Damage

You are on the floor prone ;) Other than that your attack is damn good

16-9 = 7 - 4 = 3
CD: 4 (Reckless)
AR: 9
Health: 2/12
Fatigue: 1

"You bastard" as anger takes the best of him and abandons all sense delivering brutal blow to Ser Weyland.

Reckless attack
7d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 1, 4, 6, 6) - 1 = 28 keep 7 28
4 DoS = 20 damage

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

I thought he was at -2 Health as he was at 5 from my last attack. Can I drop my shield and stand as a Lesser Action, get to my feet and still attack? Also his defense is way down so my Degrees of Success on a hit will generate more damage no?
Sorry for the many edits, if I accept 2 fatigue I reduce how much damage for a -2 to my actions for the scene?

Fatigue can be used to reduce damage, He used 1 Fatigue to reduce Damage = Endurance 4. 16 - 9= 7 -4 = 3. 5 - 3 = 2. Now all his rolls have a -1 Penalty, Endurance 4 = 4 Fatigue, so he can use it up to 4 times, the you can start taking Wounds

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

With a bit of disdain in his voice, Now we see why Ser Benjen has the moniker Furious. The disdain is replaced with disapppintment, He allows his passion to rule his reason. Against lesser Knights that may win the day, but against one such as Ser Weyland, Ser Benjen is doomed though his anger hides the truth from him.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Health 16-3=13-13=0+8=8 Health (2 Fatigue)

Ser Weyland grunts with the brutality of the hit. He cannot afford to be on he ground any longer. Seeing Benjen take a risk, Weyland takes one as well, he drops his shield and springs up with his blade at Benjen's gut using both hands on the blade.

AR now 5.

Fighting 9d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 6) - 2 = 25 DC 5 - Keep 6 - 21 4 Degrees of Success 20 Damage
Two handed Longsword Strength Damage 4+1=5
Spend a Destiny Point for +1B

20 - 9 = 11. 3 Fatigue spend 12 -11 = 0 damage

"Stay down and yield" more desperate than furious now.

7d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3) = 21 keep 5 18 2 DoS
2 DoS = 10 Damage

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Armor absorbs 5.

Health 16-8=8 - 5 = 3 3 Fatigue 1 Left to Spend + 4 = 7

Ser Weyland gives Benjen a steely look of grim determination but remains silent as a stone sentinel.

Fighting 8d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 5, 6, 3, 1, 1) - 2 = 26 DC 10 - Keep 6 24 - 3 Degrees of Success 15 Damage
Two handed Longsword Strength Damage 4+1=5

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Should be 25.

Fatigue does not add health, just reduces damage. Your health math is confusing.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

So I should just reduce it from damage instead of adding it back after the fact, gotcha. Will reflect it that way next time. I get to the same place either way.

[ooc]Either way Ser Benjen will now yield[ooc]

Ser Benjen is indeed furious but he values his life, and after such a display of swordsmanship by Ser Weyland and knowing he underestimated him.

"I yield!" anger and frustration sipping through.

By this point it was not a surprise Ser Weyland superior swordsmanship would make him victorious it could have still been a close call, something we will never know for now.

Blackwoods applaud as well as many nobles, while others shake their heads at Ser Benjen but say nothing of it.

Lord Tully stands and calms the crowd with his hands "Ser Benjen Frey you are guilty of rape, House Frey owes reparations to House Blackwood for 400 gold dragons, 600 gold dragons to me for breaking the peace and now you must choose to lose an eye or take the black"

Ser Benjen is deep n thought, he actually never even consider that he would lose his fight.

"Stop this" with a gentle voice the Queen speaks "House Frey is already forced to pay reparations, and I will show mercy to this man, and let him be shamed in public for his deeds, that he may not be able to hide his face without some one knowing him as the rapist he is"

Ser Benjen is furious, but knows better than to say a word to the Queen, she is taking advantage of this moment to hurt the blacks, through the Frey's.

Lord Tully gives a glance to the princess, but she does not say anything.

"Well Ser Benjen you have been shown mercy by her majesty Queen Alycent. You should show her grace some courtesy, since you can keep your eye and not take the black"

Ser Benjen bows deeply to her "Thank you your grace, I'm forever in your debt" but we all know deep inside he is now Ser Benjen "The Rapists" and cannot hide or deny it, social death is worst then the taking the black and actual death.

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Ser Weyand says nothing nodding at the pronouncements and does not even acknowledge"Ser" Benjen as he sheathes his sword retrieves Darne's sield and strides off the field towards the members of House Naelaron in attendance.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

As Weyland approaches, Matthias salutes him. Well done Ser Weyland. Justice was served well this day, though I expect Ser Benjen does not believe so.

Free to RP, Ser Weyland got 1 Glory. Once Done we move to Jousting

Combat Initiative 3d6 Defense 13 Health 9 Intrigue Initiative 3d6 Defense 9 Composure 9

Darne watched the events unfold with bated breath. When it was finally over and all was said and done he breathed a sigh of relief. As Ser Weyland exited the field, he clapped him on the shoulder. "A valiant fight, I am glad to see you make it out of out of it safely. I pray that the Queen's actions today doesn't cause trouble for us in the future or for the Blackwoods." he said as he grabbed up a cup of wine for the knight.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

Arriving in time to see the end of the fight between Ser Benjen and Ser Weyland, Garran approaches Ser Weyland and says, "Well fought, Ser Weyland. I think you may have given others something to think about in the Grand Melee."

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland receives the cup with a nod to Darne,"He is a reprehensible man but a skilled warrior. The Seven were certainly with me Matthias perhaps more piety from him he may have had a better showing, or perhaps not been here at all".

He finishes the cup, "Perhaps Garran, a bad reputation is hard to shake, we shall see what the harpies have to say about me now. Still, when I see him I see a reflection in the mirror, a distorted one to be sure but a reflection. This is a wakw up call for me to change my ways".

Joust Rivals

Ser Marcus Naelareon vs. "The Knight of Stones"
Ser Matthias Naelareon vs. Ser Medrick the Flea
Darne Naelareon vs. Ser Jaime Mallister

Ready your lances once you are done

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I would be more concerned about how Ser Weyland's triumph plays into our Lord Naelareon's designs Lord Darne. If nothing else, Her Majesty has granted a mercy, albeit a hard one, but one that allows Ser Benjen to find redemption if he strives for it.

Bowing, Ser Weyland, again well done. However, I believe it is high time Lord Darne, Ser Marcus, and I make ready for the joust.

Matthias turns and heads back to the Naelareon grounds, finishing his preparations for the joust.

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

Marcus steps forward toward Weyland "Splendidly done, Ser Weyland. Well fought I must admit. I do hope you will be feeling well soon and most likely will, when Maester takes care of you." as Marcus commends him for the duel

Shadow's Status HP = 4/9 | AC= 15 (T 13) (FF 12) | (CMD 16) F+2 | R+7 | W+4 | Ini+ 4 | Per +5 | Harrow Points 2

Weyland shrugs, "I will see the Maester after all of you Joust, I would not miss that for certain. Worry not Ser Marcus, if I can crawl I will be ready to fight these Religious Fanatics to save Ophelia. Tell me, have you picked your Team for the Grand Melee yet?"

Destiny-P: 0 | Intrique: 9 Composure: 9 / Combat-Defense: 7 Health: 11/11 Armor: 9 information: House Naelareon

"Not yet. I will be talking with other Household Knights later this evening after Joust. I will at least get the rest of the seven from them" Marcus speaks of his plan for the later evening

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