
Matthias Naelaron's page

392 posts. Alias of Daniel Gunther 346.

Full Name

Matthias Naerlareon


Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9




5' 10"



About Matthias Naelaron

Age 29
Gender Male
House Naelareon

His father, Braddock Naelaron, with his mother Lyra, were traveling to Dorne to finalize several trade agreements, when they were attacked by Stonemen and contracted greyscale. Matthias was taken in by his Uncle, originally as ward and heir. When Bertram was born, Lord Naelaron directed Matthias to train as a Knight. It was when he became a squire, that Matthias finally felt like he has purpose, and would have the tools necessary to make his Uncle proud.

Agility 3
Animal Handling 3 1B Ride
Athletics 3
Awareness 3
Cunning 3
Endurance 3 1B Resilience, 1B Stamina
Fighting 4 2B Long Blades, 1B Spear
Healing 2
Language 3 (Read&Write)
Knowledge 2
Marksmanship 3
Persuasion 3
Status 3 1B Reputation
Stealth 2
Survival 2
Thievery 2 -1D flaw
Warfare 4
Will 4 1B Courage

Intrigue Defense 9
Composure 12
Combat Defense 6 (Scale Armor) or 8 (Scale armor with Shield)
Armor Rating 6
Health 9

Sponsor Powerful Ally
Honor Bound drawback Honorable to a Fault: You must re-roll all 6s on Deception tests and take the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll.
Weapon Mastery: Bastard Sword Damage increased by +1
Dutiful Unfailingly Loyal: Your opponents take a –1D on all Persuasion checks made to influence you involving Convince, Intimidate, or Seduce.

Destiny Points 2

GOAL - Fame
Matthias, seeking to honor the memory of his father and demonstrate his gratitude to his Uncle, seeks to become a Knight of renown. He believes that by becoming a Knight without peer, the Naelareon name will be one spoken with respect and admiration.

MOTIVATION Excellence Become the Ideal Knight.
VIRTUE Honest Truth is Life.
FLAW Wrathful Despite his desires, due to the loss of his parents, he is filled with an almost righteous anger, waiting for release.

BasicWaterskin (8CP), Northern Garb (4SS), Soldier's Tent (5SS), Lantern (2SS), 3 Pints Oil (24CP), Flint & Steel (2CP), Scents (1SS), Whetstone (3CP), House Naelareon garb, with green accents (25SS)

120SS remaining

Bastard Sword (700SS), adaptable
Damage: Athletics+1 +1 (from Weapon Mastery Long Blades)

Hunting Bow (100SS) Long Range, Two-Handed
Damage: Agility
24 Arrows

Scale Armor (600SS)
Armor Rating:6 Armor Penalty:-3 Bulk:2
Shield (30SS)
Quality Defensive +2