Slumbering Tsar: Forward - The Camp (Inactive)

Game Master Lord Manticore

A long trek to a short beach.

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Male Fetchling Ninja

As an afterthought while Numair is speaking, Macavity pulls out a wide disk, maybe a foot and a half in radius, from his Haversack. He sets it on the table and pushes a button on the side of the disk, and the whole disk pops loose, increasing in size to over two feet in radius. Dull green light pulsates from several places. The disk is still whole, but now looks big enough for one person to stand on.

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

I fear the Usurer could choose to use our conflict with the benders as a reason to attack us or at least run us out of town. We should be prepared for this in any regard.

Female Elf Magus 1 | HP 9/9 {effects: none} | AC 15 (T15 FF10) | F+3 R+4 W+1 | Init +4 | low-light vision, perception +1

After hearing Macavity's story and Numair's response, Kallistiel says"Simon being one of the few people we could trust... I agree we should set up someone to take care of the inn. Why not see if he'd be interested in becoming an innkeeper for the short term? The inn could be his 'compensation'"

Upon seeing the device: "Interesting contraption that. Only useful for one person to go there and back and cannot carry anything metal... Somewhat annoying. Is there not a spell or item of some sort that could turn an object into a piece of cloth?"

On Azaraunt's concerns: "From the sounds of things the Userer may not care either way. That being said, it can't hurt to be prepared."

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul drinks his tea and listens to the ninja's retelling.

"Well done. I agree with Numair that it would be best if you handled future contact with Simon. Keeping the knowledge that we have a contact within the camp unknown for now seems a wise course."

The minotaur departs for a moment but quickly returns from his room with his haversack in hand. He reaches in and pulls out a handful of the camp's iron bits and once Macavity is ready, he drops them into his outstretched hands.

"Get that to Simon when you can. I hope it's an appropriate reward."

20 iron bits

"I believe Numair has the right idea. You angered the Ursurer when you challenged his order, but he's not foolish enough to think he can control everyone. He needs those in the camp to do things his way. Making it known that we've slain the Bender sisters and claimed this place as our own is exactly that."

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

I certainly like the plan Ruul. I concer. Lets go with that. But lets is also be prepared for a potential hostile reaction to the new ownership.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul nods, "In a hostile place like this. That's always a wise idea."

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity casually palms the 20 iron bits from the table one at a time until they disappear into his outfit as practice while listening and speaking. "I'll bring these to Simon tomorrow and offer him the inn. I doubt he'll take it, because I think he has survived by staying out of sight. There's no hurry, since we have until tomorrow night before I can speak to him again."

He looks around the table, "Did any of you scholars think about what happens when a Hanged Man kills a victim by hanging? Do you suppose we'll see a Hanged Gnome on the prowl tomorrow night? If we do, would it have any memories? Even if it does, should we plan to destroy it?"

At another opportunity for discussion, "I think you are over-thinking the Usurer's role in this Camp. He is most assuredly undead probably powerful with his mental faculties. And he never sleeps, because I hear his rocking chair when I pass his place. I think he wants to keep the pot from boiling over here but doesn't care who gets burned. Anywhere else in civilization, he would probably have to hide his condition better or get run out of town. And the iron bits are just for his income."

Remembering Ally's brief of the gnome's tunnel, "Who's coming with me to explore the gnome's tunnel? It should be fun down there. I would prefer to be a little smaller if you magic-users could oblige."

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

Lavinia tries to recall any information she may have learned of about hanged men and different types of undead as she tries to think of answers to Macavity's questions about both the hanged man and the usurer.

know religion 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

20 bits seems like too little coin for Simon, considering the cost of a drink here. The wizard comments.

Pondering the question about the hanged man... knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 Azaraunt will give his opinion.

What you say about the Usurer rings true Macavity. We shall see. I cannot make you smaller for the tunnel expedition. The best I could do is offer a Grease spell. I could send an Arcane eye to check it out first though. And I am sure Imbukar would like to go with you if you will have him. He seems to have taken a liking to you.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

"I would be glad to explore the tunnels, but I am also quite large for them."

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:
Azaraunt wrote:
20 bits seems like too little coin for Simon, considering the cost of a drink here. The wizard comments.

Ruul fishes out several more bits.

50 total.

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity casually palms the next 30 iron bits from the table one at a time until they disappear into his outfit as practice while listening. You begin to wonder how much else he has hidden up his sleeves...

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Azaraunt wrote:
I just realized I did not handle the Dispel Magic above correctly - I incorrectly added my caster stat, when I should have only added my caster level. This makes the roll (9+8) a 17. Sorry for my confusion.

Not a problem, the 17 works just as well.

Spellcraft Returns for a Foursome:
Dispelling the ward makes the book much easier to read...for you at least. Looking over the pages more thoroughly, you realize that Joshiah was primarily an illusionist. Her spells lean heavily in that direction, if this spellbook is any indication, and there are no evocation or necromancy spells at all. Between the time it takes for Joshiah to bleed out and about dawn, you are able to read the following spells:
Level 1:
  • alarm
  • animate rope
  • color spray
  • comprehend languages
  • disguise self
  • grease
  • hypnotism
  • mage armor
  • magic aura
  • magic weapon
  • magic missile
  • shield
  • shocking grasp
  • sleep

Level 2:
  • alter self
  • acid arrow
  • bear's endurance
  • blur
  • cat's grace
  • darkvision
  • invisibility
  • magic mouth
  • mirror image
  • misdirection
  • phantom trap
  • scare
  • scorching ray

Level 3:
  • blink
  • daylight
  • deep slumber
  • displacement
  • fly
  • haste
  • illusory script
  • invisibility sphere
  • lightning bolt
  • madness
  • major image
  • slow

Level 4:
  • arcane eye
  • confusion
  • greater invisibility
  • illusory wall
  • phantasmal killer
  • shout
  • wandering star motes

There are also notes for using a ritual during her preparation for memorizing spells: If at least 3 illusion spells are prepped from this spell book, then whenever those spells are cast during the day, Joshiah would receive a boon of darkvision (60') and a bonus to disbelieve illusions herself (+4) for 1 minute. This works, according to the notes, each time she cast an illusion spell, and does not work with any other type of spell.

Fighter 3/Rogue 5//AC: 19/14/19 Fort:6/Ref: 9(evasion, 10 traps)/Will: 1(2 traps)//HP 47
Numair Nejem wrote:

Numair returns from setting the bodies outside in the lean-to, electing to wait till sunrise for burial to avoid possible altercation with the wandering undead. He looks no worse for the wear, and his clothes are crisp and clean as always, no blood or cuts or other marks from the fight anywhere on him. He sits gingerly in the diminutive chair and sips the hot tea. Nodding his thanks to Lavinia, he speaks.

"There's some really useful information. The bit about the band of ogre mercenaries intrigues me. They should make the caravan pretty easy to spot, or track. While the Usurer and the Hanged Man are abominations, unless they move against us directly, I believe confrontations with them would only serve to waste resources and distract us from our true objectives here. I think keeping Simon here in camp, with no obvious link to ourselves and using Macavity as a stealthy liaison, would be to our advantage."

"Before we can contemplate leaving, we need to set up a reliable contact here: someone to act as the other end of our supply line from Gudrun in our absence. Simon could perform that role, although that would compromise his anonymity. Whomever we choose could easily use this inn; I think we can claim ownership of it now."

"We also need to discuss our immediate objective as well. I think the most pressing matter is the missing caravan. The other goals we have in the area aren't as time-sensitive."

Around dawn, Digory finds you. He is carrying two shovels and a pick. "The ground is liable to be hard in these parts. If you're going to bury them, sir, you can probably use the help."

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Lavinia Batharoy wrote:

Lavinia tries to recall any information she may have learned of about hanged men and different types of undead as she tries to think of answers to Macavity's questions about both the hanged man and the usurer.

know religion 1d20+18

Knowledge check:
The quick answer to Macavity's question is, no, it is very unlikely that Jeblie will come back from the dead like the Hanging Man. It's far more likely that she'll just rot in the wind until someone takes her down.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Azaraunt wrote:

20 bits seems like too little coin for Simon, considering the cost of a drink here. The wizard comments.

Pondering the question about the hanged man... [dice=knowledge Religion]1d20+17 Azaraunt will give his opinion.

What you say about the Usurer rings true Macavity. We shall see. I cannot make you smaller for the tunnel expedition. The best I could do is offer a Grease spell. I could send an Arcane eye to check it out first though. And I am sure Imbukar would like to go with you if you will have him. He seems to have taken a liking to you.

You can read the spoiler that I left for Lavinia's inquiries. It will apply to your roll as well.

Male Fetchling Ninja

After a comfortable silence, Macavity suggests, "Azeraunt, I'll take any magical support. If you can scan the tunnel as far as you can, I'll squeeze down there afterwards with at least Imbukar for company."

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

Elen yawns loudly and asks, "Are we planning to explore the tunnel tonight? Yes? Ah well, alright. Who else is going besides Macavity and Imbrukar? I guess I can manage a Reduce Person spell. By the stars, what time is it anyway? I should have one charge left on my rod of Extend Spell. That'll give you about a quarter-hour to explore." If he agrees, Elen will cast an Extended Reduce Person on Macavity, and watch as he shrinks to about the size of the gnomes they were just fighting. Giving up Enlarge Person to cast Reduce Person as a full-round action, using the Extend rod.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

So who's going tunnel hopping?

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

I don't think that without Reduce Person Calendir will be much use..

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

Elen can cast multiple Reduce Person spells

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

In that case...

"Shrink me and I'll go down there with Mac - Lagash stays here"

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

"Ruul, a use of your lesser Extend Rod, might I beg from you?"

Assuming he says yes, Extended Reduce Person on Cal, giving up Ray of Enfeeblement.

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity shrinks down and marvels at his new stature for a minute. "Ally, would you please show us your entrance and as far as you want to go. Imbukar, it might be tight to fly down there. Are you leading, or am I? Calendir, I'm glad you're coming, too." Macavity grins like it his name-day opening presents. "Let's go."

M Imp Familiar 6 hd


You should lead. I will not be flying. I have another form that facilitate movement in the tunnel.

The raven on the wizard's shoulder blurs and shifts and in its place a large spider sits. It scrambles down onto the ground ready to enter the tunnel.


[b][i]I would appreciate it if no one attacks me in this form.[/i[//b]

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

The wizard picks up the gem on the table deposited by Imbukar. I shall hold this for now. he says, then adds Elen, if any of these spells in this book appeal to you I can scribe you scrolls of them. He offers her the book to look through.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

Lavinia screams "Spider!" and throw her shoe at it.

J/K. :)

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

LOL - seems like a good shape for tunnel crawling, right?

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

So to those going into the tunnels, it appears from earlier posts that the tunnel system directly under the boarding house has been explored. That leaves the north and south tunnels to explore. Which way do you want to go?

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

I have no preference - North.

Male Fetchling Ninja

North is the quick one out where the gnome died. Do that one first. South is the long one that Ally didn't find the end... second.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

Numair was planning to go as well, but he'll need a reduce as well. He can hang back if its going to be a stealth mission.

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

Azaraunt offers Elen his lesser rod of of Extend for Numair.

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

Elen's getting her hands on everyone's rods!

Elen nods gamely and uses the offered rod, reducing the dancer to gnome size as well. Giving up Mage Armor.

"Now get going, we don't know how long that tunnel goes and if you get stuck down there we might have a time getting to you."

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

Going north does not take you very far. It leads to a point, maybe 50 yards due north of the boarding house. There is a large basket that is doing a good job of concealing the hole. It is also in an unobtrusive spot, making it easier to hide. On the map, it is near the entrance to the last structure at the end of the group of structures leading away from the main road.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

While the little people go spelunking, Ruul cranes his neck to study the roof of the building.

"Azaruant, if we're going to be here for some time, it might be worth making this place more suited for my stature. Do you think that would be possible?"

I assume that'd be some sort of architecture/engineering check to figure out the details.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

"Perhaps we could arrange for an addition to be made to the building rather than trying to modify the existing space?"

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

"Would that be easier or cheaper?"

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

The room the gnomes slept in appears to be bigger. Why don't you and Lavinia take that?

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity finds the end ensuring everyone is aware and turns around to head South. He knows that his Reduce Person is on a timer, so he leads at a hustle... still stealthing.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

While the little people go spelunking, Ruul cranes his neck to study the roof of the building.

"Azaruant, if we're going to be here for some time, it might be worth making this place more suited for my stature. Do you think that would be possible?"

I assume that'd be some sort of architecture/engineering check to figure out the details.

You are correct in that assessment, sir. Do you or someone else in the party have a copy of the Stronghold Builder's Guide available, per chance? I have a copy as well, and, absent anything more modern (i.e. if Ultimate Campaign has something along those lines), then I'd like to use that reference to determine costs of building.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Macavity the black wrote:
Macavity finds the end ensuring everyone is aware and turns around to head South. He knows that his Reduce Person is on a timer, so he leads at a hustle... still stealthing.

You turn around and head south. You find yourself running near the end, knowing that the spell will wear off soon. You reach the end of the tunnel, just as you shift back to full size. You can still maneuver on hands and knees at this point, you're just not able to stand. You see something blocking an exit, it turns out to be a small boulder. With your strength and dexterity, you are able to move the boulder aside and climb up out of the hole. In all, you covered perhaps a mile and the escape route leads you perhaps 150 meters from the main trade route down to Gundrun. Getting your bearings, you can make out a couple of lights to the north, starting to fade in the pre-dawn light.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

know engineering 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Will it be better to build an addition or modify existing rooms since we will need to increase the height of the rooms as well?

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity scouts a quick tour of the area while the others climb out of the hole. Perception take 10+16=26
"I wouldn't look forward to returning by that way. Caledir, why don't you cover our tracks around here while I conceal the entrance? Then, we'll return overland."

He takes a couple minutes to hide the entrance. Stealth take 20+17=37

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Lavinia Batharoy wrote:

know engineering 1d20+7

Will it be better to build an addition or modify existing rooms since we will need to increase the height of the rooms as well?

Eventually, both. The rooms could be modified to be bigger (the building itself would remind one of those restaurants along any coast that one inevitably runs into on a vacation: flimsy walls, a 'nautical' theme that screams 'on the cheap,' and a slight fishy smell. Replace the 'fishy' smell with 'gamey' and you have the Bender Bros. Boarding House.), at least along the back wall. That would give you 2 'rooms' and 4 'closets' to rent out each evening. Long run, however, especially if you wanted more rooms to rent, you'll need to expand.

What do you think? Human Expert (blacksmith)
Macavity the black wrote:

Macavity scouts a quick tour of the area while the others climb out of the hole. Perception take 10+16=26

"I wouldn't look forward to returning by that way. Caledir, why don't you cover our tracks around here while I conceal the entrance? Then, we'll return overland."

He takes a couple minutes to hide the entrance. Stealth take 20+17=36

No problem on re-covering the hole.

Both of you head back to the Camp, taking your time to cover your tracks so no one could find this escape route again. The first rays of dawn are looking for a foothold as you come back in from the South. As you approach the common area, you see four creatures. The first is the dead gnome, already the skin is growing darker, while the hair is now stark white, even in the dim of early morning.

The second creature looks cadaverous. It is wearing fine clothes and a top hat, and is likely a mortician, judging from the way he is handling the corpse.

The third creature is the Hanging Man and the last is the Usurer. The Hanging Man starts to growl when you approach. The Usurer puts a hand on its shoulder and says firmly, "No." The Usurer then approaches you and begins speaking.

"Looks like you boys were pretty busy last night. Do you have time to talk, or do you want to wait and get some rest first?" He talks to you in a calm manner with no hint of impending attack.

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity nods to the Hanged Man and shrugs, "I've time now. What would you want to discuss?" His demeanor is actually open and honest.

What do you think? Human Expert (blacksmith)
Macavity the black wrote:
Macavity nods to the Hanged Man and shrugs, "I've time now. What would you want to discuss?" His demeanor is actually open and honest.

"Well, it's about these gnomes, the business they were running, and how that will impact our little bit of civilization in the coming months. Do you and your orc friend speak for your whole party? If so, let's talk. Otherwise, I'd like to speak to everyone at once, if you don't mind." He looks at you for a moment before continuing. "I think that you have some suspicions about me, so I can understand if you have any trepidations. I am sincere in wishing to parlay without any kind of violence."

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

It's a traaaap!

Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity nods in easy acknowledgement, "I could speak for our party, but there are others who enjoy it more than me. Where and when would you like to have our parlay? While my sleep schedule is closer to yours, they need some time this morning to sleep off this evening's events and breakfast. Maybe midday somewhere that can accommodate us indoors?"

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