Hokina |
Someone asked, and I said yes to The background skills variant on the 1st page of the recruitment thread.
So some of you need to add the background skill ranks.
There are also a few other skill related things to look at that I found looking over your sheets.
Mopsank: Background skill points
Syrrex: Background skill points
Meerko: Background skill points
Survival: 2 Wis + ? = 4
Am I missing something that got you the +2 to Survival?
Sezzlik: Background skill points
Touched by the Sea gives a +1 trait bonus to swim. So:
Swim: -1 str +1 trait +4 (1 rank class skill)=4 swim.
Perform sing: 3 Wis + 1 trait +4 (1 rank class skill)=8
Where is the last +2 coming from to get to 10?
Stealth: 2 Dex + 4 Size + 1 trait +4 (1 rank class skill)=11
So your stealth should be 1 higher.
Sarag the Strange |
Hmm...something I did not forsee, GM would I be able to switch to bard. It would pretty much change very little (The background could easily be the same) but would allow me to better complement/buff the party. With no kobold Fighters, Barbarians, or other str happier builds I am afraid my inspiring rage would be nixed by every party member.
Edit: If allowed I would use the Archetypes Sound Striker and Dragon Yapper. (They don't overlap so good synergy)
The extra +2 comes from the Jester Alternative Trait (+2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Perform checks).
The stealth is because of the ACP of Studded Leather.
Sarag the Strange |
Oh shiznap, I didn't even think Beastmorph when I saw Alchemist O.o...hmmmm
I will leave it up to the GM, with Bard I would help more builds, but at the same time I can at least help one person now with the Inspiring Rage so I'm not as worried as I was now that I see one Str person in the group ^^.
Sassarra |
Curse Paizo for their limited avatar selection!
Okay, for teamwork feats, picking something generally useful is best. Overwhelm helps melee fighters (and only applies to people with BAB+4). Allied spellcaster only helps spellcasters (noncasters can't even take it).
For generally useful feats we have:
Stealth Synergy. All kobolds are sneaky by default. This makes a group of us damn near impossible to see. If we do it right, we sneak up and then do a death blossom on our enemies before they can react. Does not require being adjacent. My favorite.
Lookout, which only works on surprise rounds for adjacent allies.
Then there's the save feats:
Shake it Off applies to all saves, but only adjacent people and only up to +4
Tribe Mentality is only for compulsion or emotion, but it's a "take the best die" power, which is pretty effective.
Duck and Cover is for reflex saves, and leaves you prone, but it's great fumble insurance.
Philo Pharynx |
Survival: 2 Wis + ? = 4
Am I missing something that got you the +2 to Survival?
Alternate trait - Wild Forest Kobold. You're one of the barbaric kobolds dwelling in the forests of the surface world. Your culture shuns artifice, but teaches how to endure the hunt. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Survival checks, and Stealth and Survival are always class skills for you. This racial trait replaces crafty.
Mopsank |
I'm actually really surprised to see a crossblooded kobold sorcerer who didn't take draconic for either bloodline. Still, I can see that setup being interesting.
By the way, did anyone take any of the alternate racial traits like dragonmaw, dragon-scaled, or gliding wings?
Syrrex the Speaker |
I'm actually really surprised to see a crossblooded kobold sorcerer who didn't take draconic for either bloodline. Still, I can see that setup being interesting.
By the way, did anyone take any of the alternate racial traits like dragonmaw, dragon-scaled, or gliding wings?
I'm more surprised nobody took the exclusive kobold bloodline. I mean... how frustrating/hilarious would it be to extend a gangplank for the enemy to board the ship... only to cross over and find it littered with trap runes.
Hokina |
I made a kobold sorc with the kobold bloodline before. Sadly the GM would not let anything fall for the trap runes outside of battle.
My guys had the bad habit of moving into close battle.
He also outlasted all the other PCs. Everyone else keeps dying around him, but the 8 con kobold Sorc just won't die. He got knocked out in about 1/2 of our fights, but never died.
I started the game with him, and had him to the end. Everyone else lost 3 or more guys.
Syrrex the Speaker |
I made a kobold sorc with the kobold bloodline before. Sadly the GM would not let anything fall for the trap runes outside of battle.
My guys had the bad habit of moving into close battle.
He also outlasted all the other PCs. Everyone else keeps dying around him, but the 8 con kobold Sorc just won't die. He got knocked out in about 1/2 of our fights, but never died.
I started the game with him, and had him to the end. Everyone else lost 3 or more guys.
The mark of a good kobold: you outlasted the "superior" races. Though that is dumb. Using those runes are an improvement over, say, the blast runes from the Rune domain, because they actually, you know, last for a while.
Sarag the Strange |
Alright I have updated poor Sarag to make him more group friendly. (Even the Alchemist still gets that extra +1 attack/damage that he would've from strength bonus)
Shall be taking the Stealth Synergy given the consensus.
Meerko Riverwyrm |
While the only dragon themed racial trait I took was Wyrmcrowned, Meerko is going to have many of the same traits in a few levels. Wings, breath weapon, claws, nasty bite, you name it. Should be a fun time!
Mopsank |
While the only dragon themed racial trait I took was Wyrmcrowned, Meerko is going to have many of the same traits in a few levels. Wings, breath weapon, claws, nasty bite, you name it. Should be a fun time!
In that case, Meerko would probably make a good choice for captain.
Meerko Riverwyrm |
I'm sure that decision is going to be influenced heavily by roleplay in the coming weeks but thanks for the nomination! Thanks to some excellent stat rolls, Meerko even has decent charisma despite being an alchemist.
Not certain if you've noticed Mopshank but we've actually started in the gameplay thread already. I think you'll be the last one to check in.
Sassarra |
Since we're going Stealth Synergy, I wanted to share what I just posted onto a teamwork feat thread:
Stealth synergy is vital to a build I call the "Shock and Awe party". Every character is built to be at least decent at stealth. If you are only taking one stealth feat and the whole group is taking it, then Stealth Synergy is by far the best. When you have 5+ rolls and you get to take the best one, the average is 17.15. With your base roll that high, you don't need to hit the skill hard or spend many more feats to be decent, and the specialists can get some huge numbers.
Since everybody is sneaky, you usually get surprise. Since sneaky characters are usually Dex-based characters, initiatives are high. So the fight goes - surprise round - range characters and spellcasters attack, melee characters tumble into position. 1st round, everybody dies. Okay, maybe not everybody, but you can usually take down several foes before they have a turn.
This type of party favors some types of characters more than others. "I need seven rounds to get my buff suite going" sissies need not apply. Sneak attack is good, and most people will consider dipping or VMCing to get it. Barbarians rock because the quick fights conserve rage rounds. You don't need to jump through hoops to rage-cycle. Urban barbarians help those who want more dex.
Sassarra |
All really good stuff. I'm excited to see how how our stealthiness plays out. Meerko is a buffer to be sure but runs primarily on 10min/level effects so it shouldn't really slow him down.
I never have a problem with lasting buffs or reasonable combat buffs. I just get annoyed at the people who always have to spend many rounds of a fight casting personal spells before joining in and helping. By the time they are ready to fight the battle's half over.
Sarag the Strange |
Second CLW wasn't need to get him back on his feet. I didn't place my HP in my line like a dolt. I was at -1 from the fall. Glad it rolled a little below average instead of max. I would've survive but damn.
Meerko Riverwyrm |
I think you're the best we could hope for given our situation :P Meerko has CLW once he gets his equipment back but at least for now it only works on himself.
So far things are going about as well as I'd figured they would...kobolds man...kobolds.
Meerko Riverwyrm |
I imagine that's up to Hokina? It'd be easy enough to PM one of the other submissions from our recruitment.
That said, we still have a party of 5 so it wouldn't be hard to carry on as we are. Depends if you want to stick with the large pary size Hokina? Or feel we would really benefit from a full arcane caster?
Meerko Riverwyrm |
On the topic of initiative, are we expected to post our actions in order?
I've found the best way to handle initiative in pbp is to have order it by blocks rather than individual init. Each group simply acts on a first come first serve basis.
For instance, in our current fight, it would simply be rats first, then the party in any order since we're all together.
If instead, the rats had ended up after Sassarra and myself, it would go the two of us in whatever order we post, then the rats then the remaining party. In fact you can streamline things further when the enemy is all in the same group. After the first round where Sassarra and I act first, you then simply have the entire party act after the rats, including the two of us.
It's just a suggestion but I've found it incredibly useful in keeping pbp combat moving forward at a steady pace.