Shadows of Aris (Inactive)

Game Master Severed Ronin

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Lantern Lodge

A friend of mine and myself are looking to start something up online - a sorta PBP but that uses Yahoo Messenger, Skype, or one of those similar message systems. If anyone is interested in this one, we're looking for five (possibly six) other people who'd be interested. Scenarios, rules, and the like can be discussed once we have a group.

The setting will be a large homebrew world of mine known as Aris, a world tore apart by a tyrannical empire known as the Arcane Imperium. The Imperium has discovered areas known as Nodes where arcana can be found in its purest form. The Imperial Capital of Ren sits on top of one of these Nodes and as such is considered the base of operations for the entire Imperium. Magic in Aris is abundant in some areas – blending seamlessly with technology – whereas in some areas it is almost non-existant. However, most of this magic is sanctioned via Imperial statutes. All magic users are required to register via the Imperial Covenant or face officiated persecution at the hands of the Imperium. Most of the time this punishment is severing their ability to cast.

An Introduction to Aris


Two hundred years from now the world of Aris will be rocked by a war of cataclysmic proportions. What will start as a simple research project into the source of arcanum will turn into an all-out bid for magical dominance headed by the newly-formed Arcane Imperium. From this, laws will be passed banning the use of magicks not sanctioned by the Imperium. Guilds the world over will either swear fealty or fall beneath the might of their influence. Kings will be swayed to war and empires will turn to ash. As the Imperium assumes total control of all magical knowledge, small pockets of resistance will begin to crop up to wage a losing war against them. This will force them to enact a systematic elimination of all spellcasters refusing loyalty to the Imperium. Feeling this itself will not even be enough, the Imperium will begin to eliminate those with magical affiliation of any kind. A war will ensue that frighten even the gods themselves. In their paranoia and the wake of what will become known as the Spell Purge, the Imperium will breed armageddon.

In the midst of these end times, many of the elves will return to Evriellum, the fabled land of their ancestors. Some will choose to stay and fight. Others still will flee to the subterranean dungeons of Aris to escape extinction. The dwarves also will retreat into the ancient underground kingdoms of their forefathers and repopulate themselves beneath the earth. Those remaining on the surface will face constant persecution at the hands of the Imperium. Halflings, gnomes, half-breeds, humans, and hundreds of other races will find themselves near extinction.

Very few will survive this apocalypse… You will be among them.

The following is a link to my original concept site where you can view a map of Aris and read a little about some of the events of its history. It hasn’t been updated, but I plan to start doing so again shortly. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

Shadows of Aris - Early Concept

A little bit of information that should be included is the fact that the Imperium doesn't look at Arcane and Divine Magic as two separate entities. The power of the Nodes transcends either division, so they are just as capable of cancelling out Divine Magic as they are Arcane Magic. Also, Aris is set in a ad-hoc mixture of high fantasy and steam. It is a high fantasy world resembling Lord of the Rings with a bit of Final Fantasy thrown into the mix. There are airships as well steam and clockwork technology to a low-tech degree. Firearms are present in the world to a small degree as is a simple magic system usable by the common folk known as Simplecraft.

There are also twenty gods ranging from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil with six overdeities known as the Divine Sisters (who have no alignment) and the Mother Goddess of them all known as Arisa (of whom the entire world is named after).



Deschain - LG - God of farming, hunting, trade, family
Caelum - LG - God of valor, rulership, justice, honor
Nier - LG - God of the forge, protection, strategy
Soleil - NG - Goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty, healing
Camrilla- NG - Goddess of beauty, art, love, music
Natal - CG - Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, luck
Skeith - CG - God of freedom, ale, wine, bravery
Thane - LN - God of cities, wealth, merchants, law
Zen - LN - God of history, knowledge, self-perfection
Tsuna - N - Goddess of nature, weather, the sea
Karone- N - Goddess of fate, death, prophecy, birth
Alzue - N - God of magic
Niten - CN - God of strength, battle, weapons
Shalimar - CN - Goddess of trickery, lust, revenge
Lucavi - LE - God of tyranny, slavery, pride, contracts
Den-Azane - LE - God of envy, pain, darkness, loss
Tri - NE - Goddess of gluttony, disease, undeath
Balfour - NE - God of greed, secrets, poison, murder
Falz - CE – God of madness, monsters, nightmares
Nihilus - CE - God of wrath, disaster, destruction


Arisa - The Matriarch
Amoria - Goddess of the Light
Cerelia - Goddess of the Dark
Faerus - Goddess of the Flame
Meronia - Goddess of the Water
Niyra - Goddess of the Earth
Isaura - Goddess of the Air

The following House Rules will be in affect for the entirety of the campaign:

House Rules


1. All characters will be starting at Lvl 7 and will receive 25,000 GP for spending.
2. Characters will be built using a 32-Point Build to represent their heroic nature.
3. No multi-classing will be allowed until a character reaches at least Lvl 3.
4. Hit Points = Full HP + CON Modifier @ 1st Level and Necessary Roll + CON Modifier @ every level after.
5. Each character will be allowed two traits of their choice at character creation.
6. Clerics are always proficient in the favored weapon of their deity, even if martial or exotic. In my campaigns, it is assumed temples train their priests in the use of their deity's favored weapon.
7. A paladin may obtain special dispensation (directly from their deity, or from the highest level cleric of their church) to acquire another class, or raise levels in another class apart from paladin, should that deity or cleric deem it beneficial or advantageous to that religion's cause. If such dispensation is granted, one may ignore the prohibition of acquiring other levels, or the restriction of returning to learn further levels in the paladin class.
8. "Trapfinding" is a feat, identical to the Rogue ability. Anyone with 4 ranks in Search AND in one of the following–Craft: Trapmaking, Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering, Knowledge: Dungeoneering, or Survival– may take this feat. Rogues still get this ability as a class feature.
9. Good or neutral characters can become Assassins, provided they fulfill the other requirements for the Prestige Class, both listed in the rulebook and the roleplaying requirements I will demand of any player wishing to take on a Prestige Class.
10. We will be using all Pathfinder books to include the APG, Adventurer’s Armory, Bestiary, etc.
11. The Firearms, Simplecraft, Reputation and Fencing rules listed in the Nobis Campaign Setting will be used.
12. GM will have final approval on all character builds.
13. If there is something not listed underneath these rules or you have questions, please consult the GM.
14. For any creatures, classes, races, feats, etc., not listed in the PF Books, please consult the GM.

Well, that's it for now, I believe. If anyone has anything they'd like to ask, feel free to do so. Hopefully we can get a decent group going and have some fun while we're at it. We'll talk semantics and technicalities later when things start coming together a bit more.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I'm definitely interested and I especially like the concept of the Goddess of Darkness waiting for a hero.

I'd be interested in either a Paladin, Inqisitor, Cleric or Oracle

Lantern Lodge

Yes, Xanatos Grey was my first roleplay character who ever reached epic level and transcended to become the Avatar of Cerelia - in addition to being the world's most wanted man. The site was originally set up as a character profile site and the world of Aris built up around him.

Anyways, I could go on for hours. Go ahead and start statting up a character. As first come, you get first picks of what you'd like to play as. Currently your group will consist of yourself and a sorcerer/monk.

I am willing to make conversions of some classes if you wish to play some of the 3X classes and/or Prestige Classes. I also have a few homebrew classes that I will get out to everyone should they be interested. However, the Pathfinder Books present ample enough material regardless, so those are welcome.

Also, because I forgot to mention it, I will be allowing the Magus playtest in this campaign.

Lantern Lodge

Well, I guess we still only have the sorcerer seeing as how Mark hasn't responded in a couple of days.

If anyone else would like to join, the campaign will start you guys out in the city of Averinn - a large city that rivals that of the Imperial Capital of Ren and that is run by an organization of guilds known as the Seven Sins Alliance. The Alliance openly opposes the Arcane Imperium and this has caused the Imperium to declare all supporters of the Alliance traitors. Think of them like the Empire (Arcane Imperium) and Rebel Alliance (Seven Sins Alliance) from Star Wars.

We're still waiting for more people to decide how we want to play - whether it be the messageboards here or some other medium. I have no problem with the messageboards here but I'm waiting to decide to see what everyone would prefer.

Current Party
Rogue [possibly]
If Mark shows [whatever he decides]

Yap, went through the site and have to admit, got spinned on this.

I am quite interested to play more of dark hero / evil side, since the theme is always, well, not so possible (depends of course, which way the game would advance)

Cleric or/mix-of Monk dedicated for the Goddess of Darkness is quite inspiring

Dark Archive

This sounds very interesting.

To be upfront though, I am fairly new to this, and I'm not really a power player. I started playing in my first PbP game last week, and haven't really RP'ed outside of that in quite some time. I also don't have many of the books that you mention (I just have the Core book and APG). If any of that seems like it's not what you're really looking for, please let me know. No hard feelings. Otherwise, I may spend some time tonight or tomorrow working on a concept.

Lantern Lodge

@ Aventi - The theme won't be so much evil as more ... apocalyptic I suppose. You are, of course, welcome to play whatever alignment you deem necessary. I'm not a huge fan of the alignment rules and am working on coming up with my own Moral System, but that's awhile away. However, make note that the characters will have to find some way to tie into each other. I can only bring you together so much.

@ Broven - You're more than welcome to play. The Core and APG have more than enough inside of them to make a character and I encourage everyone to utilize those, though I won't hassle you too much if you don't.

The systems I mentioned from Nobis are more for my use than yours. You won't know what your reputation level is necessarily, though you will notice the fact that a lot more people in the world will be taking note of you as you rise in ranks. As for firearms, I'll post those up here as soon as I get a chance too and will let you know how the system works in Nobis. These are simple firearms mind you - Flintlock and Clockwork as compared to an M9 and M4.

Like I said before, the theme is NOT evil though if everyone ends up playing an evil character then I guess it very well could be. I'll work on the semantics after I've seen everyone's concept.

Speaking of which, Aventi and Broven, go ahead and work up those concepts and get back to me. You're in for now. I'll assume since Mark hasn't responded in three days (and I'm kind of a stickler for that) I'm going to take him out of the lineup for now.

The Party's Concept:

I'm really looking forward to this game. What does the party look like so far? when does it start?

Dark Archive

I'm kind of leaning toward a straight-up fighter type. Haven't played one since I was a teen-ager, and it looks a lot more interesting now. In general I'm thinking ex-soldier who left the service after some sort of trauma. Perhaps a particularly brutal battle with high collateral damage. Or perhaps he worked for the Imperium and was ordered to do something particularly distasteful in their name.

After that he took work as a shift foreman in a foundry (assuming the technology has reached that level - maybe making parts for the airships and any other large machines?) "Pick up the damned pace or get your lazy asses out o'my factory! There's ten bloody men outside that damned gate for every one of ya, and they want this job more than you lazy lot!"

He's also become a bit of an alcoholic since his military days, which eventually led to his being let go. Now he makes his living as a hired sword, wherever muscle is needed. Though he was once perhaps a great man, his demons have had their way, and there is little left of his old self. If you've got the gold, he'll take the job.

Somewhat cliche, I admit.

I'd like to wait for some of the other players backgrounds to try to weave them together, and flesh out my own.

Also, if it looks like we are going to be light in the healer department, I can instead play an Oracle or Witch.

I'm completely open to criticism, so please feel free to say what you will.

Lantern Lodge

@Checker - You're going to be our resident Sorcerer I'm assuming? Go ahead and email me another copy of your sheet. Game will start once we have a full crew. Also, realizing you're new to the site, we'll walk you through on setting up your Profile and Alias (good for different characters). If you others would help a bit, too, that'd be great.


Could even be a bonus for the party for helping each other out. ^-^

@Broven - Honestly not going to criticize. The concept sounds good to me and the tech is into the Airship phase as well as some clockwork machines (and monsters, mind you). The background is half-and-half cliche which is alright because, in my opinion, cliche is cliche for a reason. It means it works.

Waiting on Aventi and I'd like to get at least one or two other people in but I'm capable of starting with only three. As for healers, if for some reason no one chooses to make a healer, don't fret. I'm not trying to kill you just yet. I'd like to get this off the ground, playtest my baby, get more opinions on things, and, overall, just have some fun RPing. I can work around the party's setup. Its my job as GM after all.

Dark Archive

Sounds good. I'll start working up stats and such, and give my background some more thought.
Really looking forward to this.

No idea why, but I got always this feeling of "urge to play with evil guys", although I guess its more just because not so many chances for this.

Char statistic:

Human, Male, 23
Lawful Evil
Lvl 7 Cleric of Cerelia (Favored =+x hp)
Domains: Darkness and Evil
10 15 10 16 18 16

Blind-Fight (domain feat)
Improved Initiative
Selective Channeling
Combat Casting
Improved Channel
Command Undead/Alertness

Ease of Faith

Hm... I see him as a someone devoted to her Goddess, receiving dreams and visions, which are getting stronger (as he level up) in time, giving some hints of her goals and for his purpose...

Traveling the world and spreading his religion, speaking with confident and trust, he is not having hard time, although he must be conservative of more good-alignment people

Offering salvation for sins and evil deeds (what kind = replaced by something else or engulfing people deeper in their desires). Having darker intentions behind his actual reasons / current acting (causing ruckus, going along the road with others to achieve some greater goals). Current people are interesting, since they have different approaches for the things, so they might provide some useful way of thinking, approach, solution or even information.

Nevertheless, there is something intriguing about them and he had vision from her goddess to travel with them, but for what reason?

HP Rolls:


2nd level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
3rd level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
4th level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
5th level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
6th level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
7th level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Lantern Lodge

Sorry, I forgot to mention reroll 1's on HP Rolls. I should probably throw that up there in the House Rules section.

For Marcy


2nd Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
3rd Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
4th Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
5th Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
6th Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
7th Level 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

4th Level Reroll 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
5th Level Reroll 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

I'd say stick with your 4th Level - Lol - and 5th probably isn't going to be high either. Sorry.

You can take any of the above you desire and replace them with yours. Its the kind of GM I am. If my rolls are better, you're welcome to them unless you prefer the lower roll. The same goes for everyone. Just let me know what to roll and if you want me to.

Definitely something I'd be interested in. I'm into the Magus play-test right now, but am willing to play any class.

What method were you looking to play by? You mention messengers such as Yahoo and Skype as opposed to playing on the forums.

My concern is that since it's a PBP we may have trouble co-coordinating dedicated time for us to all be on and game.


Lantern Lodge

And you make a valid point on that which is something I had been considering. In the end, I figure the best thing would be to just stick with a PBP. Would give everyone a bit of time as well to think on certain aspects and would definitely give me a bit more time to prepare each encounter and/or scenario.

The Magus is open for play if you'd like to use it but, as I've said before, its entirely up to you. All Pathfinder classes and playtests are free game, so choose whatever you feel comfortable with (or don't feel comfortable with if you're looking to break out).

You're more than welcome to join if you'd like. Just post up an idea for the concept you'd like and we'll go from there. If you join and everyone else gets a character finished up, then we can start with four people (though I'd leave it open for a few more regardless). Its easy to drop people into a world.

Well, if its about getting character up, I can do it in couple of hours if needed heh. I guess we are starting in one week or less, depending on the time?

HP rolls:

8 + 6d8 + 7 ⇒ 8 + (6, 7, 4, 2, 2, 3) + 7 = 39 max hp

Lantern Lodge

@Aventi - Didnt mean to make it sound like that. Take your time, build what you want, and be happy about it. Just because some of the rule setting has me come off harsh doesnt mean I am. (Just dont ask Check. Lol.)

Ok, have my character (mostly) rolled up and on my character page. Still have a few details to work out and possibly a few more items to buy. I'm also still working out the details on backstory, so that'll come later today.


Standing six foot one, there is something imposing about this man that can't be explained by his size alone. His dark hair hangs disheveled about his face, dull green eyes peering out beneath his jaggedly cut bangs. His skin, baring the scars of fights past, is tanned as one who spends much of his time outdoors. At 200 pounds, he seems to be all muscle, not yet feeling the touch of his 33 years. It is, though, his eyes that are perhaps the most intimidating. There is something akin to resignation there, a man given over to his dismal fate. A man nearly perfectly empty.

His clothing is non-descript. He wears a worn brown cloak over his chainmail, torn leather boots on his feet, and an age-ravaged pack upon his back. Across his back is slung a steel shield that once bore some emblem or another, but which has now been systematically scratched away. The only item to draw any attention what-so-ever is the intimidating pick that he carries at his side: Large, heavy, sharp and so very obviously well cared for.

Also, I'd be happy to help Checker get set up. Not sure what the best way to do that is, but let me know if I can do anything.

Oh, and I have a question of sorts. I'm seeing my character as being a bit foul-mouthed. But, I don't want to offend anyone, or get in trouble on the boards (if we should play here). I'm not thinking he'll say anything particularly vulgar, but... Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Lantern Lodge

Love the description, Marcy. As for the foul-mouthed part, I suppose you'll be alright as long as you don't say anything too vulgar. Best way to remedy this problem is to make up a fantasy term equivalent for the modern words. Kind of like 'Frell' and 'Frak' are in Sci-Fi stories. Or just use the symbols. -shrugs- Just be careful. We don't want anyone getting banned from the boards or anything for just having a bit of fun and getting creative with their character.


Marcy Lull's childhood was, by and large, uneventful. Raised on his parents farm outside the Imperial Capital, day to day life was dull but comfortable. At the age of 17 he married his childhood sweetheart, Gladis. At 18 he joined the military, leaving his young wife at home and sending her the lion's share of his paycheck. The living was meager, but the time they spent apart made for more joyous reunions. And such was his life for several years.

Gladis eventually bore him a child, a good natured but quiet girl who, unfortunately, seemed to take her looks from her father. They named her Ola after Gladis' grandmother, despite Marcy's laughing protest that he could not stand the woman.

As the time wiled by, Marcy rose slowly through the ranks. With this his pay increased, and his time at home grew more regular. But the reunions with his wife and daughter seemed not so bright and happy as they had once been. Marcy, at first, wondered what had changed in his wife to bring about this mood. Later, too late, he would realize the change had not been in Gladis so much as in himself.

The primary duty of his company was the apprehending of unregistered mages and their ilk at the behest of the Imperium. At first Marcy had approached his duty with enthusiasm. He had little interest in magic, and cared little if some old man or another wanted to practice it. But Marcy took his duty seriously and found a sort of pride in enforcing the law of the land. Unfortunately, this feeling was not to last. Indeed, as time went by he began to see himself as more of a tyrant, enforcing pointless laws against common and decent citizens. It began to eat away at him, though he would not admit it.

As his relationship with his wife eroded away, Marcy took to spending more of his time in the local taverns with the men in his command. They would drink to excess, laughing and singing and telling exaggerated tales of their exploits. And, as often as not, Marcy would end the evening with one woman or another, secreted away in a dingy room above the bar. It was this that earned him the nickname "Lucky", though he told his wife that it was his luck on the field that had garnered it. If she ever suspected his infidelity, she never let on, but, instead grew only more distant.

Marcy's final 'mission' came 11 years after joining the military. He did not, of course, know that it was his last day on the job when he set out that misty spring morning. His unit had been dispatched to apprehend a small guild of mages five days travel from the Imperial Capital. On the morning of the assault they were met by a rider in military garb. He bore a letter for Marcy among the other missives he carried. A letter from Gladis.

I don't know how to say what I need to say. Perhaps it will be easiest for us both if I just say it. I have given this much thought, and hope you take it better than I fear you will. When you return, you will not find Ola nor myself there. I have filed the proper papers with the magistrate. You need only sign them when you return. I'm very sorry. You've changed too much from the man I married and I fear that you no longer have the desire to recapture that.
I cannot say I love you. I don't believe that I do. But I am sorry.

The mission to apprehend the mages that day became a slaughterhouse, almost single-handedly at the tip of Marcy's weapon.

His men, of course, covered for him and he was able to retire his commission with little fuss. The following months, spent in an alcoholic fog, were filled searching for his wife and daughter. In this he was unsuccessful. He never saw them again.

Finally, 29 years old and a shell of his old self, he took his few belongings and headed to Averinn. There, due to his experience as a low ranking officer, he was able to secure a job as a shift foreman in the metal-works. It was hot, dirty work, but he had a knack for numbers and took to the engineering aspects of the job with ease. Universally hated by those under his supervision for his volatile moods, he continued his drinking alone, no longer laughing and singing as he once had. And two years later he turned in his keys, resigning himself to what he hoped would be an early death. Dusting off his old gear he took to a life of mercenary work. It suited his mood, and it suited his skill-set.

Still need to work in at least some of the other PC's I think. If they want to, that is.

This is Trout.

I'll go over your backstory and we'll see if we can work in my Half-Elven Magus.
For now...HP rolls!

HP Rolls:
6d8 ⇒ (5, 1, 8, 8, 1, 2) = 25

Re-rolling 1's...

2d8 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

And currently my character concept is a Half Elven Magus who initially makes a living either hunting down Mages for the Imperium, or defending them from the military.

If working for the Imperium would work as a character background; it could very nicely weave into Marcy's...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Got realy busy but I'd still be in if you'll have me.

Raignik Al-N'Gaseer wrote:

Re-rolling 1's...


And currently my character concept is a Half Elven Magus who initially makes a living either hunting down Mages for the Imperium, or defending them from the military.

If working for the Imperium would work as a character background; it could very nicely weave into Marcy's...

That should work nicely.

Lantern Lodge

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Got realy busy but I'd still be in if you'll have me.

To Mark: You're still in if you want to be. Just post a concept up. We haven't started yet, so you have time.

To Aventi: The setup looks good so far. Keep up the good work.

To Marcy and Trout: If you guys manage to work your backstories in together, then by all means, kudos.

To Checker: I got your email about your sorcerer. Looks good so far with a few exceptions. As its a normal character sheet instead of what I'm used to looking at, its hard to tell where you put some of your stuff. It appears that you missed the +2 to one ability score for being human. With your Intelligence, you should have one more language. Common is a starter for everyone and then you have two bonuses. Let's see if I can't track down a way to post your sheet up so everyone else can help out. I'm pretty sure I missed a few things.

Alright, not sure when we'll start, but we will once everyone's comfortable on their stuff. I'm attempting to save copies of your sheets so I can post them up on an outside site: sort of a way for you guys to keep track without worrying about losing anything. Also, an easy way for me to keep track as well. My next post should include some of the Nobis stuff. Namely, the firearms and Simplecraft. Its a little much to type so bear with me. And thank god its OGL or else I couldn't type it up.

Here's a backstory. That work alright?


Raignik Al-N’Gaseer was born to a human mother in a traveling trader’s caravan. He grew up with a gypsy’s life, always moving from place to place, life for Raignik was transient. He was taught to love freedom and the warmth of an open heart. This all lasted until he was 16.

Fast forward ten years and Raignik has joined the military. Beginning as a foot soldier, Raignik worked his way up, finally gaining the proper attention of the Imperium. They acknowledged his special gift for sensing magic and using it for martial purposes against enemies. While never entirely trusting Raignik, the imperium attached him to a unit led by one of their foremost magic hunters: Marcy "Lucky" Lull. Raignik kept his distance at first, but something of Marcy’s behavior in the taverns reminded him of older times when life was less violent, and less constrained. He got to know the man somewhat well, (as much as a soldier could know his commanding officer). It was however not a partnership fated to last.

After serving with and under Marcy for nearly 5 years Raignik received transfer orders. He had earned a ‘promotion’ although the term was a bitter one. The Imperium was cycling him out of their main enforcement branch into a more private division. Raignik was no longer a soldier but now an Agent of the Imperium, he was the head of a small unit of Imperium agents who were well-versed in magical arts.

The true nature of his new assignment was no longer to arrest those in violation of the laws, but to kill those who have been deemed too dangerous to let live.

To this day Raignik won’t discuss what changed him from a freedom loving caravan rider to a cold calculated soldier. But rumor has it amongst his men that bandits attacked his caravan, driving him to survive on his own for years…Darker rumors suggest he had inadvertently been the cause of the destruction of the gypsy caravan. Whatever the case may be, Raignik will not discuss it.

Fast forward a number of years and Raignik and his team had become quite adept at slaying their targets. However something bothered Raignik… As his small squad of men died off one by one, slowly being replaced by fresh blood Raignik began to suspect that his squad too (known as the Witch-Hunters) had been determined ‘too dangerous to live’ by the Imperium.

The assignments grew darker and darker, sometimes Raignik would be facing off a powerful wizard, and other times they would enter a seemingly normal household with instructions to slay an entire family. Over the course of these duties Raignik suffered the worst of his injuries, most notably the horrific burns surrounding his upper body and neck.

The work turned more and more sour and Raignik had to fight to keep the shame and sick from showing on his face.
One fateful day word reached Raignik of his old CO Marcy’s retirement. He also heard that the ‘arrests’ that were supposed to take place didn’t happen without a hitch, and that the criminals had been slain to the man.

Raignik chose that day to leave the Imperium and his title as Agent behind. He slipped away one night from their barracks, never intending to return. It was likely he would be named a deserter and would be wanted for trial…or worse.
But Raignik had enough of this darkness. He took up the mantle of a mercenary and went in search of an old familiar face…

HP Rollin'

5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3 = 22 (+1 con) = 28

I'll work on my profile here, the one I sent is kind of a rough draft.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

So what's our line up so far, I like to choose characters that bring something to the group.

And here is the cleric of Celeria! Fully updated :)

I tried to keep him little bit focused but same time all around supporter, to keep party up and bring some help, if necessary. Comments would be nice and if something is wrong, just info and I will fix

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I'm consideing eitheran Oracle or Inquisitor of Cerelia, but don't want to step on Arwin's toes.

I can have my character done by Tuesday evening.

Any thoughts?

Go all ahead :) Sounds good plus our meeting can be tied together more easily : by dreams & visions, as I have described as a background info. Focusing on Darkness and Evil domain, although considering chancing Evil hm...

What domains Cerelia have? Favored Weapon?

Raignik Al-N'Gaseer wrote:

Here's a backstory. That work alright?

** spoiler omitted **...

I like it.

It's starting to look like quite the group of anti-heroes.

Lantern Lodge

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
So what's our line up so far, I like to choose characters that bring something to the group.

To Lucky and Raignik: Good work on weaving your backstories together. Very impressive teamwork on that one.

To Arwin and Mark: Cleric looks good. Never intended for the overdeities to be chosen, but now that its become an issue, I'll draw up a list of their domains and favored weapons and get them here as soon as possible. Also, kudos if you two manage to weave your stories together a bit as well.

To Checker: Nothing I haven't already let you know via email.

To Everyone: If any of you need to get ahold of me as well, my email is

The lineup consists of:
Aventi: Male Human Cleric of Cerelia
Marcy: Male Human Fighter
Raignik: Male Half-Elf Magus
Checker: Male Human Sorcerer
Mark: Whatever Mark creates

I'll set up the OOC Thread for this Campaign as soon as Mark creates his character. My first few posts of that thread will review a few of the key notes of the campaign (such as setting, characters, etc.)

For now, here's a small taste of Simplecraft. The full listing of Simplecraft and their effects will come later.

Simplecraft Summarized
(Note: Edited for the Aris Campaign Setting)


Alzue, God of Magic, brought Simplecraft into the world more than 400 years ago. Today, Simplecraft permeates many aspects of life in the realms of Aris.

Born from advanced tech forged through an alliance between the gnomes and dwarves, Simplecraft puts once jealously guarded arcane secrets into the hands of the common people. All thanks to the Imperium and its enforcers.

Simplecraft is sold in shops on almost every corner in the larger cities and can be found throughout the more civilized kingdoms. Trade in Simplecraft has flourished and many poor merchants have found their fortunes through its sales.

Most Simplecraft is weak and largely innocuous. Spells to tidy up a room or shop, light and extinguish candles, create a bit of food and water, remove a pebble from a horse's shoe or spark a fire are common in almost every home and business. However, more powerful Simplecraft can be had for a price.

Adventurers, mercenaries, wizards, town guards and wealthy merchants make Simplecraft a part of their arsenal. Thieves are especially fond of Simplecraft and use it alongside scrolls and other enchanted items.

Only a few groups possess devices capabld of producing Simplecraft. Alchemical ink, elaborately engraved plates and powerful seals are required to bind arcane energy to paper. Etchstones from Shadowearth are necessary to imbue more powerful effects. The Imperium has acquired numerous devices for producing Simplecraft and the Arisan Institute for Arcane Study has two of its own. While the Imperium allows smaller units known as Printer's Guilds to sell Simplecraft in great quantities to retailers, merchants and traders, they fanatically protect the technology to create it. Each of the Imperium's multiple Printer's Guilds has its own formula for ink and each guild's devices are slightly different. There have been numerous groups that try to obtain the technology either for the greater good or for their own nefarious ends.

Simplecraft produces huge revenues for the kingdom of Ren where it is found in large production and as such the Imperial Council provides the Printer's Guilds with considerable benefits and tax advantages. On a few occasions, the Council has used some of its more covert units to eliminate unusually strong groups that threatened Simplecraft production or technology.

Through magic and blood, Simplecraft precariously binds arcane energy to parchment in an unstable form. Rare ink and potent printed seals keep the energy locked inside until released. While seldom as powerful as, and certainly less stable than, written scrolls, Simplecraft finds a use in all walks of life.

Simplecraft is unleashed by tearing the paper and destroying the seal. It takes little effort to direct the spell effect, but Simplecraft accidents do occur. The power conferred to the ink is not unlimited or permanent. Slowly over time, the arcane energies contained within begin to bleed through. After about two years, the seal degrades and Simplecraft is left in an unstable state. The Printer's Guilds keep careful account of their inventory and destroy stock more than 18 months old. However, less attentive merchants have lost track of their inventory's age with disastrous results. The city of Maru was crippled when a forgotten stockpile failed, creating a dimensional vortex that unleashed a horde of succubi into the streets. Some of their offspring can still be found there today. The merchant ship Grastuth was mistakenly loaded with a supply of Simplecraft more than 14 months old at the beginning of its eight month voyage. Six months into its journey the store exploded, ripping the ship's hull in half and standing more than 50 men and women. Sixteen sailors were blown to pieces or drowned. Nearly thirty years ago, the Trade District in the city of Averinn lost 83 citizens when a cache of Simplecraft sparked a fire that spread over a quarter-mile, destroying much of the Northern Trade District. Many of the charred houses and scorch marks can still be seen to this day.

Using Simplecraft


Simplecraft may be used to execute a simple task, empower a weapon, create an arcane effect, protect the user, a person or a group, or attack an enemy.

Tearing and unleashing a bit of Simplecraft is a swift action. Simplecraft can be readied by wrapping it tightly around a weapon hilt, a shield grip or the forearm, which takes 1 minute. GMs and players should note that Simplecraft cannot be "layered" over top one another to keep more than one item readied in the same location.

In some case, Simplecraft energy must be imbued upon an item before a triggering event. In most cases, this involves preparing armor or shields. Imbuing an item is still a swift action and you must be touching that item. Once the Simplecraft's effect occurs or a certain period of time passes, the item is no longer imbued.

Unless otherwise noted, Simplecraft effects are applied to a single target within line of sight. Imbued items and Simplecraft effects with duration are easily dispelled and have a DC 15 for the purposes of Dispel Magic. Bits of Simplecraft and any lingering effects give off a faint conjuration aura when examined using Detect Magic.

Unlike spells and scrolls, the user cannot remove or end Simplecraft effects. He, like everyone else, must wait for the magic to run its course. Any character of any class may use Simplecraft. No additional abilities or skills are required.

Upon activating Simplecraft, the player rolls 1d20. Any result other than a '1' is a success. As mentioned previously, Simplecraft is not entirely stable. Simplecraft must be focused on a particular target. Occasionally the user loses focus and the Simplecraft fizzles out or the effect goes awry. When a Simplecraft activation fails, make a check on the Simplecraft Debacle Table [cared for by the GM]. When imbuing Simplecraft on an item, the check is made at the time of imbuing as opposed to the time of activation.

From time to time, the characters may encounter stockpiles of unstable Simplecraft or events may destabilize otherwise potent Simplecraft. Only stockpiled Simplecraft have such side effects. A small bit of unstable Simplecraft should be assessed using the Simplecraft Debacle Table while a stockpile of three or more crates of Simplecraft that has been excessively jostled will be rolled using the Simplecraft Disaster Table [also cared for by the GM].

Simplecraft Catalog


Firespark - Firespark can be used to ignite a small piece of flammable material. Firespark is used in almost every common home and is a staple of travelers.

Torchlight - Torchlight creates a sphere of light around an object of the user's choosing. The light extends in a 20' radius and lasts 20 minutes. The light does not generate much heat and will not ignite flammable material.

Faerus' Friendship - A nifty little gadget, Faerus' Friendship is as widespread as Firespark. Destroying it produces a momentary burst of heat, allowing the user to bring 1 gallon of water (or similar liquid) to a boil. The heat is focused on an incredibly small area so it is not an effective weapon but children have been known to burn one another with Simplecraft pilfered from their parents' cupboards.

Aroma - Aroma adds flavor and spice to food and drink. While it does not change the flavor itself, it makes food more savory and drink more palatable. Many of the finest restaurants proudly display signs stating 'No Aroma Simplecraft Was Used in the Preparation of Your Meal.' Sadly, Aroma has been used on more than one occasion to cover the subtle taste of poison.

Mend - Mend roughly patches torn fabric. A tattered drape, a torn garment can be quickly repaired. While the repair is not of the highest quality, it is sturdy. Damaged padded armor can be repaired and regains its protective qualities.

Bounty - Bounty creates a bland meal of bread, dried fish and small wodden bowel of water. Bounty is enough to sustain one person for one day if need be but is really no more than a single meal.

Sparkle - Travelers are likely to encounter wild creatures on the road, the trade routes or elsewhere in the world. Sparkle has been known to drive away the less intelligent but more aggressive beasts in the darkness. A bright flash and dancing lights are normally enough to send the hungriest wolf back into the brush. Any animal with 2HD or less within 20' of a Sparkle must make a DC 20 Will Save or flee in fear. Any frightened animal that is subsequently attacked will fight viciously, gaining a +2 morale bonus to attacks. The fear effect lasts for 1 hour and most animals lose interest by then. Creatures immune to fear are immune to Sparkle effects.

Animal Care - Animal Care can be used to overcome the effects of fatigue and injury while traveling for any animal. Animal Care helps with all the nagging injuries and nuisances that slow down mounts and driven animals. Animal Care extends the total distance a mount can travel in a day by 25%.

Mark - The user can place a single mark on an object visible only to her. The mark lasts for 5 hours. Many merchants and thieves had used this bit of Simplecraft to expose cheaters and other rogues. A Detect Magic spell will reveal the mark as will any other spell or ability designed to see the invisible, magical runes or the like.

Tidy - This extremely utilitarian bit if Simplecraft allows the user to quickly straighten and dust a 10' x 10' area. Curiously no one knows how it actually works. Some argue Tidy conjures an ethereal servant; others suggest the user bends inanimate objects to her will. Whatever the case, it seems to do the job. Tidy will not move objects heavier than 50 lbs and simple returns a room to a more orderly state. While it is generally cheaper and more effective to hire staff to handle cleaning, many of the more opulent merchants use Tidy as a symbol of wealth.

Whisper - originally targeted toward parents of unruly children, thieves, assassins and devious politicians have found more lucrative use for the Simplecraft. Whisper reduces the target's maximum volume to a whisper, although the target is not completely silenced. Anyone outside a 10' radius cannot hear anything the target says. An unwilling target can resist the effects with a DC 18 Will save. Other sounds are unaffected. Whisper effects last 30 minutes.

Lighten Load - Lighten Load allows the user to reduce the weight of a single item by 3/4 for 4 hours (not a chest with 100 items in it). Many travelers and some wealthy merchants will use this bit of Simplecraft to transport goods quickly between nearby cities and settlements. While Lighten Load effects do not stack for a single item, multiple Lighten Load Simplecraft can be applied to different items.

Breeze - Like its cousin, Warmth, Breeze provides some protection against excessive heat. Breeze allows the user to exist quite comfortably in environments where temperatures reach up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Breeze also provides a +4 bonus to saves to avoid taking nonlethal damage in severe heat. Breeze effects last 8 hours.

Fastwalk - Fastwalk increases the users' ability to travel over land. While it has seemingly neglible effects over short distances, Fastwalk creates a heightened sense of vitality increasing a character's total daily overland travel distance by 25%.

Slumber - Slumber is typically used on the user herself. Slumber allows the target to fall into a deeper sleep, regaining twice the hit points rest would normally provide. Slumber can be used on an unwilling target, but the magic is weak and easily resisted. An unwilling target must make a DC 6 Will save or fall into a deep sleep for 1 hour.

Warmth - Popular in the land of Nurin, a kingdom far to the North dominated by ice, warmth provides some measure of protection from the elements. Warmth allows the user to survive a night completely exposed to the cold at temperatures falling to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Warmth also provides a +4 bonus to save to avoid taking nonlethal damage in conditions of severe cold. Warmth effects last 8 hours.

Pry - Pry allows the user to open a non-magical very simple lock (the equivalent of a DC 20 Open Lock check). Pry does not detect or disable traps.

Sticky Hands - Many an aspiring thief carries Sticky Hands on the job or in case an opportunity presents itself. As the name suggests, the user's bare hands become sticky making it much easier to climb uneven surfaces. The user gains a +4 to Climb checks for 5 minutes. Sticky Hands does not allow the user to climb a fundamentally unscalable surface nor does it allow her to climb upside down (on the ceiling for example). The user is also unable to put anything down until the effect ends. It usually takes 5-10 seconds for the effect to manifest so fortunately the user can discard the ashes of her Simplecraft.

Salve - Salve creates a soothing, viscous energy that heals wounds and knits bone. The user can heal 1d4 hit points for himself or any other creature. Salve does not cure or slow disease, poison or other ailments.

Lithe Blade - Creatures with thick armor and hides are not uncommon in Aris. Lithe Blade can imbue a single melee weapon with the ability to slide through dense protection. Lithe Blade reduces bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage reduction by 5 (but not less than 0). Once imbued, Lithe Blade effects dissipate after 30 minutes unless activated by a single successful strike regardless of the target's damage reduction or damage reduction qualities. The user must be touching the weapon to imbue the effects.

Protection - Protection must be imbued on shield, armor or clothing (if the user does not wear armor). Protection can be imbued on absolutely bare skin, but the energy is violent and the user suffers 1d2 fire damage. Once Protection is imbued, the user gains 5 damage reduction against the user's choice of bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing weapons against a single successful hit. Protection effects dissipate after 30 minutes unless unleashed.

Rage - The user can avtivate this bit of Simplecraft after being wounded in combat. Activating this Simplecraft enrages the user, granting a +2 morale bonus to Strength, but a -1 penalty to AC for 3 rounds. The user is not fatigued when the effect ends.

Shielding - Shielding creates a multicolored field around the user that pushes incoming missiles away. This field gives the user protection similar to concealment. Each ranged attack (for which the attacker must make an attack roll) has a 205 chance to miss for 3 rounds.

Dazzle - Grace and charm are at a premium in the larger cities of Aris. Dazzle makes the target more intellectual and physically appealing to anyone he meets. Anyone under the effects of Dazzle Simplecraft gains a +4 to all Charisma-based skill checks for 1 hour. An unwilling target of the Simplecraft (not the subsequent skill checks) must make a DC 20 Willpower check to negate the effects.

Finstroke - Thin membranes form between the user's fingers and toes allowing her to move more quickly through the water. So long as her hand and/or feet are exposed, the user receives +4 to all Swim checks. Her speed while swimming is increased to 1/2 her movement rate as a move action and 3/4 her movement rate for a full action. The effect lasts 20 minutes.

True Striking - True Striking must be imbued on a single melee weapon. The first critical threate made with the imbued weapon is automatically confirmed. Once imbued, True Striking effects dissipate after 30 minutes unless activated by a critical threat.

Backlash - Backlash is a defensive measure that helps protect the user, especially from multiple attacks. Backlash must be imbued on a shield, armor or clothing (if the user does not wear armor). Backlash can be imbued on absolutely bare skin, but the energy is violent and the user suffers 1d2 fire damage. The backlash effect is unleashed when the first melee attack against the user misses, the blow presumably turned aside in part by the armor or shield. The attacker is immediately struck with a force equivalent to a bull rush (as medium creature, Strength 20). The user does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Backlash can affect creatures of any size, although standard size bonuses apply. The attacker is knocked back an additional 5 feet for each 5 points the user's Backlash strength check exceeds the attacker's. The user does not move when the force is unleashed. Items imbued with Backlash have a faint purplish glow about them. Once imbued, Backlash effects dissipate after 30 minutes unless activated by a missed attack.

Blinding Flash - As the name suggests, this bit of Simplecraft creates a brief burst of blinding light. Anyone who knows the burst is coming can closer her eyes to negate the effects. All others in a 20-foot radius must make a DC 18 Reflex save or suffer temporary blindness for 1 round. While Blinding Flash can be used to gain advantage, it is often used to escape a dangerous situation.

Bolster - Bolster improves speed and accuracy in combat, increasing the likelihood of scoring a hit in melee. The user receives a +1 morale bonus to all melee attack rolls for 1 minute.

True Flight - True Flight was one of the first Simplecraft developed. True Flight calms the nerves and improves accuracy with ranged weapons. The user gains a +1 morale bonus to hit when using ranged or thrown weapons. This effect lasts 1 minute.

Fireblast - Arcane flames envelop the user's hand. As a standard action, the user can make a single melee touch attack against an enemy. This attack deals 1d6 points of fire damage if it hits, but the energy dissipates upon a miss. The user must have a free hand to use this Simplecraft.

Painspike - With Painspike, the user can inflict crippling pain on an opponent. The target must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or suffer the painful effects. An afflicted target is disadvantaged, moving at 1/2 his normal speed, suffering a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, and -4 to all skill checks and ability checks. Painspike can be used in interrogation but there is a 25% chance the target will lie, telling the interrogator anything he wants to hear to make the pain stop. Most interrogation subjects don't know the user can't terminate the effect. The effect lasts 5 minutes.

Glimpse - A particularly potent bit of Simplecraft, Glimpse gives the user a momentary look at events to come. While the events are muddled and it is impossible to gain any salient information, the user experiences a temporary state of heightened awareness. The user receives +1 circumstance bonus to Armor Class and +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves for 5 minutes.

Ripple - Ripple sends a two-foot wide current 100 feet through the air at ankle-height in a straight line away from the user. Any bipedal creature (large size or smaller) standing in the way must make a DC 18 Reflex check or be knocked prone. The atmospheric disturbance creates a distinctive ripple effect and warbling sound, hence the name. Ripple does not pass through solid, secured objects (like a tree), but will knock objects weighing less than 200 lbs 10 feet to the left or right. Ripple will also knock open an unlocked or latched door.

Sting - Sting must be imbued on a melee weapon, infusing it with a powerful, biting energy. The user's first successful strike deals an additional 1d4 damage and sends a jolt of pain through her opponent's body. The pain is so intense the target must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or suffer blindness for 2 rounds. Once imbued, Sting effects dissipate after 30 minutes unless unleashed by a successful strike.

Shadow's Edge - This bit of Simplecraft improves the user's ability to hide especially in dark places. The user gains a +4 circumstance bonus to all Hide checks and a +6 in dark places or areas with heavy shadow. Those under Shadow's Edge influence are surrounded by a fine, gray mist. Because of its obvious uses for thievery and other sinister deeds, Shadow's Edge is more difficult to find than most Simplecraft. Some merchants refuse to carry it outight. This effect lasts 10 minutes.

Deschain's Dedication - A staple in foreign relations, Deschain's Dedication creates a cognitive bond between the user and a single target. For 30 minutes, both parties are able to understand the other's language even though they may not be able to speak that language. Both parties continue to speak in their native tongue but meaning is transferred between them. Deschain's Dedication is so important in trade and foreign relations that the Imperium keeps hundreds on hand. The Simplecraft works best with a willing target. An unwilling target (or even one who does not understand the user's intent) can make a DC 20 Will save to negate the effect.

Lightning Strike - Activating this bit of Simplecraft allows the user to discharge a bolt of electricity at a foe. As a standard action, the user can make a single ranged touch attack against an enemy within 10 feet. This attack deals 2d6 points of electricity damage if it hits, but the energy dissipates upon a miss. The user must have a free hand to use this Simplecraft.

Creating Simplecraft


When creating your own Simplecraft it is useful to think of it as a wondrous item. Simplecraft may provide extended benefits for a short time (e.g. Torchlight), but all Simplecraft should be one-shot events. Binding arcane energy in an easily released form is difficult. It requires special material and production capability. Binding the most powerful magic in this form is simply impossible. A good rule of thumb is that the abilities should not exceed 4th level spells or minor wondrous items in power.

Simplecraft is readily available in the Imperial-ruled cities and in some other parts of the world. The devices have made production a fairly straightforward affair, assuming you have the right technology and material. When pricing Simplecraft, use existing prices from the Simplecraft Catalog and consider both the power level and ease of production. Scribing a single scroll might take a day or more. Creating a Simplecraft plate could take a few days, but once created, a device can generate 100 bits of Simplecraft from that plate each day.

Mhm, sounds good to me.

Thinking how to make it. Maybe to meet "Marc´s" character along the way or have them know each other from another time? Idea of having training in same temple and departing way.

I would see Arwin more as a journey-cleric and happens to meet "xxx" inquisitor during his trip / flight and destination is same for both. "Darkness is speaking to us and its surges of dreams and visions keep empowering us, sending to farthest places in the world to reveal the will of our goddess?"

Lantern Lodge



100 years ago, firearms changed the course of life in Aris. While black powder's explosive nature was known for some time prior to the advent of the first firearms it is only in the last century that metalworking and engineering advanced to such a point where they could harness its power. Originally viewed as clumsy and unreliable (and many were), the Imperial Council realized their potential, making large orders that most likely saved the industry. While they are expensive and complicated to produce, firearms are still gaining popularity. Recent advances have improved accuracy and reliability.

Thirty years ago, gnomish and dwarven engineers working for the Imperium pioneered the spring-loaded wheel-lock firing mechanism. Quickly adopted, these muzzle loading wheel-lock long arms and pistols are popular among wealthy merchants, enterprising mercenaries, pirates, town guards, and military units. Many, particularly military commanders, are still struggling to manage firearms and a few have been caught off-guard by how long it takes to reload in the heat of battle. Originally engaging at longbow distance, commanders fumed over their firearms' poor accuracy. When they closed the distance, long arm companies were overwhelmed by charging opponents. After considerable blood and toil, military commanders began to realize the value of volleys. For all their shortcomings, in the hands of a skilled firer, long arms and pistols are absolutely deadly.

Just two years ago, Imperial engineers pioneered new concepts in firearms technology. These advances greatly improved reliability and accuracy but the weapons are still exceedingly rare and expensive.

Muzzle Loading Wheel-Lock Long Arms and Pistols
Single-shot wheel-locks are available as long arms or pistols. The firer loads wadding and a single lead ball into the barrel and tamps it down. A metal lever holding flint or pyrite is pulled back exposing the priming pan. The firer adds a small amount of powder to the pan and, using a key, turns the wheel until it locks in place. The metal lever is eased forward over the pan and the weapon is ready to fire. Squeezing the trigger releases the wheel, which spins against the flint or pyrite creating a spark. The spark ignites the small amount of powder in the priming pan, which in turn ignites the powder tamped down the barrel and the weapon fires.

Muzzle loading wheel-locks are slow to fire and somewhat unrealiable if not properly loaded and well maintained. These weapons are made with smoothbore barrels and are largely inaccurate, better suited to service in large firing lines than as a personal weapon at any range. However, in the hands of a skilled firer, these weapons can be devastating.

Breach Loading Pistols and Rifles
Rifles are the epitome of technological advancement in Aris. Spiral grooves etched into the inside of the barrel cause the round to spin, substantially improving accuracy. Breach loading reduces firing time and the newly invented cartridge ammunition has further reduced firing times and improved reliability. Rifles (and pistols with rifled barrels) are new, expensive, and exceedingly rare.

Rifling has improved accuracy and shortened the barrel length (since longer and longer barrels are no longer required to achieve accuracy). Breach loading cartridge ammunition has made firearms easier to handle and more reliable. Catridge ammunition uses a thin metal casing to enclose both the gunpowder and the round. Since cartridges contain pre-measured amounts of gunpowder the firer does not need to be as familiar with the weapon and loading requirements.

Using Firearms
Firearms are especially deadly because they apply huge amounts of force over a very small area, easily penetrating thick armor. Firearm attacks are made as ranged touch attacks against an enemy, disregarding armor bonuses. As with all ranged touch attacks, shield bonuses are ignored as most carried shields are far too thin to stop an incoming round. Firearms are treated just like other ranged weapons, applying dexterity modifiers and range modifiers normally. Discharging a firearm provokes attacks of opportunity from adjacent foes.

Firearms are complex and require training to use effectively (Firearm Weapon Proficiency feat). An untrained firer incurs a -4 penalty to hit and requires 6 full-round actions to reload a wheel-lock firearm. A character proficient with firearms requires only 3 full-round actions to reload the same wheel-lock weapon. Breach loading and cartridge ammunition make firearms much easier to handle. An untrained firer requires 3 full-round actions to reload a breach loading weapon while a trained firer requires only a swift action to reload the breach loading weapon. It takes two hands to reload any firearm. A pistol can be fired with one hand.

Wheel-lock firearms (with their powder loaded in priming pans and down an open barrel) are susceptible to water damage. A muzzle loading weapon immersed in water immediately loses any loaded charge and needs to be unloaded, cleaned and dried for 4 hours before it will fire effectively. Breach loading firearms (with catridge ammunition) are substantially less susceptible to water damage than flintlocks. While they still immediately lose any loaded charge if dropped or immersed in water, they only need to be unloaded, reloaded and they are ready for fire again.

When Things Go Wrong
Firearms are still an evolving technology. Black powder's explosive nature makes it dangerous and occasionally, accidents occur. Whenever a player using a firearm rolls a natural '1', make a check on the Firearms Failure Table [cared for by the GM]. The mishap is almost always a result of improper loading. In most cases, the round will simply misfire and fizzle out, but every so often things go very wrong.

Firearms without ammunition are very expensive clubs. The good news is if you run out of ammunition you always have a club (standard damage and multipliers apply). The bad news is ammunition can be expensive and sometimes hard to come by.

Exploding Dice
Firearm damage is calculated using exploding dice rules. If you are not familiar with exploding dice this example should help:

Maris is a fighter trained in the use of firearms. Using his wheel-lock long arm, he takes aim at a hill giant, fires and hits. Maris rolls 4d6 damage and receives a 2,4,6,6. Total damage so far is 18. Maris rolls the two '6s' again and receives a 5 and a 6. Total damage so far is 29. Maris rolls the final '6' again and receives a 4. The total with some lucky rolling equals 33 points of damage.

The jist of it is this: when rolling damage, if you roll max on any of your die, roll it again and add the additional damage to total.

List of firearms


Muzzle Loading Wheel-Lock Pistol - Cost: 1,000 GP - Damage: 3d6 - Critical: x3 - Range: 10 ft - Weight: 4 lbs - Length: 1.5 ft - Type: Piercing

Muzzle Loading Wheel-Lock Long Arm - Cost: 1,500 GP - Damage: 4d6 - Critical: x3 - Range: 30 ft - Weight: 8 lbs - Length: 6 ft - Type: Piercing

Breach Loading Pistol - Cost: 6,000 GP - Damage: 3d6 - Critical: x3 - Range: 50 ft - Weight: 2 lbs - Length: 1 ft - Type: Piercing

Breach Loading Rifle - Cost: 10,000 GP - Damage: 4d6 - Critical: x3 - Range: 300 ft - Weight: 5 lbs - Length: 4 ft - Type: Piercing

Muzzle Loading Ball Ammunition (10) - Cost: 15 GP - Weight: 1 lb

Muzzle Loading Black Powder (10 shots) - Cost: 50 GP - Weight: 1 lb

Breach loading cartridge (10) - Cost: 100 GP - Weight: 1 lb

I have revised the listing of deities to include a listing of their favored weapons.

Deities Revised


(Characters may choose one of the subdomains associated with their primary domain providing they meet the prerequisites associated with that subdomain.)

Deschain - LG - God of farming, hunting, trade, family - Shortbow
Caelum - LG - God of valor, rulership, justice, honor - Longsword
Nier - LG - God of the forge, protection, strategy - Warhammer
Soleil - NG - Goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty, healing - Morningstar
Camrilla - NG - Goddess of beauty, art, love, music - Elven Curve Blade
Natal - CG - Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, luck - Starknife
Skeith - CG - God of freedom, ale, wine, bravery - Pistol
Thane - LN - God of cities, wealth, merchants, law - Shortsword
Zen - LN - God of history, knowledge, self-perfection - Unarmed Strike
Tsuna - N - Goddess of nature, weather, the sea - Shortspear
Karone - N - Goddess of fate, death, prophecy, birth - Scythe
Alzue - N - God of magic - Quarterstaff
Niten - CN - God of strength, battle, weapons - Greatsword
Shalimar - CN - Goddess of trickery, lust, revenge - Scimitar
Lucavi - LE - God of tyranny, slavery, pride, contracts - Scorpion Whip
Den-Azane - LE - God of envy, pain, darkness, loss - Urumi
Tri - NE - Goddess of gluttony, disease, undeath - Greatclub
Balfour - NE - God of greed, secrets, poison, murder - Katar
Falz - CE – God of madness, monsters, nightmares - Glaive
Nihilus - CE - God of wrath, disaster, destruction - Rhoka

(Characters selecting one of the following overdeities may select any two domains of their choice pending GM approval.)

Arisa - The Matriarch - Kris
Amoria - Goddess of the Light - Rapier
Cerelia - Goddess of the Dark - Falcata
Faerus - Goddess of the Flame - Twin Kukri
Meronia - Goddess of the Water - Trident
Niyra - Goddess of the Earth - Thorn Bow
Isaura - Goddess of the Air - Chakram

Additional Races


If you wish to play one of these, please let me know so I can disseminate the information I've compiled for the following as soon as possible.

Elf Subtypes: Fire, Water, Sky, Sand, Snow, Wood, Shadow
Mongrel: Canine race varies based on bloodline
Gearborn: Clockwork humanoids imbued with a soul
Nekoan & Associated Clan: Feline race varies based on bloodline

There are a few others not listed; ask if interested

Lantern Lodge

Additional Feats


Arcane Element - Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells, Spellcasting Ability Score 14 - Benefit: Choose one worn or wielded non-magical item worth 100 GP or less. You have a deep bond with this object. When wearing or wielding this item, you have the ability to overpower your spells. When overpowering a spell, you can choose one of the three following effects: increase a spell's DC by +1, increase your caster level by +1 for this spell, or add a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls made with the spell. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence bonus. Casting an overpowered spell requires either a full-round action or the spell's normal casting time, whichever is longer. The item can be enchanted as a normal masterwork item. Items only function for you, including any magic abilities added to the object. If a bonded item is damaged, it is restored to full hit points the next time you prepare spells or regain your spell slots. If the item is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week's time in a ritual that costs 200 GP per caster level. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete.

Arcane Reach - Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells - Benefit: You may cast touch spells at a range of 5 feet per point of your main spellcasting stat's bonus (minimum of 5 feet). Doing so is taxing and requires a Fortitude save (DC 15 + spell level) to avoid becoming fatigued.

Crippling Shot - Prerequisites: Firearm Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus with selected firearm, Base attack bonus +3 - Benefit: As a full-round action, you make a single ranged attack against a target with the selected firearm. If you hit and do damage, the target's movement rate is reduced by 50%. This movement penalty lasts 24 hours, or until the target receives at least 1 point of magical healing or is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check. You may not use Crippling Shot again on the same target until the movement penalty has been removed. A charging or running creature must immediately stop if hit with Crippling Shot.

Energy Focus - Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Spell Focus (evocation) - Benefit: Choose one type of energy (Acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic). Whenever you cast a spell that does damage of that type, you deal +2 damage. For every three caster levels beyond the first, you gain an additional +2 damage bonus (+4 at 6th, +6 at 7th, +8 at 10th, etc.) - Special: You may take Energy Focus multiple times. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a new type of energy.

Extra Domain - Prerequisites: Ability to channel energy, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks - Benefit: You may one additional domain and gain access to all domain spells and powers associated with that domain. This domain must be one in your deity's portfolio.

Firearm Weapon Proficiency: Benefit: YOu may make attack rolls with firearms normally. It takes you only 3 full-round actions to relaod a wheel-lock firearm. - Special: A fighter may select Firearm Weapon Proficiency as one of his bonus feats.

Highwayman - Prerequisites: Firearm Weapon Proficiency, Point Blank Shot - Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a ranged attack with a pistol against an adjacent enemy. If you hit, you deal +1d6 points of sneak attack damage. This damage stacks with sneak attack damage from class levels. This extra damage only applies to living creatures with discernible anatomies. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to this extra damage. You cannot apply this damage when shooting a creature with concealment or shooting the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Opening Shot - Prerequisites: Firearm Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus with selected firearm, Intimidate 4 ranks - Benefit: To use this ability, you must make an attack using the selected firearm against an enemy in the first round of combat, and you must make this attack before your target acts in the first round. If you hit and do damage, make an Intimidate check as a free action, which is opposed by the target's modified level check (1d20 + target's character level or Hit Dice + target's Wisdom bonus (if any) + target's modifiers on saves against fear). If your result beats your target's check result, the target cowers. This effect ends if the target is attacked in any way. Also, any of the target's allies within sight of the attack must make the same modified level check or be shaken for 1 round.

Quick Load - Prerequisites: Firearm Weapon Proficiency, Dexterity 15 - Benefit: The time required for you to reload a wheel-lock firearm is reduced to 1 full-round action. Reloading a firearm still provokes an attack of opportunity.

Spell Weaving - Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast 1st-level arcane spells, Charisma 13 - Benefit: By sacrificing three unused spell slots of the same level, you regain one spell slot of the next higher level, provided you can cast spells of that higher level. For instance, if you sacrifice three 1st-level spell slots, you may regain one 2nd-level spell slot. Using this ability takes a swift action.

Trap Mastery - Prerequisites: Trapfinding ability - Benefit: When using the Disable Device skill to disarm a trap, roll two d20s and take the higher result. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Vigorous Rage - Prerequisites: Ability to rage - Benefit: When you enter a rage, you heal a number of hit points equal to your barbarian level.

Wounding Shot - Prerequisites: Firearm Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus with selected firearm, Base attack bonus +3 - Benefit: As a full-round action, you make a single ranged attack against a target with the selected firearm. If you hit and do damage, the target continues to bleed in the following rounds. Until the target receives at least 1 point of magical healing or is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, he takes 2 points of damage per round if the selected firearm is a pistol or 3 points of damage per round if the selected firearm is a long arm. You may not use Wounding Shot again on the same target until this ongoing effect has been removed. This effect does not stack with any magic weapon properties applied to the selected firearm that also cause ongoing damage.

Alright, that's everything I have for now. Sorry it took so long to get posted up. As you may notice it took a lot of precise coding to get it looking just the way I wanted it too. If anyone has any questions, please let me know.

The party as it stands:
Lucky - CN Human Fighter - Not sure where you're getting Improved Cleave from, but I'm not seeing it listed in any of my books as a feat which means you would have an extra feat still. For Combat Reflexes, your Dex modifier is +2 which means you would only get 2 additional AoOs as opposed to the 3 you have listed.

Arwin - LE Human Cleric of Cerelia - Everything looking good so far. Cerelia's favored weapon is the Falcata: Damage (S) 1d6 (M) 1d8 - Critical: 19-20/x3 - Weight 4 lbs

Raignik - N Half-Elf Magus - Looking good.

Checker - N Human Sorcerer - Same as Raignik.

Mark - To be determined...

Lantern Lodge

Ugh. That isn't everything.

I left the Domains out so I'm going to try this one more time before giving up completely. The Matriarch and Divine Sisters don't have domains or portfolios, so choose any two domains pending my approval.

Deities 3.0


Deschain - LG - God of farming, hunting, trade, family - Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant - Shortbow
Caelum - LG - God of valor, rulership, justice, honor - Glory, Good, Law, Sun, War - Longsword
Nier - LG - God of the forge, protection, strategy - Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection - Warhammer
Soleil - NG - Goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty, healing - Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun - Morningstar
Camrilla - NG - Goddess of beauty, art, love, music - Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection - Elven Curve Blade
Natal - CG - Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, luck - Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel - Starknife
Skeith - CG - God of freedom, ale, wine, bravery - Chaos, Charm, Good, Strength, Travel - Pistol
Thane - LN - God of cities, wealth, merchants, law - Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel - Shortsword
Zen - LN - God of history, knowledge, self-perfection - Healing, Knowledge, Law, Rune, Strength - Unarmed Strike
Tsuna - N - Goddess of nature, weather, the sea - Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather - Shortspear
Karone - N - Goddess of fate, death, prophecy, birth - Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water - Scythe
Alzue - N - God of magic - Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune - Quarterstaff
Niten - CN - God of strength, battle, weapons - Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War - Greatsword
Shalimar - CN - Goddess of trickery, lust, revenge - Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery - Scimitar
Lucavi - LE - God of tyranny, slavery, pride, contracts - Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery - Scorpion Whip
Den-Azane - LE - God of envy, pain, darkness, loss - Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Law - Urumi
Tri - NE - Goddess of gluttony, disease, undeath - Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War - Greatclub
Balfour - NE - God of greed, secrets, poison, murder - Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery - Katar
Falz - CE – God of madness, monsters, nightmares - Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery - Glaive
Nihilus - CE - God of wrath, disaster, destruction - Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War, Weather - Rhoka

Severed Ronin wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

Just want to say I'm loving the dieties.

I'd like to ask about the various elven sub-types. And the others not listed if it's not too much trouble.

Severed Ronin wrote:
Not sure where you're getting Improved Cleave from, but I'm not seeing it listed in any of my books as a feat which means you would have an extra feat still. For Combat Reflexes, your Dex modifier is +2 which means you would only get 2 additional AoOs as opposed to the 3 you have listed.

Yeah, not sure where I got that either... But I double checked the number of feats and without that it's correct. Must have just not been paying attention when I typed up that section.

Reworded the Combat Reflexes section. I was thinking of it as 3 total per round. Changed it to read 2 additional per round to avoid confusion.

Done and added the weapon now.

I am only thinking now about that new feat, extra domain ahah

But honestly, I would like to ask = wouldn´t that be little bit too overpowered for me or then as you are DM, you would have to make some changes to encounters?

Just asking and wanting to take also account other people considerations, so what you say? and since we speak about overdeities, would it be possible?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Ok going with Inquisitor and using the Night sub-domain. Will create character today.

Fixed up my character and backstory for a more anti-hero fit. Sent the DM a copy of the character sheet.

If anyone wants to send me an e-mail its

I'll put my email out there too, just in case.

Lantern Lodge

Not going to throw too much into the fire in regards to the Races, but I'll try to describe them a small bit.

Elven Subtypes and the Oni


Fire Elf - Fire elves come from regions teeming with volcanic activity, such as the wastelands of Gare and even the Planesworld of Fire. They are highly resilient to extreme heats and can survive long periods of time in such conditions but can be difficult to socialize with as they can come off a bit brash.

Water Elf - The aquatic landscape is dotted with forests of kelp and roofed with sporadic blankets of sargasso weed. It is in these environments that the amphibious water elves call their homes. Capable of breathing both on land and in water, water elves are extremely agile and playful, but having lived underwater for so long, lack some of the common sense of their cousins.

Sky Elf - Sky elves come from the mountainous regions of Aris, many of them hailing from the cloud city of Altaria. Sky Elves have a pair of wings and are capable of flight. They are light on their feet and quick in mind, but they suffer from the same frailty as their cousins.

Sand Elf - In the deserts of Kri, Sand elves follow nomadic lifestyles. They herd horses, cattle, and goats across the sands, sleeping during the day and working or traveling at night. Their wandering takes them many places and puts them in contact with many cultures. As a result, they are welcome everywhere for the news and exotic trade goods they carry.

Snow Elf - The arctic landscape of Freya (not shown on map) is dotted here and there with permanent fog banks caused by subterranean heat interacting with snow and ice or warm springs steaming in the freezing air. Hidden in these oases of warmth are the ancient settlements of the snow elves.

Wood Elf - Wood elves are somewhat more primal than their baseline counterparts. In many jungles and forests, ancient elven cities have been swallowed up by the voracious encroachment of trees, vines, and animals, leaving just a shadowy remnant of the population to remember the former glories of their lost civilization.

Shadow Elf - Elves who were driven into the depths of the Underearth, a large network of crystal-lit caverns which connect the entire planet, by the Imperium when it rose to power. Alternatively referred to as Dark Elves or Drow, they are not as vicious as the Imperium's propaganda makes them out to be. They are, however, strongly anti-Imperial.

Oni - Oni are a race of demons captured and enslaved by the Imperium when they began their expansion through Aris. Some chose to remain hidden when the Imperials took control whereas some joined with them in order to secure their freedom. When the Node beneath the city of Valeria exploded, destroying half the city and the prison where some of the Oni were being held, many more escaped to freedom.

I can't track down the notebook with my full list of races in it now that I've started looking for it, but I'll keep trying. Sorry.

That's all the updates I'll throw up here for now. I want to shoot for starting the campaign sometime next week. Not this weekend because I know people have lives, to include myself, but possibly Monday or Tuesday. How does that sound for everyone?

sounds good to me :)

Sounds good to me as well.

Lantern Lodge

HP Rolls for the Party


I did not add in your Constitution modifiers or Favored Class modifiers so I'll let you do that providing you prefer my rolls over yours. At my own discretion as GM, I rerolled all 1s and 2s as well as the lowest die roll in Arwin's case (for sake of fairness).

For Checker
6d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3) + 6 = 19
Rerolls 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 1) = 9
Rerolls 3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2) = 14
Rerolls 1d6 ⇒ 4
Final Total: 36 HP - I swear the dice roller hated you.

For Arwin
6d8 + 8 ⇒ (8, 5, 4, 5, 6, 8) + 8 = 44
Rerolls 1d8 ⇒ 8
Final Total: 48 HP

For Lucky
6d10 + 10 ⇒ (1, 9, 9, 10, 2, 4) + 10 = 45
Rerolls 2d10 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11
Final Total: 53 HP

For Raignik
6d8 + 8 ⇒ (7, 4, 2, 6, 6, 5) + 8 = 38
Rerolls 1d8 ⇒ 2
Rerolls 1d8 ⇒ 4
Final Total: 40 HP

For Mark
6d8 + 8 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 8) + 8 = 33
Rerolls 2d8 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
Final Total: 38 HP

To Raignik - Listed the lot of races and elven subtypes as best I could.

To Marcy - Thanks. My fault on the confusion. Should've figured that.

To Arwin - All the additional feats I listed are from the Nobis Campaign Setting and could easily be taken by those with or without a god as per the ruleset for domains that Pathfinder has set forth. However, the feat can be taken by any class capable of casting spontaneous Cure or Inflict spells so I will change the wording accordingly. The Nobis rules are OGL for 3.5 settings but given Pathfinder changed things around, I tried to reword it. Thanks to you though, I noticed that mistake. You're right in that you would have been slightly overshadowing the others. Now, anyone with the aforementioned abilities will be able to take it should they wish.


Extra Domain
Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast Cure or Inflict spells, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks - Benefit remains the same. Sound good or text ideas?

To Mark - The Inquisitor with the Night subdomain sounds good with me.

To Checker - Got it and it looks better. Will email you back in regards to some of the things we went over before and for a bit of clarification on some aspects.

lol 36 HP works for me, better than I got with my lucky D6 I found when I got home during my move.

Do any of the new races come with different advantages/ disadvantages or level adjustments?

I was wondering if there where new rules for spell creation or if there where any spells specific to this campaign not in the pathfinder books?

Was thinking about taking about 3 levels of dragon disciple later, for adaptability and a little extra character depth. Not quite sure yet though.

Whenever you guys are ready, I'll just tweek my guy here and there till then. The later at night the better, the time difference will help over here.

Lantern Lodge

To Checker - Like I said, that's not including any modifiers included from your Constitution modifier or if you chose the HP Bonus for your Favored Class.

Also, when typing a post, you can check underneath the box where it says, "BBCode tags you can use", click the "Show" button, and it will give a bit of info as to how to code some things.

For example, if you're wanting to roll dice:

1) Open it with the BBCode shown here -> [ dice ]
2) Type how many die to roll and the type -> 1d20
3) Add in any modifiers -> + (8)
4) Close it with the BBCode -> [ /dice ]

In the end, it should look something like this:
[ dice ] 1d20 + (8) [ /dice ]

It will then make all necessary calculations.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Make note when typing the BBCode, there will be no spaces as I left them. Those were just there for instructional purposes.

Be sure to look through the BBCode tags for ease of use as all die rolls will be conducted through the Game Thread. This goes for anyone not familiar with the boards, though I believe most of you are.

Also, for example, when the game starts, we will be under an honor system as Paizo has yet to really devise a way for us to not have to use the honor system. What I mean by this is that if Lucky makes a Perception check and notices something the others do not, I will post up a spoiler for the player(s) it is intended for.

For example:
To Lucky


You notice that blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Also, taking a vote, how we want to conduct Actions and Speech. Do we want to use Bold for speech and Italics for Action? Obviously we would use OOC when speaking Out-Of-Character.

Sorry if some of these questions are no-brainers, but I like to get all of the technicalities and semantics out of the way before the game actually starts so there is no confusion once it does get underway.

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