GM_Jacob |

Ok, that's enough for me. Here we go. It's Pathfinder, by the way. I linked to the wrong version.
When you arrive in the river town of Whiterush, spring is in full bloom and love is in the air. Brant Greaves, son to Lord Breldin Greaves of Whiterush, is set to marry Jacklyn Quinn, the spell-bindingly beautiful daughter of a merchant named Zolin Quinn. Zolin is the shady owner of a merchant company whose employees range from the shifty to the downright thuggish, and he is more than a little vague about his recent relocation from “the city” to Whiterush. The townsfolk resent his dominance of local trade, dislike his brutish retainers, and distrust Jacklyn’s and Brant’s engagement. However, the Quinn dowry is large, and the impoverished Lord Greaves will not hear a word against his future in-law—certainly not from common townsfolk.
However, Lord Breldin and Zolin Quinn have more dire concerns than opinionated citizens. Until recently a band of orcs living in the dense forest outside town coexisted peacefully with the citizens of Whiterush. Now, led by a mysterious hooded highwayman, they engage in banditry and raid Zolin’s trade wagons. The brigands have seized much of Jacklyn’s dowry, and Zolin wants it back. He and his retainers are city folk and easily lost in the woods. Quinn needs some trained adventurers to solve his ‘orc problem’.
You adventurers are here for the party, some of you with invitations, some because Whiterush is where you call home.
20 point buy
Humans, elves, dwarves only (it fits the story, I'll accept one half-orc if it's good)
Core and base classes, official archetypes ok
Official skills and feats as defined in the PRD
Standard starting equipment as defined in the PRD
Starting level 5 (I'll up it if it's just the two players so far)
Backstory should be simple, and motivation can be as basic as "I'm here for the free food, but I'll always take a job offer."
At least one post per day, please and thank you.
Try to keep things moving along, I'd like to actually finish this module.
When in doubt, make it awesome. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to cool stuff.
I'm going to close recruitment as soon as I see 6 players with workable characters, so hop to it.

Abdul Al'Yemeni |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm interested and there is a character sheet under my profile. I'm not sure where to find the "Standard starting equipment as defined in the PRD" though.
Abdul was born into an impoverished family in a far away desert city. At a young age he went to work as a hostler for a merchant and his last trip with the merchant's caravan brought him to a city far to the north of his homeland. While there, the city came under siege. The caravan fled but in the confusion Abdul was left behind. As the war ground on the youth was conscripted into service to defend the city walls and there he saved the life of a wounded knight. In gratitude the knight made Abdul his squire. In time the knight acquired a barony and Abdul rose to knighthood himself.
He now serves his old master and is in Whiterush accompanying the baron's mother while she attends the wedding. As long as he is assured of the lady's safety, his sense of chivalry will oblige him to offer any aid he can to his hosts.

Darvan The Purifier |

I would like to play, problem is, I've been looking forward to using my ninja, and he's level 6, he is already fully built. I know what sources I used to build him, here they are:
ISWG-Probably didn't use
I have all the info in front of me, so ask away

Darvan The Purifier |

HP: 64, AC 22, Perception +5, Initiative +6, Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +1, CMB +4, CMD +20, Speed 30
Shadowed Mithral Chain Shirt +2
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4
9 Vials of Sassone Leaf Residue
20 Vials of Small Centipede Poison
Masterwork Viridium Katana
1 Potions of Invisibility
1 Potion of Water Walk
1 Potions of Cat's Grace
Tear Away Traveler's Outfit
Glass Cutter
Rouge's Kit
Small Tent
50 ft. of Silk Rope
Handy Haversack
Scabbard Lined with Lead
150 Shuriken
50 Cold Iron Shuriken
5 Adamantine Shuriken
5 Viridium Shuriken
50 Alchemical Silver Shuriken
His wife has the feats craft magic arms and armor, and also has the feat craft wondrous items. The ninja himself has craft (Alchemy) so poisons cost half price.
He still has some gold left to spend, and I am considering removing some items. I've calculated his gold spent, down to the nearest copper piece.

GM_Jacob |

Ok, Darvan, I'm hazarding a wild guess here, but I suspect that, since your wife is skilled in crafting magic items, your equipment takes you well above average wealth per level. Honestly, to play in this game, I'll have to ask you to take your character down to 5th level and scale the equipment way back. I promise, there's no need to be the biggest, baddest guy in town. This adventure is plenty of fun without optimized characters or any of that. Just enjoy the ride.

GM_Jacob |

I'm in full agreement, Cireth. Seriously, and this is good for all of you to know, I'm super uninterested in crunch-rules, especially on play-by-post. I know that combat and other mechanical things are slow, so I try to keep those things simple. Super-tactical characters will find themselves frustrated by the lack of opportunities to show off their optimization.
In fact, although I have no first-hand experience with the ancient arts, I consider myself a fairly "old school" GM. Here are my big three philosophies of GMing:
Rulings, not rules: So, you think there's a pit trap in this hallway? Well, you could roll v. perception, but that's boring. How about instead, you pour some water on the floor and see if it seeps through the cracks? Guaranteed success no matter how many ranks of whatever your character has, and a heck of a lot more creative.
Heroic, not superhero: Sure, your characters are special. They're pretty big deals compared to your average farmer. But, let's be honest, playing a character who is always good at everything gets boring quick. Have a weakness. Maybe even a big one. I just read an awesome thread earlier today about a character with STR 3. Half the advice was to ask the GM for a reroll, but the other half was golden, brilliant roleplaying advice.
Make it awesome: What sounds more fun? A numerical, by-the-books fight against two equally matched parties; or a wild, anything-goes fight full of excitement and off-the-cuff surprises?
As you can see, I'm flexible, but not in the way you may be thinking. Be creative, think outside the box. Try something a little crazy and see where it takes you. You don't need epic stats if you've got just a little creativity and a lot of guts.
Anyway, that got a little out of hand, what with the massive reply to a simple post, but hopefully those of you who have found your way into this game are excited about it. I can't wait. This adventure is full of opportunities to color outside the lines. There are tons of creative solutions to be found, environmental factors to works with, and awesome stunts to pull off (or not).

GM_Jacob |

Excellent. (I'm just assuming Cireth is still here since he's been active.) I'm about ready to start now, unless there are any hiccups. I'll have the gameplay thread up and running in the next couple of hours once I can sit down at my PC.
The only outstanding issue is Darvan. I'm afraid I'll have to ask to to delevel if you care to play. We have enough for a full party, so there's no level handicap necessary. If you can sort out your stats and equipment soon, you're welcome to join in.
Recruitment is still open for a bit longer. There are 2-3 slots still open, and there's no harm in jumping in even if the adventure has just started.

Bearded Ben |

I'm still interested. I'll have Agna Toragsdottir, dwarven Forgemaster Cleric of Torag, ready to go sometime tonight.
(The archetype gives me Craft Magic Arms and Armor as a bonus feat at 3rd level. Do I get some sort of price reduction, or just the satisfaction of saying that I forged magic into my own gear?)

GM_Jacob |

Hmmmm...Bearded Ben...how shall we do this with the magic gear? I want to respect your character's archetype choice, but not just cut you half price magic gear because that's not fair to the rest. How would you (and anyone else with 2cp to lend) feel about Agna receiving one piece of magic gear at half price (probably your armor, judging from the above post) and the rest standard? Two items, one per level? What seems fair? I'm not great with item values and such...
Darvan, best of luck to you in your travels.
Also, and this is just an aside, but, Abdul, what did you spend your money on? I just glanced over your sheet, but nothing jumps out as particularly expensive.

WerePox47 |

Sounds fun.. Ill do up an Elven Fighter(Lorewarden).. Ill have him ready by tomorrow for sure..
So were doing 10.5k in gear?
Abdul's sword alone is just over 8300gp.. Ring of sustenance is another 2500.. Ring of Prot is 2000.. The other 2 items id have to look up the prices on..
Abdul your keen scimitar crits on a 15-20, not 16-20 btw :)

Cireth Aldwulf |

I'm still interested in this.
I made a pass over the character and adjusted some skills and spent the remainder of his wealth (added some scrolls, alchemy items, and some other mundane gear).
Hmmmm...Bearded Ben...how shall we do this with the magic gear? I want to respect your character's archetype choice, but not just cut you half price magic gear because that's not fair to the rest. How would you (and anyone else with 2cp to lend) feel about Agna receiving one piece of magic gear at half price (probably your armor, judging from the above post) and the rest standard? Two items, one per level? What seems fair? I'm not great with item values and such...
My 2 cents -
Since we are level 5, allow for a +1 armor, +1 shield and a +1 weapon at half cost. If all three items were taken this would represent 2500g (~23%) increase of weath but that's still far from double. If, for example, they wanted a +1 flaming weapon the flaming part would have to be paid as normal. I think that's worth a feat.
This would only apply to enchanting, not to the base item (which would also need to be masterwork) which would need to be paid in full unless further feats/traits/skill points/ect were invested.

Cireth Aldwulf |

So much for finishing tonight...
On crafting, my current plans are based around on getting a +1 armor and a +1 weapon at half cost, a 1500 gp savings, but I can work with whatever you decide
How are we doing hp above first?
It would be 2k savings
1500 for the weapon and 500 for the armor.I assumed PFS style HP (half round up) when I did my character sheet, I'd go with that until mentioned otherwise.

GM_Jacob |

Agna, go ahead with what you have, that sounds fine.
HP will be half round up, good question.
It looks like we're just waiting on Werepox's character, and that's fine. As long as you get it finished today or tomorrow, I'd say you're still fine. You can just jump in to the gameplay thread and we'll work you in.

Lightbulb |
Am I too late to apply?
I've really been fancying some Pathfinder for a while and your GM style seems perfect to me.
A one shot seems a good place to start playing on the board.
Bit late to roll up a character tonight but should be able to do the background tomorrow and roll it up Wednesday. :)
Let me know.

GM_Jacob |

Lightbulb, you can still jump in real quick. Just make an alias and post in the gameplay thread. You can respond to Quinn and then do as you please. You should be fine if you get your character started up by Wednesday. I don't think you'll need too many numbers between now and then.
That will close up recruiting, then. Enjoy.