Save the Greenskins (Inactive)

Game Master Brian Minhinnick

17th Century North America inspiried game set in a possible future of Golarion.

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Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

I think traveling first would be a wise decision. These people might be wanting guests. The kind of guests who don't like Greenskins. On the other hand, if we stay, we might be able to see where he is planning on going, or get an extra hand in combat should the need arise. I'm okay with either.

I think it might be wise to post a watch on the house during the night while we rest. So maybe set up a camp a mile or so from the cabin and then set up watches on the cabin overnight. what ya think?

srry posted with wrong guy

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Sounds like a fine idea, Tamimay. I also think we should move off from the cabin a good ways. However, I feel that a mile of difference is kinda big... maybe just a few hundred feet. Not sure if that leaves much room for a watch, though... and I think John is fine. Plus, I don't know how many of us have darkvision (I don't), so I'm not sure how effective a night watch could be... We should just head back and make camp on the way.

Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

Kaiyohos' vision pierces through darkness and night like it wasn't there at all, but do to his age he doesn't notice the things he should.

In otherwords, Darkvision, no perception. Cormag has that, though.

Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | HP 19/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +11

I see quite good at night.

The four greenskins begin their journey back to the great encampment of their people. They make it about halfway before it's quite dark and everyone is exhausted. The group sets up a camp and the night passes without incident. Continuing their journey after their morning meal, they make it back to the camp around midmorning.

What would you like to do now?

Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | HP 19/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +11

We should go directly to the chieftain.

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

"Indeed, Master Longclaw," Tekumsah says. "With all haste. It wouldn't be very pleasant if any steps were taken before he is aware of John's allegiance."

Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

"Way ahead of you" Kaiyohos says, already mounted on Cormag with spear brandished.

I merely start walking back towards the camp we came from.

The hunters return to Chieftain Wammsutta's tent. The small thinly mustached man who was introduced to them yesterday as running deer is sitting outside sharpening his tommahawk. He looks at the four silently, before nodding them inside. The chieftain is standing behind a small desk. He's leaning over a map, pointing and gesturing while whispering to his other adviser Jack Eagle-Eye. Upon seeing the four enter, they both look up. A smile breaks the Chieftain's face and he says, "Ah, you've returned, and so quickly. What news do you have for me?"

I feel him in on exactly what occurred at the grove with John. So that is what we have to report. What do you make of it?

Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

"A woman, named Gwen, was with him. Does this mean anything important to you?"

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Tekumsah stands quietly, even silently, just inside the tent's opening. His arms are folded, and he watches and listens to the others speaking, not offering up anything of his own.

"I see." he says listening to Tamimay's tale. "Gwen is his lover." he responds to Kaiyohos. He seems to consider things for a moment. His face is studiously blank. "Well, it's good to know that John can be trusted." he says finally, smiling. "That's all I need of you for now. Return to your camp and rest for the coming battles, my brave warriors. I will send you a reward for your services."

DC 30 Sense Motive:

His smile is forced. He's not really pleased by the news you brought.

Then he nods to each of the four, and takes Jack by the arm pulling him back towards the rear of the tent to whisper in his ear.

DC 20 Perception:

"We'll need to take care of that woman." the Chieftain whispered to Jack

If the PCs don't leave immediately:

"Well? What are you still doing here? I asked you to go back to your camp. I'm a very busy man and I need privacy to work. Now please, go. The chieftain says sternly to the lingering guests, holding his hand pointed at the exit until they comply.

Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | HP 19/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +11

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

We'll wait for your commands.

Gromsch turns around and walks to their camp.

Arriving at the fire:

Did you hear, what the chieftain said to Jack? He want's to take care of Gwen.

Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Kaiyohos steps out of the tent, hoping to head back to his tent immediately. After hearing what Gromsch said, Kaiyohos says

"Unfortunately, I did. I'm not usually one to say anything, but should we do anything about it?"

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Tekumsah puts his fist to his forehead before stepping out of the tent. He moves off for a moment, pondering what he's heard, then moves back to the others.

"I also heard this. It pains me... I cannot condone the killing of a woman. Yet he is the Chieftain, and we should show him respect..."

The young warrior absently ejects his blade, leaving it out, running the fingers of his other hand along its length. He stares into the distance, as though trying to find answers in the clouds. "When chief and principles come into conflict, which should be held higher...?"

SM 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Perc 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Makes me question why he would send us without telling us about her or his cabin. Hmm ... I also wonder if the lack of information we were given was his idea or one of his lieutenants...Jack's perhaps?

Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | HP 19/28 | F +5 R +7 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +11

That's a good question, Tamimay. To be honest, I'm tottering too. On the one hand, I have a deep sense of affiliation with my tribe. On the other hand I fear that some kind of injustice will occur, if we do not take action.

Haha! My moral conundrum is working wonderfully. I just hope it doesn't paralyze the party.

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

"Then we act," Tekumsah says, standing. He looks at the others around the fire, his gaze hard and resolute--more cold and sharp than one his age should have. "The question now is not if, but how. Question Wammsutta? Ask Jack, or Running Deer? Move to defend John and Gwen?"

Male Greenskin Gendarme Beastrider of the Order of the Lion

"I feel as though it would be wiser to act now than later. I do not know if it would be wise to contradict the grand chieftna, either. We should procede with caution no matter what."

Lets go ask chief

I am out hope campaign works out well

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