Halga Biir |

Halga snorts. "What no butter? Buncha savages on this island."
Halga looks up the rocky path. He kneels down to ring some water from his clothes and check his gear. He glances over to Cyrus and grins. "Yer gonna eat that? It's as big as Abe!"
Finishing his inspection he braces himself for the climb.

Cyrus Drakkar |

With an almost evil grin, "And only if one of them tasted like cattle I'd be happier."
Once on land Cyrus makes sure his boots are dry before donning them once more. Then he pulls some rope from his pack and makes a makeshift bandolier for the crab claw to hang on as he draws his falchion once again. A few moments of testing he finally finds the best way to wear the claw with little to no complications to his fighting.

Halga Biir |

Halga laughs at Cyrus' comment. "Aye there. Maybe we'll just have ta find'n kill somethin' more like beef then."
Settling his armor back on and shedding as much water as he can, he preps his axes for action. Taking a leather tie, he pulls his straggly wet hair back from his face.

DM & vestigial dm |

Though many in the party are happy to be out of the caves noone is more ecstatic about the ancient highway carved into the cliff face than Urol. "Anything to stand this long must be safe to travel. It is a good sign the dangers are past!" Amelia casts a glare at the chatter, but does seem much happier to at least be near the sea.
The road continues south mostly in good condition. Some areas are in need of repair, but nothing a little caution and forethought cannot overcome. The path meanders up and down the cliff, sometimes under high tide mark and others 150 feet above the bay, through coves and beaches, past waterfalls and tidepools.
If not for the announcements of everyone's belly's it would be hard to beleive that midday is now upon the party.
not necessary Cyrus. RP is always rewarded by my (hence Urdock's disgusting underwear are still being brought up ;P

Fang the Obtuse |

Fang is so happy to be back under the open sky that he breaks into song... It's impossible to be sure what the song is about and appears to be some weird creole combined with dim intelligence, but you can detect that it's a count down song (along the lines of 99 bottles of beer on the wall...)
"Tein kliene visjes ze gingen naar de zee. Dat's goed zie die moeder, maar ga neit mee. Ik blief liefer in de viese voule sluit voor in de zee eer zitten haaien en ze bitten je dood, dood, dood, dood..."

DM & vestigial dm |

"Tein kliene visjes ze gingen naar de zee. Dat's goed zie die moeder, maar ga neit mee. Ik blief liefer in de viese voule sluit voor in de zee eer zitten haaien en ze bitten je dood, dood, dood, dood..."
I thought you were kidding about the viking thing...
I am not sure which of these sounds most like Fang's song

Fang the Obtuse |

If you're curious that's actually part of a dutch kids song I picked up while I was in the Netherlands. Translated it basically goes "Ten little fishies are going to the sea, that fine says their mother, but I'm not going with you, because there's sharks in the sea and they'll bite you dead, dead, dead, dead, dead..." Repeat with nine fishies, etc.

DM & vestigial dm |

If you're curious that's actually part of a dutch kids song I picked up while I was in the Netherlands. Translated it basically goes "Ten little fishies are going to the sea, that fine says their mother, but I'm not going with you, because there's sharks in the sea and they'll bite you dead, dead, dead, dead, dead..." Repeat with nine fishies, etc.
Netherlander are vikings right? Or are they lizardfolk? I recognized it as Dutch in any case :)

Fang the Obtuse |

Fang the Obtuse wrote:If you're curious that's actually part of a dutch kids song I picked up while I was in the Netherlands. Translated it basically goes "Ten little fishies are going to the sea, that fine says their mother, but I'm not going with you, because there's sharks in the sea and they'll bite you dead, dead, dead, dead, dead..." Repeat with nine fishies, etc.Netherlander are vikings right? Or are they lizardfolk? I recognized it as Dutch in any case :)
Mostly their pot-heads, which is a combination of the two... Interestingly enough...

DM & vestigial dm |

After a brief respite for lunch the party is anxious to continue south to the safety of Farshore. The once-majestic seaside byway suffers from hundreds of years of erosion. However, adventurous and industrious Olmans from the southern villages attempted to colonize this bay and signs of these attempts dot the landscape. Protected from the horrors of the mainland by the cliffs it makes sense this would be a natural place to live. However these settlements show up only as remnants. Empty outrigger canoes beached on the rocks, huts with no roof or doors, loud and angry gulls nesting in fire pits, and some repairs to the road are done with wood, much too recent to be from the ancient Olmans.
search check (if you want to check any of these dwellings/areas out.)
DC 10
DC 15
spot check DC 15

Urdok |

Amar the Sailor |

With a look of utter sadness on his face Urdok looks across the ruins. "We finally makes it ter some civvielizashun n' thar is nary a drop o' grog er a wench to pinch." Dejectedly Urdok walks through the ruins kicking junk in front of him oblivious to everything else."
"There's always Amelia, " Amar observes.
Search 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Spot 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Fang points ahead to the edge of the cliff, "Bah! Gah?!? No pointy..."
"I see him, Fang! Wait -- what? " Amar starts to run ahead. "A man just stabbed himself and jumped off the cliff!" Amar will run to the spot where the man fell and look down for him.
Now I have good reason to ignore the lousy search roll.

Halga Biir |

spot= 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Search= 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Halga looks over the remains of the colony. "A battle? That would explain a bit Abe. Things here are in bad shape." His face turns grim as he looks over the remnants of canoes.
"Wot the blazes?" His head snaps up as he sees the native thrust the blade and fall forward. As Fang and Amar cry out, Halga rushes after Amar, following him as quickly as he can.

DM & vestigial dm |

As the party closes on the place of where the body should have impacted only empty space is found. The path is too wide here for it to have bounced into the surf.
survivor DC 10 or search DC 15

Fang the Obtuse |

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Fang follows the rest of the party when he reaches the place where the body should be, he looks confused. He gets down on all fours and sniffs around picks up a rock, licks it, takes a small bite, and looks even more perplexed than usual.

Halga Biir |

search1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
"Aye Amar. I saw him too I did." Halga glances around looking for some trace and finds nothing. Scratching his quickly growing beard he looks over to Urdok.
"Can't be missin' grog Urdok. Amar'n I saw the same thing. Unless maybe that guy goin' off the cliff went longer'n we without the sweet, sweet ale. Didn't ya see the man stab himself and fall off the cliff here Cyrus? He was standin' right about here."

DM & vestigial dm |

Agreeing with Cyrus the rest of the survivors decide to move on. Fortunately the rest of the day goes by quickly. After hours of walking along the highway the party is ready to rest. As the sun nears the horizon, gulls and fish hunting dinosaurs with long heads start to search for food in the bay .
Search check 10
Seach check DC 0

Urdok |

DM & vestigial dm |

Abe takes Mazie's saddlebags off, and removes any wet stuff setting our to dry. He also takes off most of his clothes and lays them out to dry as well.
"I'll take the first watch then," he says in his skivvies.
The night passes quickly, though Avner finds sleeping with barely a blanket in the great outdoors reason to cuss all night. Everyone complains of lack of sleep in the morning. They complain about that probably to avoid looking at the ring of bloody gulls impaled on broken sticks. The morbid display circles the camp just out of firelight, and so everyone is content to ignore it until Urol trips over one returning with fresh water. He swears he did not see them on his way out, certainly he would not have tripped over one if he had.
those with a watch shift: Spot DC 15