Kirth Gersen |

I'm debating starting a Savage Tide PBP game, using the "Kirthfinder" variant Pathfinder houserules rather than 3.5. The pace would necessarily be a lot slower than the current Aviona PBP, because of the extra conversion work.
This would be largely invitational for people I've actually played with in person: JAM412, TriOmegaZero, houstonderek, Andostre, Mundane would have first refusal rights over anyone I don't know IRL. If less than four of them reply, other potentially-interested parties can submit ideas and questions here.
(P.S. If enough former Aviona homegame people were interested, I'd almost prefer to continue that campaign instead of starting this new one, though -- JAM, we could level up your guy a bit and be good to go.)
I'm open to other thoughts/suggestions.
Any interest?

Andostre |
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PRO-TIP: Posts on massive forums are not the best way to get Andostre's attention. It was a fluke that I even saw this!
But heck yeah, I'm interested. Also:
The pace would necessarily be a lot slower than the current Aviona PBP, because I HAVE A TWO-WEEK OLD BABY.
Fixed it for you.

Andostre |

Forgot to mention a few things:
I'm down for either Savage Tide or continuing the old campaign, but I think I'd rather make a fresh start with Savage Tide. I've never played it before. Is it pirate-themed, or does it just start out in a port city?
I'll need the latest Kirthfinder version. I didn't get the final version.
How many people are you looking for, Kirth?

Jam412 |

Hey Andostre, Here is a link for the Savage Tide Players guide. I'm not familiar with the campaign either, so I'm not sure how much it helps. If you give me your email, I can send you the most recent Kirthfinder rules.

Kirth Gersen |

Four players is ideal; I can work with anywhere from 3-5. At six, I'll need to alter things too much and won't have the time to do so. So, houstonderek, Andostre, Jam412, Reckless: I'll send the latest house rules (Reckless, I may need your email addy). After receipt, make up characters, we can look over them and set the ball rolling. If anyone looks them over and decides that the "Kirthfinder" houserules have too many moving parts, they can withdraw before play with no stigma.
By popular demand, the game is Savage Tide! With 4 PCs, it's a challenging campaign, although not the meat-grinder that Age of Worms was. Play starts in the tropical port city of Sasserine; the player's guide probably has some info about it. You probably won't be staying there too long, though, so don't get too attached to the place.
There are pirate-themed elements, but based on your choices, you can minimize their impact, or play them up for all they're worth, or anything in between. That said, this is a Paizo AP, and some portions of it are railroad-y as hell, to the point where it's trivially easy to derail the campaign by making logical choices (when I ran this before, at one point we had to retroactively ban a magic item that was the most obvious choice for everyone to pitch in for). So we may end up breaking the 4th wall a few times.

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As far as gear and items what levels should I operate at? Obviously the rules set favors numem...*Cough* mojo *cough* over stict gp accounting of basic gear but I am not sure under what circumstances I might be joining the group, (ie. "A naked wizard washed up from a sewer grate")...so how much of what should I have in the build?
Additionally I am assuming the KF race mods but in a Golarion context is that right? (So I pick the human options from the ruleset but might be from Daggermark or Katapesh as a matter of fluff)

Kirth Gersen |

As far as gear and items what levels should I operate at? Obviously the rules set favors numem...*Cough* mojo *cough* over stict gp accounting of basic gear but I am not sure under what circumstances I might be joining the group, (ie. "A naked wizard washed up from a sewer grate")...so how much of what should I have in the build?
Start with par for your level. It'll be more like "the party's full caster wandered off and they're recruiting a replacement in a big city." HERE is the campaign so far.
Additionally I am assuming the KF race mods but in a Golarion context is that right? (So I pick the human options from the ruleset but might be from Daggermark or Katapesh as a matter of fluff)
The Savage Tide AP is pre-Golarion; it's set in the city of SASSERINE, on the World of Greyhawk. Use KF race mods, and humans can be Euro-centric types from Furyondy and those places, or psuedo Native-South-Americans from the Amedio Jungle, or nomads from the Steppes or whatnot, or psuedo Middle Easterners from Tusmit and Zeif or wherever. Aside from humans, you can probably also get away with weird KF races, if that's your thing -- we can assume you wandered in from the jungle or something (the only human just left the party, leaving us with one halfling, one orc, and one deep one hybrid who recently molted into a kuo-toa).