Full Name |
Cadogan Jaumet |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Rogue 6 / Fighter 1 / Seer 1 |
Gender |
Male |
Age |
21 |
Special Abilities |
Comeliness: 17 |
Alignment |
... |
Deity |
None |
Location |
Hylore |
Languages |
Elvish (native), Common |
Occupation |
Tourist |
Strength |
15 |
Dexterity |
20 |
Constitution |
10 |
Intelligence |
13 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
18 |
About Cadogan
Currently engaged in the errands of one of the King's Guard. Keeps me from having to find a job...
Hp: 51 Init: +13 Spd: 30
A.C.: 26 (Mithral shirt, Ring of Protection +1, +5 Dex, +2 Dodge, +4 Canny Defense) Touch: 22, Flat Footed: 15
Fort: +8
Ref: +14
Will: +12
BAB: +5
Melee: +10 Ranged: +6
CMB: +7 CMD: 26
Rapier +1, +2 v. lg: Att: +11 1d6+3
Shortbow, mw, +1 str: Att: +7 1d6+1
Throwing dagger (2) mw: Att: +7 1d4+2
Shortsword +1: +11 1d8+3
Shortsword, Cold Iron, mw: Att: +11 1d8+2
Special: +2 to hit, +2d6 damage v. Civilized Humanoids.
+4 to hit while flanking.
Acrobatics: +16, Athletics: +7, Bluff: +19, Diplomacy: +10, Disable Device: +16 (+18), Endurance: +4, Escape Artist: +13, Handle Animal: +8, Knowledge (Lore): +6, Knowledge (Warfare): +5, Perception: +12, Perform (Act): +14, Profession (Gambler): +10, Sleight of Hand: +16, Spellcraft: +12, Stealth: +20, Streetwise: +13, Survival: +5
Feats & Talents:
Sixth Sense (+2)(RB), Weapon Finesse (RB), Combat Reflexes (RCT), Skill Focus - Bluff (RB), Improved Flanking (RCT), Uncanny Dodge (RB), Skill Focus - Stealth (HB), Toughness (HB), Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Agile Training, Leadership, Combat Expertise (FB), Open Mind (PsiB), Canny Defense (trade h/m armor prof.), Dodge (trade shield prof.)
Class Abilities: Opportune Strike, Sneak Attack +3d6, Evasion, Trapfinding (ST), Twilight Luck (ST), Surprise Attacks, Jack of All Trades, Foe Bane - Civilized Humanoids (FT), Exotic Prof. - Light Blades.
Skill Tricks: 1st: Feather Fall, Remove Scent, Message. 2nd: Invisibility, See Invisibility.
Traits: Reactionary, Sociable
Seer Powers: Precognition, Defensive Precognition, Bolt
Power Points: 2
Ring of Invisibility (1x/day, c. lvl 3)
Rope Trick rope (3 hr/day)
Horn of Fog
Boots of the Mire
+2 Belt of Strength
Ring of Animal Friendship
50' Silk Rope
Grappling Hook
Masterwork Thieves Tools
2 Pieces of Chalk
Hooded Lantern
3 Flasks of Oil
Belt Pouch