Samnell's Dragonlance Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Samnell

It's Dragonlance. And Pathfinder. Both. At the same time.
Present Map
Map of Abanasinia, aka Misspelled Ethiopia

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Seems they ought to be, although I now need to think why their parents moved to Solace :)

Fleeing the mobs that plundered their holdings? Maybe like Sturm's dad Tal's sent Tall to live with his mom's folks with you guys and when he went to Qualanesti he found out she had died so they were raised together?

Sure, lets go with that.

Like siblings.

I was looking through Knightly Orders of Ansalon and the high ClerIst right before the Cataclysm had no levels in fighter but obviously had Knightly training so I don't see why Tal would need lvls in fighter. Maybe after having so much rejection in his life it is what helped him join the Seekers.

Yeah, a cleric can hold their own in combat. Particularly if you cast each round with positioning to get AOOs with a longspear. Obviously you won't be able to do that to begin with, but it'll be a strong option later on.

Silver Crusade

I have the idea for my Half-Ogre fighter to be a Mutation Warrior and Eldritch Guardian and maybe serve as the henchman of a Wizard or Alchemist.

Any Wizard or Alchemists want a big strong Guardian type?

I see him using the longsword both as an nod to his heritages as well as the favored weapon of his god.

I'm working on my elven magus here. I've some ideas for a backstory for her, so although it looks like it's all crunch, there'll be more adding to it pretty soon.

Tharasiph wrote:

I have the idea for my Half-Ogre fighter to be a Mutation Warrior and Eldritch Guardian and maybe serve as the henchman of a Wizard or Alchemist.

Any Wizard or Alchemists want a big strong Guardian type?

Considering that Ogres enslaved Minotaurs there is certainly a history between half your race and mine. A self loathing half ogre and and ogre hating Minotaur would certainly find some common ground.

Jakun Stormhoof wrote:
Echos Myron wrote:

Is there any info that you could possibly share on the Wizard of the team?

Alternatively, are there any characters looking to make a wizard who may want to be childhood friends with Gavin?

I'm looking to have Gavin grow up with someone who becomes a wizard, so that he would have learned rudimentary spell-casting, enough to be able to identify spells (by way of Order of the Staff skill ability).

Jakun grew up in the far east on the Minotaur Isles. His background so far is listed in the profile, waiting for the Kender to flesh his out so we can sync them. Not sure a Human would have grown up there but if your parents were Mariners he may well have.

Oh, that works well for me!

Gavin's parents are Mariners who work hard to scrape by, and typically go where the work is. Kallos Carroway and his wife Saria settle in the Minotaur Isles while Kallos works hard at sea. Gavin's father, Kallos, works alongside Karsh Stormhoof, so naturally, their children spend time together. Due to his unusual upbringing, Gavin is free of any racial prejudices, which leads to his belief that anyone is worthy of his protection. As his parents age, they decide on a career change and move to Saria's hometown of Solace. Young Gavin is heart broken since he is losing his partner in crime.

Years later, Gavin and Jakun reunite, which could be where the game starts?

Echos Myron wrote:
Jakun Stormhoof wrote:
Echos Myron wrote:

Is there any info that you could possibly share on the Wizard of the team?

Alternatively, are there any characters looking to make a wizard who may want to be childhood friends with Gavin?

I'm looking to have Gavin grow up with someone who becomes a wizard, so that he would have learned rudimentary spell-casting, enough to be able to identify spells (by way of Order of the Staff skill ability).

Jakun grew up in the far east on the Minotaur Isles. His background so far is listed in the profile, waiting for the Kender to flesh his out so we can sync them. Not sure a Human would have grown up there but if your parents were Mariners he may well have.

Oh, that works well for me!

Gavin's parents are Mariners who work hard to scrape by, and typically go where the work is. Kallos Carroway and his wife Saria settle in the Minotaur Isles while Kallos works hard at sea. Gavin's father, Kallos, works alongside Karsh Stormhoof, so naturally, their children spend time together. Due to his unusual upbringing, Gavin is free of any racial prejudices, which leads to his belief that anyone is worthy of his protection. As his parents age, they decide on a career change and move to Saria's hometown of Solace. Young Gavin is heart broken since he is losing his partner in crime.

Years later, Gavin and Jakun reunite, which could be where the game starts?

Sounds good to me. In a lot of ways the group having shared backgrounds outside of Solace makes the adventure run better since the Heroes that ran through the original tale had similar circumstances.

Plus since you moved to Solace you could have also met Tal, Thomas and Caitlyn being the bridge that brings the two groups together alongside the other "heroes of the lance" that are converging on Solace.

Assuming of course that Samnell will have Tanis, Sturm and the Brothers Majere at least make cameos as the adventure runs its course.

GM, maybe the Automatic Bonus Progression could be useful?

Echos Myron wrote:
GM, maybe the Automatic Bonus Progression could be useful?

We'd still be tracking gear, though, and I think the point was to avoid that.

we'd be tracking personal gear, not "party gear". So we wouldn't need to stop and loot every corpse or fight over who gets the +4 sword of kender flaying.

Silver Crusade

I'll lookup Jakun and try to align my guys background with yours

Basically my Ogre fighter will end up being a servant guardian that has gained a bit of independence over time but is reasonably happy being a protector of sorts and the Minotaur part works as well.

Rolling together a couple of posts here since they're all on the same topic:

Automatic Bonus Progression? I floated this with my Wrath of the Righteous group, but some of the players objected to the loss of customization. To be fair, it is pretty different from the normal core experience. You'd have to look up another set of level-based bonuses, which would be easy to forget and less intuitive, plus they are essentially the same for everyone.

That said, once I pick the PCs if the sense of the group is that they'd rather go with bonus progression and 1/2 the virtual gp to spend, I'm totally open to it. Something we can deal with in the discussion thread when the time comes.

Banning Item Creation Feats? (And also: Too many items?)
I'd rather not. Item creation is a nice fig leaf to put in re-gearing, plus it has a nice potentially prosocial aspect in that PCs can make gear for one another.

On the other hand, it's also true that the AP isn't going to give you many chances to sit around and spend the time needed. So even if you have them, they might get dusty from disuse. That's no fun. Of course if you really worked it, the party could end up with all the gear it ever wants at half price. That would double the party's effective pile o' stuff, which I hadn't considered as I didn't think of how crafting time or lack thereof would play out. Experience over the past fifteen years has suggested that few players actually take an interest in crafting to that extent, but there's always a first time.

For now, I'm inclined to wait and see if this proves a problem in actual play or not. If so, I might adopt an idea from the books and give you a crafting allowance. X GP of your budget would be available for use with crafting feats, but the rest goes with standard costs.

Fair enough. I've seen it be a problem before (specifically some characters ended up with way more gear than others) but that was in one campaign only. It may never come up anyway.

Jakun Stormhoof wrote:
Assuming of course that Samnell will have Tanis, Sturm and the Brothers Majere at least make cameos as the adventure runs its course.

You'll see Goldmoon, unless someone wants to play a cleric of Mishakal. Tal wants to play a follower of Paladine and that's cool by me. We agreed that rather than adjust the early religious plotline we'd have Goldy along as an NPC. Probably not forever, but through the first adventure or so.

Other than that, I see the party as replacing the canon heroes rather than sharing space with them. Mainly it's been twenty years since I read the books and I always worry about big name NPCs upstaging the PCs. They might pop up in the background or as heroes of some off-stage story, though.

I love Goldmoon. Elistan, not so much. I always liked the title of the Revered SonSon and Daughter.

I hope there will be a Fizban cameo at least once :)

I wonder if I shouldn't make a female half elf. Same back story. Revered Daughter sounds better.

i hope to have thistletorp done tonight.

Razor, if I do a female cleric maybe your paladin and she can be a couple?

I'm still around. Working on a concept.

I need a good name for her and I'll change the last name

Jakun Stormhoof wrote:
Echos Myron wrote:
Jakun Stormhoof wrote:
Echos Myron wrote:

Is there any info that you could possibly share on the Wizard of the team?

Alternatively, are there any characters looking to make a wizard who may want to be childhood friends with Gavin?

I'm looking to have Gavin grow up with someone who becomes a wizard, so that he would have learned rudimentary spell-casting, enough to be able to identify spells (by way of Order of the Staff skill ability).

Jakun grew up in the far east on the Minotaur Isles. His background so far is listed in the profile, waiting for the Kender to flesh his out so we can sync them. Not sure a Human would have grown up there but if your parents were Mariners he may well have.

Oh, that works well for me!

Gavin's parents are Mariners who work hard to scrape by, and typically go where the work is. Kallos Carroway and his wife Saria settle in the Minotaur Isles while Kallos works hard at sea. Gavin's father, Kallos, works alongside Karsh Stormhoof, so naturally, their children spend time together. Due to his unusual upbringing, Gavin is free of any racial prejudices, which leads to his belief that anyone is worthy of his protection. As his parents age, they decide on a career change and move to Saria's hometown of Solace. Young Gavin is heart broken since he is losing his partner in crime.

Years later, Gavin and Jakun reunite, which could be where the game starts?

Sounds good to me. In a lot of ways the group having shared backgrounds outside of Solace makes the adventure run better since the Heroes that ran through the original tale had similar circumstances.

Plus since you moved to Solace you could have also met Tal, Thomas and Caitlyn being the bridge that brings the two groups together alongside the other "heroes of the lance" that are converging on Solace.

Assuming of course that Samnell will have Tanis, Sturm and the Brothers Majere at least make cameos as the adventure runs its course.

so Thistletorp is running around with a minotaur wizard and his half-ogre body guard. cool. They're big and exciting and different.


Thistletorp should be done, soonish.

I think wizards take the Test of High Sorcery before they get access to 3rd level spells.

Talinthal Uth Mondor wrote:
I think wizards take the Test of High Sorcery before they get access to 3rd level spells.

Normally they would but isn't it more interesting to do the test in game? :-)

Quite possibly, but what would the rest of the party be doing? :)

Maybe you could write it out with the DM?

Fang, does the gender change work for the paladin and my character?

I think its fine either way. You were thinking of them being raised like brother and sister? Thomas would be very protective of somebody like that. Possibily a little overprotective if she had a boyfriend who he felt wasn't a good match. Could be interesting for RP although Dragonlance tended to gloss over that sort of thing if I remember correctly.

They could start off like brother and sister, since they both have faith and maybe she is attracted to his nobility and protectiveness? Maybe he does not appreciate the way that the Seekers treat her, rather than a boyfriend.

They kind of did that with Riverwind and Goldmoon but they kind of got left after the 1st book.

Sounds like a good start, and yes Thomas would be deeply unimpressed with the seekers even before he learnt the truth from the disks.

What ideas do you might have about them?

I'm thinking Thomas would be a part time deputy, called on when the village needs to defend itself against bandits. Perhaps she volteered too or was supportive.

Maybe they had to chase down a fugitive and got to travel a bit as a result.

Maybe she came back from Solamnia after looking to join the knights but was denied for being both a half-elf and female, came back and joined the Seekers and is under Hedrick but is kinda of representative to the sheriff and the Seekers?

I seem to remember the seekers were a new thing when the book started. If so I was thinking we'd have volunteered before they showed up and later they treated your cleric badly (e.g. they are a bunch of chauvinistic biggotts).

That works too, kinda of a lost soul at this point, rejected by everyone.

What is going to be the event that brings us together. The Innfellows had the 5 year meeting.

That works for me, and I wouldn't be surprised if the module assumes it. Although it could easily be serendipity, some of us are in Solace anyway when the others are passing through and we don't like the way the seekers treat them?

I kind of like the feel of being old friends returning back to home to meet. It makes me all warm and gooey inside. Or I need new diapers.

So ya, old friends and new friends (there's even a bear!) meet up in the Inn of the a last Home in Solace to get their chat on and how much they missed each other and how their basically failures since they never founded the gods nor any sign of them and ya. ;). Like that.

What a cute kender

know, right!

Where did you get him?

Sorry for the delay, there was a Lego-related emergency. :)

FangDragon wrote:
I seem to remember the seekers were a new thing when the book started. If so I was thinking we'd have volunteered before they showed up and later they treated your cleric badly (e.g. they are a bunch of chauvinistic biggotts).

The Seekers have been around long enough to have established authority over a fair passel of settlements. Basic idea was that the old gods left them, but there must be new gods out there. The Seekers would look, find, and announce. The basic idea of going out into the world looking for gods makes a lot of sense in a Seeker-informed upbringing. They organized themselves into a religion a fair while back, with plenty of followers in Abanasinia. Its entirely plausible that PCs could have grown up in Seeker households. But the Seekers as the official government are a newer development, dating back only about five years.

I think that's flexible enough to take whatever way works best for concepts.

Talinthal Uth Mondor wrote:
What is going to be the event that brings us together. The Innfellows had the 5 year meeting.

The plan is to use the five year meeting.

Would the Noble Scion be an acceptable feat to take, I am thinking either Lore or Peace.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, must be taken at 1st level.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nobility) checks, and that chosen Knowledge skill is always considered a class skill for you.

When you select this feat, choose one of the benefits listed below that matches the flavor of your noble family. Work with your GM to ensure that your choice is appropriate.

Scion of the Arts: You gain a +1 bonus on all Perform checks, and Perform is always a class skill for you. If you have the bardic performance ability, you can use that ability for an additional 3 rounds per day.

Scion of Lore: You gain a +1 bonus on all Knowledge skills in which you have at least 1 rank.

Scion of Magic: You gain one of the following languages as a bonus language: Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, or Sylvan. Once per day, as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus on any Spellcraft check you make. You must spend the free action to gain this bonus before you make the check.

Scion of Peace: Whenever you take 10 on a Wisdom-based skill, treat the result as if you had rolled a 13 instead of a 10.

Scion of War: You use your Charisma modifier to adjust Initiative checks instead of your Dexterity modifier.

I think it goes well with her background.

Talinthal Uth Mondor wrote:
Would the Noble Scion be an acceptable feat to take, I am thinking either Lore or Peace.

Looks entirely reasonable to me.

Changing the background a little since at this point women can't join the knights.

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