Remiandiv Blixx |
i know we're winding up stairs and such but can I get line of sight after only a full move?
another double move
"enough of this!" Remiandiv stops running and begins an arcane chant, making casting motions with only his right hand. Suddenly that lavender glow appears again, and this time when he throws it the energy streaks around and through his companions to strike unerringly into the fleeing rat.
magic missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

DM Crustypeanut |

Round II Recap
The rat continues to flee, squeaking loudly as if to try and alert someone - or possibly just out of stark terror, considering the zombie tiger close on its heels.
Radyx will continue his pursuit up the stairs, though he will keep a wary eye out for anything off - luckily, besides an entire group of adventurers chasing a large rat up a flight of stairs, there doesn’t appear to be anything ‘off’.
Remi continues to run after the others leaving rear guard duties to the slower, armored folks who can’t keep up with the rest of them.
Ferit continues on after the rat, huffing quietly and drooling as he runs. I'll get yeh yet, yeh wee pisser! He is soon passed by Hoosible, however, as the gnome holds on to dear life while on the fast-moving Strawflower.
Giggling at the chase, humming a curiously annoying tune as he does so, Alexin runs up the stairs and begins to pass even Radyx, despite the former having been behind him previously.
Valko, meanwhile, continues to hound Radyx with the light, ensuring the bruiser doesn’t do anything stupid. Again. Renfeld follows his master, trying to keep up despite his shakes.
Behind the rest of the group follows the hulking Charbonardent and Tarrana, along with her small familiar who bounces around as it finds no issue keeping up.
<< Encounter: "A Game of Cat and Mouse" | Round III | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Crow, Level 2 >>
Finally leaving the staircase upon reaching the fourth floor of the piling, the dire rat continues to squeak and crap itself as it runs through a corridor into another room, squeaking louder and louder as it goes.
PCs are up! Same as last time! Yer almost there! (This is what you guys get for chasing a rat :P)
Still on Level 1:
Tarrana, Remi, Charbonardent
Level 2: Valko, Radyx, Alexin, Renfeld
Level 3: Ferit, Hoosible, Strawflower
Level 4: Dire Rat

Alexin Alazario |

Alexin continues to hum Yakety Sax as he skips ever higher up the stairs.

Remiandiv Blixx |
Only thing better than an old fashioned dungeon crawl is blindly running through unknown corridors!
Chuckling to himself about the insanity of what they are doing, Remiandiv continues to follow the group as they chase the beast. Wonder how many goodies we're leaving behind us.....?

DM Crustypeanut |

Round III Recap
Finally leaving the staircase upon reaching the fourth floor of the piling, the dire rat continues to squeak and crap itself as it runs through a corridor into another room, squeaking louder and louder as it goes.
Radyx continues running up the stairs, grumbling as he does so; Valko continues after Radyx, torch in hand, and Renfeld after him.
Hoosible continues to cling to Strawflower's saddle, grinning as they gain on the rat, finally catching up on the fourth floor.
As they catch up, the little necromancer attempts to skewer the rat on his longspear. He strikes true, stabbing the rat in its rear, but he fails to damage the little creature, curiously enough. Meanwhile, in his rush, Hoosible misses a thin tripwire the rat had leaped over; Strawflower barrels into it, tripping the wire and causing a small pouch to be flung at the duo. Something in the mechanism, however, fails, and the small pouch flies well over Hoosible and Strawflower, hitting the wall behind them; Immediately, the sack spills its sticky, gooey contents and lights aflame, providing a surprising amount of illumination as the goop attempts to burn the stone wall.
The rest of the group, meanwhile, try their best to keep pace, each moving as fast as they can as their vanguard rushes ahead after the rat.
<< Encounter: "A Game of Cat and Mouse" | Round IV | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Crow, Level 2 >>
The rat continues its escape, squeaking and dodging Hoosible’s second attempt at turning into a rat-kabob, while running past the overturned tables and down into the hall near the light.
”Whats that squeaking? Is that Sasha?” Hoosible and Ferit can hear voices coming from down near the flickering light; ”Sasha! The f!@! are you running from?” A woman, her hair prematurely greying, peeks her head around the corner, her eyes going wide at the sight of Hoosible and Strawflower. ”Is that a f~#!ing TIGER? F$## that s+%*! Embyr, quit picking your f~+%ing teeth and go get the f#$$ing door opened!”
Trap Touch Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Really, trap? YOU HAD ONE JOB! Such a waste of a Tangleburn Bag too. q.q
Dire Rat’s turn:
Full Round Action: Withdraw (Ignores AoO from Strawflower)
Hoosible’s AoO: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 (Miss)
PCs are up!

Ferit Skuller |

Ferit continues to run forward, grinning as he closes with the woman. Time fer some batterin'! he thinks excitedly. "Won't be openin' no door when Oi'm done wiv yeh, little bird," he cackles at the woman.
Double moved myself on the map.

Hoosible Drybriar |

Hoosible squeaks a "YELP!" as he watches the flaming gunk fly wide over his shoulder. Meanwhile Strawflower continues to barrel forward, now focused on the woman before him.
The tiger's maw bites down on her left arm and doesn't let go, while Hoos takes advantage of her compromised position to stab her in the shoulder.
Moved 30' in roll20.
Strawflower Bite: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Grab: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34
Spear: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Confirm?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 >> I think that confirms, since she's grappled now. If not, -1 damage...
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

Valko van Richten |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Valko, with a healthy does of snark, calls up ahead to Radyx "Are you sure you were in the Serpent's Run? Sure it wasn't the Serpent's Crawl? The Snail's Tail? Maybe the Turtle's Dash?"
Remaining 10 ft. behind Radyx, safely out of reach of his weapons haha.
Almost as an afterthought, Valko's ears hone in on the wheezing huff and whine of Renfeld making his way up in the rear of their number. Rolling his eyes, the Ustlavian half-elf calls out, "Renfeld, stay with the boats! You're about as useful as a tumor in that shape anyways."

Alexin Alazario |

Alexin continues to dance his way up the stairs, humming the awful tune, but his dancing stride becomes a manic run as he hears the sounds of argument and combat from above. Furthermore the humming stops and Alexin undergoes a bout of ill-contained giggles that become worse as he ascends.

Radyx Felston |

"Unless you wanna demonstration up close 'n personal, Elfie, ye best be shuttin' yer gab!" Radyx says as he continues up the stairs. The sound of combat ahead that he is missing frustrates him and he tries to pick up the pace.

DM Crustypeanut |

Round IV Recap
The rat continues its escape, squeaking and dodging Hoosible’s second attempt at turning into a rat-kabob, while running past the overturned tables and down into the hall near the light.
”Whats that squeaking? Is that Sasha?” Hoosible and Ferit can hear voices coming from down near the flickering light; ”Sasha! The f$+& are you running from?” A woman, her hair prematurely greying, peeks her head around the corner, her eyes going wide at the sight of Hoosible and Strawflower. ”Is that a f#&+ing TIGER? F$*! that s#%%! Embyr, quit picking your f*$@ing teeth and go get the f!~!ing door opened!”
Ferit continues to run forward, grinning as he closes with the woman. Time fer some batterin'! he thinks excitedly. "Won't be openin' no door when Oi'm done wiv yeh, little bird," he cackles at the woman.
Hoosible squeaks a "YELP!" as he watches the flaming gunk fly wide over his shoulder. Meanwhile Strawflower continues to barrel forward, now focused on the woman before him.
The tiger's maw bites down on her left shoulder and violently shakes the poor woman to and fro before slamming her back down on the ground, unconscious and dying.
Valko, with a healthy does of snark, calls up ahead to Radyx "Are you sure you were in the Serpent's Run ? Sure it wasn't the Serpent's Crawl ? The Snail's Tail ? Maybe the Turtle's Dash ?"
Almost as an afterthought, Valko's ears hone in on the wheezing huff and whine of Renfeld making his way up in the rear of their number. Rolling his eyes, the Ustlavian half-elf calls out, "Renfeld, stay with the boats! You're about as useful as a tumor in that shape anyways."
”Y-yes master. H-how am I going to get back w-without light though?”
”Just feel your way back, you incompetent tumor!”
Alexin continues to dance his way up the stairs, humming the awful tune, but his dancing stride becomes a manic run as he hears the sounds of argument and combat from above. Furthermore the humming stops and Alexin undergoes a bout of ill-contained giggles that become worse as he ascends.
"Unless you wanna demonstration up close 'n personal, Elfie, ye best be shuttin' yer gab!" Radyx says as he continues up the stairs. The sound of combat ahead that he is missing frustrates him and he tries to pick up the pace.
Cursing himself as the sounds of combat can be heard up ahead while he remains behind with Alexin's singing, Remiandiv also tries to increase his pace. "Somehow, our careful stealthy approach has been detected."
Charbonardent and Tarrana each bring up the rear, trying to catch up the best they can.
<< Encounter: "A Game of Cat and Mouse" | Round V | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Crow, Level 4 >>
”Crap they got Nayven! Hold on and I’ll get this door open.” She presses a secret switch somewhere on the door and pushes hard, the big door slowly moving outwards. As soon as the door is opened, the rat launches itself through, not waiting for its fellow to catch up. The girl then steps through the opening and prepares to close the door on their pursuers.
Tower Girl 2:
Full Round Action: Open the Secret Door
Free Action: 5ft step
Dire Rat:
Double Move Action
PCs are up!

Valko van Richten |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Worry not, my fellow cypher! You'll be impaled on some sort of horrible trap before too long and worries will no longer be your purview. Or maybe you'll be devoured by a den full of wererats that were unnecessarily tipped off to the approach of a cadre of Shalasti infiltrators who had spent the grand portion of the past two days planning an assault that evaporated in a single instant of impatient ignorance due to an ex-gladiatorial nincompoop I predicted would perform thusly on the day of our first meeting!"
Keeping that 10 feet of breathing room handy, btw; haha!

Hoosible Drybriar |

Having shredded one Tower Girl, Hoosible urges Strawflower on to try to stop the one working on the secret door...but she steps through in the nick of time.
While she's out of the undead tiger's reach, Hoosible manages to poke her with his longspear. "Ha! Take that, you rat!"
longspear: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Radyx Felston |

"Keep on talkin', Elfie. Trust me, it has no chance of biting you in the ass later," the gladiator says as he continue his race up the stairs.
Running running running. Seriously, knowing the others came through here, if possible I'd outright run instead of double move.

Alexin Alazario |

Alexin's giggling intensifies as he climbs the stairs, his anticipation building to a fever pitch.

DM Crustypeanut |

Round V Recap
”Crap they got Nayven! Hold on and I’ll get this door open.” She presses a secret switch somewhere on the door and pushes hard, the big door slowly moving outwards. As soon as the door is opened, the rat launches itself through, not waiting for its fellow to catch up. The girl then steps through the opening and prepares to close the door on their pursuers.
Ferit rushes after their foes, nearly making it to the secret door. "Run all you want, you can't escape us!" Now, where did she press exactly?
Tarrana moves as fast as possible up the stairs.
"Worry not, my fellow cypher! You'll be impaled on some sort of horrible trap before too long and worries will no longer be your purview. Or maybe you'll be devoured by a den full of wererats that were unnecessarily tipped off to the approach of a cadre of Shalasti infiltrators who had spent the grand portion of the past two days planning an assault that evaporated in a single instant of impatient ignorance due to an ex-gladiatorial nincompoop I predicted would perform thusly on the day of our first meeting!" Valko continues to bug Radyx as the two run up the stairs.
"Keep on talkin', Elfie. Trust me, it has no chance of biting you in the ass later," the gladiator says as he continue his race up the stairs.
Having shredded one Tower Girl, Hoosible urges Strawflower on to try to stop the one working on the secret door...but she steps through in the nick of time.
While she's out of the undead tiger's reach, Hoosible manages to poke her with his longspear. "Ha! Take that, you rat!" The spear stabs her in the shoulder, causing her to grunt in pain.
Charbonardent brings up the rear, trying to catch up the best he can.
As Remiandiv continues to run up the stairs he yet again wonders at the lack of disciple these surface dwellers shows. It is no wonder that the elves and dwarves were so easily overcome by the dark elves.....
Alexin's giggling intensifies as he climbs the stairs, his anticipation building to a fever pitch.
<< Encounter: "A Game of Cat and Mouse" | Round VI | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Crow, Level 4 >>
The rat continues fleeing, scampering to the edge and tight-walking across the rope, regardless of the fact that its pitch black.
”Screw you, gnome! And you, Orc!” the tower girl spits at Ferit’s feet as she abandons her attempt to close the door shut; instead, she runs east towards the open ledge. She nearly runs right off the ledge as she runs in the dark, heedless to the danger. ”Damnit, can’t.. see! Sasha, change back and help me, would ya?”
Tower Girl 2:
Full Round Action: Withdraw
Automatically Succeeds on Acrobatics Check
Dire Rat:
Move Action: Continue running
Automatically Succeeds on Acrobatics Check(s)
Standard Action: Total Defense
PCs are up! I would like to add that everyone except Charbonardent and Tarrana are now on the fourth floor and are visible on the map. Char and Tar should be up there next round.

Hoosible Drybriar |

Following right behind Ferit, Strawflower stays inches behind the orc. Hoosible (seeing that there's still no way for Strawflower to reach the Tower Girl) takes another stab with his spear.
This one, sadly goes far astray as he fails to compensate for Strawflower's sudden stop.
"You keep running, you're just sealing your death sentence. Stop and talk and we'll see what we can do for you."
longspear: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Radyx Felston |

As Radyx turns the corner and sees the end of the stairwell, he says, "About damned time!"
He continues running after the others, hoping to not miss out on any of the action.
Moved my token on Roll20 to my new location.

Valko van Richten |

"Don't worry, my stair-ascending challenged compatriot! There are far worse things below than rats and people masquerading as rats. When reached we have that bridge on this grand adventure, I assure you I shall insist on having you at the fore, blundering and maddened every step of the way. Although, I feel it pertinent to ask, have you made arrangements? Last will and testament? Is there a missus Felston at home I should contact in the likely event of your untimely and predicted demise in the depths of a Thassilonian ruin beneath the sea itself?" Valko is already counting the warrior's money in his head.

Alexin Alazario |

Alexin Capers forward, just catching sight of Hoosible's horrifying tiger-thing.

DM Crustypeanut |

Round VI Recap
The rat continues fleeing, scampering to the edge and tight-walking across the rope, regardless of the fact that its pitch black.
”Screw you, gnome! And you, Orc!” the tower girl spits at Ferit’s feet as she abandons her attempt to close the door shut; instead, she runs east towards the open ledge. She nearly runs right off the ledge as she runs in the dark, heedless to the danger. ”Damnit, can’t.. see! Sasha, change back and help me, would ya?”
Ferit rounds the corner, still in hot pursuit of the tower girls. He is sweating now in his furs after so much running, and his little piggish eyes gleam evilly in the semi-darkness. Must...catch....rat!
Following right behind Ferit, Strawflower stays inches behind the orc. Hoosible (seeing that there's still no way for Strawflower to reach the Tower Girl) takes another stab with his spear.
This one, sadly goes far astray as he fails to compensate for Strawflower's sudden stop.
”You keep running, you're just sealing your death sentence. Stop and talk and we'll see what we can do for you."
Charbonardent and Tarrana, meanwhile, both find the top of the stairs, each attempting to catch up to the rest of the group.
As Radyx turns the corner and sees the end of the stairwell, he says, "About damned time!" He continues running after the others, hoping to not miss out on any of the action.
Quickstepping around piles of rat leavings and newly met companions, Remiandiv continues to pursue the others and their quarry.
"Don't worry, my stair-ascending challenged compatriot! There are far worse things below than rats and people masquerading as rats. When reached we have that bridge on this grand adventure, I assure you I shall insist on having you at the fore, blundering and maddened every step of the way. Although, I feel it pertinent to ask, have you made arrangements? Last will and testament? Is there a missus Felston at home I should contact in the likely event of your untimely and predicted demise in the depths of a Thassilonian ruin beneath the sea itself?" Valko is already counting the warrior's money in his head.
Alexin Capers forward, just catching sight of Hoosible's horrifying tiger-thing.
<< Encounter: "A Game of Cat and Mouse" | Round VII | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 The Crow, Level 4 >>
”Ah, f#+$ you!” The tower girl nearly edges off the cliff before her as Ferit and Hoosible close in. ”Sasha? SASHA? What are you doing?!” Unable to see, the girl pulls out her shortsword and lashes blindly where she can smell and hear Ferit. The blade widely misses its mark, however, and the girl swears in frustration.
In response, the rat simply squeaks. While the tower girl had been yelling at it, the rat wasn’t moving and had its eyes closed, focusing inwards. However, nothing happened and the rat loses its concentration as its fellow yells at it.
Dire Rat:
Full Round Action: Change Form
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 (Failure)
Tower Girl:
Move Action: Draw Shortsword
Standard Action: Attack Ferit
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 (Miss)
PCs are up! Everyone is finally up at the top of the stairs and is visible on the map.

Hoosible Drybriar |

Hoosible stabs as the tower girl but misses. Anxious to give Strawflower a chance to play, the pallid gnome says, "Ahem. Ferit. Can you make a bit of room here?"
As the pallid gnome speaks he nudges Strawflower, who leans forward, crowding in close enough to Ferit that the smell of rotting tiger gets notably stronger...and there's a palpable lack of what (if this were a living tiger) should be hot breath on his shoulders and neck.
Longspear: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 1 = 10
Ferit if you'll make a 5' step SE (or attack and then back away) I can get in to give Strawflower a full attack.
Crusty, Hoos will use his Misfortune to try to keep the Rat from successfully changing form.

Alexin Alazario |

Alexin skips forward (like a 5 year old), his giggling suddenly stops as he fixes the tower girl with an intense, maddening stare. Moments later, he begins giggling again.
Evil Eye (AC) on Tower Girl. DC 16 will save. If she fails she has -2 AC for 8 rounds, if she passes it's only 1 rounds. Regardless everyone who attacks her this turn does so with her at -2 AC.