Ruins of Pathfinder: The Shattered Star (Inactive)

Game Master Crustypeanut

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Roll20 Campaign Link
Magnimar Map
Heidmarch Manor

Natalya's Map of the Crow

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HP 15/15; AC 13, Flat Footed 10, Touch 13; CMD 13; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4 (+2 vs. Enchantment; +2 vs. Poison); Perception +14; Initiative +3

"That would be capital, my dear. I don't suppose someone named The Blight lives on the tall side of the Arvensoar, hmm?" Valko removes his finger from the coin and sighs. Looks like they'll be making another trip to the slums.

Its in the Underbridge, she said - basically the dirtiest, most dangerous section in the city. I've marked it on the roll20 map as a pink circle (Look in the magnified section that shows whats under the Irespan)

Since you guys have a further lead, is everyone ready to head out to it? Or do you want to wait until tomorrow when its daylight? It is past dusk now and its fully night. I'll have the exact time up later, when I figure it out. You guys aren't hurried or anything, so its up to you.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Ferit prefers to operate in the dark. But if enough of the pink-skins insist that "oh we can't see anything. We need to sleep for our magicky stuffs" he'll grumblingly go along with it.

Male Gnome Orace 1

Gray-and-plum-but-totally-not-pink, Hoosible is happy to work by night. I thought we were going to check out the slavers rumor at midnight. Do folks have other plans? Or Crusty, can we get to the Underbridge tonight and still likely have to to meet the Midnight Slavers?

Ah yes, the slaves rumor - let me calculate travel times and whatnot, and I'll let you know.

Male Human Arcanist 1

Wilhem gives Valko a disapproving look as he pressures the lady, who seemed to him quite forthright and helpful. He is rather surprised therefore when she takes the coin and elaborates significantly on the disappearances. "That seems like an excellent offer. Might we be able to get that in writing, or perhaps a token of some sort that we can present if the need should arise? Any information on those who have disappeared and returned would be helpful as well. I take it they've been questioned?" While he hadn't been expecting a commission when they came in, the opportunity to be paid twice was not to be passed up, and having connections within the Arvensoar would always be useful.

Heh, may as well milk this for whatever we can get :p

As to Underbridge, we're probably more likely to actually find information in these sort of areas at night (assuming we can avoid getting shanked), so while it may not be the best idea... lets go :p As long as we have enough time to find out what's behind these rumors of slavers since two sources agree they don't exist.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17
Hoosible Drybriar wrote:
Gray-and-plum-but-totally-not-pink, Hoosible is happy to work by night. I thought we were going to check out the slavers rumor at midnight. Do folks have other plans? Or Crusty, can we get to the Underbridge tonight and still likely have to to meet the Midnight Slavers?

Well black people typically aren't black, Native Americans aren't really red, and Asians aren't that yellow. Since when have racial adjectives been accurate? Was mainly referring to the human/half-elf/non-darkvision part of the group though. I guess gnomes don't have darkvision either, but whatever. :P

Hoosible isn't your average gnome - he chose the Darkvision alternate racial trait. That being said, it seems only Ferit and Hoosible have Darkvision in the crew, however.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Half-gaints don't get darkvision? Laaaaammmmmeeeeee.

"This is effectively an unofficial bounty offer - as a result, none of the other Watch members would be able to help you, even if it was in writing. However, since you would be doing the city a great service, I will ensure you are paid. As an Officer of the Watch I'm able to pay out bounties when they are due. If I'm not here to speak with you when you return, just tell whoever's here you have an appointment with Kasedei, and they'll contact me."

"As for those who have been returned.. they have indeed been thoroughly questioned and we were unable to get anything useful out of them - and before you ask, I am unable to give you their names - they've been through enough hell as of late, and I doubt you'd be able to get any more information out of them than we were."

Kasedei, as she finishes speaking, takes the coin off of the counter, examines it, and then pockets it.


It is currently 5:15 Pm and as a result, is dark outside. It took you guys ~40 minutes to get back to the Arvensoar from Zograthy’s.

It will likely only take over an hour to get to Fenster’s - no more than two hours, at least. As a result, you’ll still have hours before the slavers at midnight. And since it seems like half of the group is alright for a night run, and I can’t see the other 3 being too iffy on it (Since you guys have barely used any spells today, nor had enough combat to warrant rest), I’ll get us moving along no later than tomorrow morningish. Possibly sooner.

They get Lowlight Vision. And yes I just checked to make sure.

Also, you guys earned 275 exp (Each) for gathering information from Zograthy and the Arvensoar. You are now at 525 Exp, or a quarter of the way to level 2.

Done with the Arvensoar, the group finally has another lead - a local denizen of the Underbridge known as ‘Fenster the Blight’. Picking up the other half of their group from The Dreaming Dryad, only to find a grumpy Radyx who was unable to procure any alcohol, the group makes their way down to the Underbridge, heading back the way they came, intending to pass The Old Fang. Their trip to the place takes roughly 35 minutes, at which they begin their slog into the Underbridge proper.

Here, they are presented with the worst the city has to offer - piles of grimy, dirty snow clog the paths, trash, filth and waste clogging the gutters, all while above them sits the city’s icon - the Irespan. The Underbridge, meanwhile, sits nearly pitch black for those without darkvision - few sources of lights are lit, as the city can’t keep any oil in the street-side lanterns from being stolen, nor do they really care - as a result, this part of the city is eerily dark, even compared to the rest of the city.

Al’cazar, one of the numerous people in the group unable to see in the dark, lights up a torch and roughly hands it to Renfeld, saying nothing more than a quick ”Be useful.” Renfeld, though not wanting to take orders from someone that isn’t his master, is too terrified of the Runescarred warrior to protest, and meekly does as he is told, holding the torch for the group.

Roughly twenty minutes later, after having trudged through paths slick with mud and snow, the group finally reaches the ‘abode’ of Fenster the Blight - an old, half-ruined sea-side warehouse that just happens to sit in a particularly bad stretch of the coast where tidal currents cause filth and refuse in abundance to wash ashore and collect in stinking, frozen clots, causing the area to smell horribly.

Outside the dilapidated warehouse, sitting next to the beaten up doors that mark the entrance, is an old sea chest with a broken lid and a tin platter sitting in front of it. A sign, sitting against the front of the chest, reads:



Dice Rolls:

Renfeld’s Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 (Failure)

Ended up taking less than an hour to get there - as a result, it is currently 6:10 PM.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Ferit keeps his eyes on the warehouse, looking to see if he can spot anyone watching their approach.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 (+1 vs surprise)

Approaching the warehouse, you are able to hear both laughter and a surprising amount of coughing coming from inside - there are at least four men in there, as far as you can tell. It sounds like they're having a good time at whatever they're doing.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Ferit motions the others close and whispers, "Oi kin 'ear four blokes in 'er. Sounds loik 'ems drinkin' an' 'avin a grand ole toime. Wot say we sally up and give 'em a bit of a frightful welcome, eh lads?" Ferit licks his lips and tusks in anticipation of violence and terror. He cracks the knuckles of his ape-like fists, giggling wickedly.

Male Human Arcanist 1

"While the stick has proved useful once today, it also caused us trouble once as well. We should at least try the carrot before angering them." Wilhem suggests wearily. "Does anyone have a 'gift' for him?"

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

"Oi 'ave!" Ferit replies, trundling over to fart in the tin platter.

Heh, doesn't quite count Ferit :P

Male Gnome Orace 1

With a look of pained reluctance, Hoosible lifts the wreath he's been tweaking off of his black felt tricorn. He looks over the way the flowers frame the dried birds feet -- still not quite the way he'd envisioned but so much better than earlier -- and sighs.

"I suppose we can offer him this." He says, clear he doesn't really want to part with it.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Radyx does his best to stifle a laugh. "I don't think that's the kind o' gift the types round these parts be interested in, Shorty. Fancy Pants, Elfie, one of you cough up a shiny or two ya get our host's attention."

Male Gnome Orace 1

Hoosible's relief is obvious as he puts the wreath back onto the brim of his hat. "Ahem. Wonderful. If he'll settle for some coins, all the better."

Male Human Arcanist 1

"Valko and myself have already paid bribes and costs for this mission. Perhaps we should all contribute to an expenses fund for our group. A platinum piece or 10 gold pieces each?" Wilhem suggests, looking at his companions. They were very free with suggestions of paying people off when it was someone else's money, and while there were certainly more important things than gold, it would be beyond foolish to expect to live in a city ruled by the Runelord of Greed without funds.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

I have 1 GP, and I'm not giving it to anyone.

Male Human Arcanist 1

We all got a 50GP advance from whatshisname

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Who? When?

Taros gave everyone a 50 gp advance.

Male Human Arcanist 1

The pathfinderCypherlodge head guy, Taros Ardoc. Post here

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Guess I just never noted it. Still not giving this guy anything when we can just beat it out of him (in Ferit's mind anyway).

"Whoi in the 'Ells would we give this bloke that much scratch!? That's six feckin' month's rent in a decent inn. (8 ppl * 10 gp) We kin just batter whatever we need out o' 'im. Worked in the tent before 'innnit?"

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Radyx's expression goes blank when the whelp of a human dares talk back to him. His hands reflexively tighten into fists as he considers pummeling the insolent silver spoon right back out of his haunches. His rational thought keeps him in check as he knows that'd likely cost him his job or worse, as the Cypher's are paying good coin to keep this lot alive.

"Listen here, Fancy. Snotsickle's right, ya just don't throw that much coin around on a whim, especially in places like this. I'll go as good as one yeller shiny each, but any higher than that is askin for a serious tussle on our way out."

He then reaches into his coin purse and pulls out a single gold, but doesn't pitch it in until others do as well.

Male Human Arcanist 1

Wilhem sighs as Ferit and Radyx misunderstand. "I did not ask for contributions to give to Fenster, I asked for contributions to the group's expenses, one of which would be a small donation to him. Five gold should be enough for him, the rest would be kept jointly for any other bribes or costs we may encounter while working together, including any healing or other magical services, as well as mundane purchases."

"If we are to work together, then we must cooperate, and you must realize that not every situation can be resolved with threats and fists. We are junior members of the Cypherlodge, we do not have the authority yet to go throwing our weight around everywhere, as I should think that this morning's incident at the Arvensoar proves." Wilhem does a fair job of keeping hold of his emotions, but his tone grows a touch waspish towards the end.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

This little whelp has no idea who he is messing with...

"And ya saw how quick it loosened ol' Zoggy's gums, didn't ya?"

Before saying anything that will end with him getting kicked out of his new job, or having to kill several of his new coworkers, he clenches his teeth and counts to three to give him a moment to let his temper simmer down before continuing.

"If ya want a group fund put together, fine by me. But doing it here is just plain ignorant. Save that kinda talk for later, and let's deal with the here and now, savvy?"

Radyx looks to Snots and rolls his eyes, then chunks the gold coin down into the chest.

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

"Oi don't jabber 'bout ifs and whenses, Oi lives in the moment. Iffin we've got a group buy ta make, we'll make it when we make it. An' this aint a bloody copper's tower, it's a rottin' hovel smells worse me arse'ole, full o' salty dogs wettin' dere gobs. If eight o' us cain't convince four of dem to come 'round ta our viewypoint, 'hen we moight as well just slit our own throats nae!"

Thirteen people, technically Ferit, due to Wilhem's mercs and Renfeld. Bit of an update coming shortly!

Half-giant Warpriest | HP 19/19 | Blessings 2/4 | Fervor 1/4
AC 17/11/16 | Fort +6 Ref +0 Will +56 | Init. +1 | Perception +3, Low-light vision | CM +5/16

Charbonardent is with Ferit on the money thing. Try to make an RP post when I can digest everything I've missed.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Trying to get his mind off of killing Fancy Pants in various creative ways, Radys turns to take stock of the hovel they seek entrance to.

He says, to no one in particular, "A couple of us should circle round back, in case this guy gets flighty and tries to bolt out a back exit."

As Radyx’s coin clunks down onto the chest, he finds it incidentally falling off of it and down onto the tin platter, landing with a very audible ringing that just so happens to cause those inside to stop their laughter and get very quiet for a moment before one of them yells something.

Everyone but Hoosible and Wilhem:
”Oye, bawse, yu’v goot a’veestah!”

A few moments after the yelling can be heard, loud, heavy footsteps can be heard coming towards the double doors to the warehouse. Before they are opened however, the group can hear a series of alarmingly wet coughs coming from just inside the building - after roughly a minute of this, the door opens and reveals one of the most pitiful, foul creatures the group has ever seen. Fenster, as it can be presumed, looks at the tin platter with his one ‘good’ eye, scoffs, shakes his head, and slams the door on the group before they have the chance to even say something to him.

Laughter can be heard momentarily after Fenster can be heard saying something, and the group is left outside in the cold, smelly coastline.

Everyone but Ferit and Wilhem:
”Gewd fah nootin’ toopsidahs offaheen onlee'a seengal gooldy li’ thay sum soorta doombsheets. Een’t noothin’ we cah ‘boot, leet ‘em feeze thay arsees oof.”


Dice Rolls:

Charbonardent: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Ferit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Hoosible: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Radyx: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Valko: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Wilhem: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Charbonardent: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Ferit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Hoosible: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Radyx: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Valko: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Wilhem: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5

Good luck understanding THAT accent. XD

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

"That son of a b~%~~!" Radyx mutters.

He reaches down and takes his coin, then forcefully jiggles the plate inside the chest. He looks to Charbonardent as he draws his axe and shield and says, "Don't let 'em close that damn door again!"

Ready an action to force the door open if he comes back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 15/15; AC 13, Flat Footed 10, Touch 13; CMD 13; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4 (+2 vs. Enchantment; +2 vs. Poison); Perception +14; Initiative +3

"To be fair, if someone offered to hire out my information brokerage with a single coin, it would likely elicit a similar response." Valko sighs, rolling his eyes a bit. The brutes would likely not be satisfied until blood had been shed in some quantity. "Besides, if you plan to badger, bloody, and bruise he and his compatriots regardless of what sense, practicality, or common courtesy might dictate, why not pay him more now and just take it back later?"

Looking around, the young Ustlavian attempts to find a clean enough perch to sit. His "investigation" only produces a grimace and a resolve to remain upright and on his feet instead. "Here I thought we had been granted entry into the cyphermages. Someone neglected to mention the Magnimar Chapter would operate as The Hodunk Back-alley Slum Sweeping Chest Thumpers."

Half-giant Warpriest | HP 19/19 | Blessings 2/4 | Fervor 1/4
AC 17/11/16 | Fort +6 Ref +0 Will +56 | Init. +1 | Perception +3, Low-light vision | CM +5/16

Charbonardent nods to Radyx and draws his large greatsword. Then, he whispers, "Maybe grab the scrawny runt, and I'll close the door to his friends."

Male Gnome Orace 1

Hoosible -- who'd missed what Fenster was saying -- gets a startled look when Charbonardent mentions grabbing the scrawny runt.

When he realizes he's not the one being discussed, the scrawny necromancer says, "Ahem. Valko and Willhem's plan might be worth considering. I can contribute a gold or two out of our recent advance if others are as well. Even if there are only four of them inside, it's reasonable to think that he might have more friends in this neighborhood than we do."

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

"Maybe, but not many friends are willing to risk their lives for each other, especially scum like this. And if we are supposed to be Cyphers, then it's damn well time they start showin' us the respect we're due! I dunno about y'all, but I'm sick and tired of people actin' all high 'n mighty at my expense!"

His anger coming to a boil, Radyx takes matters into his own hands and stomps over to the door and kicks the thing in. He then storms in, yelling, "ALRIGHT you little s&!@s, we wanted to do this nice like but now you are gonna have this little chat whether ya like it or not!"
Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Radyx Felston wrote:

"That son of a b#@++!" Radyx mutters.

He reaches down and takes his coin, then forcefully jiggles the plate inside the chest. He looks to Charbonardent as he draws his axe and shield and says, "Don't let 'em close that damn door again!"

Ready an action to force the door open if he comes back.

The plate isn't in the chest, its in front of it and in front of the sign that leans against the chest. The chest itself has a broken lid on top of it, hiding whatever contents that may or may not be in the chest.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Assuming I kicked it in, as the check I made almost kicked in a "strong door," and you said this one was in bad shape.

Ooh goody, I was actually hoping for some fun to occur. I'll have a response up shortly! (And yes, its a weak door, you more than succeeded.)

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Glad i could oblige...hehehe

<< Encounter: "Fenster the Blight" | Round I | Hazards: Poor Lighting | Encounter Map: Roll20 Fenster’s Warehouse >>

His anger coming to a boil, Radyx takes matters into his own hands and stomps over to the door and kicks the thing in. He then storms in, yelling, "Alright you little s+%*s, we wanted to do this nice like but now you are gonna have this little chat whether ya like it or not!"

With the double doors to the old warehouse now on the ground, the group can get a clearer picture of what’s going on inside - as well as their ‘host’.

Fenster is a wretched creature, more skin and bone than meat. His flesh is clammy and grey in places, one of his eyes is clouded over with a white film, and his clothing is caked with filth and human waste; his breathing is raspy, gurgling, and smells of bad meat - even now, he’s plagued by a wet cough. Despite this, he turns around, coughing, his remaining good eye wide open in surprise of the sheer audacity that someone would break into his abode.

Behind him, four of his lackeys - men equally as wretched as their boss, sit around a table playing cards, the area lit by only a weak, pathetic-looking candle. Like their boss, they too are surprised that someone would break into their place, but two of them are able to react quick enough to figure out what’s going on - and, despite their obvious sickness, they jump to the fight without hesitation, drawing their rusty daggers from their wrist sheaths and yelling as they do.

”Oye, bawse, lewks lik we gut oorseelfs sum lifleey wons dun we?!”

”Hue hue hue lees mek tha leel piggehs squeeeeel!
Because of the poor lighting conditions, I’ve marked lights in the roll20 map via radial auras. The green aura centered around Renfeld is that of normal light due to his torch. The yellow auras represent dim lighting (20% miss chance, able to stealth). These measurements are for people without darkvision/lowlight vision. Anyone with the former does not need to worry about these up to a distance of 60 ft (or more, depending on their darkvision range). Anyone with the latter effectively doubles these. The big yellow light surrounding Renfeld is normal light to those with low-light vision, and the radius of the smaller candle light is doubled (But is not normal light). I’ll be keeping an eye on everyone’s actions to double check ‘em in regards to the lighting conditions.

Regions that are completely black are unexplored areas - in this case, in other rooms. Areas that are not within the yellow or green auras are in total darkness, and as such, have the usual issues for those without darkvision (or lowlight vision)

Lacky2: 18
Lacky5: 18
Hoosible: 17
Ferit: 16
Al’cazar: 16
Wilhem’s Guards: 16
Lacky3: 15
Renfeld: 12
Wilhem: 11
Lacky1: 11
Valko: 10
Isroth: 8
Charbonardent: 7
Radyx: 6
Fenster: 5 (Shaken for 2 Rounds)
Lacky4: 5
Note: Radyx is NOT flat flatfooted, since he went in the surprise round

Hoosible: C9
Ferit: C10
Al’cazar: C11
Wilhem: B8
Valko: B10
Isroth: B12
Charbonardent: C12
Radyx: E11
Fenster: G11
Lacky1: ??
Lacky2: J12
Lacky3: J13
Lacky4: K12
Lacky5: K13
Renfeld: B11
Gralk: C7
Misha: B7
Orlie: A9
Harl: B9

Dice Rolls:

Fenster: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Lacky1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Lacky2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Lacky3: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Lacky4: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Lacky5: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Al’cazar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Isroth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Radyx: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Charbonardent: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Ferit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Hoosible: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Valko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Wilhem: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Renfeld: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Wilhem’s Guards: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Lacky2’s Turn:
Starting Location: J12
Move action: Stand up
Move action: Draw Rusty Dagger

Lacky5’s Turn:
Starting Location: K13
Move action: Stand up
Move action: Draw Rusty Dagger

Hoosible, Ferit, Al’cazar(DMPC’d) and Wilhem’s Guards are up!

Wilhem, feel free to have your guards delay so they can move on your action, if you want. Same goes for Renfeld and Valko.

Unsurprisingly, you are able to tell that these men are all swimming in multiple diseases - to be sure which ones specifically, however, you would need to get closer and.. examine the bodies. Needless to say, the fact that these men are not only up and about in their condition, but willing and eager to fight is a testiment to their endurance - or insanity.

Regardless, it is likely that anyone subjected to physical contact with these men would risk exposure to whatever diseases they're afflicted by.

Dice Rolls:

Hoosible: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Male Human Arcanist 1

Wilhem opens his mouth to continue his attempts to reason with Radyx and the odious Ferit, before deciding not to waste his time. He nods at Valko and Hoosible's support, but his silence is validated when their advice is likewise ignored and the former gladiator charges heedlessly forward.

Wilhem simply sighs, before beginning a short thassilonian chant, gesturing with his right hand as he raises it into the air. Finishing the spell four bright balls of light swell into existence around his hand, adding to the light of Renfeld's torch.

"Gralk, Orie. Circle the warehouse, make sure noone comes out who shouldn't. Harl, Misha, you're with me." he instructs his guards, and starts walking towards the nearest corner, leaving Gralk and Orie to brave the water side.

Yeah, they'll delay. I didn't realize it wasn't my turn, but since he's not actually planning to go into the warehouse, Lacky3's action shouldn't change much :p

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Ferit hustles into the hovel, and whacks the Blight in his rotting face with a sap. "You'd fink a wretch like ewe would know wots good fer 'im!" the orc cackles gleefully. "THIS LIKKLE RAT'S MINE!" Ferit says, claiming the Blight.

Move action; Move to G11
Swift action; Challenge him. If no one else threatens him I get +1 on attack and AC against him. But if my single combat is interrupted, I -2 to attack and AC for one round.
Standard action; Attack!
Sap on Blight (Nonlethal): 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 = 25
Damage NONLETHAL (Sneak attack, sap adept): 1d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) + 1 = 8

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Minimum damage...-grumble grumble-

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