Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
I've moved you all ahead some to see what you as a group/alanar do once you run back into one another. Since he is moving at half speed you were able to catch up to him with haste. I've roughly approximated a formation for you all, but if someone else would like to be in the front/towards the back just say so.
Shenhua |
I hope I am not being too much of a pain. I have an eight hour test Sunday that's a pretty big deal for my Pathophysiology grade. I have 3-4 more weeks of class before leaving the island and will have a minimum of three more tests in there.
I'm doing my best to keep up with posts. I hope they are generally satisfactory during this busy time.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
gyrfalcon |
Totally off topic, but when I'm having woes with one of the PCs I've built I've been floored by how helpful a couple guys are over at forums.
If I can't solve it myself (or find a solution via Googling it) they haven't failed me yet.
(The forums were initially created to accompany the PC building and troubleshooting books written by R Thompson, which I also recommend, but I believe it's fine to post there even if you don't have one of Thompson's books.)
Erik Vargas |
...blah. Typed up a post last night before I left for work, left, found out that I'd apparently hit preview instead of submit. Got home, hit submit, the website ate it. I'll write it out again when I wake up. X_X
On the bright side, as an amateur PC tinkerer myself, I suspect that forum is going to be a helpful resource in the future for me. :D
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Shenhua |
I just finished my 8 hour test. I've only got two more tests for the term and for the first two years of basic sciences before I'm heading back to the States.
While I don't have any kind of breathing room due to the two tests in three weeks, I have at least made it past this immediate rough patch.
Deriku Stands on the Spiral |
Sorry for going AWOL. Work has been nonsense lately, plus the 'splody-mobo. My brother has offered to let me yank organs from his old HP, so maybe I can hobble something together without frying it.
Until then, Deriku is perfectly happy to stand around holding a lantern as he has a -6 attack for a maximum of 1 point of nonlethal damage. Also, it gives him a good vantage point to say "Stands on the Spiral told Alanar so." when he gets eaten alive by monsters.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Shenhua |
I just looked at the map for the first time in a bit. I haven't been looking at it because I thought I was next to Anlessa and we're stuck in the middle and it's not like I'm in combat anyway.
Imagine my surprise that I'm down at the end of the hallway in the dark all by myself!
So I hightailed it back to the group. I had thought that you were simply reminding me that there was no light back where we had come from. I didn't realize that Shen Hua had gone down there to find that out.
Whew. At least she's back in relative safety now. What a terrifying adventure that was.
Shenhua |
I can't view the map. I keep getting sent to a page to clear my cache and cookies. I've done it twice and deleted all information linked to web apps as well and once I try to open the map it switches me over to the warning page.
Shen Hua will move up so that she can aid another if possible but last time it looked I was in the back with no path forward.
DM Jelani |
I know people are busy and stuff, but I'm looking for two more players to get an ACG playtest off the ground. I'd love if anyone here could help me out. As I am also very busy these days I'm not asking for a lot of time commitment. It will be 1-3 posts per week depending on my own availability to update.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Hey guys, just a heads up: December is shaping up to be a real bear at my office as law firms get in their billing in advance the end of the fiscal year, so I've been pulling overtime and generally working harder than usual. As such I've been pretty burned out when I get home so I may miss a day or two of posting here and there up through New Years. Please bear with me and any slowness to respond to stuff.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
I'm back from my extra busy week at work. I'm still going to be a little slow but I've got some more free time now to handle things.
Also, may I add, it blows my mind that Alyona only has one N in her name. I-- could've sworn it was two. Like, forever. I thought you were joking at first but-- mind blown.
Shenhua |
I just finished the first of my finals and I'm wiped out with a splitting headache. I was up all night studying and so I'm going to sleep now. I will catch up and post later tonight or in the morning.
Sorry to fall behind. I'll catch up asap.
PS: Pretty sure I passed that one. One more on Thursday and then it's back to the States for Clinical Rotations!
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Shenhua |
I got all of my results today. I passed all of my courses as well as the program. Goodbye four hour lectures, pointless lab sessions and mindnumbingly frustrating questions written by people who speak poor english.
On the other hand, come May, say hello to 12 hour days at the hospital followed by a four hour study sessions six days a week and huge tests every 3 weeks. 8)
We leave the island Thursday for the States where I will be sequestered until March to prepare for Step One of my Boards. I will have a short vacation then until May when I will begin Clincial Rotations in NYC.
So, I should have far fewer problems making my one post a day for the next six months. 8)
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Hi All!
Just to give you guys a heads-up, I'm super busy because of the holidays and haven't been on the Internet outside of my phone in a few days. I'll be delayed in updating things till this weekend, most likely, though if I manage to steal a little time here and there I will!
I hope you all had an excellent week! :D
As a Christmas Gift to the groups I'm GMing for, you've each received a present of your choice, contained behind the spoiler! Just let me know which one you'll be taking in a reply to this message, and don't forget to mark it on your character sheet!
Ruins of Christmas?
Ruins of Pathfinder: Christmas Gifts!
Choose One!
You have discovered a Harrow card. Roll 1d54 and you will recieve a random Harrow Card as a boon. This Harrow Card will give you one permanent randomized effect (some good, some bad, others neutral) as well as a supernatural ability that you can use 1/day.
You are destined for greatness. Within you has awakened an untapped pool of power that sets you apart from others.
You gain access to hero points. You begin play with 3 hero points and gain 1 hero point (never above a maximum of 3) at each new level. You may also take hero point related feats and spells.
A long-dormant source of eldritch power has found itself awakened in you. Be it from a distant ancestor or a gift from a divine patron, this power feels intuitive and natural to use.
Choose one 1st-level spell. You may use this spell as a spell-like ability 3 times per day with a caster level equal to your character level. The DC for these spell-like abilities is 10 + spell level + your Charisma modifier.
Alternately, if you are a spellcaster, you may add this spell to your spells known (if you are a spontaneous caster) or spellbook/class spell list (if you are a prepared caster.)
You've pushed yourself to the limit and have gained greatly for your efforts.
You gain a +1 inherent bonus to one of your ability scores, or a bonus feat that you meet the prerequisites for.
Robert Brookes RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4 |
Hey guys! Wanted to pop in and let you know I'm running a blog of personal Pathfinder design insights over here if you're interested!
And Taeo: It *is* the Wanderer :)