Ruins of Aztlant

Game Master Nayr Trebrot


The lure of a free, open land, but what mysteries lie beneath the roots of a new frontier, or lurk deep below, in the darkest waters.
Froggy Map

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The two Celedons listen closely, their faces unreadable and devoid of emotion, as always. When Posh stumbles at first, they almost immediately go into corrections, but the wizened gnome talks over it, and they stop to listen further. After he goes on, no doubt boring his companions to tears, the celedons seem to approve. They move away, to go back to tending the area.

You are free to come and go as you please, or look around this area. No doubt you'll gain their enmity should you not return for further lessons though, so keep that in mind for the future.

Male Sulis Monk of the Four Winds 3 / HP 23 / 28 // (Resist acid, cold, electric, fire 7) / AC 15 (T: 15, FF: 10) /CMB +5, CMD 17,[ F 5, R 5, W 3 / Init +4 / Per +7

Kar stands to the side, listening but not understanding the words, trying to follow based on body language and Posh's translations. But even his mind begins to wander and he focuses on a particularly brilliant butterfly before snapping back into focus.

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

"So... that's it, then? We can move on for now?"

It does, indeed, seem as if you've fulfilled their expectations - for now at least. You're free to explore the monument, the two buildings to the north, or move along.

Half-Orc | Male | Bard 3(Archaeologist)| HP: 30/30 |AC: 16, flat: 16, touch: 10 | Fort:53, Ref: +3, Will: +3 | Attack’s: = +1 Green Longsword +7 or +9 (1d8+5 or +7), Falchion +6 or +8 (2d4+6 or +8), scorpion whip +6 or +8 (1d3+4 or +6) | At will; 0- Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark; 4/4 per day; 1st- Saving Finale, Grease, Cure Light Wounds, Summon Monster I | Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +11, Profession +4, Perception +6 Knowledge history +4, Disable Device +2, Spellcraft +5, Use Magical Device +7|Archaeologists Luck 12/12 rounds

It’s a long hard task but the gnome finally stops speaking and Jader notices their hosts walk away. He looks to Posh for approval before deciding to look around the place. After getting the nod from the old gnome Jader begins to investigate the surrounding area further

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Either tired or bored by the earlier conversation Jader can’t seem to focus on anything he is looking at

Though Jader isn't overly perceptive, he does notice that the northeast building contains a metal telescope, and the northwest building contains a modest-sized darkwood chest.

Half-Orc | Male | Bard 3(Archaeologist)| HP: 30/30 |AC: 16, flat: 16, touch: 10 | Fort:53, Ref: +3, Will: +3 | Attack’s: = +1 Green Longsword +7 or +9 (1d8+5 or +7), Falchion +6 or +8 (2d4+6 or +8), scorpion whip +6 or +8 (1d3+4 or +6) | At will; 0- Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark; 4/4 per day; 1st- Saving Finale, Grease, Cure Light Wounds, Summon Monster I | Bluff +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +11, Profession +4, Perception +6 Knowledge history +4, Disable Device +2, Spellcraft +5, Use Magical Device +7|Archaeologists Luck 12/12 rounds

Jader looks to Posh for approval wondering if the Celedons would oppose us looking at the telescope or through the chest

Posh do you think they would mind if we inspected the metal seeing device or search through the chest. Perhaps you could politely ask them?

Kitsune Wizard 5 | HP: 58 (-0)| AC 20 | F: +10, R: +12, W: +8 | Perc: +6 | Stealth: +3 | 25ft | Focus: 1/1; Hero Pts: 1/1; Staff: 6/6; Bond Item 1/1 | Spells 1st: 4/4; 2nd: 4/4; 3rd: 2/3 | Active Conditions: Tailless Form.

"I'm sure they'd be fine using the scope. The chest though...that could be personal items. I'll ask."

Turning to the creatures, he inquires "Tu, si mens non peruse hic pectus? Aut est hoc tuum propria cuncta substantia domus"


"Do you mind if we peruse your chest here? Or is this your personal belongings?"

Rushing through the streets, you nearly run down several fleeing people, each of them clutching to some prized possessions or their loved ones. Fear shows in their eyes as they look to the sky, stumbling on and crying out for help. The roaring of a great storm comes from above and, as you look down, you see the light begin to the day goes dark. Then, the boom of impact, and...darkness...

Are you alright? You seemed to...leave...for a moment. I'm not certain where your friends have gone, but their lessons were not complete. Again, will you sit and learn?

You look up, blinking away odd thoughts, or perhaps memories - though not of a life you know. Your own memories, of your own life, return...and you focus on two figures...celedons, you remember. These figures are nearly automated, and they desire to teach you of their goddess. Looking around, you see your fellow...colonists?

Alright, let's please get a description and greeting of the new crew.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Kib is a kobold, in the sun his copper scale shimmer with a green reminiscent of the rust that appears on weathered copper (ie Statue of Liberty). At right around 3 and half feet tall, he is wry, energetic, and gregarious. His pack and clothes are covered with a plethora of pockets and pouches of different sizes and many have heard him say "A tool for everything and every tool in its place" as he pulls out the things he needs. A hunter and scout, Kib came on this mission as part of a court mandated community service that he refuses to discuss while he's sober.

Kib is a skill monkey, plan is the always have the right tool, skill, or words to fill in for or assist any party member that needs a hand.

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

Grunyar. A stout dwarf of typical height and build amongst dwarven kind. Nothing particularly distinguishable about him as far as his physical features are concerned. He has a golden blonde beard and hair that is braided at his ears. However what is most peculiar about him is the obvious fact that he is not adorned in heavy armor nor does he carry what would constitute as typical dwarven weapons. Where he excels is with his intellectual abilities and magical affinity. Most akin to the magical discipline of enchantment

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

Tess... is Tess! Very little has changed, though she's had to sacrifice her fish mind control powers. In return, she's gained the ability to summon water to push things.

"Are you all alright?"

The Celedons seem confused and look across at each other.

They seem confused, yet they have come. The purpose can only be to learn. They should learn.

One turns to Tess.

Learn? It motions to one of the stone benches, offering you a seat.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Kib doesn't really know what's happening on the deeper level, but congenially hops up onto a bench and starts kick his feet while looking intently at the statue ladies. Learn! he repeats enthusiastically.

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

A pale elven woman sits up with a start. Her long white hair flowing to the ground and pass her knees. Looking around, her eyes fall on the statuesque people and her fellow companions.

'What the...I swear I just walked through a door in my study...'

Memories swirling back...'Something about helping the younglings start a colony...why would I agree to that? Well things were getting stagnant in Absalom...'

"Alseta be praised" 'I suppose'

Standing, she puts her hair in a bun quickly before taking in the region once more. 'So many young creatures. They surely know I'll outlive them as I have outlived so many others'

"Um...hello there. I'm Celaadar and seems I got a bit of a disorientation. Anyway, lets get this over with, shall we?"

Without another word, she sits on the bench.

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

With great struggle and using the same Azlanti she'd just been taught for the past few hours, she tries to communicate something along the lines of...

Bad Azlanti:
"No... learn... later. We leave now. Hungry. Tired. We come back soon. Maybe with more. Thank you very much!"

She then turns to her disoriented fellows. "If it's up to them, the lessons will never end. Literally. It's very generous but the next time we black out, it'll be of hunger. I suggest we go back to the colony, communicate this to Ramona, then set up some sort of lesson plan.

Ideally with lunchboxes."

The celedons seem excited to continue the lessons, but one of them droops considerably at Tessamine's words.

We understand your need for sustenance and rest...we have seen this with prior students. If you must return for these things, that is acceptable, but please return as quickly as you can, for you have much still to learn. And, be sure to leave the way you came; the ruins beyond are not safe.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Kib jumps up to stand on top of the bench before speaking,
Hungry? Want I should hunt something up? I've seen lots of rabbit tracks around the grounds, but not a lot of predators. Should be pretty easy to rustle them up. Of course, you'll want to cook them.
I like mine with salt and garlic, maybe a little bit of lemon. Or on a sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce, sliced thin of course.....
Kib continues speaking as he follows the group, talkative as he's always been, but still scanning the area for anything of note.

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

Grunyar is roused from his intent study of the Azlanti language. What eat! Food ehh! If orders are being taken then I’ll have two pints of dwarven malt beer and a rack of smoked ribs. Heh heh, that’ll hit the spot The dwarf chuckles at his own request. Then looking around at his surroundings he adds Bah we aren’t likely to get any of that here. Let’s do as the half fey woman suggests and make a plan to come back. We should really report on what we’ve done today.... what time is it anyway?

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

"You guys and your meats. ... Though I can't deny I've been kinda missing chicken ever since we got here. I can't wait till we've gotten the vegetable farms up and running, though."
Tess looks up at the sky, seeing if she can't maybe answer Grunyar's question.
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
If she knows, she'll tell them.

As they walk back, Tess remarks. "It's a huge relief to see some friendly faces for once, as, er, insistent as they are. If we can make sure the road is safe, anyone from the colony could learn Azlanti and make contact with these people. I'd imagine that's a big boon."

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

'Hmm seems the half-elf heritage held on to the elven wisdom' considers Claadar with a smile.

"Yes, that seems quite the good idea. Personally, I would prefer a meal without the meaty bits." she replies glancing towards the Kobald. "When you've lived as long as I have...all you short term beasts start looking the same. I've had friends in days of old that...well...all meat looks the same when everything dies before adulthood."

"A good, bland porridge does the trick most times. All the nutrition and none of the ethical issues."

'My, my. That one's probably more than half elven with such wisdom as that...'

"I agree!" she beams. "It would do the colonists good to get out and see a bit more of the island. The more capable of reading the old words, the better!"

"I suppose we'll have to venture forth at some point to secure the ruins."

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Kib just changes course mid-thought to accommodate.
Bland porridge? Vegetables? BLEH! Now, some fruit, that would be grand. I saw something that looked like apples a few miles back, between here and the village. We could pick some apples for you two. And keep some extra to cook with later. Or juice them and ferment. Lots you can do with apples. One time.......

You head back to the colony of Talmandor's Bounty at early afternoon. Considering that it's a tough trek back, you wonder about setting up travel conditions...particularly around that nasty stream.

Would you like to use exploration actions? Most of these will cut your travel time in half, making much of the trip in the dark...unless you hustle. Or, if you don't use exploration and move at normal speed, you should get there just around dusk.

Exploration activities

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

I’m a little unsure if we should be concerned with anyone following or having malicious intents towards us. So unless the others want to cover our tracks, I don’t see any need to do any exploration activities

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

I agree. Let's just get back for now, and maybe scout more carefully during our next excursions away.

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

Agreed with foregoing exploration actions on the way back

Opting for haste over caution, you head back to the colony to report back your findings.

1d100 ⇒ 91

You make it back safe and sound, just before it becomes dark. You can see many of the colonists gathered in the town square around the usual large bonfire. Serving as a source of light and safety both, the fire was usually the focal point of the colony's evening gatherings.

Ramona of course spots you as you return. She approaches, her face filled with concern. We'd thought you died out there! Where have you been for so long?

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HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Oh, you know how it is. First we got up and had breakfast, then walked, then took a break, then walked, so on and so forth. Then we found sentient, mobile statue people. Then we talked to them. They're really nice. And then we kind of blacked out a bit, I think. And then we talked to the statue ladies some more. They want to teach us stuff. Like, lots of stuff. I'm learning Azlanti. Listen. Kib points to the bonfire and says.

In Azlanti:

Then Kib looks back at Romona and smiles. What's for dinner? I brought these! And he holds up some sort of root vegetable he scrounged up on the way back.

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

Grunyar looks at Ramona Can we eat something and then rest and we can talk further in the morning? I had the strangest feeling come over me. In my mind I was a filthy half orc that thought he could sing. Grunyar shakes his head attempting to get the image out that he just put back there again

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

"Eating and resting would be wise choices." agrees Celaadar. "I don't quite feel myself either."

'Though that could simply be from prolonged exposure to these children'

Smiling at the resident half-elf, she inquires "What are your thoughts, dear?"

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

"Food and rest would be excellent. We've had quite a day, though thankfully not a violent one this time." Tess sighs. "But yes, we met some interesting characters. Friendly." She further elaborates on their meeting.

Ramona seems a bit stumped by all of this information. She starts and stops several sentences, but at the end of it all, merely throws up her hands.

Very well...go and get rest; we will discuss in the morning.

The evening passes without event, save perhaps for Grunyar's snoring. In the morning, Ramona is making rounds to try and get you all together. She's accompanied by Carver Hastings.

Well, I hope you all rested well. I've been discussing with Carver about these "statue ladies." He's very interested in sitting in on their lessons, and as soon as possible. I was wondering if you'd be willing to escort him there...or, do you have other plans for today?

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Of course I'll help. I saw some mushrooms along the path I didn't get the chance to pick. But I think they'd go great with some toasted bread and melted goat cheese! I had a friend that used to make a meal like that, and let me tell you, it was fantastic. Also, we haven't explored much in that direction and this would give us someone to make the statues happy. Have you ever seen unhappy statues? I have. Totally depressing.

Kib rambles on for a bit before looking to the others. You're all being quiet. What do you think?

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

Tess shrugs. She'd ideally made sure the path was fully safe before having people go up and down the place, but she understands Carvers enthusiasm.

"Sounds good to me, but Carver might want to pack for staying a little while. Get some food rations, maybe a tent or something. I'm sure they'll be delighted, but it's a bit of a trek and the lessons will very likely take a long time. And they don't really do interruptions."

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

"That would be fine. Carver can accompany us to the site and sit with the woman while we sort out the ruins beyond." agrees Celaadar.

"This actually works out well. By having Carver to teach, they'll be less likely to try and stop us for going on. The only way to ensure safety is to make the entire region safe for visitors."

Carver seems exceedingly interested, and rushes away to pack. In the meantime, Ramona gets in closer. You didn't see any sign of...the others out there, did you? Jader and his crew never came back through this way. Since,'s an island...well, anything could have happened, but please keep an eye out.

Now, these think they're dangerous? I could send someone along to document, if you feel its safe.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Jader? Kib seems confused by the question. Oh yeah. Tall chap, bit of an anger problem, right? Haven't seen him for a few weeks. Or that really AWESOME martial artist he hung out with. THAT guy was cool. Made good maps, too. Not seen either of them. Best to not mention the whole crew and forget they ever existed. For the last sentence, Kib waves his hands in front of his face with his eyes open really wide as he slowly backs away from Romona.

Familiar Stats:
HP 15 (-0) | AC 18 | F: +6 R: +8 W: +7 | Perc/Stealth +7; Low-Light/Darkvision
Elf Witch 3 | HP: 30 (-0)| AC 18 | F: +6; Ref: +8; Will: +7: +1 vs Emotional | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +8 | 30ft | Focus: 2/2; Reagents 3/3; Hero Pts: 1/1 | Spells 1st: 3/3; 2nd: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None.

"Didn't they have some really smart guy with them too? Kind of guy that just new a little about everything? Nope, never met them myself...I heard he was all smoke and mirror. You know? All talk and no bite? Like he didn't really know what he was talking about."

"Anyway, I'm guessing they got cold feet and took a swim..."

"As for the ruins? No clue honestly. The statue ladies told us we shouldn't go there, so we need to see what's there. I'd recommend you wait on sending anyone until we check it out."

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2
GM Nayr wrote:

Carver seems exceedingly interested, and rushes away to pack. In the meantime, Ramona gets in closer. You didn't see any sign of...the others out there, did you? Jader and his crew never came back through this way. Since,'s an island...well, anything could have happened, but please keep an eye out.

Now, these think they're dangerous? I could send someone along to document, if you feel its safe.

I’m not sure where we are going with this topic. I thought we assumed that none of these characters existed. That we woke up from a dream that we were these characters or something. Hence Grunyar’s earlier comment about dreaming or thinking he was a filthy half orc. I’m perfectly fine with either idea of never existed or that they are lost and we are looking for them. I just want to make sure I’m consistent

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

"They seemed pretty dysfunctional, honestly kinda glad I didn't stick around with them."

They existed and now are gone. Definitely don't stress about it though; I'm totally cool if we never speak of them again. Or, if there's a thread to put them in there, I may. Basically leaving my options open;)

Fair enough; that does seem to fit with your way of things. If you're told not to go, you seem to dive in headlong. Very well; we will of course be here and ready should you deem it safe - we are here to colonize and explore, of course. Please, if you would, report back when you can, and good luck!

So, headed back out to the north, dropping off Carver at the Acavna shrine and then headed up beyond it to the ruins, right?

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Sounds good to me. Let's get some action rolling.

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

Absolutely, it's high time this campaign had some old ruin desecration going on!

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

Great let’s continue onward! I kinda like the idea of the dwarf thinking or dreaming he was a half orc. Maybe he is a bit senile.

I think I have the tokens on Roll20 configured right now; let me know if you have any trouble accessing/seeing

You head out to the north with Carver, and the archaeologist seems overly excited. He talks pretty much the whole way, his excitement at speaking to these Celedons being nearly contagious. When you reach the Celedons, it's the two creatures that seem to be on the defensive now, under constant barrage of questions from Carver. They barely notice your leaving as the work quickly to keep the human on track.

You strike back out to the north, and after about another hour, the forest gives way to shattered fragments of rock and stone - the barest recognizable remnants of a lost civilization. Jutting from the grass and shrubs is a stone promenade, ten feet wide with intermittent flights of short steps that climb up a gentle slope - miraculously unchanged despite titanic upheaval of the past. Walkways extend east and west briefly before terminating into hills of wind-eroded stone rubble that might have once been buildings. A solitary, seemingly intact tower is visible on the northern horizon, approximately a mile away.

Exploration actions please!

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Kib goes on the hunt. He begins looking around for tracks, starting near by and arcing out in ever wider tracks.
I want to use Survival for the exploration, also using my Survey Wildlife feat.

Survey Wildlife:
Spend 10 minutes assessing the area to find out what creatures are nearby. Attempt a Survival check against a DC determined by the GM. On success, you attempt a Recall Knowledge check at –2 penalty to learn more about the creatures. If master in Survival, don’t take the penalty.

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

Grunyar is both interested in the change in surroundings and cautious at the same time. He searches around the area first for signs of danger then for anything out of the ordinary

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Kib surveys the area as you enter it, and seems to find an odd path that cuts back and forth across the steps. It's a roughly ten foot wide path where the brush and dirt seem scoured as if something came across and took the top layer off.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Hey guys, over here. Looks like something big came through. Like dragon big. I ever tell you all about the wyrm that owns the warrens I grew up in? She was massive, with big teeth......

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