Rise of the Runelords with a Twist

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition with some Variant Rules in Play

Maps, etc.

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Savage Rifts RotRwT

The interrogations are going to take some time, probably until early morning. You will probably be Exhausted at that point.

Sandpoint Garrison:
After letting Grenz leave and then leaving Cai tied up, the Mayor and the Sheriff agree to your plans and set you free to go and speak with your suspects. The Sheriif walks with you to the garrison, to tell the men to allow you to speak with each prisoner. He then leaves saying, ”Make sure you get what you can and leave them alive when you are done. I just want to know what is going on and how to stop it.”

The first round of questioning goes fast, Habe is easily cowed by threats of physical pain, even if the guard that is with you isn’t Grenz. ”Look, my job isn’t easy and no one else wants to do it. Most of those people have been forgotten or purposely left to my care, away from more respectable folk. I take care of them until I can’t. I am also a scientist and in order to perfect my work, I need to use some of them as test subjects for my treatments. Those treatments involve materials that are not easily gotten or entirely legal. As you can see, all of this requires money. When Caizarlu showed up, he told me he was on the run from some bad people and would pay me a lot of money to allow him to do his own work and keep him hidden from those people. At the time, I was already hurting for money, so I had to accept an offer from a fellow scientist. In the beginning, I have to admit, I was a bit appalled by some of what he was doing, but in the end, it was to a better cause, and so I allowed it to continue. That and as I said, I needed the money. A few nights ago, this man shows up in a blue coat and smelling like some of Cai’s experiments. He tells me very plainly that the coffer of coin he had with him is for me to keep my mouth shut and not interfere in his uprising. He also said more would come and our lives would be spared if we did as we were told. I couldn’t turn down more money to keep the place running. I had a good thing going.”

Red Fist, knowing the position he is in, is not as forthcoming as Habe, but what he does tell you is what he believes is the truth. ”Listen short stuff. You may not have noticed, but frankly, I only care about one thing, me and boys getting some coin and running the other crew out of town. If ghouls or goblins or whatever keep you people off our back for a bit longer, all the better. Still, you make a good point. No people, no money. I do not know who ‘RB’ is. They only contact us through notes and dropped off casks of coin and supplies. The stuff is always there, so we do the work. As for X, as far as I know, he’s some weird necro type dude, talking all kinds of zombie army type stuff. Those types of folks get folks like you taking them down all the time, but his money was good, so I told me people we’d do the stuff as long as the money kept coming. I only actually saw him once, at a distance. He stank to all the hells and wore this dirty blue coat.”

The acolyte is simply a fast turn pawn, as you quickly find out. ”I.. I am so scared. I was about to die and then you bring me back and then threaten to kill me again. I just.. I was just helping for a bit of extra coin, that’s all. I had just met him that day. He said there was more if I just let him move freely through the town where I could. That’s all, I swear!”

Blue Coat is a whole other story. ”Please, I beg you tell me what is going on. I am a respected member of society and I don’t know what I am doing in prison. Help me out, I don’t know what is happening to me.” Before he can continue, his voice changes to a deeper pitch and a strange smile crosses his lips. It’s all you can do to keep your distance and not succumb to the stench of death that emanates from him. ”I know what is going on. That simpering fool made a deal with some very bad men and he renounced on his end. Bad form. All for a pretty face. His fits of rage have taken him in and brought him into my fold and now he serves to spread the family fun. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do…” He leans in as close as he can and then breathes in your direction, the guard near you goes down in a fit of coughing and you start to choke yourself. As you try to recover, he breaks the chains holding him in place. [ooc]Make a Fortitude Save and then you will need an initiative check here.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

At the Garrison:

Well, that's turned bad. I'm probably dead here... It was close to taking 5 of us (Zarque, Sileven, Idun, Grenz and I) and I'm not in fight capable mode now... and apparently I'm exhausted too...

Fort Save: 3d6 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 9
+1 (Medium 4) + 1 Con + 1 Racial

Init: 3d6 + 4 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) + 4 + 2 - 3 = 9
+4 dex +2 spirit bonus to dex checks-3 exhausted

To gather all the info, I took Habe to have a peak at blue coat after his interrogation. Does Habe confirm that it's the same guy as he's been talking about? How about Red Fist (assuming I let him see Blue Coat as well)?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

And also nauseated now…

Habe and Red Fist both confirmed who this is to them, recognizing the stench before they even saw him with their eyes. Pushing you back, he says, ”It isn’t your time yet, you have not yet bloomed, but another I will take in your stead.” He then grabs the keys from the gagging guard and lets himself out of the room. ”We will meet again soon, don’t you worry, but first things first and you had better hurry.” With that he takes off running and you can hear the other guards trying to grab their weapons and stop him, but his overwhelming stench is too much for them.

Sandpoint Hinterlands, Night:
”Damn” - Grenz grunted to himself, veering in the direction of the screams at full speed, and without hesitation.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

At the Garrison:

Once Khamul finishes retching, he wipes his mouth and says, talking mostly to himself: "Not bloomed yet, hey. Well fine. You ain't getting taken prisoner again, and I ain't dumb enough to chase after you at night." He pulls himself upright and tells the guards "OK, tell the sheriff I'm wasted and calling it a night. I'll be back as soon as I wake up. Hopefully Gandethus and Quink will be here for a talk. Belor can try and talk Zanthus into letting a couple of his acolytes go to take over at the Sanitorium, then we'll all head out together to the sanitorium to see how Idun's night has gone."

With that, Khamul off to the Rusty Dragon for 8 hrs of bed rest. He'll grab a trio of guards to walk him there on the principle "Oh yeah, nobody walks alone, not with that *(&@! on the loose."

If the Dragon is locked up for the night, he crashes in the stable, sleeping beside his hound... Either way, he gets his needed 8 hrs. (end exhausted, end nauseated).

Ok, I'm stopping here in case DM ShadowBloodmoon intends to interrupt my beauty rest.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Caprice's disguise was quick. Simply throw on one of Habe's garments. Ill-fitting, all the better? There was no way she was going to actually look, or sound like Habe. The goal was to bet everything on a ludicrous ruse. A fit of whimsy perhaps, but such was Caprice's style.

Disguise 1 Idun as Caprice in case this guy has heard of Idun: 3d6 + 24 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) + 24 = 38
Disguise 2 Caprice as Habe: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 2, 3) + 4 = 14
Bluff: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) + 6 = 16

"The reason I am in the basement is to figure out with some of my associates a cure for this ridiculous 'curse' I am under." Caprice does her best to match the temperament and word choice, as the voice was never an option. "I will certainly be having words with the sheriff over the ridiculous vigilante justice his deputies have employed. What is turning me into some sort of elf-thing even supposed to accomplish? They were supposed to help, not whatever this is supposed to be." Caprice tries to spin a tall tale of Habe being cursed into an alternate form.

This situation desperately needs someone who isn't insane.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Grenz, Sandpoint Hinterlands:
You run to the source of the screaming and note several small creatures dancing around what was a barn. It is now engulfed in flames. Inside, in the top rafters are at least two people, once of which is where the screaming is coming from. Judging by their cackling of glee, the small creatures are goblins. At the moment, they are preoccupied with what they are doing to notice you.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Khamul, Rusty Dragon:
It is only a few hours before sunrise when you arrive at the Rusty Dragon. It is a good thing that Bethana is up this early to go and retrieve herbs from the garden in back in order to let you in. Most of the place is empty, save for the snoring coming from rooms near yours. Crashing into bed, you have restless sleep, caused by the numerous problems you have come across that are facing Sandpoint. Your fitful dreams are no better. Still you eventually fall exhausted into deep sleep until late morning. You and Grenz are almost caught up with Idun at the moment, so I’m not going to interrupt your sleep yet…

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Idun, Sanitarium:
The half-orc’s face alights with a smile. ”Some would consider being an elf a blessing, my dear. Especially a woman elf. Yet, I find it interesting that you take to the role rather naturally. Your tone of voice and inflection belie a certain familiarity that I can not yet place. Perhaps we have met, in your actual persona, and not this obvious falsehood. You see the key to deceiving others is believing the lie yourself, and you clearly are unfamiliar with it. While such integrity is a pleasant trait, it is unsuitable for ones such as ourselves. “ He smiles again with a knowing nod. ”I will determine the whereabouts of the actual Erin Habe myself, or you may simply tell me and we can continue this exchange of information later, say over dinner at the Rusty Dragon. What do you say?”

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes


"Ah, well, was worth a whimsy, it would have been ever so entertaining if you had believed me." Caprice answered with a smile of your own.

"I'm not quite one for the city, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass." Caprice shrugs.

"Do be careful out there with those keen eyes of yours, quite a few canny folk were here, more than just Habe, and now they're all gone."

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5


Upon waking, in a foul mood after his disturbed dreams, Khamul quickly grabs some breakfast and heads for the Garrison, hoping to meet up with Gandethus and Quink. While there, he will get a quick update on local situation; in particular, did blue-coat kill someone on the way out and if so, whom?

Sandpoint Hinterlands:
Grenz takes a moment to evaluate the situation, then ignoring the creatures he dashes into the barn, taking the route he thinks will take him more directly to the rafters, while wrapping a piece of his ripped pants as a mask against the smoke.

Perception?: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 12 = 20

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Idun, Sanitarium:
The tusked man rubs his chin with his hand. ”That is unfortunate, but perhaps another time then. Until then.” He bows and turns quickly, going up the stairs and then closing the door. You hear nothing after that. I am working on getting Khamul and Grenz caught up to you, but otherwise you are free to do as you wish in the Sanitarium.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Khamul, Sandpoint:
You arrive at the Sandpoint Garrison after eating a fast round of eggs and toast from Bethana, who begged you to not be in such a hurry for once. Once there, the guards at the front quickly usher you inside, where Sheriff Hemlock is waiting, along with both Gandethus and Quink and Mayor Deverin. All of them look at you at once. It is the Sheriff who speaks first. ”This.. mistake.. does not look good on your reputation, Khamul. The men followed his trail as best they could until they reached the river, at which point, they lost him. We are fortunate enough that he didn’t take anyone else with him. Yet. The problem is, now almost everyone knows there is a killer on the loose and they are pointing fingers in our direction. This is quickly becoming out of hand and needs to be dealt with. Now.” He looks to the Mayor, who only nods in agreement. Gandethus, his fingers tugging at his long beard, says, ”Apparently I was mistaken in the urgency of this matter. I have been apprised of the situation and I will offer what help I can. The last thing we need is another crazed lunatic killing our people. So far, from what I have heard, this man is simply a turned ghoul or possibly a ghast who has retained some of his intelligence. While intriguing, it is also dangerous that such a thing exists. This is especially true if he is planning on raising an army of them. We need to know to what end his plans are, but we can’t do that without him being here, in custody.” He looks pointedly at you and then the Sheriff. Brodert Quink, for his part, remains silent, smoking a pipe and simply listening as the conversation continues. It appears they are waiting for you to say something.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Grenz, Sandpoint Hinterlands:
You rush past the fire and see a woman and her young daughter clinging to each other in the rafters, coughing from the smoke. You see no way for them to get down without getting burned by the quickly spreading fire. You do notice a pile of lumber stacked near the outside of the building however. The farmfolk are too scared to notice you, but some of the goblins do and start running towards you with sharp objects and torches… I’m going to run this as more of a combat challenge than an actual combat, so you go first.

Sandpoint Hinterlands:

Grenz pauses to evaluate his options - remembering one of the many lessons he learned while he was a street fighter, he lets his training take control - "Run and live to fight another day"

Move action = Martial Flexibility to gain the Run feat.

Then he takes off at an astonishing speed, using the the pile of stacked lumber as a ramp to jump up toward the farmfolk.

Let's do this! Jump: 3d6 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (5, 5, 3) + 13 + 4 = 30

If he fails to reach them, I guess he tries to grab hold of something?: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 5, 4) + 9 = 24 (Using Acrobatics. Climb is +8)

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Aagh, I'm writing a novel here...

Khamul bites back hotter words, but his lip curls in a bit of a sneer as he replies "Your concern for my reputation is touching Belor. You might also want to think about the chains the thing broke. Who forged them and who bought them." He turns his focus to the room at large and begins ”Ok, I’ assuming that Gandethus and Quink here have been brought up to date on what we talked about yesterday morning and what we found out at the Sanitarium. With regards to what I got with my interrogations last night.

”Habe confirmed he was paid by blue coat to: ‘keep my mouth shut and not interfere in his uprising. He also said more would come and our lives would be spared if we did as we were told’. After seeing our prisoner, he said blue coat was the same guy.”

”Red Fist was also a part of Blue Coat’s network; he told me he had seen the mysterious X from the second note once, that he was ‘a weird necro type dude, talking all kinds of zombie army type stuff’, he also identified blue-coat as X after seeing him.”

”The acolyte says this was a their first meeting and all he was being asked to do is to let blue coat move freely through the town where the acolyte could let him, for a bit of extra coin. If I’d had that story out of him with no context, I’d have believed it, but we managed to overhear a bit of his conversation with blue coat in the sewers. The two don’t square to me, blue coat was talking about having ‘paid him enough money to to fund his own operation’, and how ‘It was a simple task, prevent those interlopers from coming after me until it was time‘. The interlopers are presumably our fine little band, and that doesn’t sound like a first meeting to me. I wasn’t willing to start breaking a priests fingers without direct authorization, so I left it there for now. Maybe Belor can get some more out of him today, maaaybe maaaybe bring in Zanthus to ask the question?”

”But to get back on track: it’s clear blue coat is a busy busy guy. I do not agree with Gandethus’s idea he’s a ghast or a ghoul that has retained some intelligence. I’ve witnessed him repeatedly change personalities, body language, and even his voice in mid conversation. The new personality immediately changes the subject from whatever he was about to reveal. Like last night before he broke out. He started with ‘Please, I beg you tell me what is going on. I am a respected member of society and I don’t know what I am doing in prison. Help me out, I don’t know what is happening to me.’ Then he changed, different voice, strange smile and ‘I know what is going on. That simpering fool made a deal with some very bad men and he renounced on his end. Bad form. All for a pretty face. His fits of rage have taken him in and brought him into my fold and now he serves to spread the family fun. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do…’. He breathes on me and the guard and we both go down choking. He breaks the chains. He doesn’t kill either me or the guard, but says ‘It isn’t your time yet, you have not yet bloomed, but another I will take in your stead’ and just waltzes on out. I’m pretty sure he’s getting controlled and used by something else…something is putting him on like a coat.”

”So now everyone is up to date. Joy.” Khamul pauses and points to Gandethus and Quink, ”You two are here because this mess stinks of the arcane, the ancient and the necromantic. Neither myself, Grenz or Idun have any expertise in the areas in question, and there’s been a bunch of strangeness that needs answers. In chronological order:”

”First, there’s this symbol, a seven pointed star. According to Milah and Zarque, it’s called the Sihedron, and it dates to Thassilonian times. They found it in several spots out at Thistletop. We also found it tattooed on the body of the first murder victim, the trapper who’s body was found outside the gates. When he reanimated as a ghoul, the body ended up burned to ashes. All fine, but the ‘tattoo’ marked itself on the floor beneath the body. No normal tattoo will do that… Questions that arise: what all do you know about this Sihedron, and can you think of what’s going on with that tattoo. In particular, should we be destroying all the copies we find, or should we be making lots of copies to dilute whatever effects on it.”

”Second, there’s the possession effect that blue coat is demonstrating. What do you figure is going on there?”

”Third, and actually of first priority, when we were dealing with the Sanitorium, the orderlies claimed to be ‘bound’ by the tattoos they had been given. They tattoo’s are around their wrists and of intricate design, it made a sketch, here.” Khamul pauses to fish out the sketch (of the tattoos) he made and show it to the two sages. Then he continues ”I think law says that kind of thing is quite illegal.”

”So, today, I’m headed back to the Sanitarium, and you two can come along to see the tattoos for yourselves. We need to know how to free the orderlies from their binding, because I think there are things that they can’t tell us right now. I’ll borrow some of Belor’s lads for muscle and whomever got rounded up into taking charge of the Sanitorium. Hopefully Idun’s been able to keep the lid on there…”

I image there will be question from my audience and interruptions, but that last para the plan for today so far… Hopefully that puts me and Idun back together. Lord GM knows where Grenz has gotten to. As an aside, I don’t suppose anyone recognize this respectable member of society that blue-coat, non-possessed, was telling me he was?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Grenz, Sandpoint Farms:
You easily make the leap through the flames, barely even touching the wood with your feet, and you can feel the adrenaline pushing you higher as you land almost perfectly in front of the two farmfolk. They look at you in fright, unsure of your intentions. Meanwhile, you hear the telltale thwack of rocks and other things being thrown at you from the goblins below…

Savage Rifts RotRwT

That only means we are making a good story here!

Khamul, Sandpoint:
The gathered audience listens intently to your story and you spend an hour debating on going back and forth between what to do and what can be done to keep the peace. It is the Mayor who lays it all out. ”Alright. I will have Sheriff Hemlock help me keep the peace in town and try to quiet the rumors of a killer being on the loose. That means that you and your people, Khamul, will need to hurry this along and catch him. At this point, for all the trouble he has caused, I am authorizing you to put him down, permanently. I agree that the acolyte knows more than he is letting on, but I will leave that to you to figure out. Gandethus and Brodert, I know this taking from your duties, but we need that rune and its implications figured out. I’m no expert on Thassilon, but I do know that they were not a nice people long ago. The killer is using that symbol for a reason.” At this point, Brodert Quink pipes in.

”I believe I may have something. A couple of weeks ago, a young noble came to my book shop, looking for books about old Thassilon. I thought nothing of it, as he wasn’t the first to do so, but he did seem rather in a hurry. Said he had a place down south, past the Sanitarium. There are lots of old manors down that way. He didn’t give a name, but he had a brooch with a stylized fox on it. And his coat was blue.”

”Come to think of it, “, Mayor Deverin continues, ”There was a nobleman who had been asking around about building permits. I’ll have my clerk look into his name for you. In the meantime, take Gandethus with you to the Sanitarium. Brodert can get started on his research and Gandethus can remove those restraints. We may have to think about getting more people from Magnimar to help keep the Sanitarium up, but for now, we can only spare a handful of men. As I said, the Sheriff and I still have a town to keep safe and quiet. Bring back whatever examples you can of the runes, but do not destroy them until we know what that might do. As for your quarry, we can speculate all we like on how he got that way, but I am more concerned about stopping him before more innocent folk have to die. That is your mandate. See to it. And before I forget. Thank you. I know this isn’t easy, especially for a newcomer to our town.”
Okay, as soon as Grenz’s part is done, we can all meet at the Sanitarium.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5


Ok, Cai had us off to a manor house to the south of the sanitorium as well, https://paizo.com/campaigns/RiseOfTheRunelordsWithATwist/gameplay&page= 75#3720
Now we have a nobleman with a blue coat (and a fox brooch), who has a place to the south; I think I know where the adventure takes us next...

Before heading off to the Sanitorium, Khamul will seance the Champion spirit for the day.

He will also spend 2 minutes with Cai asking if the manor he was sending us to has a name or something to tie it to a stylized fox device. Then he will spend another 5 minutes (skipping the line-up using the mayor's laissez-passer) talking to the town clerk; specifically, showing him the map that Cai gave us and asking what he knows about this property... Then it is off to the sanitorium, fast as I can, with Gandethus, Mirah and/or Gurin and a couple guardsmen in tow.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Caprice will return to Idun form and help around the sanitarium and wait for other others to return, with a special eye for Sara.

I'm fine with waiting for them to show up, otherwise we could do a scene with Sara.

Grenz, Sandpoint Farms:

"Hi, I am here to help" - Grenz nodded - "For a start we need to get you out of this fire - I will jump down and draw them. Can you get down on your own, and make for Sandpoint?" - he added, and zapped a protective spell from his wand, anticipating the fight.

Using wand of Mage Armor.

Acrobatics to jump down if the farmfolk respond affirmatively: 3d6 + 13 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) + 13 = 23

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Cai only knows the location of the manor and knows nothing of the fox or the man himself other than his stench and his good money. The clerk tells you that the manor you are looking for once belonged to a family called Foxglove, but it has been recently declared uninhabited, as the upkeep on it had stopped being paid. It is on a long list of things to deal with, but other priorities have taken place and so it keeps getting pushed back. The last known owner was a young man named Aldern Foxglove, whose family started their fortune in the fur trade out of Magnimar, but after that the records show nothing of where he might be.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

We can do a scene with Sara. You spend some time trying to keep the patients taken care of, but as you already well know, that isn’t always easy, especially when short on staff. You do find a few minutes to go in and see Sara however. When you find her, she is staring longingly out of a barred window.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The child and her mother nod affirmatively as they start making their way to a ladder that is threatening to be overcome with fire soon. As you jump down, two goblins throw their torches in your direction and then charge at you with maniacal glee.. Make two defensive rolls and then you may act.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5


After getting his information, it's off to the Sanitorium, quick as can be, with assorted NPC's in tow...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I cannot put spoilers inside spoilers...

As the creatures begin to approach him, Grenz finds his balance - fists and feet ready to strike - "Think we can fend them off?" - he grunts at Scourge, perching on his shoulder, as menacing as hedgehog can be.

2 Defense Rolls

Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 4) + 3 = 16
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) + 3 = 13
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) + 3 = 11

Defense 1: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) + 14 = 23
Defense 2: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) + 14 = 29

Falling into his inner rage, he then lashes out with a series of attacks.

Controlled Rage + Flurry.

Flurry 1: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 11 = 20
Damage if it hits: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Flurry 2: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) + 11 = 21
Damage if it hits: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Another set of Defensive Rolls (for the incoming attacks)

Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 3 = 17
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 1) + 3 = 13
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 3 = 17

Defense 1: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) + 14 = 25
Defense 2: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 6, 5) + 14 = 31
Defense 3: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 14 = 23
Defense 4: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) + 14 = 23
Defense 5: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) + 14 = 20
Defense 6: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (1, 4, 6) + 14 = 25


AC: 20 (22 with Aid Another on defense from Scourge)
HP: 34/34
Effects: Dragon Style, Controlled Rage (spent 1/11), Mage Armor.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Not to worry, the way Grenz is rolling, this will be over and you guys will be back together soon.

You easily move out of the way of the incoming torches and the first two goblin go flying from the wicked fists you throw in their direction. Several more pile on to you, attempting to stab and slice you into ribbons, their own sense of safety overridden by the glee of blood and fire. There are probably about six more on you, each one hacking and slashing at you. It is hard to see if any others are around and the flames are getting hotter. Make a Fortitude save and then take your next round.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

In that case I'll hold off on Sara for now. I was saying as an option and less as a thing I had a good plan for.

I try! :)


Fort: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 6, 2) + 10 = 21

"Run now, and I will not chase you" - Grenz growled in the goblins' own tongue, the flames burning his back. He did not relent his attacks though.

Speaking Goblin there :P

Flurry 1: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 3, 2) + 11 = 17
Damage if it hits: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Flurry 2: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 11 = 19
Damage if it hits: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Defensive Rolls

Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 1) + 3 = 14
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) + 3 = 15
Scourge Bodyguard bite vs. AC10: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) + 3 = 14

Defense 1: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) + 14 = 24
Defense 2: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 14 = 28
Defense 3: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) + 14 = 22
Defense 4: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) + 14 = 27
Defense 5: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) + 14 = 28
Defense 6: 3d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 5, 3) + 14 = 25


AC: 20 (22 with Aid Another on defense from Scourge)
HP: 34/34
Effects: Dragon Style, Controlled Rage (spent 2/11), Mage Armor.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

You thrash around, throwing two goblins from you, one slamming into the ground hard enough to break something and expire on the spot. The other goes flying into the fire behind you. The rest of them change their cackling to screams of terror as they flee. Your limited knowledge of the goblin language tells you that they are calling you a ”Fire Demon”, as the flames do not seem to bother you any. Once you are sure they are gone, you look around. The fire will consume the entire barn, but there is little you can do about it without being able to summon a massive amount of water. You see the woman and her daughter hesitating as they head for the road to Sandpoint. You notice that it appears the darkness is too much for them and they may not be able to see, let alone protect themselves along the way. You also notice the daughter looking back towards the farmhouse itself, which hasn’t yet caught fire and is far enough way that it shouldn’t. Sandpoint would be at least an hour for them, if not longer in the dark. You can help them or continue to the Sanitarium…

The half-orc could not supress a chuckle as the goblins ran off - ”Fire Demon… I like that” - he mumbled to himself, then sped off to meet up with woman and her daughter - ”It seems I managed to scare them off. I am Grenz” - he nodded - ”The barn is gone, but maybe we can turn back and make sure the house is also kept safe? Do you have a well? Some place we can get water from?”

Of course Grenz will help ;)

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The woman looks around, making sure there are no more goblins. ”Ye..yes. It’s just by the house.” She points and then starts moving towards it, along with her daughter. It takes some time, but eventually some of the nearer farmers have come running as well. Within hours, the fire is put out and everyone is tired, except for the Dragon Monk. ”You saved our lives stranger,” the woman says as everyone starts to make their way home after making sure she and her daughter are safe. ”Please allow me to let you rest for what is left of the night. Sun up will be in a couple of hours and you did more than your fair share. I have a spare room that you can use.” Presuming you take her up on her offer, in the morning you will be able to continue on to the Sanitarium.


"It was just blind luck that I came across your farm when I did" - Grenz nodded - "I do have urgent matters..." - he pondered, rubbing the weariness off his arms and shoulders - "But I will accept your hospitality" - the half-orc added resolute - "I will stay here and make sure those goblins do not return - I am guessing this is not a common event in the area? And how will you fare come the next days, with the barn destroyed?"

Yep, Grenz will stay - he is concerned goblins may still be in the area. He decided Idun's chances at taking care of herself during the night are better than those of this woman and child. So we can press on, and continue with the RP in retcon? Grenz is also interested in understanding what the future of this family (and others) may be. Maybe he can help moving, or in the construction of a new barn, perhaps even supporting some of the costs. And he would like to know their names, what sort of possibilities and capabilities they have to defend themselves, etc.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The woman talks with you as you walk towards the house. It is a simple home, with stone foundation and wooden frame, as is the norm for this part of the world. ”Jeanette,” she says. ”My daughter is Isabella. My husband was taken to Pharasma’s Spiral a few weeks ago, when the goblins came through to Sandpoint. He was there buying supplies. We’ve been doing all right, trying to get things back to normal. The neighbors have been real kind to us. The barn is a big loss, but I am hoping to contact my family in Magnimar, maybe they can help us out. I know my neighbors will help as they can, but that barn won’t be easy to replace. It took us years to get it put up.” She sighs at this point, obviously having a difficult memory. ”I, we, appreciate the help you’ve given us. We thought the goblins were pushed back after the last attack, but it seems some of the bolder ones are still out there. If someone could put an end to them once and for all, that would be the biggest help.”

In the morning, she makes you breakfast and wishes you well on your continued journey, saying, ”We hope to see you again soon, Grenz.”

Altogether now..
Sunday, 20 Lamashan 4707, 10:28am. 45 degrees, Clear. Habe’s Sanitarium

As Grenz makes his way towards the Sanitarium, he runs into Khamul and an entourage of people. You finish the walk to the Sanitarium within the next half hour and catch each other up on the night’s activities. As you reach the Sanitarium, you see a man dressed in rather fine clothes getting into a horse drawn carriage and speeding away quickly, not even glancing out to see who he nearly runs over. An orderly stands at the front entrance, watching him go. When he notices you, he calls out, ”I see you have brought help. Thank you. Your friend is inside.”

Going in you find Idun… What is Idun doing at this point?

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Checking his hound sideways to dodge the carriage, Khamul takes a good look at it for identifying marks (a noble's crest for example) as it speeds past:

Perception: 3d6 + 4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) + 4 + 3 + 1 = 23
4 ranks +3 trained +1 trait

Perhaps there will be an accounting for this behavior later...

In the meanwhile, he dismounts and hitches his hound, asking the orderly "I take it things went OK overnight?". He proceeds inside, bringing the troupe with him...

"Well met to you then Jeanette" - the half-orc offered - "And to you Isabella" - he added, crouching down near the girl, Scourge on his shoulder sniffing the air.

They can play together if they so desire.

"I am sorry to hear about your loss" - he continued to the woman - "I know resources are scarce at the moment, but sheriff Belor seems to be a decent, honest man trying to do his best. So perhaps he can try to arrange for some temporary protection for you and your neighbors, while you try to sort yourselves out. Maybe the occasional patrol. You should talk to him" - Grenz pondered - "I will come back to check on you and the area for further signs of goblins, as soon as I can"

Before departing, he left twenty gold pieces and a scribbled note under his pillow without neither mother or daughter noticing - 'To help with the new barn'

"Thank you for your hospitality, and the breakfast" - the monk waved, and continued to join the others.

All together.

"Khamul, how are things back at Sandpoint? I got sidetracked by a roving band of goblins attacking a farm..."

When they arrive at the Sanatorium, Grenz follows his companion inside quickly, eager to know if all went well overnight with Idun.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul's reply is grim: "Things ain't so good back in Sandpoint; let's find Idun so I only have to tell this tale once."

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

"Good to see you!" Idun emerges a minute or two after the other man leaves, looking sleepless and tired, but still holding together. "Do you have more of that holy stuff to find ghouls and any treatments? I've done what I could."

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Idun gets a relieved hug, "Brave lady, good to see you in the morning sunshine again; I see you had a bit of a night but I think all of us did!"

After letting go, he continues with introductions: "These folk I brought with me - you know Mirah and Gurin here, they're here to take over running the Sanitorium until things can get sorted out. This distinguished gentleman is Master Gandethus of the Turandok Academy. He's here to take a look both at what Cai was up to and the tattoos on the orderlies. Finally, Ren and Michael here are a couple of Belor's fine lads along to help things get organized here at the Sanitorium. "

Turning to the assorted NPC's, he says "Ok, this is Idun and you've met Grenz. You all know why you're here, so while Idun, Grenz and I have a talk, you folks may as well get on with your jobs." Waving them inside, he leads Grenz and Idun off into the sunshine of the crisp morning to have their discussions in a bit of privacy...

Then he replies to Idun's query "I have one more pot of Holy Weapon Balm, and I'm minded to keep it rather than use it as a ghoul identifier; I think we might need it in a fight, soon. No developments on treatments unless you've come up with something." He pauses for a deep breath and continues "Now as to how Sandpoint is, well a deal has been cut with Cai, he is now our necromancy consultant in exchange for exile rather than life imprisonment. Habe's in prison and singing. I got a bit more out of Red Fist. But our good friend Blue Coat escaped: he breathed something on me and the guard and we both go down choking. He breaks the chains. He doesn’t kill either me or the guard, but says ‘It isn’t your time yet, you have not yet bloomed, but another I will take in your stead’ and just waltzes on out..." With a forced grin, he asks Idun "So how's your work on Cai's innoculation going? I'm leaning towards testing it myself." Another pregant pause and he continues "We also have another lead to chase - there's a manor house south of here, owned by the Foxgloves. The member of the household wears a blue coat and visited Quink looking for books about old Thassilon. That manor is the one that Cai tried to send us off too yesterday. Who wants to take an excursion this afternoon?"

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

"Oh... Oh my..." Idun rocks back, leaning against a nearby try as she takes it in.

"On my end... I tried the inoculation, or as close an approximation of it as I could make, but the only way we'll know for sure whether it worked is if we don't get another ghoul outbreak."

"Well, I presume you took care of the goblins no problem." Idun asks Grenz. "... Though, are we gonna need to do something about any bodies? I dunno, can they infect bodies that are already dead?"

”Good thing that you are unharmed Khamul” - Grenz nods at his companions after hearing the recount.

The Captivating Caprice! wrote:
"Well, I presume you took care of the goblins no problem." Idun asks Grenz. "... Though, are we gonna need to do something about any bodies? I dunno, can they infect bodies that are already dead?"

”Good to see you well, and you know me Idun - I scared them off with a punch, a kick and a roar” - he chuckled - ”But from what the farmers told me, the incidents with goblins are not exactly rare, so there may be some dispersed roving bands in the region. That is something we should look into”

Turning to Khamul, he continued -”You can count on me for that excursion today - we need to get to the bottom of this… This Blue Coat guy is getting bolder and bolder. He needs to be stopped”

Savage Rifts RotRwT

So it sounds like everyone is in agreement with going to the Manor next. If there are any other preparations you want to make, now is the time. The rest of the NPCs have set to work trying to setup a temporary replacement staff for the patients and Gandethus will be perusing through all of Cai and Habe’s notes, as he can. I will work on getting the path to the manor written out for tomorrow, real time.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

When you are ready.

Sunday, 20 Lamashan 4707, 2:21pm. 47 degrees, Windy, Foxglove Manor.

You travel down the Coast Road a ways, following the directions you have been given towards the manor that has been popping up in conversations about recent events. A side path, overgrown with unkempt weeds and shrubs, attempts to bar your passage, but you press on, determined to figure out if this is indeed the source of problems Sandpoint has been experiencing of late. You shiver as you continue, though your clothes have kept you warm in the winter air, it seems the closer you get to this place, the colder it gets. Finally, after over two hours, you come to a bend that leads up a hill. A broken wrought-iron gate stands agape at your approach. The flora here seems to have lost its will to live, with broken trees and leafless bushes covering the grounds. You notice more than a few crows roosting on various parts of the roof of the manor itself, which seems to be in major disrepair. A few of the holes have been boarded up, but it looks as if whoever was doing the work has given up. The roar of the waves does little to drown out the creaking sounds you hear that seem to be coming from the house. It looks almost as if it is about to fall, or maybe jump, into the ocean below the cliffs it rests on. Every so often you think you hear something on the wind, but your mind tells you that it is only the wind and nothing more.

You are standing about 30 yards from the entrance, what do you do?

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul pulls up on his hound, and pauses (casts guidance); he takes a long assessing look at the place...

Perception: 3d6 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 22 (and another +4 to detect danger if appropriate)
ranks +3 trained +1 trait +1 guidance

Then he ventures an opinion, "This place looks to have been abandoned to the elements a long time. Strange, given the theoretical owner came into Quink's shop a couple of weeks ago. I don't like it." He digs out the merchant's pomander he purchased for the sewer expedition, but doesn't unseal it yet...

Grenz carefully followed after the others, senses alert to any danger.

Perception: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 12 = 24

"What is the plan? Are we going to simply knock on the door?" - he comments to his companions.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Other than an eerie feeling and the strange, almost voice-like sounds coming from the wind through the trees, you don’t sense anything immediately dangerous. However the house itself, though it still stands, is perched on the edge of a cliff and in its current condition, may not be as stable as it should be. The only other creatures you notice in the area is a slowly growing murder of crows.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul casts a suspicious eye on the gathering crows and replies to Grenz "Doesn't look like anyone's home, I think we can skip knocking..." He rides his hound up to the front of the manor and dismounts, commanding the hound to stay (he does not hitch it, in case he needs to come running for it). He takes a second to center himself (casts guidance, and takes his time to use it as necessary) He looks over the steps for a possible trap and quietly (using stealth) heads up to the front door, which he also checks for traps. Assuming he finds none, he sets about opening the door (presumably it's locked)...

Perception to find traps on the steps and the door: 3d6 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2, 6) + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 25
ranks +3 trained +1 trait +1 guidance +4 detect danger

Stealth: 3d6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 23
3 ranks +3 trained +4 dex +4 small

Disable Device: 3d6 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6, 6, 3) + 4 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 30
4 ranks +3 trained +4 dex +1 trait +1 guidance +2 MW tools

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I am going to see if Grenz or Idun do anything before adjudicating the results of this, it could make a difference.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Presuming I had 15 minutes to prepare some Warpaint before coming.

Silver for me: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 4, 6) + 10 = 24

Yellow for Khamul: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) + 10 = 16

As they neared their destination, Idun broke marching silence to speak up. "Something I wanted to mention... I feel like I've been getting... Overconfident of late?" Idun is a bit apprehensive, but pushes forward. "Just, I felt like with going around with such a bunch of great heroes, there's no way we could fail! But now, with us getting pulled apart in so many directions, I can't afford to keep being that way, the sanitarium really showed me that. I'm gonna try to start showing everything I can do."

Below presuming there was time for Warpaint.

"So, for starters, I made these. I've been lax in making them ever since we cleared the sewers so easily but I need to start making them again. Khamul, you've got keen eyes, but this should make you exceptional! And this one for me should make me a little less of a liability."

Competence +7 to Perception for 2 hours to Khamul if he's down.
Deflection +2 to AC for 4 hours to Idun.

Resume part that would happen no matter what.

"And uh... The biggest part of that is um.. well.. I.. Have a... hero that I made up? Er... that just sounds like an imaginary friend.. Um an alter ego maybe? Um..." Idun is clearly a bit embarrassed to share. "The point is, I'm a fair archer right? Not amazing, not really a hero at it, just kinda competent for a normal person. But... when I pretend really hard that I'm this other person, so hard that I almost believe it myself, I somehow am a really really good swordsman? But I can't focus on tracking anymore? It's weird. Uh.. That is to say. When we think it's more likely that we need another fighter than a tracker, I can pretend to be that other person. And, well, the tracks aren't going anywhere I don't think, so while we explore this probably ghoul infested manor, I should probably be in my fighty alter ego."

Idun rambles a bit nervously, but hopefully gets the point across.

And then, with that out of the way... If the party generally agrees, she will go Caprice mode (with the party for the first time), and join Khamul a safe 10 ft or so behind his approach to cover him but hopefully not spring a trap at the same time.

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