Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc




Casting: When casting a spell defensivly if you fail you do not automaticly lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell.

Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on your attack roll, make a dexterity check. If you get less than 10 you fumble. If you get more than 10 your attack simply misses very badly. If you roll a natural 20 you get your attack back, roll another attack roll!

Super crits: If you roll a natural 20 on a critical and when you roll another 20 to confirm this is a super crit, increase your weapons modifier by 1. (ex: X2 becomes X3)

Many rolls will be handled by the GM in secret.(don't worry, I don't fudge.)
Any result that can influence the character behavior will not be rolled open.
Rolls that will be handled by the GM:
Sense Motive.

if you make the check I will send you a pm or make a post and put it in a spoiler depending on the situation.

Sometimes I will roll Initiative others I will ask you to roll depending on the situation. In some situation (rarely) I will bypass init entirely and have you all go first and enemies second or have enemies go first and you all go after.

Combat rules:
I'm a fair GM, I dont roll combat in secret, I don't change results, I don't ignore bad calls from the characters.
Sometimes, character dies, but I'm not a player killer, if I think that an encounter will be easy handled, when it should be more challenging, I will make it a more challenging, if the party it's not prepared to face something, I will drop hints, if they insist... well killing one or two players never made me lack sleep...

I'm a GM that do not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! If what you want to do is wicked cool, I can even bend the game mechanics to allow it! The most importat part is: You are villains. Villains are smart, resourceful and have style! Have you ever seen a memorable villain that could just swing his sword and do nothing more?

Posting Rate
If it could be done, I expect 1/day posting, if you can post more, it will really good.
During weekend, this rule does not apply. If you are able to post, great! But dont stress over this, everyone need some time to rest (In my case, I need time to play and DM :D on my tabletop games).

Level up
Aside from character creation, when you level up, if you want something not from core rulebook, you'll need to search it inside the game. basicly what you need to do is just show in game your character is searching for that knowledge. This rule is not meant to prohibit anything, I just don't like something like this: "Character always as a full caster, never picked up a sword in his entire life, and then he gain a new level and says: Master, I'll level up as a fighter now..."

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I am interested in running Rise of the Runelords again. I have started this campaign around a six times but never made it past part 3 so this time I would like to start in part 3.

Honestly there isn't much in part 1 and 2 that are relevant to the main story. The main villains only start to reveal themselves in this part.

So character begin at lv 7, 20 point buy for stats, 23,500 gp starting gold, no more than 50% can be spent on one item. No evil alignment.

Just let me know what your planning to make and I will let you know if I object to something instead of asking what is or isn't allowed. Pretty much everything that isn't 3rd party is allowed and I allow some 3rd party stuff.

I will be choosing characters not by first come basis but rather I will pick those I find most interesting so having a detailed background really helps your chances.

I will be taking on a maximum of six players.


Casting: When casting a spell defensivly if you fail you do not automaticly lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell.

Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on your attack roll, make a dexterity check. If you get less than 10 you fumble. If you get more than 10 your attack simply misses very badly. If you roll a natural 20 you get your attack back, roll another attack roll!

Super crits: If you roll a natural 20 on a critical and when you roll another 20 to confirm this is a super crit, increase your weapons modifier by 1. (ex: X2 becomes X3)

Many rolls will be handled by the GM in secret.(don't worry, I don't fudge.)
Any result that can influence the character behavior will not be rolled open.
Rolls that will be handled by the GM:
Sense Motive.

if you make the check I will send you a pm or make a post and put it in a spoiler depending on the situation.

Sometimes I will roll Initiative others I will ask you to roll depending on the situation. In some situation (rarely) I will bypass init entirely and have you all go first and enemies second or have enemies go first and you all go after.

Combat rules:
I'm a fair GM, I dont roll combat in secret, I don't change results, I don't ignore bad calls from the characters.
Sometimes, character dies, but I'm not a player killer, if I think that an encounter will be easy handled, when it should be more challenging, I will make it a more challenging, if the party it's not prepared to face something, I will drop hints, if they insist... well killing one or two players never made me lack sleep...

I'm a GM that do not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! If what you want to do is wicked cool, I can even bend the game mechanics to allow it! The most importat part is: You are villains. Villains are smart, resourceful and have style! Have you ever seen a memorable villain that could just swing his sword and do nothing more?

Posting Rate
If it could be done, I expect 1/day posting, if you can post more, it will really good.
During weekend, this rule does not apply. If you are able to post, great! But dont stress over this, everyone need some time to rest (In my case, I need time to play and DM :D on my tabletop games).

Level up
Aside from character creation, when you level up, if you want something not from core rulebook, you'll need to search it inside the game. basically what you need to do is just show in game your character is searching for that knowledge. This rule is not meant to prohibit anything, I just don't like something like this: "Character always as a full caster, never picked up a sword in his entire life, and then he gain a new level and says: Master, I'll level up as a fighter now..."

You start in Magnimar, you are hired by the lord mayor to investigate a nearby town in the mountains that has suddenly gone silent.

this is my submission for the Game DM (this is Gloin with the way)

Its my original Character for this AP. DM disappeared on us right after we finished Book 1

If chosen he will be leveled to 7th (as Oracle)

As the CotCT recruitment closed before I was able to complete a submission, I'll try my luck here. Before I delve into the background-writing, though, I have a question - should I assume that the character has participated in the events of the first two parts off-screen, or are you going to run it as if those events were resolved by other adventurers?


Would you allow this.

Liberty's Edge

I'm interesting in submitting a character who would be based on a character I played in a RotR PbP that got him up to level 3 before the game folded. I'm not sure where in the narrative we were, but given what level we were, I suspect we were well into but not finished with book 1. (I haven't read the books myself; I was just somewhat familiar with what was going on because of playing in the campaign.)

The character is Lucan Arcaranarian, a native son of Sandpoint who'd gone to Magnimar to study magic, and ended up studying both magic and arms (hence his being a magus). He came back to Sandpoint just before the goblin attack that starts the AP.

I would bump him up to 7th level (or, really, recreate the character at 7th level), and submit him. If you want the campaign to start fresh at book 3 (i.e. no part of the previous books are in the backstory), I'm fine with that.

I am interested.

Would you allow Psionics? In particular I am thinking of Playing a Psion. I was thinking of going with either kineticist (blasty) powers or more of a telepath.

I like when things are not "fudged". I would rather my character die because the dice fell against his favor than to live only because someone felt nice.

i'd like to submit Lilya, an elven barbarian/ranger.

im not familiar with the AP at all, or golarion for that matter (my tabletop group plays PF rules in faerun), so im a bit light on specifics - but this character would be drawn from a small tribe of wild elves. she has, (in her mind at least) a mystical connection with an aspect of her homeland from whence her abilites are derived. (in reality this aspect is more likely a mild personality disorder, which could also be used by the GM to give Lilya subtle motivation or direction).

shortish and stocky by elven standards, she is nevertheless graceful in the way of her people. typically utilitarian by nature and appearance, her one vanity is her hair which she does not cut and loves to arrange in intricate braids and layers. though somewhat absent minded - she takes great joy in seeing things acting in accordance with their nature, sometimes preferring to observe when she should perhaps act - she fights with furious concentration when roused to anger.

inquisitive and possessed by a wanderlust, Lilya has travelled extensively over the years and now finds herself caught up in the goings on at sandpoint et al, motivated primarily by curiosity.

crunch wise i'd like to set her up as dex focused with an elven curve blade, probably using the urban barbarian archetype and guide archetypes.

let me know what you think, open to suggestions etc :)

Azure I'm not sure what your asking can you explain?

Your characters may be aware of some of the things that happened but yes assume that the situations in part 1 and 2 were resolved by others.

Basically the goblin attack on Sanpoint happened and was repelled you may have been there.

Scouts were sent out and a bounty was put up for killing goblins, Bounty hunters and adventurers went out and many goblins were killed and the chieftain responsible for the raid was killed. Again you may have participated.

There was a breaking-in at the glassworks in sandpoint, the owner was killed. You heard his daughter was captured and was later rescued by a local ranger named Shalelu.

Later on there was a string of murder by a local noble named foxglove that had been turned into a ghoul and a prominent member of Magnimar was found to be a cultist who was behind it and he was arrested.

DireMerc wrote:

Azure I'm not sure what your asking can you explain?

Your characters may be aware of some of the things that happened but yes assume that the situations in part 1 and 2 were resolved by others.

Could we use the racial classes here -> Link

Think Savage Species from 3.0, but a pathfinder updated version

And are bestiary templates available as another option

What were you planning on making? Depending on the case I may allow it.

any interest in my concept diremerc? if so i'll flesh her out a little more.

Sent PM.

Leaning to cleric as the class

Resubmitting my Changeling Witch. Her backstory is here. She likes to travel so she'll basically just be in the neighborhood for the adventure hook.

I will make a new character sheet when I can.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I would love to join. My first idea is:
Lord Zohan: I'm not really a lord. I'm a wizard who believes my destiny is to take over the world. I was a bullied scholar whose passion for history has awakened my memory of a past life (or so I believe).
Do I hire the party to get me to my destiny? Does my pride or my greed threaten to overtake me during the adventure?

Submitting Andrass Teoss, LN Human Inquisitor(Spellkiller) of Abadar.

On the day before...:

Andras Teoss's reflection was looking back at him from one of the large golden-hued mirrors in the grand vestibule of the Magnimar's Bank of Abadar. With a few swift motions Andras cleaned the specks of dust from his armor, making sure that he looks impeccable, as suits the occasion. After all, he's not being summoned to the Proctor's office every day - in fact, exactly 3 years have passed since the last time.

He took a moment to reflect on the experience. 3 years have passed since he last walked the cobblestones of Magnimar as a Taxmaster, but he still kept his old mustard-coloured mask with him at all times, even though it could hardly be of any use to him in the dark and damp corridors of the Osprey piling of the Irespan bridge. The place he didn't even know existed until that fateful meeting with the Proctor. He vividly recalled the man's gaze piercing his very soul, as if carefully weighting and measuring its worth with every word. "Unquestioning loyalty", "utter devotion", "utmost discretion", "exceptional talent" - he intoned all that praise, evidently written by his former peers and superiors, with a deliberate indifference, as a judge reciting the list of misdeeds before declaring a death sentence. And in a way, it was.

What happened next forced Andras to sever nearly all ties with his past life, as he was subjected to rigorous physical and mental training to prepare him for his new duty - a gaoler of sorts, but for very special kinds of prisoners. For the Osprey piling catacombs was no usual gaol - to be put there, one had to not simply be found guilty of an especially heinous crime against Magnimar, warranting a death sentence, but also be deemed more valuable - or less dangerous - in the dungeon than on the gallows. And once there, a person (or occasionally, beast) was for all intents and purposes dead to the outside world. Not even powerful magic could help whisk an inmate away - and it was Andras' primary duty to ensure this through the techniques of suppressing hostile spellcasters which have been imparted to him for this duty.

Andras' musings were interrupted by the sound of the opening mahogany door with the golden keys engaved on it, and Andras found himself under the scrutinizing gaze of the Proctor again. This time the feeling was familiar - but no less uncomfortable. He has found a welcome excuse to avert his eyes when the Proctor pointed towards a piece of parchment bearing the unbroken seal of Magnimar on his otherwise pristinely clean desk.

"The task set forth for me by the Lord-Mayor requires that I commission a loyal and devoted servant of exceptional skill to aid him. Now, as we both know, the Church has no shortage of such individuals, and this alone would not warrant your summoning. However, the Lord-Mayor has also insisted that this matter is handled with as much discretion as possible. Hence, you are here." The Proctor took a step back from his desk. "I do not have further instructions for you, except two: read the missive that lies on my desk, and keep a detailed rapport until the service is complete. I have agreed with the Lord-Mayor that the Church will be compensated based on the expended time and... materials".

stat block:

Male Human Inquisitor 7
LN medium humanoid
Init +6 Senses Normal Vision Listen +14 Spot +14
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18
hp 58
Fort 7 ,Ref 5 ,Will 8
Speed 20 ft
Melee +1 Morningstar +7 (1d8+2/x2)
Ranged +2 Crossbow, light +10 (1d8+2/19-20/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 17 CHA 8
Base Atk 5 Grp60
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadly Aim, Rapid Reload (Light), Rapid Shot
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff -1, Diplomacy +9, Heal +13, Intimidate +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +10, Appraise +7, Bluff -1, Diplomacy +9, Heal +13, Intimidate +12
Languages Common
Gear +1 Shield - light steel, +2 Crossbow - light, +1 Morningstar, Bolts - crossbow (50), Holy Symbol - Silver, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Cloak of Resistance +1

So time limit for characters is Thursday. However the sooner you submit the better the chance you get picked when I have six characters I like then I'm done recruiting and we can start.

I submit Lucan Arcaranarian, Human Magus/7.

Full character sheet, description, and background can be found in the profile.

Here is my application for an Inquisitor of Gorum.

How are you doing HP for levels after 1st?

Max hp for level 1 and roll for hp for the next six levels and reroll 1's. Post your rolls here.

HP: 6d10 ⇒ (3, 4, 7, 7, 8, 9) = 38

What about crafting items to begin with such as Alchemical cartridges or firearms?

6d8 ⇒ (3, 7, 3, 4, 7, 2) = 26

I'm interested in an ex-Golemworks tinkering wizard Spellslinger with a Junk Golem "friend".
That means taking Craft Construct... is that likely to be okay? I think he might be a bit crafting heavy.

Liberty's Edge

Roles for Lucan: 6d8 ⇒ (6, 2, 7, 2, 4, 7) = 28

If you take the necessary feats I will allow the crafting of gear ahead of time. Please indicate everything that is crafted, if that is the case.

Lucan Arcaranarian (Magus) is approved.

Karla Teg (inquisitor) is approved.

Your characters are 100% ready and your backgrounds and concepts have my interest.

Welcome aboard.

4 spots left

HP for lilya

5d12 ⇒ (5, 4, 8, 6, 12) = 35

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

hp for Lord Zohan: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 2, 2, 6) = 21

Abel Valdemar, ready to go.
hp: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 2, 2, 2) = 18

Lord Zohan's profile is ready for review.

Lord Zohan:
When the last scion of the, not particularly powerful, House Eliophantus, abandoned the household to pursue her pleasures full-time in Calistria's dens, family chronicer, historian and mage Darmo Zohanski, found himself with a lot of time on his aging hands. He delved into his passion for Golarion's history, dedicating himself especially to the great realm of Thassilon. After a quarter of a century of gathering whatever material he could find on the subject, he began obsessing on it until it occupied his sleeping mind as well. Facing his mortality without having accomplished anything of note - except for publishing a few tracts on the subject that garnered the occasional praise from fellow historians across Golarion who could bring themselves to wade through his pompous style and innumerable digressions - the answer came to Darmo in a dream. He would reinvent himself, tap into the secrets of ancient Thassilon and, with his newly gained powers, create a new kingdom of his own.
Now dubbed Lord Zohan, he persuaded his long-time trusting servant Withers to join him on his quest (in exchange for a few gold each day that Withers uses to support his ever-expanding family of good-for-nothing nieces and nephews). Withers packed up his venerable master's belongings onto their overfed mule, The Baron, and headed off to see the ancient relics of Thassilon for themselves and find a way to unlock its secrets.
Gameplay: Lord Zohan is officious and full of himself, but he also knows full well that he has not cut his teeth as an adventurer and is therefore full of curiosity. As long as others don't try to pop his bubble of self-importance, he is full of praise for their deeds, like the benevolent ruler he plans to be one day. If they don't pay him the respect he imagines is his due, he becomes petulant and a little insufferable until offered an apology, which he readily accepts.

Of course, let me know if you have any questions or want me to change anything.

Hmmm - I haven't picked spells yet because I don't want to overlap too badly with the other characters niche-wise.

If Zohan and Abel are both picked (which I'm okay with!) I think we'll need to work to make sure we have different niches, in which case I'll pick a different school for Abel to specialize in.

Abel is primarily a direct-damage blaster wizard, and it seems like Zohan might be a different build.

Currently working on this paladin for consideration. Also, would you allow the Leadership feat to allow for a monstrous mount?

Oh yes and before I forget HP.

HP: 6d10 ⇒ (9, 9, 4, 8, 2, 4) = 36

Indeed, Abel. I have nary an evocation spell memorized, as it's one of my opposition schools.

A blaster would be a welcome addition, I would imagine.
By the way, it's "Lord Zohan". ;-)

HP: 6d8 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 4, 8, 7) = 28

Dark Archive

Would you consider allowing a warpriest from the ACG?

I'm considering rolling out a Ranger 2 / Warpriest 5 somewhere and this seems like it might be a good spot.

Warpriest of Cayden Cailen using a mug as his favored weapon.

HP: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 2) = 125d8 ⇒ (7, 6, 7, 7, 5) = 32

HP if just Warpriest: 7d8 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 5) = 37

Lord Gregor:

Lord Gregor Von Keston
Dawnflower Dervish 6, Lore Oracle 1 of Sarenrae
Aasimar (Angel Blooded) LG Medium outsider
Init -2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
Traits: Finding a Friend, Optimistic Gambler

AC 22, touch 15 , flat-footed 17
(+7 armor, +5 Cha)
Hp: 49
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +9

Speed 30 ft.

Nodachi +11 1d10+8 15-20x2

Battle Dance:
Nodachi +17 1d10+14 15-20x2

Hasted Battle Dance:
Nodachi +18/+18 1d10+14 15-20x2

Bought: Str 15, Dex 7, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Adjusted: Str 20, Dex 7, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 18

Extra Performance
Master Performer
Skill Focus Survival
Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline)
Skills: 53Ranks
Perform Act +15 (7ranks, 5cha,3class) Bluff, Disguise
Perform Keyboard +15 (7ranks,5cha,3class) Diplomacy, Intimidate
Linguistic +13 (7ranks,1int, 3class,2race)
Sense Motive +13 (7ranks,1wis, 3class,2race)
Spell Craft +11 (7ranks,1int, 3class)
Perception +11 (7ranks,1wis, 3class)
U.M.D +9 (1rank,5cha,3class)
K. Arcana +5 (1rank, 1int, 3class)
K. Dungeoneering +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Engineering +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Geography +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. History +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Local +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Nature +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Nobility +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Planes +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)
K. Religion +6 (1rank, 2int, 3class)

•Abyssal (demons and other chaotic evil outsiders)
• Aklo (derros, inhuman or otherworldly monsters, evil fey)
• Aquan (aquatic creatures, water-based creatures)
• Anceint Thassilonian
• Celestial (angels and other good outsiders)
• Common (humans and the core races from Races)
• Draconic (dragons, reptilian humanoids)
• Dwarven (dwarves)
• Elven (elves, half-elves)
• Giant (cyclopses, ettins, giants, ogres, trolls)
• Gnome (gnomes)
• Goblin (bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins)
• Ignan (fire-based creatures)
• Infernal (devils and other lawful evil outsiders)
• Orc (orcs, half-orcs)
• Sylvan (centaurs, fey creatures, plant creatures, unicorns)
• Undercommon (drow, duergar, morlocks, svirfneblin)

Special Abilities
True speaker (+2linguistics,+2sense motive) 2languages per point of Linguistics.
Alter Self 1/day
Bardic Performance 24/24 rounds/day
Mystery: Lore, Curse: Legalistic

Gear: 23500gp , 940gp Remaining
+1 Keen Nodachi 8360gp
Mithral Breastplate +1 5200gp
Belt of Giant Strength +2 4000gp
Headband of Charisma +2 4000gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000gp
Spells Known:
0: Prestidigitation, Message, Ghostsound, Sift, Daze, Open/Close
1: Charm Person, Moment of Greatness , Vanish, Feather Fall
2: Bladed Dash, Silence, Invisibility, Allegro

Spells Known:
0: Detect Magic, Mending, Guidance, Read Magic
1st: Forbid Action, Cure Light Wounds

Spells Per Day
1st: 5

Would like to submit Gregor, Will do alias if selected working on backstory now.

Hmm... Quite queer, and quite interesting. I've just the thing I've wanted to play in relation this, though I admit I'm a bit disappointed I can't teeter on Lawful evil. That said, a lawful neutral with a somewhat grey outlook on things couldn't hurt. Besides, Lawful neutral is rather nice when it's your own code that you uphold. That said, I believe I'll be making a weapon master! A REACH weapon master :D

Hp Rolls: Health: 6d10 ⇒ (4, 10, 6, 10, 10, 8) = 48

... My god.

I'll be doing a multiclass,
As for dice rolls Nice ones, Duboris.

Gregor Backstory:

Gregor was born into the noble house of Keston in the great City Magnimar. His father set upon the Council of Ushers. He was raised to a life of privilege. As a young boy he started to take great interest in the ancient stories of the Runelords. This fascination gave him a thirst for knowledge. He also had a thirst for adventure and swordplay, as many his age do. He was provided teachers to fulfill whatever desire he chose to pursue. He developed a talent for the sword himself. This provided him a way to seek knowledge further. He took up being an adventurer. This was done in secret as his parents would never approve.

Magnimar proved to be a great place for those seeking adventure and knowledge. So much history lay in the lands around and in the city itself. Gregor spent much time studying the monuments. He found some ancient text and learned the ancient thassalonian language. He would follow any rumor or story he could find or hear about the Runelords. Having absent parents helped to hide the adventuring career.

The years passed and Gregor talent with the sword grew. He was going on dangerous adventure after dangerous adventure. He had learned a bit about the Runelords, but knew there was more out there. No longer a boy he approached his parents and explained to them what he had been doing over the years. Shocked and surprised they first reacted with anger, but changed to a tone of acceptance. All his father could ask was for Gregor to find his own path and to be happy..

With this new freedom Gregor was able to go out and explore the surrounding area more, visiting other nearby cities and ruins. He spent the next few years doing this. He started to make a reputation for himself. Not only was he known for his talent with the blade but also for the discoveries he had made. It was this reputation that got the attention of the lord mayor. It seems one of the nearby cities had gone silent. The mayor seemed to be organizing a group to go check things out. Gregor had been to the city many times in his travels. This is why the lord mayor asked him to go.

Here is a backstory for Gregor

st00ji the concept is ok but I need a character sheet and a background before I consider it.

I have the party mostly figured out.

Lucan Arcaranarian (Magus).

Karla Teg is changing to (cleric) while keeping the same background.

so Andrass Teoss will get a spot (inquisitor)

For the remaining three spots the top contenders right now would be.

Zohan, Abel, gregor and Kuras Narvel.

I will most likely choose Zohan or Abel haven't totally decided on the rest yet.

I'm going to wait another day to see if some of the other concepts get fleshed out a bit more.

Gregor I wonder why a level of oracle? and why the legalistic curse? That's the kind of curse Asmodeus would give not Sarenrae.

Dire I have to ask. What is your opinion of traits? Are they allowed? I saw no mention of them in the original post, or anywhere throughout.

HD: 6d8 ⇒ (8, 7, 1, 1, 6, 5) = 28

Going with a Clerical Ninja

I allow 2 traits yes

So what class are you playing Azure? I thought you were a wizard spellslinger?

I realy like Lore Oracle on any charisma type guy. It lets me not worry about Dex. and I almost always take extra revelation or get a ring of revelation to pick up focused study so I can trance and get a -20 to Knowledges. Not good for ID'ing monsters but great for all other checks. I usually go tounges for a curse and speak in celestial, no real reason behind picking up leagalistic. I would/could change it if you don't like it.

Hello DM.

this is was the character would look like at 7th level:

Male Wood Oracle 7
Init +4; Senses Perception +6, Darkvision 60 ft
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +2 dex)
hp 64 (7d8+14)
SR 0 ; ER Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Armor Steel Lamellar, Medium
Shield Heavy Steel Shield
Defensive Abilities Aasimar Resistances (PFBty 7)
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Club +11 (1d6+5) 20/x2 CM +1
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
BAB +5, CMB +10, CMD +23
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Fey Foundling (PFCaS: ISWG 286), Power Attack (PFCR 131), Quicken Spell (PFCR 132), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Weapon Focus (Club) (PFCR 136-137)
Skills Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +6, Spellcraft +8, Survival +9
MC Oracle Curse (PFAPG 43 - 44), Mystery (PFAPG 43), Revelation (PFAPG 45)
Traits Magical Lineage (Magic) (PFAPG 329), Reactionary (Combat) (PFAPG 328)
Languages Celestial, Common, Varisian
Eq'd Magic Belt of Giant Strength +2, Bane Baldric, Cloak of Resistance +2
Ioun Stones Dusty Rose Prism, Typical

Sorry but I've joined another campaign and don't have the time for another. Hope all goes well in this one! :)

Do you allow 2 of any trait, or do you prefer one trait from the player's guide? Most of them pertained to sandpoint, regardless, so I imagine it doesn't really concern them and we don't really have to.

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