Rise of the Mage Queen

Game Master Sawyer Masonjones

Story of Ariel as she rules over the land of Kelval, and possibly further.

Dragon GM 5

Coming up over a hill, you catch the first glimpse of the Hold you have been sent to secure. Decrepit and crumbling, no one has held this area for long for the dangers that lurk in every corner, both mundane and magical. You have come with a small group of soldiers, some of your House's vassals to help you, but this is now your hold to let grow and prosper, or lose back to the wilderness or your enemies.

Male GM 1

Dotting for now!

Dragon GM 5

The decaying castle is small, smaller than even your families modest estate, and is still covered with bits of the previous owners heraldry, blue and white banners with the symbol of a black wolf. They had lost this place to your family after driving themselves to ruin. Rumor has it, the former patriarch went mad and started overextending their holdings. You can see the road toward the village Winthome south of you, but forested hills block the view.

"Not very impressive, is it, mistress." comes a familiar voice behind you. Your tutor and family sage, Harold stands with his thick brown robes, supporting himself with his staff. You are not sure how old he is, but he has been with your family for as long as you can remember, teaching each of your siblings. Now he joins you to help you rule this place, sent by your father, for better or worse. Conservative and crotchety, he always seems to be angry about something "We'll get that heraldry torn down and replaced with our own as soon as can. And we can see about making those repairs. Mother help us, I hope it isn't worse inside."

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"If it is, we'll just have to fix it." Ariel answered cheerfully. Modifying things with a touch was not one of her abilities, but that didn't mean there were no ways of accomplishing a goal. "If possible, I want to source anything new locally - for reasonable pay, of course. This place clearly hasn't had the best reputation, and I'd like the inhabitants to start having some pride in the place. Using their work will be a good start, don't you think?"

Dragon GM 5

Making your way closer to the castle, you can see this place has seen better days. Harold peers warily at the crumbling stone and rusting iron door.

Are you sure, my Lady? I doubt anyone here could make anything of worth. We could send for a quality dwarven mason to fix the castle, or a decent one from Suralheim.

Two of the guards go to open the doors, and with some effort, they manage to creak open. A faded and frayed carpet leads forward through the hall, rooms moving off to either side. Dust marks where the Noc family took what trophies and decorations they had from the walls. The only thing that remains is a heavy boar's head, fallen from its mount. But at the end of a hall, is a middle aged man, turning around when the doors opened. Tall, slender, and balding, wearing expensive, if old and ragged, clothes and several tarnished rings. He strides forward to greet you.

Finally, you arrive. I was beginning to suspect that I had gotten the day wrong. I'm Jonnard. I run the store in town.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

Ariel just arched one eyebrow. "Harold, how can you know what people are capable of unless you give them the chance to try? I mean, worst-case, we can just buy from someone else later." From there, it wasn't long to the hall itself, and Ariel took a curious look around.

"A pleasure to meet you, Jonnard. I'm Ariel, the new lady of the place. First things first, I suppose - did you happen to bring a list of what you carry, and what you can acquire if need be? This place clearly needs some work, and I'd like to know what's easily accessible." As she spoke, she glanced at the boar's head - a faint light glimmered around her left eye, and the trophy abruptly rose into the air and floated over to her, slowly rotating around so she could examine it from various angles. "Hmm... might sell this one. It's nice enough, I suppose, but it'd be a little embarrassing to show off a trophy that wasn't hunted by my family or given to us by the hunter."

The words were true enough, but she'd spoken them in public mostly to help reassure the merchant that she was someone he could deal with.

Dragon GM 5

Looking at the boar's head more closely, you can see that this came from a corrupted creature. Both eyes are partially split into another, the tusks larger, thicker, and branched into 4 sharp points. Jonnard looks concerned at the display, but shakes it off. Harold examines it alongside you, brow furrowed in curiosity, but remains silent.

Ah, yes I remember that one. It terrorized the village of Halforn a couple days ride from here, what was it, 8? No 9 years ago. Killed a dozen or so. Young Master Noc and his hunters had it shot near fifty times before it fell. I don't know why they left it, but I could take it off your hands, sell it south. All the proceeds would be yours, minus my costs. As for what I sell, it's mostly just common goods we can't get up here. I buy the surplus from the village, sell it south, and bring back sundries, delicacies, tools, and trinkets. I take orders, so if you are looking for something specific, I would be delighted to help.

He appears keen on getting in your good graces, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of getting business from the new Lady of Kelval (though technically, your father rules. For now)

He can provide things on request, given money and time. He's more the local trader. He will carry some common miscellaneous goods, nothing better than 150-200 gold, but you are mostly going to be buying things from specific people. Blacksmith (Havard) for tools and weapons, though fairly low quality. There's a local hedgewitch acting as town doctor and remedy brewer. Tailor, Butcher, etc etc.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

After a moment of consideration, Ariel sent the boar's head over to the merchant and telekinetically set it down next to him. "By all means... and do give a receipt to Harold here, yes? I'm sure you can appreciate the need to keep track of money." A gentle reminder that they would absolutely be checking to be sure they weren't getting cheated. It wouldn't do to appear too disinterested, after all.

She continued looking around a moment later, trying to determine exactly how damaged the place was and what they might need to do to restore it to good working order.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Dragon GM 5

"Of course, milady." He says with a winning smile, whipping out a ledger, recording the deal, ripping out a page for Harold. "I look forward to doing business with you. Keep me in mind if you need decorations or furniture for this place. I have contacts as far Xerac!" He bows slightly, then bends down to heft the boar's head. He drops it once before shakily lifting it. Sweating and smiling, he takes his prize away.

"Probably already has been selling things out of here for months." Harold states flatly, pocketing the receipt. Alright, let's see what the damage is. Men, start searching the rooms, check for cracks and bowing.

Most of the castle had been cleared out, the previous family taking what they could with them or selling it to clear their debts. Larger objects, like tables and large furniture lay mostly intact, but faded, broken, or with mysterious molds growing in them. On the first floor are the kitchens, under it a larder and what was a wine cellar. Off of it, the dining hall. From the front hall are the library, sans books, what appeared to be several areas for entertaining.

Beyond the hall and into the courtyard lie stables and kennels, though the roof lies collapsed, a brewery, and bake hall. You note damage along the walls of the courtyard from neglect. If this place is to defend anything, it will need to be repaired.

On the second floor lies bedrooms and a few offices. Carpets have mildewed, the mattresses the same, though most of the bedframes are serviceable.

At the north end, toward the center of the castle from the walls, is the keep. Three more floors, rooms likely for defending this place, have been home to bats it looks like, judging from the smell. The fifth floor (third floor of the keep) has a large tarnished bell and a hole in the roof.

In all, a mix of neglect over the years and being abandoned for months have left quite the mess to clean up. It will take time to restore the castle and furnish it. But the staff and guard that came with you will see to much of it.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"And that's why we're going to ask and see what he's been selling lately." Ariel answered perkily.

As for the castle, well, it looked like most of the walls and such were still intact. That was good - fixing those was a lot harder than fixing some furniture and decorations. Really, it wasn't so bad in here. As she noted a few of the dirtier spots, she cast her gaze on them, using a simple cantrip to rapidly clean them up a little. Sure, there were people coming to help, but she'd always believed in being hands-on with her leadership, and she was fairly certain the others that had come along would appreciate seeing a lady willing to pitch in beside them rather than sit at the back and boss them around.

With that, she clapped her hands. "All right, everyone, let's get some sleeping areas and basic security set up - don't want anyone stabbing us in our sleep. How cold are the nights around here, Harold? Do we need to get a fire going somewhere?"

Dragon GM 5

Cold and damp, my lady. Springs in Kelval are muddy, cold, and damp. We can set about getting some wood chopped for the fire places. By your leave, we can set up in the dining hall for now, until the servant's houses are removed from rats.

The twenty or so guardsman and staff sent with you start about unloading the carts of supplies, unhooking oxen and horses from carts and into the courtyard through the gates.

It's just the start of Spring here in Kelval. March in our terms. Things are thawing, but it is still quite cold this far north. The supplies are left mostly undefined, but should be enough for you and your people to be fed until you can start filling your larder from the town. The staff too are left largely undefined. Mostly guardsman, with Harold and a few others. If you want someone specific, this is your chance to define what you wish. As long as you don't get too greedy with what you brought, it's fine.

You arrived here in the afternoon, so there should be enough time to go to the village of Winthome if you wish to explore a bit. Or, you can explore the forests and fields the castle sits on. You could also study some of the rooms more closely for more than damage. Also, I left out from the initial description that there are staff houses and rooms in the courtyard and on the basement level. I will draw a map the next time I have time to.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

For now, Ariel was focused on getting the estate to something resembling a minimally livable state - that meant clean, warm, and secure. It would do no good to anyone if the guards came down sick or the group was robbed in the middle of the night. Everything else was ultimately secondary. "That will be fine. I'm going to see about cleaning the kitchen - let me know when you've got some wood and I'll light it for everyone." No need to take extra time and tools to do what could be done in moments.

Dragon GM 5

By the end of the day, you have most of the first floor sparkling. The guards have come back with firewood, cut from the trees just outside the gate and several fires made in the dining room and a couple other rooms on the first floor. Carts have been unloaded in the front hall, the horses and carts brought into the courtyard.

Once the kitchen was cleaned, a couple servants set about preparing dinner from the supplies, a thick stew. Dinner itself was a quiet affair, but soon it was over. The guards decide on shifts and take up posts around the castle for the evening.

After the long day, sleep takes you easily, but it is plagued with visions of demons and the dead. A legion of spirits animating corpses, clad in rusted armor, demons formed in all their twisted glory, besiege a castle - this castle, but larger, grander. You stand atop the tower looking down over the melee, the living elves and humans embroiled in the battle with the dead and losing. A rock launched catapult flies toward you, but you can't move, frozen, petrified. The stone is just about to hit you when you wake with a start.

"Ariel, my lady, wake up! Wake up! We have a problem"

You open your eyes to Harold cracked visage above you, annoyance in his eyes.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"If this place is haunted, I'm going to be miffed." Ariel muttered sleepily. "Exorcists are expensive. What is it?" she tried to wake up as she spoke, though she did wobble a bit. Still, she doubted Harold would have woken her up if it wasn't actually important, and with one hand she reached for the small blade she kept underneath her pillow.

Dragon GM 5

"I do not know about a haunting yet. But two guards are missing. Simon and Peter. They were patrolling the castle and when they didn't return for the shift change, we went to find them. We could not after searching for hours, even into town. They either deserted their posts for whatever reason or are in trouble. I did not want to wake you until we were almost sure they hadn't just gone to town to drink. Harold explains gravely.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"All right, have everyone gather up and remain on-guard. It's possible they're deserters and went to let some bandit buddies or something know that now would be a good time to attack. Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and all that stuff. Does anyone know what their route was or where they were expected to go? Or at least have some footprints I can start with?" She was pretty sure they'd already checked that at least three times over, but there might have been something weird left in the castle.

Dragon GM 5

"They were guarding the perimeter around the hole in the wall to the west. We did not find them in or immediately around the castle, nor did we find footprints leading away from the castle that were definitively theirs yet. It does not hurt to check again, however"

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Indeed." Ariel noted mildly. She bent down slightly near the indicated area, looking around to see if she could spot any sign of the guards' movements. She wasn't too shabby at following a trail, although it would take time to truly case an area... time she wasn't totally sure she wanted to spend.

Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Dragon GM 5

The courtyard is a mess of muddy footprints now after the day of unloading supplies. The carts lay empty near the sleeping horses on the east end. The crumbling wall to the west lies open, barely seeing the surrounding trees by the torchlight.

Searching the guard's post, you find marks where the guards stood watch. One of them, it seems, dragged an empty crate out here to sit on. A muddy card sticks out of the soil, a 3 of swords.

A few set of footprints extends out along the wall, maybe the searchers, maybe the steps taken from patrol. Another set extends out toward the forest.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Have we sent anyone out to the forest yet?" Ariel inquired, looking over the tracks heading in that direction. "I know we wanted to get some wood chopped for the fires..." she glanced at a small rock with her eye, then telekinetically moved it over and began to put larger markings around the various sets of tracks. With each set pointed out, others would have a much easier time figuring out what they should have been looking at. Doing it with magic just meant she wasn't going to make it even more confusing with her own steps.

Dragon GM 5

"We did, but not from here. We took the wood from along the road." Harold answers.

Moving along the tracks takes you towards the woods. Studying the tracks you can see two distinct sets moving away. One simply walks toward the woods, the other has longer strides that stop in front of the other tracks every so often.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

Hmm... one of them pursuing the other, maybe, or trying to stop them from doing things? She wasn't too shabby as a tracker, but she'd be lying if she said she could read every step of a battle from tracks in the mud. Keeping her weapon in one hand, Ariel slowly moved forward, following as best she could.

Take 10 on Survival (21) to keep following the tracks.

Dragon GM 5

Do you take anyone with you?

The moss covered trees quickly engulf you as the muddy field turns to forest, making tracking more difficult. Prints are further apart, but the pair did not make attempts to hide themselves. Quickly, you lose sight of the castle, lost amidst the trees.

The tracks continue further in, now with both walking further in. Eventually, you reach a clearing. With a body wearing the guard's uniform.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

Presumably a few of them are coming along, yes. XD

As she noticed the body, Ariel immediately held a hand up to tell the others to stop. Then, carefully, she levitated a rock over and poked the body a few times to see if it would react. One thing her tutors had been very clear on was that you should never assume a body was just a body. Spontaneous reanimation had happened in the past, and it was definitely better to keep your guard up.

Dragon GM 5

Hold! Roger, the guard captain, exclaims quietly to the handful of guards following him, seeing that his Lady had stopped, waiting expectantly for orders.

Poking the corpse only serves to jostle the dead flesh a bit.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Not good so far. I want all of you to circle up and keep an eye out as I work - we don't know how safe this area is, so we don't all need to stare." she said. With that, she moved over to the body and started trying to determine the cause of... death? Paralysis? Hmm...

Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Dragon GM 5

Roger nods and the guards silently and dutifully surround you and the body, watching the forest around you.

Turning over the body, you see the face of Peter, one of the missing guards. His face is frozen in a look of fear and confusion. Rigor mortis has not set yet, but the cause of death is clear as day. His throat was slashed.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

Does it look like it was by a weapon, or by a natural attack of some kind? If it's a weapon, can I tell if it matches the gear we brought?

Dragon GM 5

Definitely cut by a blade. You wouldn't be able to tell the exact blade, but it is a smooth straight cut that would be consistent with a sword.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Definitely a sword cut." Ariel said, glancing up at the other guards. "The other missing guard is to be regarded as a suspect now. He'll get a chance to explain himself - if he's still alive - but I'd rather not take any chances. I want two of you to bring this man back for rites and a proper burial - the rest of us will keep going. Catch up as soon as you can."

Dragon GM 5

Right. C'mon, you two, you heard her grab either end and bring him back. No not like that, have some respect. Roger points at two of the younger guards, who start lifting him, inadvertently pulling off a boot from a calloused foot.

Nunya: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Roger rubs his stubbled grey chin, sighing He was a good man, that Peter, may the Mother take him. Had a girl back in Suralheim. Somebody's got to tell her...Simon would be the one to do it, but if he killed him...Nah can't see it. Those two were as thick as thieves. Sorcery. Has to be.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"There are mind-control powers... but not everything is sorcery." Ariel said pointedly. Then, after a pause, "But sometimes it really is. Tricks of forest spirits, witches, would-be kings... the important thing is to keep an open mind and judge things as they come."

Take 10 on Survival and continue following the tracks as best we can. ^^

Dragon GM 5

Do you want to do anything else here before you leave the clearing?

"We will see, milady. Still, this can't be a coincidence this happened the first night we were here."

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11


"Mm. Well, with power comes responsibility - and I have no intention of allowing outside forces to thwart our plans. Let's go." she said firmly.

Dragon GM 5

The tracks continue on deeper into the forest, eventually leading you and the guards to a large tree, where they cleanly stop. The tree towers above you, a humongous oak with a trunk five feet wide.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

Ariel paused for a moment as she looked at the tree, then around the area. Big trees were a little more nature-oriented... and if the tracks just stopped... was this something fey, perhaps?

Know Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

If so, she'd need to be careful. Such spirits could be capricious, and she wanted to be on good terms with them.

Dragon GM 5

Tree such as this are indeed often fey, you remember from some dusty lesson Harold was prattling on about. Dryads or other spirits of the forest care for these trees, encouraging their growth and health. It is a symbiotic relationship, the tree in turn serving as a place of power for both the tender and those that may eat of its nuts or fruit. Such food would strengthen a person or revitalize them. Mages find that their magic is greatly enhanced when they imbibe it. But it will bind such people to the tree, reversing the boon into a curse that eventually kills them if they stay away for too long. The fey will often use trickery and illusion to dissuade travelers away from their home trees, or use more aggressive tactics against loggers or those wishing to eat their fruit. But, trees such as this are mostly found in the most remote of areas, furthest away from civilization the better.

The fey is the general term for nature spirits. Legends tell of Fey Queens and their courts vying for control between winter and summer, especially in the myths from the nomadic tribes north of here. They take many forms, mostly mixes of humanoid, plant, insect, or beasts of many sizes. They are more bound by the physical world than some other types of spirits, affected by seasons, the land, sun, and moon.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Stay here. And if you've got any iron, cold or otherwise, make sure you don't bring it close." Ariel said. "There's a strong possibility there's a spirit around here, and we don't want to piss it off. Having an army of trees rip our new home down or something would suck." With that, she strode forward, looking at the tree as she approached. She glanced back slightly as she did, and an illusion appeared - a banner, of sorts, with a red background and a symbol matching the one in her eye. It wasn't quite as nice as having the real thing, but it would do for now. If nothing else, it might get the attention of the inhabitant here... assuming there was one, of course.

Dragon GM 5

The forest is silent, save the small movements of the men around you. None of them have cold iron, but the Roger's arming sword glows softly.

For a few minutes you wait, but from behind you a beast let's out a hideous roar from beyond your sight, the sounds of branches breaking, leaves rustling in the thick foliage. Something is coming toward you.

Level 3 | HP: 39/39 | EP: 14/14 | AC: 21, T: 18, FF: 16, DR: 5/Good | Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +8 | CMB: +7, CMD: 25 | Init: +9, Perception: +11

"Shields up." Ariel ordered. She held out one hand a moment later, and a sphere of fire appeared above her palm. "I have a rather simple philosophy." she added to the tree area. "I'd really rather not be anyone's enemy, but if I'm threatened, I will respond appropriately."

Ready an action to fling a Lesser Blast at any foe that approaches.

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