Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

ROW Book 6

Days on Triaxius - 20

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Well, I honestly thought on cast windwalk instantly turns you into a cloud, then after that then you take the 5 rounds to turn back. Right - so it's fly out normally time.

I guess I screw up too.

One of them pounces on Crummock as he heads towards the door.

bite, touch: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
claw, touch: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
claw, touch: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
neg dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 8
cold dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 2

It manages to land a claw onto Crummock.

Crummock takes 2 points cold damage, 3 neg energy

No LOS to charge

bite, touch: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

The next one that catches up with him also misses.

Then Rasputin calls down unholy fire on Crummock, before he gets away.

Crummock ref: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20

flamestrike dmg: 15d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 6, 3, 1, 5, 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4) = 48

96 points of damage done, include blade barrier damage.

Crummock manages to fly out of there.

The purple field covers the entire structure - else you and Crummock would have poked your way in from the outside already when you guys were airwalking/flying around

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Upon regrouping in the Hut, and realising that the party will be resting for the night, Crummock makes a point of using Regenerate on Dimitri's three friends who had been... artistically... rebuilt, followed by casting Heal on four more of the 'insane' victims from the first 'rescued group'.

Gathering everyone together, he then channels a few more times.

Channel: 7d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 2, 3, 5, 5) = 30.
Channel: 7d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4) = 26.
Channel: 7d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 1, 5, 3, 5) = 22.
Channel: 7d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4) = 22.
Channel: 7d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6) = 23.

Following this, he uses the rest of his 2nd and 3rd level slots to healing more ability damage to the drained/insane.

Lesser Restoration: 10d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1) = 24.

That should leave all of the living fully healed.

He then shrugs, as he listens to Mr Whiskers.

"Well, I used all o' the spells I had to be bolsterin' us for the fight; what else did ye have in mind...?"

Since I can't change the spells that I have on the fly, it will be down to whatever Mr Whiskers can find/prepare, if we want to make changes.

[ooc]I am, however, happy to add Remove Fear (for the +4 morale bonus on saves Vs Fear) to the list of party buffs that I provided.[/ooc[

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The men who have been healed and cured from their insanity thank Crummock fervently for his aid and volunteer to take care of the rest who are still convalescencing.

They are saddened by Dimitri's death, but draw some comfort that he died trying to stop a madman from bringing down hell on Earth. They offer to help the party to bury him with full military honors.

I don't think the party would give up on Dimitri yet, or would they?

Those who have been cured of their 'artistic embellishments' ask the party if when it will be safe to leave - since they'd really like to put this whole episode behind them and get their lives back in some form of normalcy.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Mr. Whiskers is quite happy to see the three brother's corpses destroyed by sunlight.

At Einar's question, Mr. Whiskers says "Since he is using the device to draw power, anything we can do to damage it should help."

After hearing what happened after he left, Mr. Whiskers says "Well, it seems that Earthglide could get us into the place unseen. Although fly may not help us get in, with all the rubble we may still want it in order to move around." Nodding at Crummock's comments he admits "That would have certainly helped against the shadows, but not against that other spell that Rasputin cast. How about something to protect against elemental damage?"

I'm going to have to look and think about what Mr. Whiskers can do. Anyone who wants to make suggestions please do so.

It is my Wednesday for face to face gaming, so I've got to spend most of today preparing.

Mort, can Anastasia create holy water? Is there some way we could take care of the desecration even though we don't have consecrate?

We may be able to use Wall of Force to get Einar an opportunity to disable the obvious area of the world engine. We also may be able to bait the shadow demons away so we aren't taking on everything at once.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Dispel magic the desecrate. Though it'll be gone by the time you return.

"Blagoslovi vodu ...? YA ne svyashchennik, kotorogo ty znayesh'."Anastasia gives Mr Whiskers a puzzled expression. Then she takes the pint of water from Mr Whiskers, glares at it, then says, "Obychno eto chto-to svyazano s serebrom ... khorosho, chto ya khochu, chtoby voda byla blagoslovlena." The water immediately shimmers a light blue.


Bless the water? I'm not a priest, you know.

Usually it involves something about silver...fine I wish the water blessed.

And Mr Whiskers receives a vial of holy water!

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Crummock looks thoughtful.

"I may be able to do a wee bit to neuter the havoc caused by those shadow beasties; were ye able to identify precisely what they be castin'?"

If Crummock is informed, IC, that they were casting Fear, and Shadow Conjuration/Evocation, he can effectively neuter the main threat posed by the demons... at the expense of a bunch of his Breath of Life slots.

I can get Resist Energy, and spam it on the entire party... but it does mean that I won't have access to the Healing patron for the day, so we will *really* need to make this shot count.

Retired to Triaxius

'Odd if one of my spells really can make a difference.' After watching the undead corpses burn Einar returns with Mister Whiskers. As the conversation about spells come up he nods in agreement "The earth glide spell certainly was useful to retreat. Unfortunately I can only go along slowly and not for very long, probably just over a minute. But it may be long enough if we get close." 10 ft a round for 14 rounds.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Mr. Whiskers tells everything he knows of what the shadows were doing and how the nosferatu and shadows were both protected by communal resist energy.

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Alright then! Here is my proposed buffing regimen...

(On top of my 'usual' long-term buffs, that is.)

Freedom of Movement x6
Spell Immunity(Fear, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation) x6
Resist Energy(Cold) x6
Resist Energy(Fire) x6
Shield of Faith(+4) x6
Remove Fear x2 - to cover the entire party
Aspect of the Wolf - Geist
Bone Fists - affecting Geist and Einar
Divine Favor x2 - Geist and Crummock

That leaves me with 1x6th level, and 4x7th level spell slots left.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Wow. That's impressive. Wouldn't have thought of that myself

Retired to Triaxius

Einar tries to listen closely as Mister Whiskers explains what the shadow demons were and what was protecting them, he nods his head briefly, "So the 'ghost touched' sword will work the best. Do we want to try and shut down part of the machine first? Or should we all focus on the demons or Rasputin?"

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Crummock strokes his chin thoughtfully.

"I reckon we should remove the demons, then focus on the machine/Rasputin."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

H7 description - from what you could see from H6

Metal cylinders affixed with dials, hoses, and coiled wires, all glowing with eldritch energy, stand in stark contrast to the worn, weathered stone walls of the cathedral’s apse. Tendrils of purple lightning pulse down insulated wiring to the presbytery’s copper plate flooring, then arc up from its components glyphs and seem to pierce reality before dissolving in a blur to some world beyond. Past the machinery, a stone staircase spirals toward the ceiling.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Mr. Whiskers listens to Crummock's suggestions and has some thoughts of his own.

"Assuming that we will not attack again until the day after tomorrow so that I can raise Dimitri, I would also have some time to prepare scrolls. I could scribe a scroll of communal resist elements so that we have more resources available."

Cost 187.5 gp each. takes all day since base price (375) is greater than 250 gp. Scrolls can have more than one spell on them so I could add a few more. Base price must be 1000 gp or less to do it in one day.

Scratching his head, he admits "I'm not clear on all of the options you have, Crummock. Assuming we did that, what would it allow you to do?"

"Part of the question becomes how much money do we have, and where do we want to spend it? It will cost 6500 gp to raise Dimitri, plus more for Crummock to fully restore him."

Total of 8500 total with the Limited Wish and two Restorations.

"As for the actual attack, I'm thinking a Wall of Force should help us divide and conquer. Spells can't get through it, and they would have to bring down their own forbiddance in order to move through it. I could create a dome or a wall that would protect Einar for long enough that he might be able to disrupt the machine."

"I could also learn Greater Heroism, which would make the subject immune to fear. There the problem is I couldn't protect everyone with it and my selection of spells that powerful is rather limited."

6th level spell, I can only learn two different spells of that level. It would probably take the place of Form of the Dragon I.

"I know that when we fought him today, there were several different spells (See spoiler) on Rasputin. Some of them had to be rather long lasting since I counted fourteen different spells. I am guessing he has some way to see through the mist."

"There are certain spells I will need to take just so people can be effective." With a nod towards Greta, he mentions "Force Sword is one of them." Looking around as he ticks spells off on his paw. "Overland Flight might be a better choice than Fly since it lasts so much longer. I will have to check the library to see if Daylight would hurt the shadow creatures."

"Where do people want me to concentrate my efforts?"

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Crummock frowns.

"What be stoppin' the shadow demons from goin' under the Wall o' Force?"

Realistically, I think we just need to buff ourselves up as much as possible, and try to punch through - first by thinning the herd, then trying to cripple Rasputin.

Retired to Triaxius

Trying not to appeared board or ignorant, Einar sits down and drawing out his cold iron glaive starts going over it with a whet stone. Nodding his head or shrugging his shoulders as Mister Whiskers and Crummock talk about strategies he know little or nothing about.

Hearing the mention of a wall, and possibly going under it. he chimes in, still feeling ignorant. "Is there any way to bait the shadowy demons out of the room from where Rasputin is? Either way if we put up a wall in a narrow spot, one of us could guard the wall so if they went under it we could hit them." He then looks at Mister Whiskers and Crummock to see if the idea was a good one. 'It would be nice if we could use some kind of hammer and anvil technique, but I would have no idea how to use magic to do it, or how to drag them into out trap.'

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Mr. Whiskers thinks a moment on Crummock's statement. "I've never tried taking on a form that is incorporeal so all I can go by is what I've read."

An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects, but must remain adjacent to the object's exterior, and so cannot pass entirely through an object whose space is larger than its own. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location, but enemies have total concealment (50% miss chance) from an incorporeal creature that is inside an object. In order to see beyond the object it is in and attack normally, the incorporeal creature must emerge. An incorporeal creature inside an object has total cover, but when it attacks a creature outside the object it only has cover, so a creature outside with a readied action could strike at it as it attacks. An incorporeal creature cannot pass through a force effect.

"I am not sure if they can turn around. If some portion of them needs to be outside the object on one side or the other, it may be it would not allow them to slip under the wall of force. I presume they could still come in from another side -- basically go outside and come in through the wall."

"The idea of drawing them away is a good one. It may also be worth it to cause Rasputin to use up many of his spells and then retreat, coming back about two hours later."

Somewhat excited by the idea, he says "We could go in and try to rescue the people that were still in with the three brothers. If we enter, Rasputin will likely start casting the spells. We leave and come back later that day -- something we haven't done yet -- and he may have a few less spells active!"

"Combine that with coming in via earthglide or similar method and we may be able to actually surprise him!"

Is there an approach to the building where he couldn't see us coming through the windows or something?

"I am still concerned by the purple mist. It must hide sound as well as obscuring vision. The three brothers were protected by a spell against fire, but I don't recall hearing the spell being cast. It is possible that Serafina alerted Rasputin to our presence, but I still would have expected to hear the spell being cast!"

"I am also wondering if Rasputin is currently stuck in one location. You described the shadow demons pursuing you, but not Rasputin. Perhaps he can't move from the world engine?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Outside and in works as well. I wasn't going to try to pass through a force effect.

There isn't anywhere you can pop in that he can't see you.

Well unless you popped in one of those corners someplace..

Retired to Triaxius

'Bait and switch' not a bad idea.' Einar listens, as Mister Whisker makes some recommendations, then asks, "Could we go in with the intention of saving the victims without burning too many of our own spells?" he smiles, "We could go wave at shadow demons and see if any follow, but would we need to cast a lot of defenses just to let them see us? Or do you think Rasputin would know we are there and send them after us?" 'I would like to get the demons away from Rasputin one or two at a time, it would make them more manageable.'

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

@Mort, I didn't mean was there someplace inside that Rasputin wouldn't see. I meant is there a way to approach the walls on the outside where he wouldn't see.

Looking at our map, it seems like approaching from the North might allow this. Sneak around from the outside and through D9 to the northern most spot. Would it be alright if I moved figures to show what I mean?

Oops! I skipped too many steps! Fortunately Einar got the idea anyways.

Nodding, Mr. Whiskers says "Yes, I'm hoping if we are only trying to rescue the men we will not need to use many protective spells. We use them when we come back, thus giving us a slight advantage."

"I don't mind spending some of our spells if one of the demons pursues us -- it would be great if that happened. I just don't expect it to happen."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Physically see - yes. Magically see, no. To be honest he's been watching you for a long, long time.

Wait a minute, what's D9? And prisoners are in H4a. Rasputin's sanctum is in Slide 15.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank
GM Mort wrote:
Those who have been cured of their 'artistic embellishments' ask the party if when it will be safe to leave - since they'd really like to put this whole episode behind them and get their lives back in some form of normalcy.

Mr. Whiskers tells them that although he wouldn't consider it safe yet -- Rasputin still controls the prison -- many of the men have fled the prison. He would also tell them that the group has already killed four of the yeti, the bears, and the hunter. There still may be some yeti out there, but he doesn't know where.

He would appreciate it if they could help take care of the others who are still hurt, but if they want to leave then he will show them the way out. He will warn them that once they leave, it will not be safe to come back to the hut.

He will also spend some time with Anastasia, asking her what she has decided and if there is something he could do to help. He will inquire about Zorka -- did the house spirit have any time to talk with Anastasia about her magic?

When any ask, Mr. Whiskers will tell them he intends to bring Dimitri back to life tomorrow.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The men agree to help out caring for the rest. When they hear that Mr Whiskers intends to bring Dimitri to life the next day, they stare at him, disbelieving. "Vy mozhete sdelat' eto? Kak?"


You can do that? How?

Anatasia asks Mr Whiskers for a book on the planes. She has come to realise that there is no place on for her on the planet Earth - but is not sure which plane would be suitable.

Zorka says that with help from more of the men, she has had more time to devote to training Anastasia, though she grumbles exasperatedly that the stubborn girl seems to have her magic focused on running away, and she can see through and move through every single sleet cloud she conjures up without any issue. And refuses to learn how to use her magic offensively.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Somewhat embarrassed, Mr. Whiskers admits "Рассказывают ли ваши легенды о джиннах? Я буду использовать желание вернуть его."

Do your legends tell of genies? I will be using a wish to bring him back.

I really don't look forward to the conversation with Anastasia about this, after telling her that there were better ways to think about magic.

When he hears of Zorka's problems, he thanks her again for all she has done for the group and commiserates that it couldn't be easy. He asks what he can do to help her as well, for she is doing so much more than most house spirits.

As for Anastasia's current magical focus, he suggests perhaps spells of healing and aiding her allies may fit her temperament better right now.

Mr. Whiskers scans the library for a couple of books on the planes, one focused on the elemental planes and another on the celestial planes. He gets Greta and Zorka's opinions before giving the books to Anastasia.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"O, ty otlichnyy dzhinn, kak old Khottabych?" The men look at him, awed.


Oh so you are like the great Genie, old Khottabych then?

Zorka is happy to have a sympathetic ear and complains she spent the entire day chasing Anatasia through ice...but admits if nothing else, the girl is getting more practiced. She is worried that if Anatasia does not learn offensive magics - she may not always be able to evade those who wish to do her harm.

Anastasia conveniently overhears the conversation, and adds in pertly, "Smotrite, vot kak vse dolzhno rabotat'. Vy khotite, chtoby oni byli, i oni sluchayutsya. Kak i to, chto mne skazali." She sounds rather smug.


See - that's how things are supposed to work. You wish them be, and they happen. Just like what I was told.

Mr Whiskers tells her to go off to go learn spells to protect and aid her allies.

Anatasia has learnt communal resist energy! Her current CL is 8. There is enough to cover the entire party with it if you want her to. 80 min duration, but needs to be divided by number of people.

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Scratching behind his ear, he replies to the soldiers "Хоттабыч? Извините, я не знаком с этим именем. Чтобы ответить на ваш вопрос, не совсем. Магия основана на том, что делают джинны, но это всего лишь имитация. Насколько я понимаю, желания настоящего джина намного сильнее."

Khottabych? I am sorry, I am unfamiliar with that name. To answer your question, not really. The magic is based on what the genies do, but it is only an imitation. As I understand it, the wishes of a real genie are much more powerful.

Mr. Whiskers admits to Zorka he fears the same thing, but it is better to get some diversity in her capabilities than to fight her at every step. He promises to talk to the girl about it. I will need to do so soon! I would rather not explain to her grandmother why I did not see that she got a well rounded education.

When Anastasia gives him an earful about the wish, Mr. Whiskers gives a sigh.

Rotten cheddar! I knew she would do that!

"Вы хотите, чтобы я учил вас принципам, которые я использую, чтобы превратить редкие камни в желание? Заклинание не приходит без затрат."

Would you like me to tutor you in the principles that I use to turn rare gems into a wish? The spell does not come without a cost.

He adds to her stack of books a treatise on the magical principles utilized underlying wish magic, a text well above her level of understanding.

Imagine getting a text on partial differential equations when you have had no introduction to calculus. That is the level he is looking for. The intent is that she not be able to understand it.

Retired to Triaxius

'Well, at least she isn't running from us.' Einar watches as Mister Whiskers tries to explain, in the simplest of terms, to the Russian soldiers and then the princess. Avoiding the conversation, he does interject. "Даже у самолетов будет политика, Анастасия. Это третий мир, в котором мы были в наших путешествиях, и все они имеют некоторые политические махинации. Но, покидая это место и отправляясь куда-то, вы не будете использоваться, поскольку политическая пешка - хорошая идея."

"Even the planes will have politics, Anastasia. This is the third world we have been in on our journeys, and all of them have some type of political machinations. But leaving this place and going somewhere you will not be used as a political pawn is a good idea."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

” Vy nikogda ne slyshali o rasskaze o Mednoy banochke Starogo Khotabycha? Rech' idet o volshebnom dzhinne, kotoryy dal pozhelaniya. Eto staraya russkaya narodnaya skazka.” The men reply.


You have never heard of the tale of The Copper Jar of Old Khottabych? It is about a magical genie who granted wishes. It’s an old Russian folk tale.

Anastasia looks at growing dismay and chagrin at the pile of books that Mr Whiskers is adding to her readings. ” YA khochu, i tak byvayet, mne ne nuzhno znat' vsyu etu magicheskuyu teoriyu, ne tak li? Smotret'...” She wishes for herself to be protected from fire, then sticks her hand into the fireplace, it being fully repelled by a light blue shield. She then wiggles her unmarked fingers at the party.

Mr Whiskers recognizes it as a communal resist energy(fire).


I wish and it happens, I don't need to know all those magical principles, do I? Watch...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Kogda vsya moya sem'ya umerla, a rezhim svergnut - ya uzhe ne printsessa. U menya nichego net.I politicheskiye vragi moyey sem'i vospol'zuyutsya vozmozhnost'yu, chtoby menya ubili ili zastavili menya kontrolirovat'." Anastasia answers Einar.


With my entire family dead - and the regime overthrown - I am a princess no longer. I have nothing. No one. And my family's political enemies will take the opportunity to have me killed, or have me under their control.

"Ne govorya uzhe o tom, chto ya vdvoyne zapreshchen iz etogo mira. Potomu chto u menya yest' volshebstvo. YA nikogda ne budu «normal'nym».
YA mogu sdelat' vse, chto ugodno, bez kakikh-libo nauchnykh ob"yasneniy. Eto pugayet lyudey. Potomu chto lyudi boyatsya veshchey, kotoryye oni
Ne ponimayu. I na samom glubokom urovne - ya mogu izmenit' real'nost' kak prikhot'. Eto zastavit lyudey ispugat'sya menya."


Not to mention that I am doubly barred from this world. Because I have magic. I will never be "normal". I can make things happen without any scientific explaination. It scares people. Because people are scared of things they don't understand. And at the deepest level - I can reshape reality as a whim. Like how I can make it snow indoors. Which would make people frightened of me.

Retired to Triaxius

Einar smiles a toothy smile and turns so she can see the horns, then splays his fingers wide turning his hand over so both claws and blue scales show. "Как вы можете сказать, большинство из нас, кроме Crummock, будет проходить нормально по вашим мировым стандартам. В нашем мире есть много рас и много видов магии. Так что вам не будет запрещено"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Твоей магии было бы достаточно, чтобы обеспечить комфортный стиль жизни, будь то поселение на Голарионе, в мире, из которого мы живем. Или на планете Triaxus, которую мы посетили."

He then waives his hand indicating the warband. "Конечно, если бы вы хотели получить более прибыльный, менее скучный способ обеспечить себя, вы могли бы присоединиться к нам."

"As you can tell most of us, except for Crummock, would not pass for normal by your worlds standards. In our world there are many races, and many types of magic. So you would not be barred from there."

"Your magic would be enough to provide a comfortable safe life style, Whether you settle on Golarion, the world we are from. Or on the planet Triaxus, which we visited."

"Of course if you wanted a more profitable, less boring way to provide for yourself you could join us."

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"YA znayu, chto dolzhen byt' blagodaren Crummock, no mne nikogda ne bylo komfortno vokrug nego.On zastavlyayet menya nervnichat'."
She looks at Crummock edgily.


I know I should be grateful to Crummock, but I've never felt comfortable around him. He makes me nervous.

"Udobnyy, bezopasnyy obraz zhizni zvuchit khorosho dlya menya.Mozhet byt', ya mog by stat' vernym tselitelem."


A comfortable, safe lifestyle sounds good to me. Maybe I could set myself up as some kind of faith healer.

To Einar's offer she answers firmly, "Net, spasibo. YA uzhe odnazhdy umer,"she shudders, "i ya ne khochu povtoryat' etot opyt."She gestures at Dimitri's body.


No, thank you. I've already died once,
and I don't care to repeat the experience.

Retired to Triaxius

Einar shrugs and smiles, holding up three fingers, "Смерть - проблема, оставаясь мертвой - проблема."

He then nods toward Crummock, "«Это смешно. Из того, что я понимаю, ваш« волшебный дар »больше похож на него, чем на мистера Уискерса или моего."

'I know she doesn't have any idea, but maybe she will figure out that she doesn't have any idea about how things really work.' He cocks his head a little and asks, "Целитель? Ты имеешь в виду как священник. Я понимаю, что все духовенство может делать исцеляющие заклинания. Я думаю, вы могли бы начать аптекарь, знаете ли вы что-нибудь о зельях, свитках или палочках."

"Dying isn't the problem, staying dead is the problem."
"That's sort of funny. From what I understand your 'magical gift' is more similar to his than Mister Whiskers or mine."
"Faith healer? do you mean like a priest. It's my understanding that all of the clergy can do healing spells. I guess you could start an apothecary, do you know anything about potions, scrolls or wands?"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Da, no protsess smerti bolit. Znayete li vy, chto delayut puli, kogda oni prokhodyat cherez vas? YA vse yeshche poluchayu vospominaniya o tom, chto ya v etom razdele ..." She shivers.

"I ya ne khochu nikomu obizhat' ..."


Yes but the process of dying hurts. Do you know what bullets do when they go through you? I still get flashbacks of being in that basement...

Also, I don't want to hurt anyone...

About Crummock

"Eto ne imeyet nichego obshchego s magiyey."She insists.


Its nothing to do with magic.

"YA ne sobirayus' nachinat' apokateriyu. YA prosto khochu, chtoby vse byli istseleny! I zaplatite za eto."She answers.


I'm not going to start an apocathery. I'll just wish everyone to be healed! And get paid for it.

Retired to Triaxius

Einar nods his head in understanding, "Aaahhh, как и храм Абадара, вам нужно быть осторожным, чтобы правильно установить цены, вы не хотите участвовать в торгах с храмом бога торговли, и, конечно же, вы сможете Сделайте определенное количество заклинаний или пожеланий, как вы их называете днем. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что если вы практикуете, вы в конечном итоге сможете вернуть людей из мертвых."

Pointing towards the books, "Удостоверьтесь, что вы получили книгу о географии от Мистера Уискерса, есть много интересных мест на Голарионе с очень разными условиями жизни. К сожалению, планета Triaxus находится под зимой, поэтому, если вам действительно не нравится снег, вы, вероятно, не хотите жить там."

"Aaahhh, like the temple of Abadar. You'll need to be careful to set your prices right, you don't want to get in a bidding war with the temple of the god of trade. And of course you will only be able to do a certain amount of spells, or wishes, as you call them a day. The good news is if you practice you will eventually be able to bring back people from the dead."

"Make sure you get a book on geography from Mister Whiskers, there are a lot of interesting places on Golarion, with very different living conditions. Unfortunately the planet Triaxus is under winter now, so unless you really like snow you probably don't want to live there."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"Eto prekrasno. YA gotov pogovorit'. Podozhdite, yest' soyuz dlya takogo roda veshchey? Obyazatel'no oznakom'tes' s
YA im. YA ne khochu prenebregat' nikakimi profsoyuznymi zakonami i vstupat' v nepriyatnosti."
When Einar mentions raising the dead, Anastasia looks a
little green. "Mozhem li my propustit' vozvrashcheniye mertvoy chasti? Mertvyye tela, kak pravilo, ne krasivy."


That's perfectly fine. I'm all willing to talk things over. Wait, there is an union for this kind of thing? Be sure to introduce
me to them. I don't want to be flouting any union laws and getting into trouble for it.

Could we skip the bring back the dead part? Dead bodies are generally nasty.

"YA ne protiv zimy. Kholod menya vse ravno ne bespokoit."


I don't mind winter. The cold doesn't bother me anyway.

Yes, I couldn't resist

Retired to Triaxius

Einar shakes his head, "Нет, никаких союзов. Но, к сожалению, хорошие целители должны: Лечить, исцелять, воскрешать и восстанавливать. Поэтому, если вы хотите преуспеть, вам нужно предоставить ожидаемые услуги, или люди отправятся в другое место."

'Doesn't mind winter, maybe this girl and I have more in common than I thought.' Smiling a little he continues. "Если вам нравится зима, Triaxus может подойдет вам. Мы просто очистили замок там, и у наших друзей много места, конечно, племя не совсем человеческое."

"No, no unions. But unfortunately good healers are expected to: Cure, heal, resurrect and restore. So if you want to do well you'll need to provide the expected services, or folks will go elsewhere."

"If you like winter Triaxus may suit you. We just cleared a castle there and our friends have plenty of room, of course the tribe isn't quite human."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

"YA mogu vylechit'. Dumayu, ya tozhe smogu vosstanovit'. YA bol'she ne khotel poteryat' svoi vospominaniya. No kogda ya eto proboval, chto-to kazalos' propavshim bez vesti, i eto ne srabotalo. Kazhetsya, ya propustil nekotoryye bliki."She replies.


I can cure. I think I can restore too. I didn't want to lose my memories again. But when I tried it, something seemed missing and it didn't work. I think I was missing some sparklies.

"YA ne vozrazhayu, yesli oni ne lyudi, yesli oni khoroshi." She adds.


I don't mind if they aren't human, as long as they are nice.

Retired to Triaxius

Einar shrugs again "Это произойдет в конце концов, некоторые вещи проще, чем сложнее. Вы научитесь с опытом."

Thinking and smiling he continues "Я бы сказал, что они дружелюбны, конечно, мы только что убили злого дракона и превратили его в логово. Если вы хотите, чтобы я познакомил вас с Бакнарией, она является лидером местного племени адлетов. Адлет похож на двуногих волков. Не все есть. Повар Vivieka фей, но очень человеческий." 'And what a cook.' Einars thoughts wander for a moment to the Frostcrawler tongue Vivieka had prepared.

"It will happen eventually, some things are easier, some harder. You'll learn with experience."

"I would say they are friendly, of course we had just killed an evil dragon and turned it's lair over to them. If you would like, I can introduce you to Baknaria. She is the leader of a local Adlet tribe. The Adlet are similar to bipedal wolves. Not everyone there is. The cook Vivieka is fey, but very human like."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Restoration has material component cost of diamond dust...*bonks Einar on the head*

"Net, ya byl ochen' uveren, chto chego-to ne khvatayet. Pyl' chego-to blestyashchego i dragotsennogo ... YA by skazal, brilliant." She firmly insists.

"Da, pozhaluysta, predstav' menya plemeni tam, ya by khotel. Polagayu, s nimi vse vokrug, nikto bol'she ne khotel by prichinyat' mne bol'?"


No, I was very sure I was missing something. The dust of something shiny and precious...I'd say diamond.

Yes please introduce me to the tribe down there, I would like that. With them all around me, no one would try to hurt me anymore?

She does give Einar a dubious look when he talks about evil dragons.

Male Bleachling (Gnome) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 18 (HP 219+5/219+5) (AC 49/27/38) (CMD 24) (Fort +17, Ref +25, Will +17) (Init +2) (Perception+32)

Staying out of the conversation with Anastasia, since I know she does not trust me...

Crummock spends most of his day tending to the shell-shocked soldiers, channeling his life-force to restore their sanity, and their constitutions.

He does, however, find the time to craft a vial of thick, viscous fluid, around which a faint swirl of whispering voices seems to circulate, like the susurrus caused by a far of storm...

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank
GM Mort wrote:
Anastasia looks at growing dismay and chagrin at the pile of books that Mr Whiskers is adding to her readings. ” YA khochu, i tak byvayet, mne ne nuzhno znat' vsyu etu magicheskuyu teoriyu, ne tak li? Smotret'...” She wishes for herself to be protected from fire, then sticks her hand into the fireplace, it being fully repelled by a light blue shield. She then wiggles her unmarked fingers at the party.

"Вы хотите учиться, чтобы вы знали, для чего кто-то использует свою магию. Это также помогает понять, что такое ограничения, например, сколько людей вы могли бы защитить с помощью этого заклинания. Прямо сейчас, я считаю, что ваш лимит составит восемь."

You want to study so that you know what someone else is using their magic for. It also helps you understand what the limits are, such as how many people you could protect with that particular spell. Right now, I believe your limit would be eight.

Mr. Whiskers spends a little bit of time in the library reviewing the information available about shadow demons. He neatly organizes the materials he will use for the wish tomorrow before retiring for the night.


In the morning, Mr. Whiskers starts his day with the normal studying.

Since so many people had expressed interest in it, he waits until the various soldiers are awake and have broken their nightly fast before performing the wish. He makes sure the body is laid out on a blanket and positioned in way that will not be uncomfortable. Bad enough getting pulled back to this world, I wouldn't want my limbs all akimbo.

Then he brings out the two diamonds and concentrates, casting limited wish. He copies the style found in one of his books, simply stating "I wish Dimitri be brought back to life." The smaller diamond shatters, leaving no dust behind. The larger diamond simply fades out of sight.

He then moves aside so that Crummock can restore him to full health.

The rest of the day he spends scribing spells into his spellbook and scribing a scroll for the next day's battle.

Retired to Triaxius

While Anastasia is attempting to describe what she may have needed to cast the restoration spell, Einar smiles, shaking his head. "Я бы не знал, что мое магическое дарение отличается от целительства"

'I hope we have a chance to return there.' His gaze shifts to the hut ever so briefly. "Надеюсь, мы сможем вернуться туда, если мы это сделаем, я познакомлю вас. Я уверен, что Адлет по достоинству оценят ваши лечебные дары"

Seeing her dubious look he gathers his handy haversack and empties ALL of the contents onto the table finally getting to the white pair of white boots that he had made from the hide of the Taztylwyrm. "Не сомневайтесь слишком много молодой леди. Они были сделаны из существа, которое было отдаленным родственником дракона, которого мы убили, когда вернулись в Тальдоре."

'Back when Cadence was still with us... It's been ages since I've even though of her.' Einar looks of wistfully for a split second, then he returns to the present. "Я был в состоянии сделать сапоги, пока мы все еще были там. Если хочешь, я смогу, чтобы Краммок показал тебе ту шкуру, которую он убил."

"I wouldn't know, my magical gifting's lean a different direction than healing."

"I Hope we are able to return there, if we do I will introduce you. I'm sure the Adlet will appreciate your healing gifts."

"Don't doubt too much young lady. These were made from a creature that was a distant relative of a dragon that we killed when we were back in Taldor."

"I was able to have the boots made while we were still there. If you want, I can have Crummock show you the hide of the one he killed."

it's the oddest thing, I went to see if we had the dragons hide in our inventory just to see if we could show it to Anastasia and I noticed there was a 'trumpet of spirit speaking' in Einars inventory, and I'm not exactly sure why... did someone else call it, or did I and I just don't remember?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Anastasia's mom gave it to you.

Dimitri sucks in a breath then blinks as he regains consciousness. He struggles weakly to push himself up, then realizes that there’s no need, and lies back on the pallet.” YA v khizhine? Kak ya syuda popal??” He asks Mr Whiskers, confused.


I’m in the Hut? How did I get here?

Then he notices his large audience, as well as their expressions. "O, ey, vse, ne volnuysya slishkom mnogo. YA boleye-meneye prav." He waves to them weakly from the floor.


Oh hey everyone, don't worry too much. I'm more or less all right.

” Posledneye, chto ya pomnyu, bylo v ofise turagenta. On sprosil menya, gde ya khochu otpravit'sya na kanikuly, i dal mne turisticheskiye broshyury. Mesto, nazvannoye Axis, pokazalos' khoroshim mestom. Uporyadochennyye i chistyye ulitsy, s razlichnymi arkhitekturnymi stilyami so vsego mira, i vse, kto zhivet vmeste v garmonii ...”He starts patting himself over to find the brochures in question but comes up empty handed.” Ugaday, chto otpusk pridetsya zhdat', a?”


The last thing I remember was being in a travel agent’s office. He asked me where I wanted to go for my vacation and gave me travel brochures. The place named Axis seemed like a good destination. Ordered and clean streets, with various architecture styles from all over the world and everyone living together in harmony…

Guess that vacation will have to wait, huh?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Digging into the library, Mr Whiskers finds the following information on shadow demons...

Their SLA's are as follows:
At will—deeper darkness, fear, greater teleport(self only), telekinesis
3/day—shadow conjuration, shadow evocation
1/day—magic jar, summon (level 3, 1 shadow demon 50%)

Obviously the summon another shadow demon thing isn't going to work..

Retired to Triaxius

'That was no travel agent.' Einar shake his head, lifting up the ceramic jar that Crummock had given him from off the table where all of his worldly goods were strewn, whispering, "plum wine"

He pours a glass for Dimitri, handing it to him. "Добро пожаловать, брат. Но ваше право, еще не отпуск. Но однажды были закончены здесь, по крайней мере, будет изменение декораций."

Turning back to the princess, he quickly finds a second glass offering it to her. "Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы объединить нас с этим прекрасным сливовым вином."

He then offers some to Mister Whiskers, Crummock and Greta; before he hoists the jug. "К жизни!"

"Welcome back brother. But your right, no vacation yet. But once were finished here there will at least be a change of scenery."

"Care to joins us toasting life with this wonderful plum wine?"

"to life"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Crummock - I think you got everyone who was insane. Total of one dozen insane prisoners, and 6 crippled ones.

The men thank Crummock for his aid and set about helping their crippled comrades. Crummock feels something benign take an interest in him, as it shares a corner of his mind.

Crummock gains the use of 1/day CL 8 Eagle Soul except that the Eagle Soul usage does not cause him to be sickened.

Crummock - you may decide when you wish to trigger it

On Mr Whisker's Limited Wish

The men, on seeing a miracle performed before their very eyes, prostrate themselves in reverence, as though Mr Whiskers is a god.

Anastasia + Mr Whiskers

Anastasia sighs at the growing pile of books, "No ya ni s kem ne sobirayus' zanimat'sya volshebnymi poyedinkami!I yesli ya udaril svoi predely, zhelaniye prosto ne srabotayet!"She starts protesting. Then she gives Mr Whiskers a mournful look, "No vy vse ravno sobirayetes' zastavlyat' menya vse eto izuchat', verno?" Then she drags her feet as she carts the books out. "Chem skoreye ya nachnu, tem skoreye ya zakonchu ..." she mutters mournfully.


But I'm not going to engage in magical duels with ANYONE! And if I hit my limits the wish just won't work!

But you're still going to make me study it anyway, right?

The sooner I get started the sooner I'll be done...

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Mr. Whiskers joins in the toast.

Looking to Dmitri, he adds "Можете ли вы помочь привести структуру в этот мир, прежде чем прибыть в Оси в следующем!"

May you help bring structure to this world before arriving in Axis in the next!

So, he wants things structured. I doubt he would care for someone like Hatch then. I wonder how Hatch and Apa are doing?

Male Ratfolk NG Arcanist 18 | HP 130/130 | AC 27 Tch 16 Fl 24 | CMB +8 CMD 23 | F +15 R +14 W +15, +2 vs. Disease | Init +8 | Perc +20, +2 when Nivean near | Speed 20 | Spells: 6/6 6/6 3/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 2/5 5/5 2/3 Ares 15/24 RoP 3/6 Rod 0/6 3/3 | Mind Blank

Anastasia's lessons

"Поединки? Я вполне согласен, избегаю любых поединков!" nodding his agreement.

With a quick motion, he casts a spell changing himself into a female human.

"Тем не менее, есть те, кто использует магию, чтобы атаковать или обманывать других. Разве вы не хотели бы знать, что кто-то бросает, прежде чем они закончат?"

Shifting himself to a male elf, he then looks over the books and takes a few back. Perhaps a more focused set will help?

In amoungst the books are a few that describe some offensive spells that don't kill the target, such as Command, Hold Person and Deafness/Blindness. Perhaps if she finds some offensive spells that don't force her to kill, that would be more acceptable to her. These are all limited in usefulness, but it may get her thinking about how to defend herself.

Duels? I quite agree, avoid any duels!

Still, there are those who use magic to attack or cheat others. Wouldn't you prefer to know what someone is casting before they finish?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Anastasia + Einar

"Da, eto bylo by khorosho. YA s neterpeniyem zhdu vstupleniya." She answers, then follows up, "Da, eto bylo by khorosho. YA s neterpeniyem zhdu vstupleniya." When Einar starts suggesting she should ask Crummock she shakes her head, "Net, net, ya by predpochel ne zanimat'sya Kramkom."


Yes, that would be nice. I look forward to the introduction.

There are no such things as dragons. You sure you didn't get it out of an albino crocodile?

No, no, I'd rather not deal with Crummock.

Plum wine tasting session

Blagodaryu. I da, ty prav. Nikakikh otpuskov, poka rabota ne budet vypolnena." He answers Einar.


Thanks. And yeah you're right. No vacations until the job is done.

"K zhizni. I boleye strukturirovannyy mir bez Rasputina." Dimitri pulls himself to a sitting position as he takes the drink and toasts everyone.


To life. And to an ordered world without Rasputin in it.

Anastasia takes the plum wine, sips a little, then winces. "Mozhem li my poluchit' pivo vmesto etogo?"


Could we get a beer instead?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Anastasia's lessons

"Dazhe yesli by vy videli, kak oni brosali - chto vy mozhete s etim podelat'? Eto bylo by, prezhde chem vy mogli by otreagirovat', ne tak li?"Anastasia asks Mr Whiskers.


Even if you saw them cast - what could you do about it? It'd be out before you could react, right?

"YA znayu, chto smogu obidet' lyudey svoyey magiyey, yesli zakhochu. No iz-za togo, chto u menya yest' chto-to, ot chego oni ne mogut zashchitit' sebya - eto delayet menya ne luchshe, chem shkol'nyy khuligan, kotoryy vybirayet tol'ko slabykh detey." Anastasia comments.


I know I can hurt people with my magic if I want to. But because I have something that they can't defend themselves from - it makes me no better then a schoolyard bully who only picks on weaker children.

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