RedDawg Giantslayer (Inactive)

Game Master Avarus



It is dusk and jubilation fills the evening air in the normally staid town of Trunau, for it is the twelfth birthday of the Chief Defender’s youngest daughter, Ruby, and the townsfolk have been preparing all day for the ceremony and festivities to follow.

The people walk toward an open-air amphitheater which lies in the center of town. A throng of spectators has amassed at the amphitheater which is the center of tonight's festivities.

Tranau Citizens:

This area is known by the citizens as the Commons. It hosts militia training, school lessons, important ceremonies, and other festivities.

You gather inside the stone floored area and move toward a raised stage at its southwest end. You stand here and wait with all the others...

Male Human Warpriest (Divine Commander) 1
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) 1st—divine favor, murderous command[UM] (DC 14) 0 (at will)—detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, mending
Stat Block:
HP 15/15| AC: 17/ T: 10 /FF: 17 | F: +4/R: +0/W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +12 | Speed 30 | Init. +0 | Perc. +3

Agon rumbles down through the city center dressed more for battle than a festival. His gleaming scale mail and heavy shield show no real signs of use and seem to drag down the stubby man clad in them. The shield is adorned with the symbol of Iomedae and like the god herself Agon carries a longsword at his side.

Talking to now one in particular the man says,

"Ah what a day it is to walk down the road toward a place of celebration. I am so happy I can't wait to see little Ruby get her hopeknife."

The man continues on toward the stage to get closer to hear the speakers.

1/2 Orc Ranger 1
Stat Block:
HP 17/17| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +4/R: +6/W: +2| CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +6

The town is not as I expected... so many humans. I wonder what this festival is all about. How I do love knowledge.

Gavei walks through the streets of the city taking it al in. Her curious nature fully open to the surroundings.

Look at this guy with his shining armor and that strut

Gavei laughs out loud hoping he didn't hear as she decides to follow the man.

1/2 Orc Rogue Scout/Survivalist 1
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB +0 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +5 | Perc. +4

Bouncing about the town young Edmund, a town native and guardsman, watched carefully at the new faces he saw all about him.

I really hope these people behave. I wonder where Rodrik is and what he is doing.

Edmund stays clear of the center of traffic and tends to dart in and out of the shadows as he moves down into the Commons.

Edmund's complexion identifies his orcish blood as he is slightly green. It is obvious he hids this as he covers his head with long black hair and a wide brimmed cap. Additionally he wears a dark cloak and equally dark studded leather armor. At his side he seems to carry no weapons but strapped to his side and back a darkened spear can be seen and more closely a pair of wrist sheaths show the signs of daggers hid within them.

Female Human Cleric 1
(CL 1st; conc +5) 1st : bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil; 0 at will ( light, purify food/drink (DC 14), read magic
HP 15/15 | AC: 16/ T: 12 /FF: 14 | F: +3 /R: +2 /W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4
7/day—rebuke death (1d4),channel positive energy 3/day (DC 10, 1d6)

Kametree stood at the steps of the chapel and took in a deep breath. A warm smile crossed her face as she let herself enjoy the festive atmosphere. It had been too long since she has been part of any joyous occasion.

Human Commoner 2 / Rogue 2 HP 20/20 | AC: 16/ T: 13 /FF: 13 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB 3 | CMD +16 | Speed 30 | Init. +7 | Perc. +8

The young elf walked cautiously into town seeing no others like herself she continued quickly into the open air theater in hopes the scenery would differ. Alas a few elves in the crowd. Holding her silver necklace tight in her left hand she spoke to it.

"All will be fine here. I know this will be the place for me. If not I know you will take care of me."

She then kissed the necklace and moved in closer to the stage.

Male Human
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 11 FF: 16 | F: +2/R: +1/W: +5| CMB +3 | CMD +14 | Speed 20 | Init. +1 | Perc. +5 | Darkvision 60 ft

"Yo! Watch it! Move along! Step aside sonny I'm in a hurry. Lad don't you see it's about to start?"

Herri a bigger than normal dwarf moved with the crowd as the last few began to fill the area. He moved people to the side as he shoved and provoked each before him to move along. It was almost dark.

The buzz of the crowd subsides as the weathered town leader, Halgra of the Blackened Blades, takes the stage and begins to speak.

“Thank you all for joining us this night. I take immense pride in my responsibility as Chief Defender, especially when it comes to the honor of the hopeknife ceremony. It is always a great privilege to bequeath Trunauan youths their hopeknives as they come of age.”

Halgra stops speaking long enough to open an ornamental case and retrieve a slender, ornately decorated dagger hanging from a silver chain.

“But tonight is a special occasion, for the recipient of this hopeknife is none other than my youngest daughter.”

Once again, Halgra pauses, but this time she turns to talk to the child beside her.

“Ruby, by the traditions of our town, you have come of age. This hopeknife represents your responsibilities as an adult and defender of Trunau. You must be willing to use it on yourself, your fellow
Trunauans, and your family—even me, should it come to that. It will be a far quicker death than that which the orcs will offer, and providing it is your duty.

Do you swear to guard Trunau from all comers, and to use your hopeknife only for its intended purpose?”

Ruby—dusky skinned, black haired, and painfully shy—nods her head
in response to her mother’s question.

“If the orcs come, and there is no other option, this is where you cut—here, here, and here.”

Halgra demonstrates which arteries to sever while Ruby watches.
When she is finished, Halgra sheathes the hopeknife and places the necklace around Ruby’s neck before turning back to address the crowd.

“Tonight, Ruby becomes a full member of our community! Let us welcome her, and celebrate her passage into adulthood! Trunau forever!”

The crowd echoes Halgra’s last words in unison, signaling the end of the ceremony.

Once Halgra finishes her speech, the crowd cheers and begins moving toward the events of the night. The townsfolk waste no time transitioning to the ceremony’s more lighthearted festivities.

know local 10:
Festivities include a number of games in which Ruby is the key player. The first such game is tug-of-war, which traditionally pits the hopeknife receiver against Trunau’s best defenders.

know local 15:
For the past several years, Kurst and Rodrik Grath have taken on this role alongside several other members of Trunau’s militia. When Kurst and Rodrik announce the game of tug-of-war, Ruby is allowed to choose a number of spectators from the
crowd to participate in the game on her side.

1/2 Orc Rogue Scout/Survivalist 1
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB +0 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +5 | Perc. +4

local knowledge: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

1/2 Orc Ranger 1
Stat Block:
HP 17/17| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +4/R: +6/W: +2| CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +6

"The festival begins."

know local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

As the speech ends Gavei turns to those around her and talks about things she had heard in past years about the festival.

"I believe that the festivities include a number of games where our little lady, Ruby, is the star player. The first game and one of my favorites is tug-of-war. It will be Ruby against Trunau’s best defenders, Kurst and Rodrick Grath.

Over the last few years, the Grath boys have taken on the role alongside several other members of Trunau’s militia. Once they announce the game of tug-of-war, Ruby will be allowed to choose a number of spectators from the crowd to participate in the game on her side.

Maybe they will choose me, and some of you.

She laughs and turns back to see the Grath boys announce the first match.

The first game announcement comes from the stage. It is made by Rodrick Grath.

" Our first festival entertainment will be the game of Tug-o-War. Ruby choose your team members."

Rodrick turns to Ruby who is shaken at first but the awkward
child, takes a hard look at the crowd before making
her choice.

The little girl begins to point to a few onlookers. As she points to these people as her selections the crowd ushers the PCs onto the stage so that they can help the young Ruby win her first game as an adult.

The selections were:

A dwarf, a half-elf, a half-orc, and three humans. The announcer gets there names as they come up to grab the rope alongside Ruby. The names announced are Gavei, Herri, Agon, Edmund, Kametree, and finally Linedassa.

Female Human Cleric 1
(CL 1st; conc +5) 1st : bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil; 0 at will ( light, purify food/drink (DC 14), read magic
HP 15/15 | AC: 16/ T: 12 /FF: 14 | F: +3 /R: +2 /W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4
7/day—rebuke death (1d4),channel positive energy 3/day (DC 10, 1d6)

“Me? Are you sure you want me? Surely you only choose me to fix any scrapes, bruises or broken bone?”
I whispered to the fragile young girl as I joined the others.

Ruby didn’t answer me but she looked more nervous than I. The loud cheers beckoned for a response so as I flexed my tiny arms as I laughed. I turned and smiled at my fellow participants when I noticed the half-orc, Edmund. The memories of Bazuuk hit me like a whirl wind and I nearly lost my balance. I wondered if I could ever become a normal productive member of society again.

"Yes Yes Yes come along now. We have to see Rudy prove herself an adult." says Rodrick.

The villagers bring the groups in to start the game. Halga comes over to officiate the beginning. She grabs the 50' foot rope with a red flag hanging at its center from the ground where the rope sits on a chalk line marked in the dirt.

Halga speaks as she holds the center of the rope and the red flag.

"This flag marks the position of the center of the rope. As you move the rope your objective is to pull the other team across the chalk line. The first to do this will win the game. Ruby get your team together and speak up when you are ready."

Ruby hesitates a minute as she looks over her new found team mates and turns back to Halga. "We will be ready soon." [b]

The other side of the rope is given the same speech and Rodrick Grath leads the 7 of them into place. Ruby asks her team,

[b]"So who shall be the tail of our rope, our savior? I am required to be in front. No time to debate. How about you? You can do it."

She selects the heavy set Human, Agon for the rear and then puts the others in this order: Ruby, Herri, Gavei, Kametree, Edmund, Linedassa, and Agon.

str init
1st Ruby -1 0
2nd Herri +3 +1
3rd Gavei +1 +6
4th Kametree +1 +2
5th Edmund 0 +5
6th Linedassa 0 +2
7th Agon +2 0

Team +6 Str Mod +16 Init Mod

Male Human Warpriest (Divine Commander) 1
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) 1st—divine favor, murderous command[UM] (DC 14) 0 (at will)—detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, mending
Stat Block:
HP 15/15| AC: 17/ T: 10 /FF: 17 | F: +4/R: +0/W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +12 | Speed 30 | Init. +0 | Perc. +3

I can't see a link to the map, but i will roll a strength check

Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Agon grabbed hold of the rear end of the rope and held tight as the teams last hope.

Female Human Cleric 1
(CL 1st; conc +5) 1st : bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil; 0 at will ( light, purify food/drink (DC 14), read magic
HP 15/15 | AC: 16/ T: 12 /FF: 14 | F: +3 /R: +2 /W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4
7/day—rebuke death (1d4),channel positive energy 3/day (DC 10, 1d6)

I grab a hold of the rope leaving room for Herri and Gavei. Here goes nothing!

Strength Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Human Commoner 2 / Rogue 2 HP 20/20 | AC: 16/ T: 13 /FF: 13 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB 3 | CMD +16 | Speed 30 | Init. +7 | Perc. +8

strength check: 1d20 ⇒ 11

"Let's get this going"

Male Human
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 11 FF: 16 | F: +2/R: +1/W: +5| CMB +3 | CMD +14 | Speed 20 | Init. +1 | Perc. +5 | Darkvision 60 ft

check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

In line and quietly struggling.

1/2 Orc Ranger 1
Stat Block:
HP 17/17| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +4/R: +6/W: +2| CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +6

strength check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

1/2 Orc Rogue Scout/Survivalist 1
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB +0 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +5 | Perc. +4

"We got them without a struggle lil one. Hold on tight."

strength check: 1d20 ⇒ 16

The rope is let loose and the teams begin to pull at the rope moving the flag back and forth. Ruby gives it her all as her team gets the jump on the Tranau guard and his selections.

Just then Ruby almost falls causing several of her team mates to loose grasp. Gavei and Herri end up on the ground. Rodrick's team pulls Ruby and the remaining team members straight almost through the middle ground when citizens from all around jump in a grab hold.

DM Stuff:

Ruby Team Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

Rodrick Team Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Ruby team totals 76 = (11 + 20 + 11 + 2 + 5 + 16 + 2 + 9)

rodrick STR team totals: 7d20 + 7 ⇒ (1, 14, 8, 18, 12, 17, 16) + 7 = 93

The power of the addons has altered the tide. The citizens along with the rest of Ruby's team pull Rodrick and Kurst over the line. Ruby is the winner!

The crowd cheers "RUBY RUBY RUBY" and immediately surround the girl picking her up into the air as they carry her off to the next game.

Kurst and Rodrick come over after to congratulate Ruby's team for a job well done. Rodrick finishes before running to catch up with Ruby,

" I am so glad you helped Ruby win that event. It will mean so much to her in the future. Well, thanks again. Let's go join the fun."

1/2 Orc Ranger 1
Stat Block:
HP 17/17| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +4/R: +6/W: +2| CMB +4 | CMD +17 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +6

Gavei intends to spend the time in the festival mingling with the townfolk to learn more about the people, traditions, and current events instead of getting involved in the games.

know local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

+ 1 more on giant info

Male Human Warpriest (Divine Commander) 1
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) 1st—divine favor, murderous command[UM] (DC 14) 0 (at will)—detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, mending
Stat Block:
HP 15/15| AC: 17/ T: 10 /FF: 17 | F: +4/R: +0/W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +12 | Speed 30 | Init. +0 | Perc. +3

Agon spends his time wandering about the crowd enjoying the sights and sounds of the festival. Before Rodrick and Kurst ran away,

"Rodrick, and Kurst, it is a pleasure to be a part of it. Hope to see you both later." Goodbye."

Spends time near the clergy to learn more about the local leaders. Although raised in Tranau Agon is not familiar with any active Iomedae practice within the walls of the city.

[dice=know religion]1d20 + 4 [/b]

Male Human
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 11 FF: 16 | F: +2/R: +1/W: +5| CMB +3 | CMD +14 | Speed 20 | Init. +1 | Perc. +5 | Darkvision 60 ft

Herri is not much of a talker but loves his spirits.

"Ladies, how about you and I go get a drink? You can tell me how ladies like you comes to a place like this and I will tell you my story."

Herri rubs his face as he talks to the ladies.

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

1/2 Orc Rogue Scout/Survivalist 1
Stat Block:
HP 14/14| AC: 17/ T: 13 /FF: 14 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB +0 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +5 | Perc. +4

Edmund interjects on the Dwarf's conversation.

"Nice touch buddy. These ladies don't want to hear from a little man like yourself. hahah Anyway, I didn't get your name, I am Edmund.
I will go with you I am a bit thirsty."

Hoping the Dwarf follows along Edmund takes the lead. Turning back to make sure someone was following he said,

"Come on now I know where the drinks are."

Human Commoner 2 / Rogue 2 HP 20/20 | AC: 16/ T: 13 /FF: 13 | F: +0/R: +6/W: +1| CMB 3 | CMD +16 | Speed 30 | Init. +7 | Perc. +8

She holds her necklace and whispering a few words, I believe we will be ok , before responding to the men.

"Boys calm yourselves. The days are long this time of year. We have much time for conversation and drink. I will go with you both."

She turns to the remaining lady before following.

"Come along Kametree. There is strength in numbers, women that is. "

She giggles and holds her hand out to Kametree.

Female Human Cleric 1
(CL 1st; conc +5) 1st : bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil; 0 at will ( light, purify food/drink (DC 14), read magic
HP 15/15 | AC: 16/ T: 12 /FF: 14 | F: +3 /R: +2 /W: +6| CMB +2 | CMD +14 | Speed 35 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4
7/day—rebuke death (1d4),channel positive energy 3/day (DC 10, 1d6)

Kametree smiles as she watches the conversation. It wasn’t until this very moment that she realized how much fun she missed out on.

She takes Linedassa’s hand.

“I do believe you and I could take them if we have to”

Kametree winks at them.

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