Half-Fiend Minotaur

DM Red Dawg's page

168 posts. Alias of Avarus.


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Ordrud wrote:

Boo. Really enjoyed this game. Please inactivate the game, so you can restart if RL becomes manageable again.


Will do... I think it would have played extremely well alongside the Giantslayer AP.

I will need to apologize with everyone as will not be able to continue this incredible journey. My real life workload is more than I can manage at the moment.

I am truly sorry to have involved in you a system/game I could not continue.

Again as a reminder I have been busy with work and should be able to continue the game at some point this week.

The village is west of the road and south of the river several miles out. The path ahead shows no sign of activity with Urgir a days travel away and a fly over toward the east also shows no activity with the only motion the river flow.

However from the south a small caravan travels north. It also looks to be miles in the distance but can be seen only from the sky at this time.

Nothing can be seen from the ground but in the far distance of Ketz's vision from the sky the outline of buildings can be seen on the edge of the river a few miles ahead.

The tracks look fairly new, but closer observation as you follow them a short way reveals multiple trips with similar characteristics.

It appears a small group has been using the route for some period of time from as a few hours earlier to maybe a week ago back and forth from this point on the road west just South of the river. It also looks as though they have attempted to cover the tracks at points but poorly.

This road is heavily traveled from North to South but Ordrud was able to identify a small number of cart tracks as well as orc tracks leading West.

There is nothing visible in sight but based on the tracks someone is traveling with goods west from this area. You currently as a group sit just South of the River Esk at the eastern edge of the Ghostlight Marsh about a days travel to Urgir North and 3-5 days travel back South to Tranau.

The road has been clear thus far and is obviously the trade route between points North and South. The road opens into the fertile plains to the East and muddy Marsh to the west.

You know that the two Rivers you have wandered across the Kestrel in the South and the Esk in the North just before you are deep rivers with only a few cross points identified in maps.

I am keeping a tally of XP, as this is not an AP but loosely based on one you are getting real Xp in the wild.

Creative actions, events, killing, etc gets you XP.

Between Manny and Ketz the team is able to pull 6 days rations of food and water.

With plenty of food to take the group through the continued ride to Urgir the team rests for the night. After an uneventful stay another day dawns.

The group has two captives of sort in the half elf and the gorthek and but a days ride to the walls of the city. Another clear but cool day begins...

Ordrud wrote:
Thought it was every +2 is another person, no?

corrected your right...


Ordrud wrote:
Can't take 10?

You could to get minimum food levels stated before.. for each 5 highre than 10 add more food/water

Survival roles needed for any forage attempts

The half elf replies to Ordrud,

" Let me see that again."

She takes the book and reads aloud Page 4:

"I had a great time last night and met many good people. We UHHH something something in the blank and blank Ruby win her first....

maybe event of maybe night, the tug rope.

Great fun!! The Grath brothers walked or something like that... us around. They were part of the guard as well. Rodrick a poet and military man and his less blank brother Kurst."

She hands the book back and says that is the best I can do.

"I can tell you I met the writer and her... man friend, both humans. It was one of their first nights in town. We all had something in common, we were all raised in northern mountains-Tusk and it helped us bond together."

The girl says abruptly when spoken to by several members of the group,

"I am Gavei."

She marches over to look at the book. She is immediately saddened by its blood stained cover but she asks Ordrud for it.

With a quick glance she hands it back.

"I can't read this. It is not common. It is Hallit, a language I do not know but recognize."

She pauses to wipe her eyes before continuing.

"The book looks like a personal diary started maybe a week ago."

The girl unable to tell the group anything more moves back to her chores as the group moves along. The group is able to get the Gorthek to move cooperatively speeding the movement and the travel is dull/uneventful.

Once again nightfall approaches as the day ends.

DM stuff: 1d100 ⇒ 65

Ketz is able to move the animal to friendly thus allowing it to follow.

However the more he talks the more irritated the creature becomes; again for now with ropes he follows.

It is indifferent to all with the ropes on it at this time.

Kezt Flintshot wrote:

Kezt still hurts from the battle and quickly snatches the healing brew, downing it in a few seconds. " Thanks, stitcher."

He was thinking more about the tied-up gorthek then about Urgir, wondering about the things he could smash if it was his.
Can I try wild empathy again?

heal: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Before you can move on you will need to decide what to do with the Gorthek.

Ketz, you can try every few minutes with each check building/reducing morale based on the current situation.

Ordrud has had a little time along the way to go over the journal. Although it is in a human language it is similar to common.

It appears to be a personal journal was from the point of view of the writer. It begins with dated entries from two weeks ago.

It reads,

Page 1:

My first ^%$& to Belkzen, the @W#E$ city of Tranau.

Page 2:


Page 3:

It is @#$ first day in Tranau. We found a nice ^&%$ tavern, the Ramblehouse, to sleep in. A cute little Halfling ^&%$ the *&^%, Cham.

Me and Agon are $#@% for )(*&^% but #@$% found a normal city *&^% here. There is a birthday $%#@ in the *&^% tonight, &^%$# of Chief Defender Halgra for her daughter Ruby. It is her *&^% of age party.

I %$^# we will &^%$ tonight. (*&^ meet some people.

Page 4:

I had a great time last night and met many good people. We &*^% in the )O(*& and %$#R% Ruby win her first *&Y^ of (*&U^ &^%T, the tug rope. Great fun!! The Grath brothers *&^Y us around. They were part of the %$R% %^T^ as well. Rodrick a poet and military man and his less *&U^ brother Kurst. ]/i]

Page 5:

[i] We are &^Y% out with the guys from the $%R$# today . They are a funny group. There is Herri, a dwarf who can’t get &^Y^ of himself. Edmund, a half orc $#E$ of Tranau, and Gavei the half elf Ranger. I guess they are a %^$R% match for Agon and I.

We #E$@ $R%# news today and were even *U&^ by Kurst to help. It &^Y&% Rodrick Grath $%R$# @W#@ last night and they asked us, a bunch of ^T%$ to help with the &*U^.

Agon and I #$E@ we would help. Sarenrae would ^%T^.

Page 5:

$R%# all day ^&Y* to people about Rodrick. No one *U&^ he would do *&^ a thing as kill himself.

We found an (*I( &^%$ in Rodrick’s room from a local (*&^, Sara Morninghawk, for a new hopeknife.

In %^T^ room we ran ^&Y% a note to a girl named Melira. It (*I& of spoke to something of an ^%$# nature. We need to find the person who wrote it.

It $%R# Cham #$E@#@ know who she ^%T% the room to with the note in it; but, Agon %$R% he is the killer. Only *&U* or ^%T$ she knew of were a group of half orcs who &^Y% in the same week and *&U( there room. Left %$R%# all over the room.

Killed a pack of &^Y% wolves today in town. The%^$R thing.
*&U*& up things today for a trip around Tranau maybe the wilds will tell a story. The old %$R# House, south of town, was a &^Y& area $#@# by Rodrick during his guard walks.

Page 6

*&^% %^T$ us and almost killed Agon. We must be &^%$ close to someone. We will have to %$#@ in town another day or so. Seems they %$#@ were from Freetown.

Agon is ^&Y% today. The *I(* of us will do &*U^ ^&%T work.
Kurst $%R# us to meet with the Patrol leader Omast Frum as he has been ^%T^ from (*I( %T^% #E$#@.

Omast was the Grath boys *U&^. He has been &U*^ since Rodrick died. He &^Y& himself for it all.

We did get him to talk a little, turns out he has been *&U*& the area of ^%$R, white swords. There were (*I& all over town some as large as 20 foot tall.

These white swords &^%T #E$# in the tavern.

Page 7

Agon %$R# #E$@ so we are going to do some (*I& of the area before *&U* to the *&^% house.

Ketz again failed at improving the condition of the beast as it turned away unimpressed by his attempts. It remains silent and flat on the earth almost sulking from his masters absence/death.

The half elf moves about actively upon Segovax's demands but does so unhappily.

The road north is open and currently quiet. This opens conversation about Urgir.

knowledge history/local 10:

The current ruler of the Belkzen capitol (Urgir) is Grask Uldeth. Open Trade markets exist on South side of Urgir.

knowledge history/local 15:

Grask is the chief of the Empty Hand tribe. His tribe are the security force for the capitol. Under his rule he has implemented a new, more accepting way of life for all races thus allowing humans, dwarves, elves, and the such into the capitol as traders/merchants.

The largest trading is done outside of town at the Table of Ralock.

knowledge history/local 20:

Envious of the human cities in neighboring and distant nations, the city's chief has opened Urgir up to foreign traders and travelers in the hopes of increasing the settlement's status in Golarion as a whole.

After a long day of fighting and watching several of the newly built tribe members almost get killed it is nice to awaken to a bright quiet day.

The orc cavalier disposed of but his temperamental ride the gorthek as he called it is still with them. The bull like creature is tied up and quiet thus far but he is sure to be hungry.

All the group's members are healthy enough to get up and about on their own but far from healed. They also have the issue of maintaining the half elf who thus far as been nothing more than fun for Segovax.

A new day is here and Urgir is ahead.

Ketz if you want you can try wild empathy again. At this time the beast is indifferent.

Ordrud wrote:

If we want long term care, then Manny doesn't get to sleep during those 8 hours of sleep and be fatigued during the day. @Red, can Manny sleep on the packhorse during the day to recover his fatigue? If yes, we can get long term care every night.

I think we want to leave this camp. We don't want the orc's friends to follow him and find us. I think we should keep going along the road to make better time.



His size would allow him to sleep on the pack but if Nusku uses his powers there will be no need.

It's hexploration time, tell me the direction and goal, I will continue to keep you aware of your surroundings and the way ahead.

I have to apologize for the next two weeks as I will post sporadically due to work and the South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference in my city, Austin.

HP I have for the group before rest and healing:

Ketz -4 of 10

half elf severly wounded

Mogrohl 12 of 15

Ordrud 0 of 14

As a push forward I can say the night is uneventful and the previously stated guard rotations are successful in the adventurous wilds South of Urgir.

1 HP Normal rest

2 HP heal Long term care (nights sleep)

Update profiles for gear, loss of used equipment, and HP as they change.

Ketz's bird upset that his master still lies down from the likes of this orc takes bits of flesh from his arms with several strikes but the Cavalier stands.

Swings by Mogrohl and darts shot by Manny miss.

Finally the man is dropped by Segovax the chopper. His mighty swing cuts deep through the chain shirt and kills him instantly.

The beast knocked unconscious earlier lies flat in the spittle stuck tight.

Lastly the group has seriously wounded members.

Ordrud and Ketz took the brunt of the damage for the party and still remain injured with ketz unconscious and Ordrud disabled.

Battle over and darkness now covers the camp as the sun faded deep beyond the horizon.

The cavalier had little own him other than his 2 handed sword, chain shirt, belt, and an empty sack.

The beast has no saddlebags nor gear of any note.

Ordrud moves in behind the Cavalier as the beast is knocked unconscious by Segovax. Hit

Ordrud swings from behind with his Bardiche as Ketz's Roc pecks at the orcs exposed flesh. Ordrud Miss


reach: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9
damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Ketz is kept from bleeding to death as he is taken care of by the Fire lord and/or actions of Nusku. Stabilized

Manny's blowgun shot misses its mark bouncing off the chain shirt of the Cavalier instead. Miss

Mogrohl's impressive attack with the Falchion although brought with much power misses as the cavalier steps back. Miss

The cavalier's step back away from the group is just in time to avoid the falchion which cuts deep into the group where he once stood. The cavalier closes on Ordrud attacking with the two handed sword connecting again. Ordrud falls. Hit


2H sword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 5) + 6 = 14

Party up
Ketz ***down *** stabilized
Ordrud *** down ***

Cavalier slightly wounded

Party up


Mogrohl's cut is deep but does not kill the animal. The Cavalier's reaction is horror and anger.


**********True Initiative starts*************


release: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 4 = 5

half elf: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Ketz: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Manny: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Mogrohl: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Nusku: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Ordrud: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Segovax: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Gorthek: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Cavalier: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12

Party Average = 78/6 = 13
Enemy Average = 44/3 = 14.67

The orc strikes at the nearest party member with his two handed sword, unfortunately it meets Ketz across the chest sending him straight to the dirt bleeding to death.

2handed: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12

crit 2handed: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12

The Gorthek does the same at any one within 5 feet but is restricted without his charge and misses all.

gore: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (7) - 4 = 3
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Party up
Ketz ***down ***

Ordrud wrote:
My prone symbol is gone on the map. Did Ordrud get to stand without and AOO?

sorry yes with the beast stuck and your move to stealth I assumed the change; but, if you wanna stay down you can.

The orc cavalier ignores Segovax and tries to calm his beast once more.

calm: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 1 + 2 = 18

The beast stuck in the spit continues to fight to get loose but remains stuck.

The young cavalier now angry with the lot of the group and his inability to tame the beast yells,

" Leave me and my beast, NOW. He is my Gorthek!"

Mogrohl strikes at him again with the flat of the falchion again missing. Manny spits at the beast to hold him steady.

The beast tries to rampage North back toward Ketz but fails as he is stuck to the ground by Manny's sticky saliva; unable to break free at this time.

The half elf gives up any chance at escape ropes strongly around her ankles and unable to loosen them as well.

DM Mechs:

Gorthek Wild Rage: 1d8 ⇒ 1
reflex save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
stuck: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5

The girl again seen and this time verbally scolded stopped once more dropping to the ground.

Actions remain for Ordrud [aoo], Segovax, his animal & Nusku

Segovax Halfblood wrote:

I don’t see that succeeding anytime soon.

Segovax climbs to his feet and grabs for his weapon. Stand, grab weapon, 5-foot step over.

Segovax tied the half-elf up after he was done with her. Did she break free or is she hobbling away?

As you can see her she is partially untied and moving very slowly

Segovax Halfblood wrote:
Is he trying a handle animal check or something else? Can we assist him?

You can see he is trying to use wild empathy but failing as the beast is hostile.

Segovax Halfblood wrote:
Any clue what the beast's owner is trying to do?

As above it appears he is trying to keep the beast from killing but failed to control it much as he has failed to ride it.

Ordrud doesn't move as the beast has a wild eye and is right beside him trying to get to his feet. Ketz moves forward to calm it but completely fails.

The creature finishes getting up and tries to gore the approaching goblin providing opportunities to strike for Ordrud and Morgrohl.


Morgrohl flat blade: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 4 = 13

Morgrohl swings oddly with the falchion and the weapon strikes the beast but with no merit. It did not even hesitate to move toward the goblin.

The orc rider sees the goblin, Ketz, come forward and tries to distract the animal instead yelling and waving his two handed sword.



orc cavalier: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 2 = 16

The orc's action did nothing.


gore attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Luckily the heavily armored and quick goblin is able to dodge the strike.

Segovax, his animal, Nusku, and Ordrud (AOO if wanted are left)

Perception Party Stuff:

Ketz: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Manny: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Mogrohl: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Nusku: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Ordrud: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Segovax: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Ketz, Manny, Segovax, Nusku:
The half elf now up has began moving away from the camp slowly but she is not running.
stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Ketz jumps aboard his Roc and heads toward the beast and then trails him possibly trying to get the strength and courage to calm it.

The orc rider now up runs behind the rambling creature screaming for it to stop.

Nusku now awakened by the group is aware of the situation but remains at his bedded location.

The girl seeing the group take off in the direction of the ruckus starts to get up. Her first instant is to run but she notices Mogrohl staring at her which freezes her in place.

Ordrud and Segovax move across the field placing the trip line just in time to pull the rope up under the stubby legs of the beast. The creature hits the line hard and drops like a rock after tugging both Segovax and Ordrud to the ground.

Dm Stuff:

beast roll: 1d20 ⇒ 7

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
girl: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

The trailing orc yells as he pulls up,

"Nice, you stopped my ride. Hold him while I get back on."

Party up!

All surprise actions complete. Round 1 party

Segovax Halfblood wrote:

sorry typing at work

Ordrud wrote:

Just saw the map. With the runaway train approaching, does Ordrud and Segovaxe have a reasonable chance of success considering how close that thing is when they start moving?

If not reasonable, do we have enough to get out of the way?


I have corrected your placement on the map for the beginning of the encounter based on the two of you heading to trip the beast. Now take your turn as described.

Kezt Flintshot wrote:

Kezt awakens from a pleasant dream involving eating a mountain of pickles to the sound of hooves thundering across the plains. An animal, Kezt's speciality,he thought, he reaches for his bow and arrows and shouts at his bird to wake up. Plans however, were not his speciality and he turned to Ordrud and said as he mounted his bird, Any plans longshank? Kezt is good with animals.

[dice=knowledge nature to identify beast.] 1d20-2
(I know that it's a gorthek but I doubt Kezt does)

Looks like a wild bull of some sort to you but not sure what kind, can't quite place it.

Will play with Initiative no known conflict at this time.. party up in the surprise round. Ordrud and Segovax take action based upon on roll20 as described above based on movement from current locations. Beast headed directly South on map at his full speed.

I may have overlooked this but you had several injuries... before this encounter takes place I will allow healing if any available.

Ketz Down 2

Mog Down 4

Gorehound Down 9

Now as the rider comes closer to the camp from the North it is clear that the orc has lost control of this beast or has never had it. He is bouncing all about until finally some 100 ft north of the campsite he falls off. The beast has continued down the path.

The orc jumps up and begins yelling,



Early into the evening as the group is bedding down for the night and Manny's fire is put out but the group is not asleep their is rumbling in the distance.

The entirety of the party can hear the snorting and rumbling of a beast running down the path. It appears an orc is riding the beast right at the group.

Note **** All are aware of this with the exception of Nushu who is completely oblivious after a night of toasted rations. It must have been the fire that calmed him. *****

The beast is a strange combination of primeval bison and ornery rhinoceros, but with a leonine head crowned with ramlike horns. The rider is not in a saddle and doesn't seem to be in control of the beast.

The beast stands noless than 4 feet high at the shoulder and weighs around 3,000 pounds.


Ketz: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Ketz Roc: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Ordrud: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Nushu: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Segovax: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Half Elf: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Bull: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Manny: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Ordrud wrote:

Ordrud packs the journal away without frustration. He respects reading, in order to organize grand armies and discover enemy plans. It also might be worth something to a merchant at Urgir.

Falling asleep, the pleasant sounds of Segovax's recreation reminds him of home.

On watch listening to the fire-speaker play with the fire, the hobgoblin surveys the black horizon. He wonders why Segovax marches during the day. Doesn't the noon sunlight hurt his sensitive eyes?

DM Red, Should we track trail rations?

Yes subtracting from the gathered gear would be fine as it is important while traveling in the wilds.

dm stuff:

dmstuff: 1d100 ⇒ 93

The girl after being corrected on many fronts remains quiet watching the party and the passing scenery as the party moves along toward Urgir.

The party is reminded as they move down the path that Urgir once was a dwarven city or at least the initial ground where the city now resides.
Reminders of this olden time can be seen on the pathway in the form of ancient cobblestone occasionally being seen on the roadside as well as stone markers laid by the dwarves to identify the location of the town.

After a few hours walking through an unremarkable silent dirt road you see nothing but darkness closing in on you as the day fades away.

Note *** During the walk Ordrud reads through the journal allowed. He notices that it is not written in common so many of the words do not translate. ****

Linguistics check or Hallit language for perfect translation

Kezt Flintshot wrote:

I have an account, my username is Oisin H.

Should I be getting a campaign invite or is there a link?

Ketz link

Kezt Flintshot wrote:
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, other stuff going on.

Sorry Ketz I need you to log on and/or create a roll20 account.

Segovax Halfblood wrote:
Does that mean Arnok is bailing?

yes unable to keep post frequency up at this time. I believe Ketz is out too as he has still never logged onto roll20.

That leaves 2 orcs, a half/orc, a hobgoblin, and a goblin. That will work until you want more recruits.

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